"Don't Quit, Anything Can Happen" (Powerful Testimony & Praise Break)
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Channel: Inside FBCG
Views: 914,396
Rating: 4.8486686 out of 5
Keywords: FBCG, Pastor, John K. Jenkins Sr., First Baptist Church of Glenarden, Lord, God, Jesus, Christ, Holy, Grace, Sermon, Word, Bible, Study, Baptist, Church, Gospel, Preaching, Ministries, Ministry, Praise, Spirit, Religion, Blessed, Blessing, Salvation, Revival, Fellowship, Choir, Black, Preacher, Preachers, Chorus, Easter, Don't Quit, Anything Can Happen, Praise Break
Id: 1FuTA0rFong
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 37min 33sec (2253 seconds)
Published: Sat Mar 26 2016
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