"The Keys To Draw Closer To God" Pastor John K. Jenkins Sr. (Powerful Word)

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praise the Lord this is the day that the Lord is made and I'm rejoicing I'm glad in it and even though here in the Washington DC area it's raining today we still have sunshine and our souls because God has been so good to us and I pray that the goodness of God is shining in your life as well so thank you for joining us today I'm going to be ministering from the book of James today about getting closer to Christ how do I get closer to God how do I walk with God and hear from God and see them supernatural miracles of God flowing in my life and the scriptures are so clear about what God wants us to do and the steps are that are incumbent upon us to draw closer to God we're gonna be in James Ford I believe it'll be a powerful word to encourage you thank you for joining us have a great day god bless you [Music] worthy to be honored and we bless your name we'll give you thanks for your loving kindness of the multitude of your mercies for every door you've already opened in every door you're yet to open we pray for one another we pray for our brother our sister we pray for our intimate Internet family around the world we pray father that you would touch them grant on what they stand in the need of work of miracle in LA father I pray today in the name of the Lord Jesus that you had annoyed this word and his time of worship let it be a sweet aroma in your nostrils accepted in your sight Almighty God to pray save somebody that needs to be saved reclaim a backslider and a the name of Jesus have your way father and we thank you rebuke the hand of the enemy build a hedge around this place let the popular gonna be really security that hearts have changed and lives are transformed amen all right open your Bibles to James for very quickly I noticed the time is laid away [Music] turn to James for say Amen when you get there I want to read verse 7 8 9 and 10 here's what it says verse 7 therefore submit to God resist the devil and he will flee from you draw near to God and He will draw near to you cleanse your hands you sinners and purify your hearts you double-minded lament and mourn and weep let your laughter be turned to mourning were joined a blue [Music] I want to talk about the keys to draw closer to God somebody say the keys are draw closer to God tell your neighbor the keys to draw closer to God you can be seated I don't know where you are in your journey don't know where you are in your walk but I suspect that because you come to church there's some people here today who desire to be closer to God tomorrow than they were yesterday yeah I want to get closer to God I never want to get to a place of contentment but I want to get closer to God and here's what the scripture says here's what verse 8 says if you draw closer to God he will draw closer to you you make a step toward God he makes a step toward you you reach out to God he reaches out to you you approach God he will approach you if you seek God's face he'll seek you he'll seek you out if you're not as close to God as you used to be make no mistake about which one of you has gone astray it is not God who has strayed it is not God who's gone by the wayside it is in fact you and I wanted to take just a few moments today that I had and talk to you about something that I think it's very important to God and it should it be important to you how do I get closer to God how do I draw closer to God how do i how do I get God flowing in my life and and the thing I've been saying all day today and I want to say it right now again to y'all is that I like living my life I like living the life where I see God open up doors that I know only God could have open anybody here ever had our door open and you know that only God could have opened that door only God could have orchestrated certain events and certain things to happen only God could have made this happen and I like living my kind of life where I see God doing just that working miracles on my behalf and giving me the desires of your heart the scripture says delight yourself in the Lord and He will give you the desires of your heart you delight in the Lord and he'll give you the desires of your heart he'll make those doors open and it begins with being in the posture of drawing close to God your problem is you are a miles away from God and you think that just because you show up on Sunday he ought to be happy and do some point and my challenge here today is to tell you what it is you need to do to get in the right in the right place so that you see God open up doors for you and I so I want to hit you it today the keys the principles of what needs to be in place in your life so you can your closer to God now they're all the three points I want to make it right here in this section of Scripture that I read there's a bunch of other things that I'm not going to talk about but I'm gonna I'm gonna pick three things today out of this passage but I do want to just highlight again verse eight this is if you draw drawn near to God and he might draw near to you is that what it says no draw near to God and he what will it's a promise from God you draw close to him he'll draw close to you you you make the effort to what him to make effort toward you and here's what it tells us to do here's number one there it is right here it boils down to these three points here's number one it says right here in verse number seven therefore submit to God somebody say submission you got to submit to God now in in America submission