MY TOP ROLEX WATCH TIPS - to buy before the New Releases - And why!

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[Music] [Music] welcome back watch people and i'll tell you something before we go any further i've been struggling to find a venue to make this video today i've told mrs fault time and time and time again please do not leave washing and pants and socks laying around etc i made a 15-minute video this morning i've done all this once already only to find that a pair of my pants were laying on the chair behind me so thanks to mrs t for wasting half an hour of my time today i've had to do the whole thing all over again i'm sure you know what it's like guys right listen let's get on to the topic of the video and i'm gonna try and be brave today i'm gonna stick my neck out um now september 1st is just a few weeks away and rolex are going to be releasing their new 2020 models which is all very well and all very exciting for us rolex fans and aficionados but at the end of the day all it's really going to be for the vast majority of people with another load of watches that nobody can buy or that you've got to pay hugely over the odds for and neither of those scenarios i recall particularly attractive so let's look at rolex's current range i've been on their website this morning for the purpose of this video and i've gone through the entire website and i wanted to pick 10 watches that i was going to suggest that if you can buy one then do so and either wear it and enjoy it wear it and take great care of it or indeed put it away for the future for one of your children or depending on your age one of your grandchildren because the watches i'm going to suggest right now offer either a great value for money in my opinion b offer great long-term investment potential in my opinion or see a little bit of both now these are in no particular order but i'm going to stick my neck on the line i'm going to give you my tips from the current range of rolex watches that are currently available and on their website um and i'm going to this discount i'm going to discount two watches um there are obviously hot watches to buy it and the reason i'm going to discount them is oh you can't get them and b they're going to be ridiculous money and finally it's obvious uh it doesn't take a watch guru or an expert to come on to youtube and tell you that these two watches are a great watch for the future so i'm going to discount the whole the double one double six one olv the green submariner i'm gonna discount that and i'm also gonna discount the double one six 508 green doll 18 carat yellow gold rolex daytona that is also um such an obvious one that really you know you can work that one out for yourselves guys i've dug a little bit deeper and i'm just going to give you um what my gut tells me looking at the current range of rolex watches today now the first watch that i'm going to come up with might actually surprise a few people not because it's a a great investment piece not because you know it's one to put a way forward a few to necessarily i just think it offers such good value for money considering what it is and that's the 39 millimeter rolex explorer one uh reference two one four two seven oh i had to remind myself for that reference number because i very rarely buy explorer ones but look at the end of the day this is a watch that nobody really can dislike particularly no one can say they hate the look of it it's a classic both in the past now and in the future um but the bottom line is this look it's 5200 pound for a still rolex sports watch now that's hard to beat what's not to like there and if you look after that watch yes you might lose a few quid over the first year possibly two but ultimately that value will come back and you've got a watch there that potentially you can own for life that you haven't had to break the bank to buy in the first place so the rolex explorer 214270 is on my list of great rolex watches to buy currently right now that are available and many of these will be in a shop window somewhere or another the second watch will come as no surprise to the regular viewers of my channel it's because for me it is my favorite rolex of all time for a vast amount of reasons i won't bore you with too many of those right now but it is the james cameron rolex deep cc dweller even a black older blue and black doll it doesn't really matter it's your choice um even a single sorry either the first series or the second series so that's the double one treble six oh yes and the one two treble six zero the first or the second series i have two of both one of which i'm wearing right now this is a second series i prefer the second series to look at and i prefer the second series to wear from a long-term viewpoint the one series i think is the one to own potentially and there are a few of those watches still hanging around unworn still factory sealed look guys what are they going to be worth in 20 years time they're going to be worth a lot of money and by the way i think they're just about the most impressive still rolex watch that you can put on your wrist so either the 1-1 treble 6-0 or the 1-2 treble 6-0 james cameron rolex deepsea sea dweller is high on my list of what is that you really should have if you can afford it now the third watch that i've got on my list again may come as a little bit of a surprise but for me is one of if not the prettiest current production rolex what is on the market and that is the one two six seven one five chnr that is the pink gold uh everose gold gmt master ii an absolutely stunning watch 30 650 pounds i think this watch is one for the future now when i say one for the future i'm not necessarily talking about one or two years down the line but if we look 5 10 15 20 years down the line again for our children or potentially our grandchildren it depends on how long rolex decide to keep this watch in production if this watch was to go anytime soon within the next two three four even five years because it's a watch that hasn't been sold by the hundreds of thousands it's