Create A Chatbot (Like ChatGPT) Using OpenAI & GoHighLevel

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all right all right Jacob here ghl King and in today's video we're going to be going through how you can create your own chatbot experience kind of like chat GPT using high level and open AI this is an extremely extremely anticipated video I've had hundreds of people asking me hey when is this video coming out when can I see how this works when can I see how you made this happen I've been testing it for a while and I've got a workflow that I think that works really really well and I'm excited to share it with you today so by staying through this whole video by the end of it you're gonna be able to walk away with your own chatbot using openai and high level that you can show off to your clients that you can use for your own purposes get rid of Jasper get rid of any of these other softwares that you're using for Content creation and you have your own chatbot with your own branding and everything like that so I'm super excited what I'm going to do is I'm going to jump into my computer really quick and I am going to show you how it works first so that way you can understand what we're building and what does this look like why are we building this so I created an Instagram page here you could test it out on your own as well just look it up give it a follow and send a message but I'm going to show you what happened so I wanted to create a chat bot that anyone could use so we're gonna go we're gonna hit message on here and we could just type hello and we're gonna wait for a response so as soon as I send in that message you're gonna get a message back hi I'm nochi your new AI assistant before we get started reply the valid email address so I can create a free account if somebody does not reply with an email like I just say no it's going to reply back sorry I didn't get your email there please reply with just the valid email address the reason why we do this is it's not just so I can capture emails that I can you know you know use these emails that's kind of irrelevant to me but the reason why you have to do this is because when I was testing this and I was spending a lot of time trying to get the information to go through zapier into open AI you can't make it happen without there being an email or a phone number assigned to the contact inside a high level so we're gonna do just it's my email address that we're going to use right now you're gonna wait for it to come back and it's gonna say your account is created let's get this party started so you have all of your information here it's going to send one more message as well whatever question you have just send it to me here and I'll do my best to help out and then also if you ever get stuck on something just reply no cheat help in all caps and we'll show you how all that works later but now what I could do is I could use this as a chat bot and I could ask it any question I want I could say hey come up with names for my business come up come up with names for my program come up with rewrite this headline I could do anything that I want I could go on to I could say foreign and you're going to wait it's going to send a message back saying that uh help is on the way give me a sec it's going to send this information off to open AI once that information gets sent back into high level you will see the new message here so automation a streamlined Business Solutions whatever these are just some different name so you can come up with you can get extremely creative with it you can get deep more detail and you can come up with more things you can say hey here's my headline give me five new headlines the same thing that you're doing with any of these AI copywriting tools you can do on your own for pennies it doesn't cost any it costs very little money you'll see once you start testing with open AI I've had thousands and thousands of tests to run through this and I've spent maybe two three dollars on open AI credits so it's super cheap and it's really cool what you could do now I'm excited about this because you can replace like I said you can replace tools like Jasper or any of these copywriting tools that you're already using and you could do it right inside of your own Instagram page now this opens up the door for you to share this information with your clients and really stand out one of the one of the ways that I've been using this and and people ask me all the time like Jacob what are the different ways that I can use this tool one of the ways is by doing what I just did where you can use it as a copywriting tool you can get rid of your 99 a month subscriptions with these uh AI copywriting tools another way that has worked really well for me is is helping to bring on more clients this is a really really cool way when you're out let's say you're at the bar let's say you're meeting a potential client at a networking event or you're anywhere that a potential client could be you see that client you say look look what I've been building like test this out you have them pull it up on their phone you have them tested out they put in their email so now you got a soft opt-in and now they test it out and they see oh wow this is actually really freaking cool this is amazing I can't you did this and it's like yeah man I built this and and this is inside of the software that uh I own or I resell or whatever terms that you guys use and you can show them that you're on The Cutting Edge of Technology this is a way to just not just be the dude who's like oh yeah I could help you with your business but be like yo this this guy showed me something really cool and now you got their email address you can follow up with them you send them DMS on Instagram and you just stood out as a very unique character in The Sea of digital marketers so I've used it one to help cut out my own expenses with copywriting tools but I've also used it to help me get more clients and get in the door with other people show them what I'm working on show them that what I'm doing is cutting edge on The Cutting Edge of technology and it's been a really cool tool a lot of people have come and be like wow I can't believe you did this so I think this is awesome and there's a lot of different ways that you guys can use it you're probably going to find your own use cases that I don't even know about but what we're going to do now is we're going to dive into how we can actually make this happen and like I said this video may be a little bit longer form today because we're going to go through the whole workflow build out and