is a cuss word because nobody wants to submit to nobody nobody wants to be responsible for answering to or submitting to somebody else and that's the downfall of you being able to get to where God wants you to be you're unwilling to submit you don't you don't want anybody to tell you what to do you know you don't want to be under the authority of anybody and that's what the word submit means it means to arrange under it means to subject yourself under somebody to yield to another's directional advice the word submit is a Greek military term which means you arrange yourself in the troop and get under the command of a leader who that's profound it means you're lining up every area of your life you you are allowing God to be in charge of every arena of your life some of you will never get to where God wants you to be and never have the favor of God in your life because you're unwilling to submit this is what my challenge is as a pastor of a church and a pastor of Negro people everybody wants to do what it is they want to do see y'all think submission is let me back up submission you have not submitted if if somebody asks you to do something or if God asks you to do something that you agree with kind of quiet back here with these young adults ain't heard a single Amen from these young adults after y'all saying that wonderful reckless love of God song yeah submission occurs when you're directed to do something by somebody in a position of authority and you don't want to do it and yet you line up yourself to get in line and March to the tune of what somebody else tells you to do that's when you know you're in a place of submission my big challenge and talking to people day after day and week after week and what I do every day is I butt heads with people who and I try to tell them what God wants for their life and I give them Scripture they say my opinion it's not my assumption of what I want you to do I'm giving you scripture to do and they say I don't want to do it I don't want that that's what I hear very frequently I don't want that that's not what I want I don't like that well when you under the authority of Jesus it's not about what you that's why some of you cannot get what God wants to do God wants to be close to you he wants to open up miracles and doors and bless you and take you beyond your dream and and and and and do things for you that's unimaginable that'll blow people's minds but if you keep kicking against the pricks if you keep fighting against God it's impossible for him to do it but is if you want him to do it because even God knows you his child and you're under his care and you're marching to his feet and you're in love with him and you're obedient to him and you were submitted to him he will open up doors for you that you could have never opened on your own or y'all ain't hear me y'all not saying nothing I'm trying to get you to understand that that's what God wants all of us to learn to do submit submission say submit say it ah let me talk back at her brother say something I know it's a cuss word in this culture you want to do what you want to do you in charge your life that's why your life is so jacked up now cuz you been in charge somebody say submission holiday that's clear submit to God there therefore submit to God submit to his word submit to what he says it's clear now let me challenge you I bet you everybody in here everybody got something in your life that God has asked you to submit to that you haven't done if y'all say Amen together nobody know I'm talking about you I bet you everybody here got something a god been challenging you on talking to you about speaking to you about urging you to do and you haven't done it y'all notice how the amens get lower and lower and lower every time I say it I'm trying to drive this point on you cannot get the favor of God in your life like you want it as long as you're in charge of your life now submission you know the Bible this this is our lifestyle so I come this way I gotta be in church every Sunday I don't care where I am what I'm doing it doesn't matter what country I'm in I'm going to church somewhere I'm gonna find me a church I wish I could say that's the truth for other members of my family get a camera right here real quick left let the people see her shake her head no because I I don't know if I don't get out of the word this thing washes my life and washes my heart and washes my mind I gotta be in this word both reading it and in terms of worship determine hearing the word this is this is my daily what I need every day because this is challenging me in so many areas it's pushing me in so many years just like I know God is challenged and some of y'all in so many areas of what you need to do my problem is that you know church church people's here the past at each state's attorney leave out of here sandi themselves ain't doing that then go and do what they don't do make a havoc and record a life didn't come back here come stand in line pastor I need to meet the children no you don't I need a cancelling session I'm counseling right now I'm doing counseling session right now somebody's people been a member of this church for years yeah walk out and do what they want to do and didn't come back and didn't want me to make the time here's what I feel I say to people how long you been a member of the church 10 years if you haven't listened and done what I said in 10 years why would I think that you would do what I say in 10 minutes in my office it's tight but it's right to stick up in here the tension is up in here stuff is tough pass this stuff