always going to be a relatively rare watch pretty similar when you look back to the older gold gmts you don't see many of them around um and i think the pink gold gmt is going to be in a similar situation in years to come but i think the biggest thing with the pink gold gmt is the fact that it is such an awesome watch on the wrist and to the eye if you haven't tried one on if you haven't seen one in the flesh if you haven't had that pleasure see if you can get one on your wrist but i'd advise that you only do that if you can afford to buy it because i guarantee you guys you are going to want it it is an absolutely beautiful watch so the one two six seven one five chnr rolex gmt master ii is another tip of mine at least for the future the platinum daytona there's going to be um some daytona's here i'm afraid guys the platinum daytona 116 506. um look listen with or without the diamond doll that watch is going to be a winner in the future if you want to make the real big bucks in a few years time it's got to be the baguette diamond dial when again this is a watch that i see disappearing off the production um the production line any time soon um and again i have to reiterate and try and be clear what i mean by anytime soon anytime soon in the rolex world is within the next two three four five years okay it's not a particularly long long production period is it so again we're looking at the future five ten years and more ahead but one day guys that watch is gonna be making a shed load of money and i think you can put your house on either of those watches being extremely sought after in the not too distant near future um 228 235 for those that are not quite upstate with their reference number that is the evo rose gold day date with the olive doll i've got to be honest with you guys i don't like the doll i don't like the color of the doll um i don't think it particularly works well but it's a hot watch um it's just about opinions isn't it it's a it's a business and a hobby of opinions um that doll is not for me but it has something and i tell you what it is um and anyone that watches my channel on a regular basis would have heard me say this lots of times before it's all about the dial condition condition condition obviously that's first and foremost with any watch that you buy it but if you want rarity if you want your watch on your wrist to be going in in value if you want the watch on your wrist to be super sought after in years to come it's all about the vole if your dial is different if it's unusual look at the stoned old day dates that are hanging around these days you know look guys they make stupid money by their uh relatively this is the same watch if you go and buy an 18 karat gold day-date with a champagne doll beautiful watch same watch different though can be worth up to 50 more it's just crazy it's that's the way it works now whilst i'm not a particularly uh great lover of the olive day-date faulty doll um it is what it is it's an unusual doll and people love it and the history books will say that in the future this watch is going to be sought after and it is going to change hands for a lot of money now as always guys if any of you are going to rush out and buy any of these watches if you want them to be super rare super valuable in the future they have to remain unworn now i know that's going to annoy a lot of people but look let's get it right look if you've got the money if you have the wherewithal you're within your rights to go out and buy whatever floats your boat it could be cars it could be motorcycles it could be watches it could be jewelry diamonds it could be stamps it doesn't really matter if you have the wherewithal to go and buy what turns you on then you have every right to go and do it and no one should be able to tell you that you shouldn't be doing it because someone else could be wearing that watch there's enough for everyone to go around because if you can't find a an olive dull day date then there's plenty of other options for you even on my list but i think that's one for the future four hundred and 31 pound it's going to cost you at the moment which is a real pretty penny um i'm not keen on paying full list price for that watch i've got to be honest unlike the cnr the gmt um i'll let you into a little secret i just recently purchased a chnr um i've been looking for one for a while didn't want to pay this price but ended up paying 29.5 for a brand new one so even someone like me that i'm afraid he's used to getting what he's with a discount and can't quite get his dinosaur head around paying this price for what he's even i'm doing there and these watches are making slightly over list so look the day-date at 31 450 maybe it's the old dealer in me coming out but i'd want to try and get something off of that watch if it's not possible then what the heck pay the money now another daytona or even two if you want to look it that way is the 116 518 ln on a rubber strap at 22 850 or the bracelet dial version it doesn't really matter because again guys it's the dial that counts i think this doll is absolutely stunning i think it's probably the best dial on any daytona right now it works i'm not sure how long that rolex are gonna continue with their oysterflex bracelet i'm really not sure that they're gonna be too keen on that um for years and years i think that's gonna go ultimately and that watch again is an absolutely cracking watch and that rubber bracelet by the way guys that rubber strap if you've never tried one on and you think oh i'm not paying all that money for a watch that's got a rubber strap go and try one and then you'll change your mind it's an absolutely caulking watch and the one on the gold bracelet obviously speaks for itself it is what it is but the difference is is the dial the dial is so important this watch is a surefire winner in years to come it's a watch that you can safely own and know that in years to come that watch is going to be hugely sought after in my opinion at least now on the subject of oysterflex uh the rubber bracelets that rolex are