How I Use AI + No Code to Validate any SaaS Idea

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let's see how easy it is to validate a SAS idea so here's the here's the problem you already got a great idea for a SAS you know it's definitely something you would use yourself and you already have a pretty good idea about how you would build it you're excited and you want to get started but then you remember something that's where most first-time Founders go wrong either they skip this part entirely and just start building or they get discouraged because what the hell does validate even mean and I get it it's confusing and it highly depends on your specific case but bottom line is we want to see if users are actually interested in this SAS we're gonna build and this is 223 so we have some extremely Cool Tools at our disposal in this video I'll show you how to validate your SAS idea in three simple steps using no code and AI let's get started a few months ago I published a video with seven AI SAS ideas and one of them was the idea of an interactive prompt designer for tools like chat tpg and gpt3 let's test if this idea is worth building step one creating a landing page with a sign up form here's the idea we're going to create a landing page to showcase the tool it should look like we're almost done building it and that it's about to go live soon so let's search for some free UI templates for figma doesn't need to be too accurate just something for us to get started with perfect now let's alter this and make a UI that looks like a prompt Builder something with drag and drop and some different prompt Vlogs that we can piece together let's add a logo and a name for the tool as well and you can go into as much detail here as you want I suggest keeping it simple we're not building the UI for the actual product here we just need something to illustrate the idea awesome now let's go to framer and build a simple landing page for this tool we want to use the UI mockup we just created for the hero section yeah [Music] ah perfect this looks great now we need some copy let's fire up chat TPT and jam a bit on some good website copy there we go we want to make sure the visitor gets a good idea about what this tool can do awesome this looks super cool we're also going to add a navigation menu and we're going to have two items saying sign up and pricing both will lead to the same page so here's the idea when the user navigates to this page they'll be presented with this message we're gonna tell them that this tool is launching soon that they had the chance to join early at a discounted offer and I know what you're thinking how does them putting their email here countless validation well there are no guarantees but you would be surprised how difficult it actually is to get people to sign up for something like this if we can get people to put their emails here it's definitely a sign that there's some interest in our idea but how do we even get these people on the website hold on we'll get back to that in a moment first let's build our sign up form we're going to use a tool called formspark to collect the emails it's free for the first 250 submissions and everything considered if we can get 250 people to sign up as a part of this experiment I'd say we're tracking pretty well this is not a lead magnet we're just checking if there's some interest building a form with formspark is super easy to do in framer thank you we just need to add the form ID here there we go okay now that we have a solid marketing website rated for a SAS let's go on to step two creating some thumb stopping ad creatives that's right in order to get visitors to our website we're gonna run ads on Facebook for about a week maybe 10 days again this is not about launching and scaling a long-term ad campaign so if you're new to this don't worry too much about all the specifics here we're gonna keep it super simple let's head over to Tiny kiwi and put some ad creatives together we need three formats the first one is a Facebook ad [Music] let's take the image from figma and put together a nice looking creative awesome then let's take this and adjust it to the format of Instagram ad [Music] and finally we'll make one for the Instagram story format there we go with these three formats we can use the most common placements on both Facebook and Instagram these two platforms together are huge if you think your target audience isn't on Facebook think again you can find literally any group of people on these platforms and we only need a small group for this experiment let's head over to Facebook's ad manager if you don't have an account already you'll need to set one up Facebook's ad manager can seem a little confusing at first there are a bunch of different campaign objectives we can choose from and in most cases we want to go for leads or sales but because this is a rather time limited campaign we'll simply optimize for traffic let's give this campaign a name and start configuring the ad set optimize for landing page views we'll set the daily budget to around 10 to 12 dollars under audience will pick a country I suggest simply picking United States there are more than enough people here to Target under detailed targeting we can narrow a few interests [Music] for these we'll put artificial intelligence and then hit suggestions to get a few more let's add technology and smart technology as well awesome and based on this we can get up to 200 Page visits per day finally let's set up the actual ad you'll need a Facebook page and an Instagram account this will be the account that the ads are shown under you can create a new page specifically for this experiment so the page name matches the website content or if you have a company name already you can use that as well for this experiment I'm simply going to use my personal page awesome let's upload the images from before [Music] and as you can see we need to fit these three formats here so let's replace these to match the other images we created there we go looks awesome and we need some copy for the ads let's get back to chat TPT [Music] nice let's adjust this slightly there we go and if we open this we can see how these ads will look across a bunch of different platforms and devices [Music] let's add the website hit publish now we're gonna wait a few hours for Facebook to approve these ads and they'll start running and this is basically it before you start an experiment like this it's a great idea to decide some winning criteria in advance how many signups do you need in order to consider this idea validated and how long are you willing to let the campaign run for example let's say that we're able to get a hundred page views on average per day and we're letting this campaign run for a week that's 700 page views I would like to see a three to five percent sign up rate so we would need some 20 30 emails after finishing this experiment if we get more than 50 it's definitely an idea worth looking into if we get less than 10 there's probably something holding people back and that could be an indication that this idea just isn't that interesting but remember there are a lot of factors at play here so other things can obviously influence performance I've used this technique a number of times and most often I run two to three campaigns using different targeting and AD creatives just to cover a few more angles all right right I'm gonna let this run for a week let's see how this experiment turns out all right here we are our ad campaign has been running for one week it's time to see how many email signups we got if you're still watching please pause the video here go to the comments and drop your guess how many sign ups do you think we got let's take a look and we got 11 sign ups well it's a good thing I didn't get ahead of myself and started building this thing while I was waiting 11 emails is definitely on the lower end of what I would consider a successful validation but again if I wanted to be extra sure I would probably try tweaking the landing page to add creatives and the targeting a bit and run a few more rounds just to see in this case though yeah I think the world might not be ready for this kind of AI prompt designer right now so um I'm gonna go on and do something else but this whole thing took me a few hours to set up and I would much rather spend a few hours and a hundred dollars testing an idea than four months and thousands of dollars building something no one wants and that's exactly why we care about validating an idea it's important to point out that we cannot ever be certain of anything there are no guarantees just because I only got 11 sign ups on this round doesn't necessarily mean that the idea is completely useless and if I had gotten 300 signups on this round it's still no guarantee that this would ever work as a SAS business so validating a SAS idea like this is about signals and indicators it's not about trying to prove anything and of course the more tests the more experiment We Run The more indicators we can collect and it helps us become a little bit more certain every time if you saw this ad on Facebook while it was running I'm very curious to hear your thoughts did you sign up and if not why didn't you please if you saw this comment below I would love to hear your thoughts also check out this video where I cover five micro SAS ideas that you can build in 2023 and perhaps consider running this experiment on one of them if you got value from this video please please give it a like And subscribe to my channel for more content like this I will see you soon for another video
Channel: Simon Høiberg
Views: 123,216
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: saas business, saas business ideas, saas startup, micro saas, software as a service, saas ideas, no code saas ideas, no code saas, no code, no code app, no code saas builder, no code saas idea, product validation, saas product ideas, new saas ideas, saas ideas to make money, saas ideas 2023, no code tools
Id: aSMxdBVTcLg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 38sec (638 seconds)
Published: Sun May 21 2023
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