because of that I know there's two different types of people out there there's people who have more time and less money and those people have less time and more money so if you're somebody who doesn't have the time to go through this whole video and you want to support my channel I have it's going to be linked down below I have a way where you can actually just purchase the entire workflow as a snapshot and also purchase my zapier flow it'll be sent over to you as we speak right now as we shoot this video I'm selling it for forty seven dollars one time you can import it and if you want to if you if you enjoy the content I put out you appreciate what I'm doing and you want to support the channel this is an easy way for you to do that you can purchase this as soon as you purchase you're going to get my entire workflows all of my flows here there's a lot of steps inside of these and it may be even a little more complex than what I built out but today but you'll see you can import this entire thing and you'll get a training program here where you can see how to edit everything and this is great if you don't have a lot of time and you want to support the channel and you want to just import this really quick you don't want to waste your time trying to figure it out and doing it building as we go this is a great way for you to support the channel and I would really appreciate it so if you want to the Link's going to be down below and you can check out it's going to be 47 right now the price may change in the future but I appreciate everyone who supports the channel so that is one way that you can get started and not have to watch this entire video but for everyone who doesn't have doesn't want to spend 47 you just want the value for free I absolutely get it and that's what I'm here for I'm here to be able to try and provide as much value for free as possible and if you want to stick around this entire this video is going to show you everything beginning to end so now we've got that out of the way there are some things that you need you are going to need uh four different accounts I would say you're going to need whether you're going to do if you're going to do Instagram and you want to build your chatbot through Instagram you're gonna need an Instagram account that is tied to a Facebook page it's got to be a business Instagram profile uh I'm not going to go through how to set up your Instagram as a business profile in today's video there's you can look that up and find those videos or I may in the future put together a video for it but you need an Instagram profile it's attached to a Facebook page and is a business it's a business profile next thing that you're going to need is you're going to need a paid open AI account so if you do not have a paid open AI account yet you just go to you're going to sign up for an account put a credit card on file and you're you're charged at the end of the month you guys can see my usage is it's really cheap um usage this month I've only used a dollar 44. I mean I've literally tested this thousands of times so it's really cool because it's super cheap and it's yeah so just sign up for an account with them and you will be able to get everything from there now you're going to need the API key so to find that you just go to your profile here view your API keys and you can create a new secret key we'll go over that a little bit later the other thing you're going to need is you're going to need a high level account if you do if you already have a high level account great if you don't have a high level account already I'm going to drop my affiliate code down below and if you sign up you get two weeks free trial with go high level and when you sign up I'm going to give you a bunch of free bonuses I have a bunch of free trainings for you you also will get that snapshot of this whole thing as an import for free so if you sign up with my code I'm going to give you a bunch of different freebies you'll be able to see that below and you'll also be able to import this up for free now the other thing is you're going to need a zapier account so those are the four things you need to be able to make what we're going through today happen um so let's look at kind of how this works I'm going to break it down really quick and then we'll dive into actually building it out so the first thing that we see is we have the Instagram page somebody messages in they say hello or whatever they say and we have a message that shoots back hi I'm not you new assistant before we get started I need your email address so you're going to look at this if you know high level you're familiar with it you know this is just going to be a workflow with a trigger of when somebody messages in customer replied uh channel was Instagram and as soon as it is you send a message out and your will go through the flow but then we need to make sure that we have an email address on file so we do an if else statement if we have the email address on file then we skip over all of this but if we don't have an email address on file we're going to say hey I need your email address before we can get started and we're going to capture all of their email information let them know once we have their email we're going to let them know how to use nochi and then after that every time they use it it's going to skip over that stuff and just they can use it for free continuing on now let's get started by first going into high level I'm going to build this with you I also I've already obviously already built this out but I'm going to build this with you guys from scratch I'm also going to in another tab have open my previous build in case I forget anything but the way that this works is we're going to start a simple workflow I'm going to start from scratch and I'm going to like I said we're going to do a trigger workflow trigger and that workflow trigger is going to be customer replied and we're going to do the filter of apply Channel is Instagram DM I always it's a habit now I always hit save because there's times in high level where I go through and I fill out a whole flow I hit save and it says there's a problem saving here workflow so I'm always in the habit just hit save as soon as you guys do any changes now next thing that we need to do is we need to ask we know all right do we have an email address on file yet or not if we have an email address great if not we need to get it so we're going to do an if else statement here so you're going to do contact details search for email is not empty right so email on file is not empty that means that we have the