2021 Rolex Releases EARLY REACTION

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[Music] welcome back watch people now it is the day that we've all kind of been waiting for at least it is the 7th of april 2021 and just 15 minutes ago rolex and obviously other brands as well released their new watties for 2021 and i thought i would give you the earliest possible reaction to those new releases and i have on the line with me our good friend jonathan gilbert from edinburgh watch company jonathan good morning i hope you're well yes a very good morning to you here from edinburgh and to all of your viewers around the world indeed a really exciting day for thanks for having me on the show it's absolutely my pleasure jonathan now we're just going to go through the rolex website and have a quick look at some of the new releases um of just for the purposes of accuracy i want to make this really clear we are recording this no more than about 15 minutes after release so the viewers out there will have to forgive us if we miss anything if we admit anything this is basically just a very early quick reaction to those new releases before we get into rolex jonathan i just want to ask you i don't know if you've had a chance yet to see it but patek have released a new 57 11 1a a green doll nautilus an absolute stunning piece though i think he's gonna be a surefire winner that's one i'll pop a picture up on screen um have you had a chance to see that yeah i have seen a picture of it yep i was talking to another watch dealer this morning and i think there's a bit of a theme of green coming in this year um i spent some time uh looking at what breitling's been introduced this year and they have gone back to a pistachio green there as well and i think ores are doing some stuff there as well so i think there's a very much a theme of green that we'll see through some of the watches coming out this year but yeah absolutely an absolute knockout there from them that new breitling that we spoke about briefly uh yesterday evening is absolutely stunning again i'll pop a couple of pictures up and value for money when you look at it particularly the still version it looks great value to me yeah and just so we know we're talking about um ahead of you calling me today paul i've been just trying to have a look at watches and wonders and kind of getting behind the scenes so what is watches and wonders and what's the big difference that we are seeing here in 2020 21 and how is that built into 2020 and i think it's really interesting and i'd really encourage you your viewers paul to go and jump on the watchers and wonders website um because there's lots of information there that's being released uh through this week and of course as then the shanghai show that's commencing on the 14th to the 18th of april but we're in a whole new world now of ways in which manufacturers are tying trying to get out to their their audiences as a sort of virtual way and this watches and wonders having listened to some of the chief executives brands there and the guy who's actually running that show is really trying to find new ways to bring wonderful video uh augmented reality this real virtual presence where we can all just enjoy and sit back in the comfort of our armchair looking at our computers and television and seeing this incredible uh collection of watches that's being brought out we're in a whole new world and i think with it's very much going to build from that in a way that this doesn't just reach the tens of thousands of people that would visit bowel but we're now reaching hundreds of millions of people across the world so i think it's really exciting uh change that we're seeing in technology that's allowed us to watch lovers to enjoy it yeah absolutely just moving back onto the rolex website um what strikes me initially well as i say you know it's a very early video mate we haven't had a chance to completely study it um i certainly haven't had a chance yet to see any potential models being discontinued and that actually interests me just as much as the new releases i note that the green doll daytona in yellow gold is still on the website currently as we speak um i have seen some new uh daytona's what interests me i think more than anything he's actually believe it or not the new 36 millimeter datejust that they've released with these new dolls now anybody that watches my channel will know that i always talk about condition and vol being very important when you buy a rolex or any watch really um but condition and dial will always have a lot to play um in the future value of a watch and rolex seems to have gotten on board with that this year looking at the new datejust in the 36 millimeter range they haven't discontinued the wimbledon doll um that in fact has been updated there are blue dolls were wavy blue dolls there are like meteorite type looking dolls also palm dolls all different sorts of dolls again i'll try and pop as many pictures up as i can on screen during the video but for me they've taken a leaf out of last year's releases with um the oyster perpetuals they've seen how popular those stellar dolls those beautiful dolls were and they've kind of drifted or they've merged that in by looks things into the datejust range and i think that's absolutely brilliant move because if we thought the blue dolls were popular on the date just last year wait until what they and see what they're like now the only thing that baffles me slightly unless i'm missing something they only appear to have introduced these dolls on the 36 millimeter range i may have that wrong but that does concern me a little bit yep i'm actually looking as we