WatchFinder & Chrono24 - What do I think? PLUS some of your Watch questions answered

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[Music] welcome back watch people now you know you've had a bad day when you just complete a 25 minute video and then realize like an idiot i never had my mic clipped on it's been one of those days today guys right i'm gonna answer some questions from you that you've left me in the comments section over the last week or two thanks for all your comments i do honestly read every single one of them i'm sorry that i can't reply to them individually i'd love to guys but i just don't have the time and especially more importantly i don't have the time to answer them properly and there's a danger that if i just flippantly answer questions just to keep you happy ultimately it's not really going to be the answer they'll want to give you so i hope you appreciate that anyway look we're going to talk about chrono 24 we're going to talk about watchfinder we're going to talk about dealers dealer deals we're going to talk about tudor and we're going to talk about a few things today all uh initiated by your comments so thanks for every one of them um first of all let's get the chrono 24 question out of the way now during a video the other day i sort of kind of flippantly mentioned that i'm not a great lover of using chrono 24 and a few of you um kind of became a little bit concerned by that and asked me why i said that and i think it's only right and proper that i clear that up for everyone's sake look guys um chrono 24 are an age-old organization within the watch business they're tried trusted and proven they're very professional outfit they've got huge numbers of staff working from they've got a great platform um anyone that's not familiar with a chrono 24 website should go and have a look because not only can you use it as a reference not only can you use it to buy and sell but there are also a lot of other useful add-ons bolt-ons and information available on the chrono 24 website these useful for all watch people i have no problems with chrono 24 whatsoever as an organization i think they're safe they're secure in all the years they've been going i've ever only heard of one or two minor issues with them um or people having minor problems minor issues when they've used chrono 24 which is literally a needle in a haystack by comparison to the amount of watches that are sold through that platform every year i highly recommend it and i have no affiliation with chrono 24 whatsoever so i hear you saying so why did i say that i'm not a great lover of using chrono 24 well it's not actually their fault it's more of the dealers that sometimes use it um because dealers by nature can be a little bit on the lazy side and there are also dealers out there that carry out a practice i'm not too keen and i'll tell you what that is the first thing is is that a lot of watches on chrono 24 that you see aren't actually available now i don't know how many watties are for sale on chrono 24 today maybe i should have checked for the purposes of this video but i can tell you now it's going to be many many many thousands i would estimate and it's only a guess but i would estimate that probably around 25 to 30 of the watches that you see advertised for sale on chrono 24 actually don't exist um and that's what i'm not too keen on and the reason they don't exist is that a they've already either been sold or b they are dealers using a practice that i'm not a lover of that's fishing what they're doing is they're fishing for clients if they get a bite they'll go out and try and find or source the watch to satisfy the client's requirements now i can tell you from my own experience this has happened to me um using chrono 24 in the past in fact just recently because i'm on the lookout now um for an ap a particular ap i've wanted to buy it for some time and i can't find it in the uk i can find it in europe and i can find it in the united states i know that roman can get me one of these watches probably in a heartbeat the trouble is is that there's going to be import duties to pay i really need to buy this watch in the uk or within the european union right now um and i contacted two dealers advertising this watch on chrono 24 neither of them had the watch in stock which is a waste of my time a waste of theirs and that's why i said i'm not always a lover of using chrono 24 it's not chrono 24's fault it's the dealers that sometimes are too lazy to remove the watches or a practice that i really don't approve of fishing advertising watches they haven't got for sale so i hope that clears that one up for everyone concerned um talking about deals etc i also did a video dealer to dealer deals etc the other day where the dealers buy their watches now a lot of you kind of wanted to know about profit margins again i've spoken about that time and time and time again my profit margins when i was dealing with certainly a bit lower than the margins appear to be today i know that some people out there are unhappy with some of the offers that they get from dealers when they ring up trying to sell their watches look guys i can't speak for any one particular dealer in person you know i'm my own man i can't speak for anyone else so all i will say to you is is that everyone needs to understand that dealers are not in this for fun they're in it to earn a living they need to make your profit and if you're not prepared to accept they need to make a profit with all due respect then you need to become a watch dealer yourself and take the risk that the dealers do and sell the watches yourself that's just being honest with you guys now it depends on what you think is a greedy margin the thing is is that in today's world the 10 that i used to work on on a high volume turnover won't necessarily work for people today and don't forget it's not a simple matter if you buy a watch for 8 000 pound you sell it for 12 you might think well four grand profit in one deal but it's not when you take your rent your rates your expenses your vat your tax these margins get eaten away like you wouldn't believe look guys if a dealer makes you an offer and you're unhappy with it don't take it personally maybe he just doesn't want your watch that's another possibility i mean why would a dealer make a retail price offer and this is often the problem i think a lot of private people are looking for the retail value of their watch from a dealer you know think more logically guys it's just not gonna happen um dealers dealer deals i spoke about what's that dealer groups you know being hard to get into et cetera now they're closed for a very good reason that's for security and someone else also asked sort of what sort of amount of money would you need to spend with a dealer to start getting the trade discounts well that's a bit of a funny one because there's no set pattern to that there's no set pattern to discounts etc it's not necessarily about how much money you're spending it's about how much profit that dealer potentially has in that watch you've got basically two or three types of dealers you've got dealers dealer dealers you've got dealer to public dealers and you've got dealer to public and trade dealers now i was a dealer to public dealer i was not interested in selling my watches to the trade i worked too hard to find them in the first place just to flip them for a couple of hundred quid profit i wanted to retail those watches some dealers are a lot happier and are a lot more comfortable not dealing with the public because look i'll tell you things that active watch dealers can't tell you i've retired it doesn't matter but you guys can be blooming hard work