up in here you notice ain't saying Amen AZ not breath they looking at me and some I'm looking straight ahead they don't want me to come by them they think I'm gonna call them out or something like that I'm just trying to tell you submit in every area of your life submit when it comes to how you manage your money submit I know I told you how to cut up your credit cards but what did y'all do held on to your credit card I ain't cutting up my credit card what did I tell you to do for unanswered I told you pay your tithes and offerings its ties and all 15 people clapped on that one its tithes and offerings that's the mission the scripture says you robbed God in tithes and offerings you also tie y'all right y'all check for $13.17 I'm gonna give God my tithe and not a penny more I tell you I don't date people who are insane but no you think you've been called to missionary evangelistic dating now you're all entangled up with somebody who don't go and by the way listen God ain't never called nobody to be dating somebody who's not saying he used to say loving the Lord supposed to be loving the Lord on fire in the word with Jesus and you feel the Lord leading you to be dating somebody who'd not say let me tell you something I asked the people when it comes I think about getting married pastor I said is he saying problem number one when they say I don't know if you don't know whether the person is saved that's reason enough right there for you not to be involved with them [Music] y'all shoulda came to this server look at the quiet they look at me they mad at me I'm just trying to help y'all understand God didn't call you to do that and you get it all entangled and all entwined and by the way just because somebody go to church don't mean they saved I'm almost finished it's about 45 more minutes I'll be finished [Applause] do y'all understand what I'm saying what in your life has God called you to submit to because everybody here got something did they kicking against the pricks and you won't draw close to God submit that's number one here's number two isn't verse seven - it says resist the devil y'all not resisting the devil y'all welcome in the devil y'all friends with the devil y'all singing the devil's music if I went on guiding most of y'all's cars right now just took the key from you and got in your car and turned it on BAM on the radios coming on it ain't gonna be Jesus keep me near the cross blurting out of the radio in your ear in your head in your heart in your spirit in your soul is music with words and messages that are the opposite of what God is all about cinching up in here bro attention they don't like this kind of preaching they thought I was gonna stay up there and just preach it a nice little sermon but I had to come down here and get in their grill so the music part he listens to pair music you hope not maybe how old are you 12 you had to go to the bathroom I'm glad you came back y'all got to learn to resist the devil and y'all not resisting the devil you making rules from your watching stuff on TV perpetrator I got y'all y'all have to say nothing you know what I discovered about the 12 o'clock crowd this is truer than 10 in the 12 o'clock crowd if I say something and you know somebody guilty ya'll say Amen pastor preach but when I say something that's about y'all y'all don't say nothin that's how I know when I'm at home and I'm right on it well y'all get quiet like that y'all know y'all watchin these programs and these shows and these movies and stuff that's not perpetrate anything that's edifying or it's gonna build you up or help you become a better Christian or help you make better choices you're looking at stuff on TV that's the opposite y'all letting the kid cut what's his name Kayne what is his name Kayne crazy Wes what is this name what's the man's man wait neither one daughter North one daughter wouldn't sounds another daughter East crazy and y'all trying to be like them listening to his music trying to walk in the footsteps of him and his crazy wives and their fan somebody tell me please hurry up and finish pass it please for ya resist the devil when you resist he will flee from you but if you don't resist them he'll move in he'll pack up move his stuff come in your house live in your house leave your family make family your family here cuz you ain't resisted him yet y'all better learn to kick that joke out of your house and tell him you don't want nothing he got you don't want his music you don't want to see these shows you don't want his books his magazines you know what nothing is messing your house cuz you want God's favor over your house you will not enjoy over your house you want God's hands over your house and you can't get it why you entertaining said let me upcoming you I'm finding out coming to a close let me give you a third thing what was the first thing I told y'all yeah number two existed that one here's number three humility walking humility with God if you've been around he'll at the time even hear me talk about humility because humility is the order of the day that's the thing that moves God God loves humility the problem most people is you're too arrogant you think you're all that you think and his will puts you in the role of thinking you all let you compare yourself with somebody and I think I've been preaching trying to tell y'all stop comparing yourself to somebody else to make yourself feel good about yourself distribute says humility humble yourself and I love this verse right here because if you humble yourself under God this verse 10 by the way it says humble yourself in