speak just now at the datejust 41 and uh i'm not seeing any new dials there but i think this is really interesting point because it's a watch that has been worn you know from 26 mil right up to 41 mil and a very popular watch and it is the watch that traditionally we've seen in in the jewelers windows when those sports watches were available now the volume of sports watches are probably not likely to change they're still going to be really really hard to get and i guess the rolex dealers are going to need an alternative and successful product to sell and i think with the introduction of these new datejust and these new dials it will bring more focus actually onto the brand that again will bring their customers into the stores but yeah they're absolutely knockout and the other thing too is that while we talk about the datejust 41 as an alternative to wearing a sports watch particularly if you you know you can figure it with a wimbledon a blue dial an oyster bracelet 36mm is still a great sized watch and particularly if you're not wanting to wear that larger watch there's a lovely choice there now to go and see so yeah i think it's great a great change for the datejust for moving on to the sky dweller i think a big surprise for a lot of people and one of these images was actually leaked yesterday um i was a little bit reluctant to go along with that i i've got to just say as i said jonathan you might have a completely different view i'm looking at the new sky dweller still and gold still on the jubilee for me i'm sorry that just does not work at all no no i agree i think the rubber strap one's really good yeah seeing you wearing on your wrist i think it's a it's a nice change to watch um let's just go in and have a look at the explorer and see what they've done with that this year as i say i'll repeat this is a very early video we haven't had a chance to completely go through the ins and outs the first thing that strikes me is the new 36 millimeter in still one goal that looks like it could be a winner um what's your opinion on that yeah i think it's an absolutely great looking watch um i know having had a number of the 39 mills through the years how hard it is to get the 36 mil it seems to be a real collector's favorite and it's just i think the balance the proportions of that watch absolutely perfect and i know our friend adrian that bark and jack will be no doubt pretty ecstatic to see another variation of his favorite watch so a really good classic size and of course they'll have introduced a new movement into it as well so i think it's a really good looker and the other thing too of course with the difficulty in getting steel watches whether it's datejust or the sports models these days i think the steel and gold market is really coming back in again and certainly the prices of you know bi-metal daytona's bi-metal submariners gmts they're getting stronger and stronger and often achieving premiums over markets i think this one will do very well and of course at that size well it's a unit unisex size isn't it so perfect for a gentleman or a lady to wear so good call a bit of a surprise for me um the changes or the lack of if you like in the explorer 2 the new explorer ii we was expecting you know a proper 50th anniversary model something that really stood out from the rest and stood out from the crowd for me that hasn't appeared um the new 42 millimeter oyster still new for 2021 same polar doll black doll 42 mil upgraded movement um i guess i haven't looked but i'd imagine it would um but you know again i have to say if i'm frank i'm a little bit disappointed with that yeah i think they haven't really done much to it at all um i think that's i mean it's a gorgeous looking watch but i think that you know the stainless steel bezel on that watch was always the achilles heel of it like a steel daytona it was all the one where you'd be nervous about scratching it and you couldn't really polish those scratches out for fear of damaging the rest of the dial but it's still a handsome looking watch and certainly even ahead of this new one coming out the prices of the explorer ii have really strengthened over the last year particularly the white one so it's uh and the price wise i think it was around about 650 so i think it's just marginally gone up i see it's eight 6800 there jonathan have they missed the trick with the explorer two i think i think they should have popped a ceramic bezel on it i think that would have really uh brought more focus on the explorer i think it's a bit it's a bit samey really and you know what i mean i think most people buying a watch like that fundamentally why do we buy a watch we're buying it because we like the look of it well this watch doesn't look any different than we've done before the old one would have had an accuracy of plus or minus two seconds maybe at 48 hour power so i'm sure this one with the new movements in it now we'll have slightly uh longer powers uh but the accuracy will be much the same so uh not significantly different before so yeah i'm with you on that one a little bit disappointed yeah somebody couldn't have done something a bit more extreme on it it's a baffling one for me i expected the introduction of maybe some green um just to sort of separate it from previous watches to identify it as an anniversary model but like you say very samey okay jonathan so let's go and have a little look at the gmts and see what we make of the new releases from that particular lineup this year um obviously the big one is going to stand out um i'll let you lead with that yeah interestingly this wasn't on the first thing you see in rolex and i've had to literally