sometimes trust me um you know you can be hard to please hard to satisfy you know bless you all i understand you know it's all about business and money isn't it but at the end of the day a lot of dealers prefer the easier route of dealing with other dealers because i'll be frank it's a lot easier selling a watch to another dealer they're not going to ask the questions that the public will ask they're not going to be as fussy necessarily because they've got more confidence in their own ability and more confidence in what they're buying and they'll know you they'll know you as a dealer so a five minute deal in the trade can be an hour and five minute deal in the retail business but in general it's more about what margin is in the watch rather than how much would i need to spend with a dealer before i got a discount a little bit on watchfinder people also asking me what i think about watchfinder i'm going to do a full video on watch finder in the future but just basically for now guys just briefly um i've never ever been a lover of watchfinder uh for various reasons i've known people that work there in the past um more than one person that's walked there in the past i've had people that were contacting me speaking to me whilst they were working at watchfinder um nothing shady going on you know no bad practices no you know front page news to tell you it's just i just don't like them particularly as a great big organization there's a a lack of the personal touch um and that's you know look listen big corporate businesses are like that aren't they but i i've always been a fan of the personal touch the one-to-one uh dealer to customer business that's always been the way that i've preferred to deal with the way that i prefer to do business i think in recent times at least from what you tell me and i'm only going on what you tell me guys is that their offers for the watches that they're buying have been extremely low um whilst their sale prices their selling prices are often quite high um there's a bit of a discrepancy there and you know this is one of the reasons i mentioned you know some of you guys being unhappy with the prices that some dealers offer you for your watch you know maybe go try watch finder and then try some of the independence you may be surprised and you might actually find that some of the deals that you're being offered by independence and i'm not talking about my sponsors here guys i'm talking about independent watch dealers right across the country right across the world in fact um i think the vast majority of watts dealers will offer you for your watch the amount they want to pay for and that will reflect how much they want it but just going back to what's fine i've never been a great lover of watchfinder you know um i think they're better now than they used to be at one stage i really couldn't stand them as a business as a company and i didn't like the way they worked but they've now changed hands they're obviously owned by the richmond group and i think they've put a lot of wrongs that i didn't like about watchfinder right would i buy a watch from watchfinder personally no um i used to see their buyers in the munich watch fair and other places um it wouldn't be my way of buying a watch in the way that some of those watches were bought but that was you know quite a lot of years ago now um so i personally wouldn't buy a watch from watchfinder but you know i wouldn't encourage anyone else not to do so if you see the watch that you want on watchfinder you know look i imagine from what i hear at least they're a very safe company to do business with you know if you've got a problem i would imagine you're going to get your money back i'm just i just prefer people to support the smaller businesses the family businesses that's that's the way i am um i'm wearing a tutor today guys i don't know if any of you have spotted it i've got a review of this watch coming up um very soon and lastly for today i just want to cover um a little bit of criticism that i took after the video that i made down at zero west a couple of weeks back um and a few of you left a comment you know in the in under the video saying oh paul you know do you really believe in this brand um in the manner in which you're saying you believe in this brand and let me tell you guys um i picked this watch up from my safety deposit box a couple of days back i'd not forgotten it was there but i hadn't worn it for quite a few months and i did a video i thought you know what i'll grab the tudor the back bay chronograph i'll do a little video on it and put it on the channel and it was during the process of making that video that review that it reminded me of why exactly i support the xero west brand and believe in this xero west brand like i genuinely do now i want to make something absolutely clear zero west did not approach me and say paul can we sponsor your channel i approached zero west and said guys i believe in what you do i like you as people would you like to become a sponsor of my channel and they accepted and i'm very proud that they did and the reason i'm very proud they did is that you will see when i review this tudor which i'm a big fan of i love this watch it's going to be my everyday wearer for the next few days at least and i'm going to review another one or two of my tutors as well in the next few weeks but this watch when i wind it it's a bit gravelly this watch when i shake it is a bit rattly none of those things um happen to me when i pick up a xero west watch um and i'm not saying this as part of an advert for them i'm saying this because some of you guys criticized me and didn't believe in what i was telling you i said it to andrew andrew bray being one of the directors of zero west what is that in my opinion the fit and finish on their what is is better or equally as good in most cases as tudor um and i stick by that and reviewing this tudor black bay chronograph um reminded me to mention this to you during this particular video this watch rattles this watch is gravely when i wind it look it is what it is i still love it it's not a complaint i'm not moaning about it i'm just putting the record straight that guys i always tell you what i truly truly believe and i don't tell you lies for any amount of money uh look gents hope you've enjoyed that one um i made this video once already forgot to click my mic on it was light earlier now it's getting dark there's a load coming up on this channel over the next few weeks guys stick with me this is the informed watch people's channel if you haven't already subscribed please do so because together we have become a big respected watch family guys i am working for you each and every day of my life i promise you and i guarantee that over the next few months you will reap the rewards and the benefits of what we're doing together on this channel but i need your subscriptions and i need your views thanks for watching we'll speak again soon [Music] you
Channel: Paul Thorpe Watch Dealer
Views: 56,954
Rating: 4.9031429 out of 5
Keywords: best auction for rolex watches, Paul Thorpe, Rolex bubble, Rolex prices gone mad, Why is Rolex so expensive, Why are Rolex watches so expensive, Does my Submariner, Rolex dealers near me, How to sell my Rolex, Jenni Elle, Rolex unboxing, 2020 Rolex models, New Rolex models for 2020, Rolex latest models, rolex watches 2020, new Rolex releases, Rolex, 126610LV, 2020 Rolex Submariners, how much is my hulk worth, Sell my Hulk, Buying a Rolex Hulk, 2020 Rolex price list, Watches
Id: X7iLd0Pkxhs
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Length: 14min 58sec (898 seconds)
Published: Fri Oct 16 2020
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