"Hearing God's Voice" Pastor John K. Jenkins Sr. (Powerful Bible Study lesson)

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glad to see all of you tonight thank you for being here the last few Sundays not just past sunny but a couple Sundays before that I've been trying to bring up to speed a lot of the people about understanding God's will for your life and it's becoming more and more apparent to me that when I think people should know certain things they know and I see people making horrific decisions anybody here ever made a not just a bad decision a horrific decision and I'm trying to help everybody especially the new people we got a lot of new people you know Church who just need to learn so a couple Sundays ago I talked about five ways of knowing God's will we talked about scriptural direction that you follow the word of following the authorities in your life godly counsel provision and circumstances what is in addition to that that I want to talk about tonight because even all five of those areas the enemy can use so if you're not careful the devil use Scripture to make you think you're doing something that's God's will and it's not God's well how many y'all know that the devil quote more verses and all us in here put together and he can walk astrayed circumstances and he can he can make provisions I think I said in some of the services we talk about provisions because some people think if you need money for something and you don't have it then you get the credit card in the mail you say look at God look at your neighbors say God ain't in the credit card [Applause] that that wasn't God or just you know I want to further dive into this and I'm gonna talk on something tonight that talked about before and I sometimes I feel like I don't need to talk about it again but its appearance in me did I do and we'll talk about discerning God's voice discerning how you know when it's God talking to you and amen like all two of y'all for that appreciate it very much because there are distinctions distinct traits when God's talking and they're distinct traits when the enemy is talking and it's critical that you know the difference [Music] my family has a late spirit upon them it's in the whole family yeah looking ya'll point in my direction pray lord quit pointing me say Lord deliver the pastor's family from a late spirit point right at me I'm taking because I'm late sometimes too I'm late often so I'm examining myself first before I look at anybody else so anyway I want to talk about this distinction so how you know the difference and there's a way you can know clearly when it's God when it's not God you got to know those traits and if I want to start off by talking about the traits of God's voice let's start with that well let me start off with Hebrews five I didn't give them this verse so this it's not gonna come up on the screen because I didn't give it to him but let me just give you Hebrews five I wasn't gonna do this I wasn't gonna talk here but I changed my mind I'm going to talk about the last two verses of Hebrews five and it says verse twelve thirteen and fourteen actually does last three verses it says Hebrews twelve verse 5 verse twelve of Hebrews five for though by this time you ought to be teachers you need someone to teach you again the first principles of the Oracles of God and you've come to need milk and not solid food for everyone who partakes only of milk is unskilled in the word of righteousness for he is a babe for solid food somebody say solid food belongs to those who are of full age that is those who by reason of use have their senses exercised to do it discern both good and evil and in the course of our life we've got to be able to discern the difference between what's right and what's wrong was good and what's evil and the devil's voice is evil God's voice is good and we got to be able to know what those differences are so we want to walk down through the five traits of God's voice and five traits of the enemy's voice here's the first one when God talks to you he rules by piece Colossians chapter 3 verse 15 says and let the peace of God rule in your hearts to which also you were called in one body and be thankful that the peace of God ruled in your heart somebody say the peace of God the peace of God as an inner peace 1st Corinthians 14 verse 33 says for God is not the author of confusion but of peace has in all the churches of the saints God is a God of peace and peace means God brings harmony between individuals when he says let him when Colossians says that got ruled by peace it means you allow him to govern help you make decisions and make determinations for your life with peace this is not saying that peace means that there will be the absence of turmoil externally let me give that to you again let me say that again when he talks about peace see some people here's what I hear a lot of people say let me break it down like this some people make decisions that are opposite of God but because they don't have no more drama in their life they think that's the peace of God so in other words you leave your marriage and now you say you feel at peace and you're saying that because there's no more turmoil there's no more fighting or arguing or whatever that's not the answer when God's talking about peace that's not the kind of peace he's talking about the this peace that God is talking about is an internal peace that does not equate to the fact that there's no more drama on the outside when you got the peace of God even if there is drama on the outside there will be something quieted inside of me so don't confuse the absence of drama with the peace of God just sometimes you can be right in the middle of God Matthew chapter I'm sorry jot this down I don't have time to turn there but jot down mark chapter 4 verses 35 through 40 at 41 marked for verses 35 through 40 you want to take it down because I know you gonna go home and read it the disciples were in were obeying the Lord he gave them instructions to get on a boat go to the other side of the river other side of the sea they got in the boat and while they were on their way they encountered a storm but yet they were in the middle of God's will you can have you could be in the middle of a storm and be right in the middle of God's will things are not going right for you that's we're not you can have the peace of God and be right in the middle of a storm right in the middle of drama God has the capacity to bring you that that peace in the middle of a storm now having said that let me add this to it in the Book of Jonah job just looked down Jonah chapter 1 we Jonah was good opportunity Jonah God gave God God gave John some instructions told him to go to Nineveh