go and almost go into the watches and start to look through the collection and i have found what i think is going to be the watch for 2021 because if i'm looking at it correctly on this screen here they have put not only an oyster bracelet back onto the batman which is great i'm a big oyster fan but look what they've done pull they put a pepsi vessel on the oyster bracelet at seven and a half thousand pounds that is gonna be the absolute the most desirable watch this year yeah that that is good yeah it's going to be hot i mean i'm not sure why they've reintroduced the um oyster bracelet on on the uh the batman on the black and blue bezel that's a little bit samey for me i i like the fact that they've done what they've done with the with the pepsi um it's not because the jubilee or they don't see the jubilee as successful bracelet otherwise they wouldn't have moved it on to the sky dweller which again i've got to say i just think doesn't work at all but if you think what they normally do don't they they bring out um so that model was available with the black dial in white gold and then they introduced it with the beautiful blue dial and they've had a couple of years of that watch out with a blue dial and white gold and now they've introduced it in stainless steel so shall we say it's a bit more affordable that is an absolutely gorgeous gorgeous watch so that's that's your peak so far is it yeah 100 i think back to that explorer you know if we go back what a couple of years ago when the sea dweller 50th anniversary came out with this steel and gold well that really was a left field watch as well we could never have predicted the sea dweller would come out and steel and gold and it did and they've done the same with explorer they've got massive intelligent rolex they know what's going on around the world they know what people are wanting and uh i think it will do really well but yeah the batman's back and uh the pepsi on the noise oyster so i think that's a really good one but there may be more if we look further pull behind the scenes than in some of the other models but they're certainly ones that are uh jumping out just now and it looks i think meteorite seems to have a bit of a theme as well doesn't it um in some of the daytona's that it certainly does so jonathan obviously a big fan of the new gmts for me the highlight of the new rolex releases are actually once again in the daytona range jonathan let me take you to the new daytonas i can see three of them um and for me all absolutely surefire winners that are going to be extremely sought after we've got this beautiful white gold model on the oysterflex bracelet um with a meteorite dial we have the 18 carat yellow gold version with a meteorite doll and the pink gold version with the meteorite doll i go back to what i said right at the beginning the video doll is always important and they don't really get a lot better than this in my humble opinion what do you make of the daytonas yeah i think uh wallace and i'm actually daytona through and through i think if you gave me a very big check i would just go and buy daytonas i absolutely love them um meteorite as i said earlier i think it's uh it looks absolutely gorgeous on a watch it makes the dial really pop and that white gold one is uh i think a very understated looking rolex in that color and a very wearable watch on the oyster effect strap so i think that's a good call that will run about the 27 thousand pound mark the yellow gold one that's an interesting dial configuration there with the meteorite and the black sub-dials and the rose gold one yeah absolutely lovely so i think again it puts more focus onto the daytona i think it would be great to see them doing something with the steel daytona to perhaps put an oysterflex strap on that watch that would have made a app that would have been just a really lovely looking watch i actually with my own daytona i had a white and a black one i didn't i managed to fit an oyster flex to it and it did it looked it looked really well but yeah good collection there paul i think these will do well yeah i was expecting a pink golden still daytona this year but just just quickly uh moving on to submarines nothing new in the submariner range nothing new that i can see in the sea-dweller range again um something that baffles me you know they've put these oyster flex straps on the sky dwellers which is basically an aviator's watch or you know it's not particularly a watch that's associated with the water if you like i still can't understand why they haven't put oyster flex straps or giving us the option for the uh on that on the sea dweller or the the submariner strange one for me but you know who knows how rolex work and how their minds work so overall um points out a 10 from what we've seen again if you've just come into this video i've got to stress you know it's not even 11 30 a.m yet these watches were released at 11 very very quick uh uh review and response to the new releases points out tim from what you've seen so far jonathan i think i'm about seven uh but that's without a lot of that seven is made up from the pepsi um i i think the the daytona's that we see here the meteorite dials i mean they're they're unaffordable for the most um but the explorers now um come in uh there's a few nice changes there how about yourself paul what racing would you give it well i think i'd go probably the same as yourself jonathan sort of seven maybe a six out of ten um i like the new uh pepsi gmt on the oyster bracelet i think that's a surefire winner not so sure about going back to the future with the batman reintroducing that black blue bezel with the oyster