email and file next thing we're going to do email not on file we're going to do contact details email is empty all right so if the email is empty that means we do not have an email on file one of the cool things with high level is if somebody responds uh like like I did here with an email address high level this is a feature I may be ruled out last year where it automatically recognizes that that's an email and saves it to that context email field so that really comes in handy in this situation so let's uh go email is not on file we're going to send a message back to them so we're going to do Instagram DM and we can just copy all right so Instagram DM and what we want our message to be so I think the issue that we may be facing here is that I do not have the Instagram account tied to this profile because I'm building this on a blank account so what you need to do is if you do not have an Instagram account tied already you need to go to your account settings go to Integrations connect your profile here it's going to ask you to continue and then you're going to select the Facebook page that you would like to link to this location so for me there's under no cheating Instagram is available for this account which means I connected my Instagram page to the Facebook page already connect Facebook and Instagram all right so the page is connected now Instagram should be connected receive Instagram DMS is on great so now we're going to go back back to our automation here and we're gonna check all right email's not on file let's try this again damn perfect now we have this available here so we're gonna copy why don't we just copy what we already wrote uh from here so it's going to say hi I'm no G your new AI assistant and you guys can change this to whatever you want put in your name your company name whatever you want to name your Bot or your profile should save and now we have that now we're going to add a weight step and we're going to wait for a reply or actually we can wait for a condition in this situation wait until email or no in this situation I wouldn't do a condition I would do contact reply contact replied replied to a step Instagram DM okay we could play around with this stuff later to perfect it but I'm gonna wait for that Instagram DM to be answered once that Instagram DM is answered we're gonna do another if else statement is email on file now right so now what we're doing is because they replied they may have replied like in my situation they have replied without an email like I said you cannot make this happen I haven't been able to figure out a way maybe it's possible but I haven't been able to figure out a way to make it happen where if we don't have an email on file that we can make this work so we are going to send another DM here if email is not on file we're going to send a DM again right didn't get your email please reply with just about email address and if the email is on file then at this point we can send our uh our messages of your account as created and stuff like that so let's go here all right let's do another DM I do two messages here so save on this foreign so the workflow has been saved now they may they're going to get this message but we want this to create some sort of loop here right because if we didn't catch their email we are going to do another wait until context all right so we're gonna do another weight step maybe wait for reply contact reply applied to stop didn't get your email and then we are going to do this same if else statement again you can copy this question here it's on file we're going to do a go to step we're going to go here the email is not on file do a go to step here all right so how this works we're gonna go through do we have an email on file now if we have if we do not have an email on file we're going to say hey I didn't get your email address and we're going to wait for them to reply with their new email address once they actually reply we're going to check one more time and we're going to say hey did they reply with an email if they did great send them over to the email on file uh flow if they did not reply send them back and say again hey sorry I didn't get your email address just reply to the valid email now this can continue to Loop until they actually reply with that email that's why we do this because if they reply back with no I'm not interested no I don't want this we want to send them that same message again that says hey I can't get started until you reply without email address so it's just going to keep looping and it's going to take you to the correct step in this situation now that the email is on file so this is our flow from if we did not have the email on file to begin with now the next time they message in it's not going to go down this path right so it's going to completely ignore this path and it's going to go to the left side which is email on file so now the next time that they message in we are going to be able to reply back we're going to want to take what they send in and we're going to want to save what they send in as something so the way that we do this right so they're going to send in a message and they're going to say uh what's five times five for example now we need to take that and we need to save that as a custom value so what I'm going to do is we're going to go back into settings we're going to go to custom fields we're going to add one and we are going to put here this is going to be actually this is going to be a response so AI answer contact group we'll just put this in additional info we'll hit save now let's go back let's go here and what we are going to do is so what we're going to do is create and actually take what they sent and we're going to save that as a note sorry I had to take a second and look at my previous flow because it gets a little complicated and to do this off the top of my head it took me a long time to do it so take a second I look at my old flow but what I did is I saved this as a note so save input as no and we're going to do custom value so we're going to do message message body so it's going to take what they send in from Instagram and save it as a note on their profile now we're going to go down and this is where we're going to send out this data to zapier to send it to open AI so what I do here is you're going to do a web hook it's the easiest way to do this you can do a web hook and a post and we're going to get our URL by going over to zapier so what you do inside of zapier is one second here I'm going to create a new create a news app I'm gonna do a web hook size up here you're going to catch