he decided he didn't want to go to Nineveh he want to go to Tarshish so he jumps on a ship pays the fare now he's headed to Tarshish and because he's outside of the will of God they encounter a storm I think it's interesting that you got two scenarios here one way it is the will of God and you're in the storm and one whale it's not the will of God and you're in the storm so here here he's outside of the will of God and he's in the middle of a storm and and the and the sailors on board the ship are trying to get control of the ship in the midst of the storm and Jonah is downstairs in the bottom of the ship sleep now his drama has caused drama for everybody else it's cause he'll for everybody else and I think that we have to learn to discern that when God is speaking to you and when God is giving you direction you peace can be one of the components of it but make sure that the piece is a peace from God because you're obedient to God not because you're disobeying God I'm gonna come back to that in a few moments let me go to number two highlight that a little bit more than a few more minutes no fear this is this is an important point that God does not govern us or speak to us using fear 2nd Timothy 1:7 said God has not given us a spirit of fear so anytime fear is in the picture I know y'all have heard me talk about that a hundred times if you've been here for any length of time God has not given us a spirit of fear but of power and of love and of a sound mind God gives us a sound mind he gives us stability he does not want us to be afraid and when you read in the scriptures multiple times God talks about no fear at least 11 times it says fear not 50 times it says do not fear any time fear comes in the picture you can rest assure it's not God talking if something is trying to make you force you to make a decision and that decision is birthed out of fear you can right off the bat determine that is not from God because God does not use fear to drive you to do anything that fear is from the enemy that is the voice of the enemy it's not from God here's number three not by quick deadlines in Isaiah 28:16 and Isaiah 52 12 it talks about not making hasty decisions some of you have made some quick hasty decisions and they they they were wrong and you need to know right off the bat if you got deadlines you know quick deadlines not that not that there's anything wrong with a deadline but if you got a quick deadline did you I had time to go and pray you don't have time to see God about it it's a quick deadline in a hurry then it's not from God God does not operate by giving you a quick deadline because God is not governed by time he's not restricted by time so any times it might come and tell me you got to make a decision my son such a time I already know the answer God is not governed by time if you're telling me I have to do this by a certain timeframe then it's not God whoever the Bible says if you're a believer you do not act hastily that's what 2816 says of Isaiah Isaiah 52 12 says you shall not go out with haste you should not go out and do it quickly uuuuuugh don't rush into decisions that's an important point do not rush into decisions do not rush tell your neighbor don't rush and creat decisions take your time don't make quick don't feel don't feel rushed to make quick deadlines quick quick things here's number 4 when God speaks he's his voice speaks good things Philippians 4 verse 8 it talks about a series of things of whatever's lovely and pure and all of these things we should think on these things meditate on these things finally my finally brethren whatever things are true whatever things are noble whatever things are just whatever things are pure whatever things are lovely whatever things are of good report if there is any virtue and if there is anything praiseworthy meditate on these things when the devil is talking to you he's going to speak horrific things and even when God has something to challenge you with he says it in a nice way if my people who are called by my name will humble themselves and pray and seek my face and turn from their wicked ways then I'll hear from heaven and forgive their sins and hear their land that's God - giving you a warning to turn your life around but he says it in a good way in a positive way Isaiah 1:18 come now let us reason together though your sins be as scarlet they shall be his white as snow though they be red like crimson they shall be his wood God God always gives hope this is the thing that will God speaks to us hopeful things he gives hope when you meet somebody who is devastated by something you know what you got to do this to give them strength speak hope to tell them tomorrow's gonna be a better day you crying today but you ain't gonna cry forever tomorrow's gonna be a better day so speak good thing speak positive things that's what God's voice does he tells us positive hopeful excellent pure holy innocent lovely friendly things true things and anything that doesn't fit that categories outside of the will of God here's the number 5 it is in harmony with the whole counsel of God God when God speaking to you he ain't gonna tell you something that is in contradiction with another verse of scripture or another principle of the word I think I said a few weeks ago lady told me one time God told her to take her ties and pay her bills that's the wrong answer that wasn't from God God is never going to tell you to do something that's gonna make you be in conflict with another principle of his word so if you think God is showing you his will and it's causing you to have to be in contradiction to a principle then that's not from God second Timothy 3:16 and 17 that all Scripture is given by inspiration of God and is profitable all Scripture is given by inspiration of God and is profitable for doctrine for reproof for correction for instruction in righteousness that the man of God may be complete thoroughly equipped for every good work this word that God given to us is all inspired by God and it all works together they don't contradict each other if there's a contradiction then there's a misinterpretation or a misapplication but the scriptures are crystal clear and if you have to violate one Scripture talk to which would you feel like is to obey another scripture you're outside of it that's not God talking to it daddy that's not his voice now let me go to this to the devil's voice let me just tell you a couple things real quick that that I don't have notes on but I'm going to just lay this out to you first of all there's several places in the scripture where we see the devil talks and here's what's consistent about his voice he always miss quotes the scriptures or speaks lies when you see the places