currently using on some of their watches i've got another one that i would highly recommend and that's the 116518ln that's the rose gold pink gold chocolate bowl daytona with the baguette diamonds and absolutely caulking doll and again it carries on in my theme of how important the dial is to your watch if one day it's going to become super sought after now at twenty eight thousand eight hundred and fifty pounds it's not a cheap watch is it and again this is a watch that i would really like to see you guys getting something back from um i know it's tough i know it might be impossible but please try if you don't try it if you don't ask you don't get and ultimately i think if you try hard enough even if you buy a later pre-owned one just try and buy something a little bit on the list if you possibly can it's really important but ultimately look at 28 850 where do i think this watch is going to go in the future i think it's going to go up what is this what if you buy that watch and give it to your son or your daughter at the moment say they're 5 10 years old you give it to them when they're 21 they're gonna make a lot of money on that watch and so are you um finally on my list and as i said i've discounted the two most obvious ones the hulk and the green doll daytona i'm gonna just not even talk about them they're obvious but finally on my list for today um are any versions of the uh wimbledon doll datejusts whether it be steel steel and gold i don't think it really matters again we're in the same thing we're the theme it's it's all about the doll this style is unusual um it's quite unique it's not going to last forever rolex are going to discontinue this dial one day soon and when they do the prices are sure to rise and again in years to come because of the rarity and the the beauty of the doll um i say the beauty i gotta be honest again it's just not my cup of tea personally but a lot of people really really love the wimbledon doll and that is not gonna change so in years to come you can be sure that your money has been safely invested in any datejust with the wimbledon doll now look we could talk all night but they are my picks from the current range of rolex watches that are currently in production as of today which is the 26th of july 2020 that could change on the 1st of september couldn't it it might not they might all still be in production we don't know there are other other obvious candidates such as the milgauss however the milgauss is not on my list and there's a very good reason that the milgauss isn't on my list look this is a hot candidate for being discontinued but at the end of the day it's never been the most popular watch in the world whether it's because of what it represents what it looks like i just don't know the milgauss has a relatively small fan base within the rolex world and i don't see that fan base the size of that fan base changing anytime soon and if the milgauss if any version of the milgauss disappears or if the whole milgauss range disappears yes there'll be an initial price increase and a price hike whilst that kind of you know the rolex world um gets the grip with the fact that it's now been discontinued but i don't really see it and i might be making a big mistake here guys because this video is going to be up for a very long time and look if i get it wrong i'm sure you'll let me know in the comment section below you know this this time next year i might look complete full but i don't really see the milgauss ever becoming a super hot watch because it's never been a super hot watch and i don't see why it's discontinuation should turn it into one so look guys at the end of the day over the next few weeks there's going to be a lot of speculation about what what rolex are bringing out what they're going to discontinue and when the new models are released there's going to be a lot of hype about people trying to get hold of them and people potentially paying way over the odds to get one it's all very well um and youtube and the watch world will be full of talk full of rumor um full of suggestion full of hype um but i'm trying to look a little bit past that for my viewers and i'm thinking well could now be the time where there just might be a little bit more value in some of the watches are currently in production and more importantly that are currently available at perhaps somewhere around what you could half call at least the sensible price that's my advice in july 2020 we'll see how it goes uh thanks for watching um as always i'm always interested to think what you know what you know about aida video and what you what you think about the video and also um what you think am i wrong you know have i missed anything should there be watches there that i should add into that list and but i went through the whole website and i considered every watch and every doll quite carefully and those are the watches that i picked out probably the the big surprise is the explorer the explorer one but the reason that i picked the explorer one as i said is not because of its potential future value um i think more because of its value for money right now today um a stainless steels rolex sports watch under five and a half grand what's not to like guys let me know what you think thanks for watching and we'll speak again soon you
Channel: Paul Thorpe Watch Dealer
Views: 71,824
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Keywords: best auction for rolex watches, best auction for Rolex, Paul Thorpe, Rolex bubble, Rolex prices gone mad, Why is Rolex so expensive, Why are Rolex watches so expensive, How important is Rolex paperwork, Does my Submariner, Rolex repairs under warranty, Rolex US reviews, Rolex dealers near me, How to sell my Rolex, Jenni Elle, Rolex Price Increase, Rolex unboxing, 2020 Rolex models, New Rolex models for 2020, Rolex latest models, rolex watches 2020, new Rolex releases, Rolex
Id: 1J1H8gknbtI
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Length: 19min 3sec (1143 seconds)
Published: Mon Jul 27 2020
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