hook we're gonna hit continue continue they're going to give you a URL here and go back into your high level account paste that URL there and we're going to all right so the way that I did this was set this up as a key so question the value is message.body so you're going to paste this in and hit save again and now we are going to need to test this so the way that we could test it is because you're going to want the data to actually send over to zapier so that way you can like because if we hit test on this right now you're not going to have any data so the way that we're going to need to test this is we're going to go over here and because I have this on two accounts this may mess up but give me a second Let's test it out um let me just turn off my workflow on my other account give me one second here all right turn that account off and now we should be able to test this see if this works say hey that's where we messed up here so we didn't turn this on let's try it one more time all right so this sent out I'm going to reply with an email Jacob at Jacob come your account is created there goes all of our messages so the flow already is working you can see that everything is already worked we can look at our history and see what went through you see it already worked but let's try this one more time let's go back here because now you need to send one more message to go down the left side what is 5 times 5 . all right so now you're obviously not going to get a response because we haven't built that out yet but what you'll see is that now it should have foreign is you need to go into settings hit allow multiple because I have been in this workflow before didn't work so just time what is five times five it's obviously not going to give me a response but we should get it through and executed the web hook and it sends all the data over to zapier so now we can go back into zap here test that trigger again we should now have everything from there in here so cool now we got our web hook in we got all of our data so we have my email came through my name contact ID and we should at the bottom have the question under custom data which is what is five times five great so now we have the question we can move forward now the next step that we need to do is we need to send that question over to open AI so you're going to come in here you're going to look for open AI chat GPT beta event so we are going to send a prompt we're going to hit continue you're going to choose your chatgpt account if you haven't integrated it yet just set up your integration there hit continue we're going to do our text model I leave this at DaVinci zero zero three The Prompt you're going to take from here so you're going to go and actually just pull in the custom data question what is five times five I left everything else as is but you can change this to let's say um say 1500 and we may have to change that but I think I used 1500 before I'll leave everything else blank for now you can play with this in the future we're going to test the action and you get your answer back which is 25. great so that's perfect we got our answer and now you see that that information was sent off to open AI it sent the answer back to us and now we need to send now that we have the answer we need to figure out how can we send that back into high level now high level as of right now which I've heard this is changing as of right now high level does not have a way to send web Hooks and information back into high level directly yet that is coming though I've heard I've seen that there in like an alpha stage right now and you when you're watching this video it may already be live but the way that we have to do this right now is by updating the contact since we created the contact field before which is the answer to the question we need to update the contact inside of high level by doing another step inside of zapier so we're gonna look at this really quick you're going to update your contact so we're going to go in here we're going to go to it's called lead connector on Flow here the event is going to be add slash update to contact we're going to hit continue you're going to go with your account you should already be connected with your high level account if you're not you can find your high level account in your settings your API key and the settings of that specific account that you're using hit continue you're going to fill out the data from here so we got our first name last name and the email now this is why we need to gather an email from the user in the beginning because if you if we don't have an email on file we can't send the data back into high level yet there's no I I haven't been able to find a way to update the contact without having an email or phone number on file because that's what Hilo looks for to identify that contact when you're updating things so we're just going to do this AI answer is what I called it and you're going to take you're going to take from here show all options we're going to look for 25 because that was our answer we're going to hit continue after that there's one other field markers lead true it's required hit continue and you will be able to hit Test action and it'll send it back to high level so what I want to do though before I hit Test action so that way we can actually see will happen here and so we can send that information back I want to actually build out the response flow here so we'll go back to our workflow and we will go once we have a web hook we're going to add a weight step so we're going to wait and this is going to be a condition we're going to wait for contact details and it's going to be the AI answer does not contain and I'm going to do this really quick I use a random key which this is the one that I use I don't even know what it's called I'm going to show you why we use that but put that there for right now you'll see shortly why we do this but does not contain this asterisk or back raster I don't know how you say it we for I hit save and great so now we have that there so we're going to wait for a reply after that gets sent out and once that is once that comes back once we have a reply we are going to send a DM so scram DM and what I do is I pull in the custom value so now you're going to do contact AI answer and then I always put at the end have another question send it my way so it's at the bottom I have another question send in my way so now we're going to hit save and what we do here is we update the contact field is yeah answer to this little asterisk that we used and we do that so that way the response doesn't stay in