the sight of the Lord and He will lift you up you humble yourself on the guy here elevation somebody looking to be elevated it requires humility now I'd look I try to live a life of humility I tried to walk in a way and make choices that are reflections of humility what does that mean pastor it means I look for times to serve I look for opportunities to admit wrong ask for forgiveness even when I'm not wrong [Applause] when I go to a meeting and most of the meetings that I go to I'm pastoring the largest church in the room if the other pastors in there but I don't walk in there like I'm a big dog [Applause] some of y'all God can't give you a big business cuz your hair is already big you ain't got no business oh god I better sit down cuz I feel something coming on me right now look for ways to serve look for ways of humility anybody who's been around me any length of time they'll see me picking up trash folding up putting chairs away cuz I don't I don't think I'm so big that I can't do that I don't think I'm big I look awful I believe because I live like that God's elevating me so I want to press you challenge you and push you on these three things right here you won't get close to God look for being submitted to his word in his ways submission resist the devil because the devil won't come in your life he gonna make suggestions oh by the way that I tell you what the devil looks like do you know how you know what the devil looks like did I talk to y'all about that yet you know the problem I have is a preach all these sermons and if I get I forget what I told who so most people especially the twelve o'clock crowd they think the devil pass the Queen has a red suit a tail horns and a pitchfork y'all want to know what the devil looks like I'm TIA to recognize them look at the person next state [Applause] when the devil talks he uses the people that are the closest to you [Applause] some of y'all been instruments of God and some of y'all been instruments of the devil job lost his what lost his ten kids and gots stringing with a case of boils from the top of his head to the bottom of his feet the devil talked to his wife and she spoke the devil spoke what the devil said his wife spoke what the devil said to her she said you ought to go and curse God and die that was the devil talking through her feeling something over in this section right here I don't know why I keep coming over here he makes the suggestion and you say it that's how that works he makes it he can use you how many of y'all do y'all know the devil can use you Jesus told the disciples he was alone down on the cross Peter jumped up and said I would die don't never happen you will fight for you we won't let that happen and Jesus said get thee behind me Satan to Peter the one who preached on the day of Pentecost Peter allowed two devil to use him momentarily and I'm trying to tell you I'll resist that father thank you for this opportunity to share with the people of God I pray today that we would draw closer to you Father and closer to you help us submit to you resist the enemy and walk in humility just as Jesus walked in humility just says Jesus submitted to you just to see Jesus resist the devil let us do that to every day in Jesus name Amen all right do me a favor look at your neighbor and say are you saved are you backslidden are you sure your salvation do you have a church home so if you ain't right come on I'll walk down there with you just bring them on down here real quick bring it on down here say let's get right with the Lord let's submit to God let's draw closer to God let's get in the center of God's will just let God speak to us come right now quickly come come on blood is running warm in your veins you got the activities of your lips come right now [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] right don't put it off don't debate come right in [Music] ah [Music] I Oh so [Music] I'm [Music] oh hey and right now the way all right help me celebrate the Lord for these [Applause] the person behind you is a counselor and they're going to take you in the back come on amen I'll wait [Applause] [Music] alright praise the Lord now she brought her son as he said he wanted to come what we try to do is when children come we asked him why they come a parent cannot make a decision for a child you said it does outset but what you want a child to say is our I know I'm a sinner and I need Jesus in my life that's when you know they're ready right that's what we he's not quite ready to deliver alright father I thank you for these who've come I pray today that their faith would be extended toward you and they would walk in repentance I pray Heavenly Father that you would reveal and manifest yourself forgive them cleanse them and fill them with your presence in Jesus name Amen [Music] [Applause] give the Lord a shout of praise [Music] amen praising glory enough bless the name of the Lord amen all right okay thank you all for coming I love you the Lord bless and keep you and make his face shine upon you and be gracious unto you and the Lord lift up the light of his countenance upon you and give you his peace in Jesus name you [Music]
Channel: Inside FBCG
Views: 219,403
Rating: 4.8101935 out of 5
Keywords: first baptist church of glenarden, john k. jenkins sr., The Keys To Draw Closer To God, FBCG, pastor, t. d. jakes, Powerful Word, Bible, Sermon, Church, God, Lord, King, Closer To God
Id: 2fi8AscGDgY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 34min 45sec (2085 seconds)
Published: Wed Jun 20 2018
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