"Discerning God vs. Satan: To Tell The Truth" Pastor John K. Jenkins Sr.

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when I was growing up I watched the program I don't think it still comes on I'm not sure but it was called to tell the truth you know who remembers to tell the truth all right put your hands out how many I've never heard her to tell the truth Wow okay I don't think it's on anymore it's a no-show but here's what the here's the premise of the show walk walk with me for a moment cuz I want to show you a clip from the show it's a four-minute four and a half many clip let me tell you what the premise of the show is the show is three people come out and they all claim to be the same person there's a panelist of four people and their job is to ask the three people questions yes or no answer questions so that they can try to discern and determine who the real person is at the end of the questioning period the host gives the panelists the opportunity to cast their vote for who is the real whoever it is and then they also this is a new twist to it I when I saw it on this clip it was when I was growing up but they added this to it they added a twist to it where the audience gets to vote as well for who they think is the real person y'all got it any questions let's go to the videotape what is your name my name is Kim Corbin and I'm a super sniffer number two what is your name my name is Kim Corbin and I am a dipper skipper number three what is your name my name is Kim Corbin and I'm a chipper skipper only one is the real him Corbin and has sworn to tell the truth open up the affidavit to have there in front of you which you now see for the first time follow along with me as I read this one testimony of the real Kim Corbin i Kim Corbin am skipping to fitness in an effort to lose weight I began skipping not only did I lose some pounds but I also felt better about myself as skipping reconnected me with joy and today I'm spreading the word through monthly skips on national skipping Network at an upcoming book about my favorite subject skipping while you might see it as child's play skipping has some surprising benefits and can include variations such as the butterfly and the chicken signed Kim Corbin alright there's a promise for you stick around we'll find out which one is the real Kim Corbin right after this doctor and it's time for both our studio audience and a celebrity panel to lock in their votes without discussion is it number one number two or number three and stick around we'll be right back we're gonna find out how everybody voted and who the real chipper skipper is on to tell the truth back to to tell the truth which one of our challenges is the real Kim Corbin the chipper skipper who promotes skipping for fitness meshach Taylor we begin with you for whom did you vote well thank you John but you know there's absolutely no reason why the skipping should not be you know a calorie burning exercise you do moving up so I understand that we're making light of it but if capita is a very effective way to get a good aerobic workout uh you know uh they all three look like they're in pretty decent shape here it's hard to tell but number two is something about her so here's number two running through my neighborhood and this is butch katrell and kennyon am throwing rocks at you you know me I think that's that's really great eighteen months seems like a long time to lose twenty pounds I know you're not supposed to be skipping some meals but there was something very different chipper about number two so I um number three I just felt I think you need a little more energy to skip and you're so relaxed up there and number one you get any more chipper you're just gonna skip us all out of here and I just I number two felt like you know it's somebody that I'd probably go skipping with so I'm gonna go I'm going to stick it on the fellows skipper myself having a one-year-old you need all the energy that you can get and sort of reconnecting with all of those childhood things that I used to love to do and it's a load of fun so good on you whoever you are but I voted for number two across the board they chose number two let's see if our audience agreed it is time now to find out which one of our players is the real chipper skipper will the real Kim Corbin please stand up playing fair we go yeah I know you wonder why did I show you that clip I showed it to you because one person was able to convince the whole panel and almost 60% of the audience that she was a person that she was not all for the panelists 50% of the audience voted on get to see the questions and answers and that means she had lied anybody had know anything about lying so she was she was able to convince and if she's able to convince people who she's not the devil is able to convince you of some things all right darling okay I knew this is gonna be a tough message here with this crowd this is Joshua I'm sorry Jeremiah this is the brian boys right here these two fellas are 16 years old they grew up in our church their mother gave birth to them she's been to remember our church for 18 years they are identical twins I talked to them just about every Sunday just about every Sunday they come up to me say hello to me greet me go back to the sea to go their way and after 16 years I still don't know who's who Joshua Jeremiah all right that's that's them now my son Johnny who's their age and they hang out and these fellows have come to my house and spent the night and hang out with my son when I say to Johnny I said Johnny how do you tell the difference between Joshua and Jeremiah he said dad they don't look anything alike but he's able