that custom field now we also do that we're going to do it up here as well so you're going to do update contact field AI answer and you're gonna do it here it may not make sense but the reason I've played with it and this is the way that I found to be the most efficient you may have a different way that you can make it work yourself but I found that this is the flow that I use so I always wait until uh does not contain wait until the answer doesn't contain that and then once it doesn't contain that anymore that means that we have our response from openai and we can send it back so now that this is on we should actually the contact isn't still in this step so it won't work anymore but what we'll do is we will we will test the action it's turned on to publish it motion turn on all right sweet now it's on and we could start over so we can send a message now and we could say uh rewrite and then I will put in go to I don't know find deals for any season go back into Instagram find deals for any season and maybe let's take the sub headline as well um all right secure the lowest rates on any seasonal getaway from because bnbs to luxury hotels have another question right so there's the answer now we do have a mistake somewhere here because oh we just didn't add that step of messages pending so what I do is everything works so great that's really good news what I always do is I add a step here just because people like it may take five seconds for the API to get back or it may take 10 seconds for that API to get back and for you to have your updated answer and people may ask another question in between it may mess things up so what I always do is I send an instant text right away so I'll send a DM here Instagram DM give me a sec so that way people know that the I'm coming up with the answer can you change that's whatever you want hey give me up to 30 seconds and I'll have your answer for you whatever you want that to be and then they'll do the same thing but as we can see it worked right so it did everything that I asked it to do now I could do the same thing rewrite this headline and here let's do this rewrite this headline using give me three options boom it's going to take that we're going to hit save and now we should get an instant reply which is give me a sec sending that information off to zapier we're going to wait for that response to get in from there and as soon as we have that response here's your three options option one option two option three uh this is this is great this is huge you can use this for anything that you want you can use this to show off like I said in the beginning of the video you can use this to show off to your clients you can use this to uh get rid of your 99 a month subscription that you're using for your copywriting tools or anything like that it's really really cool and it's a great way for you to be able to use it for your clients to be able to use it test it play with it I've had this out and I've you know had a few hundred people playing around with it and I see people using it every day like in their day-to-day marketing stuff too and I've actually seen people using my tool which is just a test going in and saying hey here's this rewrite this for me and I'm really excited to see that it's really cool and it's really awesome and I want you guys to be able to do this yourself now some other things that we need to look at um a lot of times this may get stuck so sometimes let's say for example I say write me a story about a dog and a cat boxes but then fighting and falling in love all right so I'm going to tell it to write me a story now it's going to shoot me back this give me a sec message and what I've found a lot of times is it's gonna get stuck on this situation because the message is too long so Instagram has a limit I believe it's 1 000 characters um maybe one I think it's 1 000 characters they have a limit so if it gets an answer back it may try to send it inside of high level and you'll be able to see it there you may be able to see the the story but the customer would never actually get that response so what we need to do is we're going to go back and go to conversations and we'll see that this is probably the case here so yeah it failed you're going to see right here text Lanes should be less than or equal to 1 000 characters so again it created my story here it was a it was a great little story that created whatever and the problem is is that Instagram won't allow us to send more than a thousand characters it has nothing to do with high level it's just Instagram in general you can't say more than a thousand characters in an Instagram DM so what I do and you'll see it's stuck in this workflow right now so if I were to message again it's not going to work because it's automatically uh it's sending me into that flow again it's it gets confusing all right so what I did is I created what I call like I called this workflow the brain I call it no cheese brain but then I created what's called a backup brain and to do that what you do is you do another workflow here so we're going to create another workflow which is going to be let's call this backup brain and we're going to hit save all right so what I do here is I have a step where I'm gonna wait I'm gonna add a weight step here so we're gonna do weight and it's not going to be a time delay it's going to be a condition and we're going to wait for contact details and the AI answer is you want it to be this little backwards asterisk that we made so we're gonna do here and we're going to add a timeout so what I do is I do 0.75 minutes and move on to the next step now at that point we want to do an if else statement and that's going to be asking is it stuck and here we could say it is stuck and we are going to do a it's going to be contact details yeah answer is not that let's verify so as long as if it's not that it means it's stuck so after that period of time after waiting uh 0.75 a minute if it's still if the answer in high level for that custom field is not that backwards asterisk that means that it is stuck in that situation so what I do is then I send another Instagram DM which is letting them know look I I looks like I got stuck on that question the output may have been against our term service or too long Instagram only allows 1000 character or less messages so I send that there I add one more step here and that's going to be removed from all workflows so I'm going to remove from all workflows at that point and I'm going to hit publish on this and we're going to hit save now contact isn't being added into this yet so the way