bracelet i think once it's done it's perhaps best left alone i'm not quite sure what i've done there definitely definitely not a fan of the sky dwellers on the jubilee i just do not think that works at all um i don't know what rolex are thinking there obviously there'll be people out there that disagree and that's absolutely fine it's just my own personal opinion i think they've missed the trick with the explorer i think that's a disappointment i think they've missed the trick by not introducing um the a sub with an oyster flex strap i think that would be an absolute surefire winner was always looking forward to a pink gold sub that hasn't appeared but i think um probably one of the biggest winners this year for rolex will obviously be at the higher end those meteorite dolls on the daytona's they're going to be a surefire winner but let's talk about a watch that's perhaps going to be a little bit more affordable and hopefully a little bit more obtainable probably the biggest seller that rolex have produced um in or or rolex have released this morning will be those 36 millimeter datejust with the fancy dolls i think they're a surefire winner but again rolex being rolex they make some strange decisions i'd like to have seen them in the larger size because 36 mil in 2021 i don't think you'll find many men that want to wear a 36 mil these days so paul i think last night you were saying your prayers and i think the watch that you wanted that hasn't given a 10 out of 10 this year hasn't come out and i think you wanted that yellow gold james cameron didn't you i want to what i'd love to see if rolex called me and said paul will make a watch just for you what would you like i'd like an all gold all yellow gold uh james cameron deep cc dweller um either on a bracelet or on that beautiful oysterflex strap um i wouldn't complain either way but can you imagine that james cameron with that black blue doll on a blue rubber oysterflex bracelet um that would just be an absolutely immense watch but dream on i can carry on dreaming so if rolex want me as a designer jonathan if rolex want me as a designer i've currently got tuesday spare so we've had a lot of hype recently uh amongst the watch trade on the forums about what if they of course those years of height wasn't enough for when was the hulk gonna stop and eventually somebody was right and it did stop and there's been talk about you know the the gold daytona with the green dial being stopped i know that anthony the uh timepiece gentleman has been building up his collection of them and uh platinum daytonas uh are making you know 120 130 000 across there they have actually shot through the roof and again i think people thought was this the year that those two watches might have stopped but but they haven't so paul you've been in this business a long time and seen the hype and seen watches that may have been stopped not stopped what do you think that's going to do to the market on those watches now the prices of them probably in all honesty jonathan not a great deal and i'll tell you for why because just just because rolex haven't discontinued them it doesn't mean it doesn't mean to say there's any more going to come onto the market or they're going to become any less desirable and the one thing that we do know is that ultimately one day they will go if it's not this year it'll be next year if it's not next year it will be the year after so i don't really think it's going to have any particular long-term effect it might have a minor short-term effect um certainly the way production has gone with rolex watches even the new meteorite models that are for me going to be super hot it's availability that's the problem so i don't think it's a big deal for anyone that's been um investing or holding or stashing or whatever term you want to use they're not going to lose money as i mentioned earlier paul that the the visuals that we can see now on our computers of these these latest watches with the augmented reality etc is is absolutely fantastic and uh uh it's all it's all good stuff but yeah i think uh we certainly have a really exciting day for us watch lovers absolutely we certainly got plenty to do for the rest of the day my next mission i'm waiting now it's not long before um the release of the new tudor ranger obviously want to have a look at that um look there's a whole day two days three days a week's worth of research as to what's hot what's not what's new and what's been discontinued um thank you so much for coming on to the show this morning mate just uh get a quick initial reaction to the new releases out there for our viewers um and of course we'll both be back very shortly jonathan on his own channel if you haven't seen jonathan's channel it is the edinburgh watch company i can highly recommend jonathan's channel and of course i'll be back soon hope you enjoyed that ladies and gents uh thanks for watching and we'll speak again soon thanks jonathan the pleasure thanks for having me bye [Music] everyone [Music] you
Channel: Paul Thorpe Watch Dealer
Views: 53,094
Rating: 4.8161702 out of 5
Keywords: James Cameron, James Cameron Rolex Deep Sea Sea Dweller, Rolex Sea Dweller, Rolex Deep Sea Sea Dweller, Rolex DSSD, Rolex Deep Sea, James Cameron Rolex, Rolex 116660, Rolex 126660, Rolex Steel Sports Watches, Rolex Sea Dweller reviews, Rolex Deep Sea Reviews, Rolex Deep Sea Sea Dweller Review, Rolex sea dweller reviews, Paul Thorpe Rolex, Jenni Ellie, The Timepiece Gentleman, Roman Sharf
Id: CLpQNgBpE3w
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 23min 28sec (1408 seconds)
Published: Wed Apr 07 2021
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