to say that because he spent a lot of time around them and because he spent so much time around them he's able to tell and distinguish them one from another God did a great job did they appreciate it they got to go to work so I'm going to release them ago they've been with me since 8 o'clock this morning they've heard me preach this sermon twice already and give them a hand I appreciate that's what I want to talk about today because some of you have been listening to the wrong voices for so long that you can't tell the difference between God and say marriages are messed up finances are jacked up resources decisions we're making horrible decisions and what bothers me is the stuff that people put in the name of God amen I'm preaching as a preacher I'm preaching and teaching out that's what I want to talk about today and I want you to look at Hebrews chapter 5 if you have your Bibles with me very quickly and right here in the last part of chapter 5 verse 14 now the history is is that this unknown writer of Hebrews is writing to some Jewish Christians some Jews who have converted to Christianity and they are now contemplating going back to Judaism and he says to them in verse 14 solid food belongs to those who are of full age that is those who by reason of use have their senses exercised to discern both good and evil in other words they exercise their senses well enough that when they are faced with good they know what's good and when they're faced with evil they know what's evil what I've discovered has a pastor of a church and of this church in particularly that people don't know how to discern the difference between good and evil and they don't know how to discern the difference between God and Satan because here's what the Bible says about and Daunte all this was a Bible study so I'm going to be giving you verses y'all probably can't keep up with me but try but if you can't just write the book the verses down and then read it later okay we all do that thank you very much I appreciate it first Corinthians I want to I'm sorry second Corinthians I want to hit 2nd Corinthians very very quickly first the first thing I want to do for chapter 11 of second Corinthians verse 14 and 15 this is not what I normally doing Sundays but since you don't come to Bible study and bring in Bible study to you that's my normal saying y'all know that right and here's what 2nd Corinthians 11 verse 14 and 15 says it says for Satan himself transforms himself into an angel of light therefore it is no great thing if his ministers also transform themselves into ministers of righteousness whose end would be according to their works I like this because what he is saying is here's what the right is saying you got to be careful because when the devil comes to you when Satan comes he's not with a pitchfork and a red suit and a tail he comes as an angel of light and some of your lives have been messed up because you don't know how to tell the difference between when God is talking to you and when the devil is talking to you and some it's a problem because some people listening to the devil and they put it on God that's why some of your lives are messed up here's what I want to do today I want to give you some clear distinction between what's God and what's not God I want to spend a few moments today and define for you the characteristics and I can't I'm not giving you all I'm just giving you one little small slither of some of the ways you can distinguish when is God and what you can distinguish to be devil demonic Satan alright can I do that with you I'm hoping that by the time we walk out of here today you'll have some keys that you can use in your life to make a distinction to know when God is talking to you when it's not god amen I appreciate y'all listen to me very carefully first of all let's deal with God let's go let's go to John chapter 14 John chapter 14 and this is a very familiar pastor descriptive verse 6 well-known if you've been to church any length of time his reverse six days of John 14 he says Jesus talking one of the disciples Thomas asked him how do we know where you are going and how do we know which way to go jesus said verse 6 I am the way the truth and the life no one comes to the Father except through me that's John 14:6 very popular scripture is given us some characteristics about Jesus and about God here's what he says three quick thing number one he says I am the way somebody says the way Jesus says I'm the way and when he says he's the way here's what he means that word way means I'm a Road I'm a path I'm a I'm a mode a means I am the method I'm a I'm able to bring it matter of fact it means progress if you follow me you're gonna make progress now let me see if I can define this for you so it's clear to you so when Jesus says I'm the way he says I'm the pathway for you now what the devil is going to give you is not a path not a road not a means not a mode he will give you an opportunity the devil to give you a chance not a path of life you give you a one time deal that he wants you to do what Jesus says I am the way you follow me is it something you can repeat in your life it is something you can lay into your life and make it an everyday part of your life because I'm the way what the devil gives you is a suggestion to do it just let's do it one more time it's not something that that you want to repeat in your life do it over and over again is that something you want to make it a habit in your life but that's what the devil that's his plan as I say let me just get you to do it one last time y'all I know y'all don't want to y'all might be too young for this but to older people to aid in the 10 