that you need to do this is when you go back to your initial workflow your main workflow you are going to as soon as we get an input we're going to add them to the backup brain here so you're going to do add to workflow backup brain foreign hit save hit save again and now what's going to happen is every single time that this happens it will send it every time that someone comes in it will add them into the backup brain and it will wait during that period a certain period of time and it'll tell us if it's stuck or not if it got stuck it's going to send them a message saying hey looks like I got stuck on that question maybe against their terms of service um and then the main thing here is it's also going to remove them from all the workflows because if you don't set this up what will happen is they can get stuck in this flow and if they're stuck in this flow every time they message in again it won't work because they're in the flow so since they're in the flow it won't re-trigger this workflow uh the other thing is we need to make sure let's go back really quick just make sure that we toggle on allow multiple and hit save go back and that is the main thing that will make this work the other thing too that we did was see if they get stuck they can reply to nochi help so we could do one more workflow here which will be the nochi help uh workflow so we're gonna hit start from scratch up here your trigger is going to be the Instagram DM or customer replied apply channel in this situation is going to be Instagram DM and in my situation contains phrase note she help I'm going to [Music] get some Instagram DM say G to the rescue smiley face save and then this is the big thing here is you're going to do remove from all workflows all right go from all workflows hit publish and we're gonna hit save out of this help back and now you have all of your flows built out brain good save and now your flow is built so the way that this works like you guys know we'll recap really quick as soon as somebody replies we're going to figure out if we have an email on file or not if we do have an email on file we are going to run them through the flow we're going to take their question send it off to zapier to get the answer from openai we're gonna wait for the response and then we're going to send it out and the next thing is if we don't have a email on file what we're going to do is we're going to say we need your email we're going to wait for them to send it we're going to make sure they send it we're gonna do Some Loops here and make sure they actually send an email once they do let them know how to use it next time they message in it's going to go through the left side of this flow here and your AI bot is going to work now you could do this with Instagram you could do this uh you could instead of doing Instagram you could also do this through text I built the same thing out so instead of the reply Channel being Instagram DM you can do a reply channel of SMS you could do a reply channel uh Facebook Messenger as well so you could go up messenger are doing the same thing Instagram DM SMS you do email probably as well I don't know if that would be of that much use but those are the different ways that you guys could make this work you can do whatever you guys want with this this is really cool you could dive deeper into it too in the flow that I have that you can purchase below you can just import this entire thing instead of having to build it out yourself but in that purchase that I in the flow that I have for purchase below I also have a step where you can limit people's usage so you can set a number of times that they can use it to let's say 150 times so that way someone's not coming through and using it with a bot 10 000 times and racking your bill up so there's a lot of different things that you could do with these flows inside of high level I'm really really excited about this video I I think that this is something that is just it's super cool and something that you guys can use to replace your current tools or you can also use it to just show off and show clients what you can do and how you can help them now another thing that I want to mention now that we've finished this video I know it's long drawn out and it took a long time but now that we have this out of the way and you guys can see how this entire thing works I want to mention something I do have a code Vault that's available for everyone so even if you're not purchasing any of my flows you're not purchasing anything from me I have a code Vault that's available for free you'll be able to find the link to that in the description below and I have a bunch of different CSS right now I have six different things for CSS like you can use animations calendar custom calendar CSS surveys dashboard design order forms memberships and things like that that I put together for you guys for free to give you some more value to be able to give back to the ghl community and you can click that link below go over to the code Vault and you'll this is constantly being updated you can take as much from this as you want use it for yourself use it for your clients I thought it was a great way to be able to give back to you guys so yeah just come in here you can come in here grab some code let's say you want this design checkout I have all the custom CSS and come through it'll be constantly being updated but I really guys I appreciate you sticking along I know this was a really long video it was drawn out but if you have any questions drop them in the in the comments below I'm here to answer I do my best and I obviously I'm working on my own agency and I'm doing my own things but I do my best to be able to get back to you as fast as possible if you have any specific questions just let me know seriously drop them in the questions below and if you found value from today's video I would really appreciate if you could take a second and subscribe you don't have to but it means a lot to me if I can see my the number of people who are subscribing to me going up it uh kind of helps me stay motivated to keep putting out more videos and spend more time putting these together for you and provide more value so if you got value from this comment below I'd really appreciate it subscribe if you'd like to but yeah that's it ghl King here I appreciate you tuning in and stay tuned for the next one
Channel: GoHighLevel King
Views: 22,317
Rating: undefined out of 5
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 50min 24sec (3024 seconds)
Published: Mon Jan 23 2023
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