o'clock crowd the devil was say to them go back and hit that one last time y'all acting like y'all don't know what I'm talking about that's how you know it's the devil because it's it's not a way of life it's not a way you want to live your life it's not a pattern you want to repeat in your life Jesus says I'm the way B didn't say I'm just that he's the way he says I'm also the truth somebody say number two he's the truth that means what he has is not concealed the truth means it's exposed is not concealed what keeps so many people in bondage and the devil's foot the devil's foot in your life his doorway into tormenting your life and keeping bad habits in your life our secrets if you can get you to keep a secret somebody say secret that's not from God the devil the devil keep secret God doesn't God says I'm the truth I'm unconcealed what I have to offer can be talked about shared repeated told to others somebody bring something unique can't be told it's a secret that's the devil come o I said let's ask the devil Jesus I'm the truth what I have for you will give you victory and hope and answers in life and it can be repeated it can be told to others and somebody bring something down the pike and it cannot be repeated or told to others it's not from God number three he says I'm the life it's a Greek word Zoe what does it mean it means to be alive vibrant some of you live in your life and you're in a rut you're in the routine you keep doing the same thing over and over again you're repeating it over and over you're in a cycle of doing the same thing go to work the same way wear the same clothes do the same job do the same thing on the job hang out with the same people sit at the same table at lunch go back sit at the same desk do the same thing over and over again life is not exciting to you but I'm entertaining when you have life when Jesus comes and lives in you even though you're doing the same thing over and over again somehow another he gives you a sense of excitement about what you're doing oh I wish I had a friend fry with me here today because you excitement about he gives you joy about it and you when you have life you get up and you can't wait to see what you're going to do that day you can't wait to see whatever challenges that you have how God's gonna work it out that's what I'm excited about I get excited too I can't wait to see how is God going to figure out my day today why because I'm not facing this day by myself I have life and I've got so much life that I can't wait to see how God is going to work out everything that I'm facing today can I get a Amen from anybody this is I'm life she said I'm the way I'm the truth and I am the life matter of fact it means to be alive that's what that word means it means to be alive not dead not dry not boring not no spiritual up to you some of you've never had somebody had a religious experience an emotional experience you've had a psychological experience but that's different from having spiritual life so when Jesus is talking we recognize God because he's the way the truth and the life matter of fact in 10 John chapter 10 slide back to chapter 10 verse 10 of John he says the thief comes not accept as kill steal kill and destroy but jesus said I have come that they may have life and that they may have even more abundantly God wants to give you a bundle life you don't want you to keep living your life boring dead dry humdrum no excitement like y'all looking at me right now just did and dry and raised and face and all to stood up maybe one should have a smile and joy and excitement in your life that's the Jesus that leaser that's the God that we serve he gives you life he makes you dance and ain't no music playing he makes you singing ain't nobody here and not Zambian song he he gives you the ability to leap up and down dancing life but now the devil on the other hand Satan somebody say what does Satan look like let me tell you what Satan looks like I'm glad you asked a question I want you to gun did go to John 8:44 John chapter 8 verse 44 you are of your father the devil is Jesus talking and the doubt and the desires of your father you want to do he was a murderer from the beginning and he does not stand in the truth he does not stand in the truth because there is no truth in him somebody said there is no truth in him when he speaks a lie he speaks from his own resources for he is a liar and the father of it so here's how you tell the devil he's a father he's the father of lies he is the original liar he originated lying you want to know what your kids got line from the devil that's where they got it from he's the originator of lines he's that he is the he is the father of lies he is the originator of lies he is that which it tells what's not true falsehoods that's what lie mean matter of fact Satan's entire program is built on lies it's a matter of fact as a matter of fact whatever issue you have in your life I can guarantee you it can find its roots back to some lie that the devil told you that you have accepted as a truth write that down what are the issues in your life is it got there it has an open door to be engaged in your life from some lie that you accepted that the devil told you that's not the truth something like he told you that you embrace it devil told you you weren't pretty so you going out here cutting your hair and buying here and buying different colors and having surgery let me tell you something you're not going to look like Beyonce go ahead tell your neighbor go ahead help me out tell them tell them you're not going to look like Beyonce stop trying I hate to disappoint you I didn't want to burst your bubble but I know that's what you after you're in pursuit you're not going to be hurt or whatever you mean I was in the airport the other day and the lady was looked up to me I say I lit her eyes I say is that your eyes she said yeah I pay for the truth is God wants us to learn to embrace and accept how he created us oh I should have got a few amens on that point like there you and I have to learn to embrace how God made us we are fearfully and wonderfully made everything about you God created you to be you but the devil will have you thinking something else can I get a man right there y'all know that to be true I mean sure I'm not allowed to devil change the devil tells you that you don't have to submit to nobody's Authority your own person you're a grown person you ain't got to listen to anybody no that's not the truth God's truth is everybody needs to be submitted to somebody's Authority you're not listening to anybody you are out of control the side of the ruler guy have came nobody tell you anything okay nobody challenged you you so grown you your own person you don't have to submit to nobody you are out of you are outside of the will of God that's what the devil wants you to think but God calls all of us to be under somebody's authority okay all right let me tell nother lot of devil tell the devil tell you another eye tells us you want you happy it's getting kind of thick up here the devil wants us to think that God our God's primary responsibility is to make us happy and that's why people run from one relationship to another relationship another relationship looking for happiness let me tell you something God is not interested in your happiness that's a lie from him he's interested in your character development and for your character to be developed that means that there going to be some seasons when you're not going to be happy yeah I don't think I got any support in this section right here for that last point not nobody clapped their hands but it's okay I know heaven is backing me up and I'm trying to help you understand because here's what happened people get in the relationship they get unhappy and it's tension and stress and problems and by the way if you don't know marriage is a character developer that's what marriage is if you're not ready for your character to be developed don't get married if you don't want your car to develop don't get married don't get married you ain't ready for that because that's what that's what marriage does it will put you to the test it will develop your character need you don't now you too tired of this this joker he's all jacked up messed up you can't do him so you leave that marriage because the Lord wants you happy then you move on to another relationship now all of a sudden you start having challenges here in this relationship and now you ain't happy here now you leave that one rolling over to a third one and you just keep on going through situation of the situation relationship after relationship because you're not happy every Joker you picked got a problem and you are the only common thread with all of the relationships look at your neighbor say he preached it better than you saying Amen go ahead tell him because ultimately the devil wants you to believe a lie he's a liar your bondage is built on lies you believe and you believe the lies you accepted God side interest in your care in your happiness he wants your character to be built I learned that to be murdered 234 years to the same woman thank God she tried to leave me did I tell you that she packed her clothes and winnings I'm sick and tired of this mess you know did I tell you about that she was we really have to shake it out of this mess you start packing up clothes and I went in and I start packing my clothes I said I'm sick of tie this mess - I'm going with you we leave her let's go because she thought that the Lord gold my life was happiness but girl if you hadn't left me look what you have missed out on all that God has done look what the Lord has brought you through and - I wish I had an Amen right here somebody I might not have been everything then that I wanted to be but old baby look at me now I've been shaped and molded and fixed and twisted and turned and God done purged me and fix me and made me and I am Who I am by the grace of Almighty God you gotta learn to stick with way you are so God can help you to get the way he wants you to be but that's not what the devil wants I changed something else he lies to you about God don't want you to suffer that's why I can't stand that then well I hate him so now he wants you to try to avoid suffering but Jesus said if you want to reign with me you gotta suffer with me you want to enter into my kingdom and sharing the responsibilities he said you got to learn how to suffer with me if you don't suffer with me you can train with me but if you suffer with me you could reign with me I wish I had somebody who knew the Bible here today there are seasons of suffering and I could go on and on and on but that's the devil is a liar somebody say he's a liar and some of you are believing his lives that girl to that program lied heard through her teeth and she was able to convince everybody the whole Pamela and 57% of the audience that she was the person she was not that's what the devil is doing he's lying to us and I'm sick of people being at church all their lives being in church for a long period of time and still can't tell the difference between good and bad by this time in your life you ought to know the distinction between God and Satan let me let me finish up here here's and here's the number here's a number here's here's the second character visions of the devil he's not only a liar go to Revelation chapter 12 I'm almost finished can I give you out two more verses and I'll be done oh just two twelve o'clock service I can take my time revelations 12 says this verse 10 in Revelation 12:10 says then I heard a loud voice saying in heaven now salvation and strength and the Kingdom of our God and the power of his Christ have come I loved let me back up and Rita Shaw I love this I heard a voice a loud voice saying in heaven salvation and strength and the Kingdom of our God and the power of his Christ has come have come for the accuser of our brethren who accused them before our God day and night has been cast down it has given us a description of Satan who will finally be cast down and one of the traits of Satan is he is an accuser of the Brethren jot that down say the devil is an accuser say that loudly the devil is an accuser here's another one of his traits he accuses the Brethren he finds fault with the Brethren he finds offense crime wrong blame now anytime the enemy comes he's going to make an accusation some of y'all live in the domain of the accuser you know his voice so well you repeat what he's rushers a whispers in your ear so often that you can't even tell that it's the devil talking to you here's what the devil does he accuses without fat without proof without visibility without behavior without seeing it without hearing it it makes an accusation when you enter into the domain of accusing accusing somebody of something of which you have not seen or you do not know you are an accuser of the Brethren may let that sink in for a moment being seen that you ain't heard it you're making an accusation and anytime you make an accusation it's the demonic realm I need y'all to write that down I need you to tweet that put that on Facebook Instagram that statement accusations is the arena of the devil so the devil comes of whisper in your ear she don't like you that's an accusation he trying to give next to your wife that's an accusation or whatever anything along that lines that's an accusation from the from the devil isn't that from God you don't hear me what did I say I wish I would listen to me so y'all could say what I said all right I gave it to y'all I've done my charge thank you at least one person is listening to me I think did he say what I say it I love you where you at where you at Thank You Man I appreciate it let me give you one last thing I'm finished John 10 and this is my last thing I'll be finished chapter 10 verse 10 we read this earlier the thief does not come except to steal and to kill and to destroy the thief only comes is why he comes steal kill and destroy that's his trait to take away the devil wants to take something away from you that has value that's still he wants to kill he wants to sacrifice it he wants to destroy that's what destroyed two utterly demolished two totally get rid of he wants to kill your family he wants to destroy it he want to mess up your marriage he wants to mess of your relationships mess up your finances he wants to kill steal and destroy that's him be wise enough Saints be smart enough be a student of be discerning enough to distinguish the difference between when something being suggested to you that's from God and when something's being suggested to you that's from the devil when the devil tells you that you can't have life you can't live you can't have joy that's the devil God says he wants you to have life and have it more abundantly he came to give you truth Jesus came to give you life the devil came to give you lies he came to accuse he came to steal kill and destroy I got great news we serve a God and some of y'all have listened to the devil long enough but guess what that's why this is the year of restoration well I wish I had a praying crowd with me of somebody who knew and understood that we serve a God who has the capacity to reach into the mistakes of your past and fix up what's been broke and repair it and get you back in right-standing with him Amen somebody give the Lord a shout like that today's dynamic message from pastor Jenkins is one that has the power to change your life but it can only do so if you have a heart and soul that belong to Jesus Christ perhaps you want to be able to make such a claim but you don't know how it's simple you just have to confess with your mouth and believe in your heart that Jesus Christ died on the cross for your sins and rose again with all power your sins and now forgiven and you're part of the family of God welcome maybe you're already saved and in need of a church home one that will nurture your growth and development as a Christian or perhaps you were once in fellowship with God but have since drifted away and are ready to return to your first love whatever the case we'd love to have you become a part of the first baptist family simply contact us a 301 773 3600 or visit our website at WWDC Glenarden org for more information on any one of our four convenient services or our one hundred-plus ministries designed to meet your most intimate needs First Baptist Church of Glen arc where God is developing dynamic disciples you
Channel: Inside FBCG
Views: 102,082
Rating: 4.8017817 out of 5
Keywords: FBCG, Pastor, John K. Jenkins Sr., First Baptist Church of Glenarden, Lord, God, Jesus, Christ, Sermon, Word, Bible, Study, Baptist, Church, Gospel, Preaching, Ministries, Ministry, Spirit, Salvation, Fellowship, Black, Preacher, Preachers, Discerning, Satan, vs., God vs. Satan
Id: qJ0D_BeJNj0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 35min 28sec (2128 seconds)
Published: Fri Aug 21 2015
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