where the devil is talking in Scripture he's either miss quoting scriptures using it out of context or just telling outright lie he's the father of lies and we will talk about this in a few moments too he's going to question the character of believers anytime somebody's coming along and they are questioning somebody's character their intention their motives their heart that's demonic I'm gonna prove it to you in a few moments here's number one it challenges God's declared truths and boundaries the devil when he talks did God really say is that what he really meant Genesis chapter 3 these first five verses now the serpent was more cunning than any beast of the field which the Lord God had made he had and he said to the woman has God indeed said you shall not eat of every tree of the garden now now there's a there's a misquote right there because God said just don't eat from one tree he said the gods say you can't eat from every tree at a garden and the woman said to the serpent we may eat the fruit of the trees of the garden but of the fruit of the tree which is in the midst of the garden God has said you shall not eat of it nor shall you touch it lest you die verse four then the serpent said to the woman you shall not surely die there's a lie right there outright lie you won't die for God knows that in the day you eat of it your eyes will be open and you will be like God knowing good and evil he's a liar somebody see that devil is a liar he's gonna challenge the boundaries he's gonna say that is not really what the scripture meant when it's ever so clear and in the devil table it don't apply to you you know always meet somebody who feel like they they special and you don't don't apply to you this this restriction this boundary this challenge it doesn't apply to you but the fact that I'm at is it does apply to you here's number two he seeks to pull you away from God's divine purposes and plans for your life I wish everybody was enthusiastic as you are over there he seeks to pull you away from what God's divine purposes are for your life and God's plan for your life and we see this demonstrated when in Matthew chapter 16 when Jesus was headed to his death his purpose and the devil uses Peter to try to pull him off course and that's in Matthew chapter 16 verses 21 22 and 23 from that time Jesus began to show to his disciples that he must go to Jerusalem and suffer many things from the elders and chief priests and scribes and be killed and be raised the third day Jesus telling the disciples this then Peter verse 22 took him aside Peter took Jesus aside I got an email this week from one of our members who never preaches but they took a preaching class so they pulled me to the side in the email and said we learned pastor in our preaching class that your subject ain't supposed to be more than seven words got me up here counting these words if living in a glass house don't throw no stones don't get nobody no advice if you ain't done it yourself I read that I said the nerve Peter pulls Jesus to the side verse 22 then Peter took him aside and looked and began to rebuke him saying far be it from you lord this shall not happen to you yet can I go back and reverse 21 again from that time Jesus began to show his disciples that he what must go to Jerusalem and he must suffer many things from the elders and chief priests and scribes and be killed and be raised the third day and be raised the third day he said I'm gonna die but I'm gonna get back up again and Peter pulls him to the side and we find out where that came from in verse 23 but he turned and said to Peter get behind me Satan Jesus recognized that that didn't come from Peter it came from the demon that was influencing I probably should have emailed the person back and said get thee behind me [Applause] you are an offense to me for you are not mindful of the things of God but the things of men Jesus is saying to Peter and to the devil because the devil is thinking in humanly terms i'ma come to that point in a moment he's thinking limited he's thinking in a restricted way and Jesus has to rebuke Peter because he doesn't understand and rebuke the devil because he doesn't understand that God's ultimate purpose for Jesus was to come and die on the cross we wouldn't have that's the whole reason he came was to come and die so our sins could be washed away and here the devil is trying to interrupt the plan of God and you got to know that when you start headed in the course of the destiny of your life I promise you somebody gonna come along and try to get you off the path or what God has fearing that devil won't come along with some other suggestions some other idea try to get you on some other course but you gotta know here's what I know about God is I look back over my life I look back over my life and I know that everything every job I had every experience I had all of my journey everything that I went through God was preparing me to do what it is I'm doing right now and that's the way God works and that's the way he's working for you and in your life and if you go back and look over the course of your life there's things that have happened in your life that God is using to get you prepared for his destiny and somebody gonna come along and make a suggestion that you were bad and all of the things that God's been using to get you ready and try to get you on some other course that's the opposite of what God's will is for your life [Applause] and if he can get you off course that's the devil's plane if he can get you off course if he can get you in a place where you're not in the will of God for what God has destined you to do he will have achieved his goal but if you stay the course somebody tell your neighbors stay the course stay the course of what God is orchestrating go through the doors that are open y'all know I'm a prophet I prophesied a couple of weeks ago that the Eagles was gonna win the game somebody say pastor you a prophet go ahead say you I think I only did it at 12 I don't think I did it to other services but but I did promise I that that the quarterback was gonna hand the ball to a running back and the running back was gonna try to go up a hole and that was such a prophetic true scripture prophecy it happened multiple times in the game somebody said happen all the time [Applause] here's number three I'm acting like I got all day the devil speaks to you when you are spiritually and physically weak and this is this - it's a critical thing when you are not at your strongest place the devil will talk to you and I tell people and I want to say this again never make life-altering decisions when you weak do not make life-altering decisions when you are sick don't make life-altering decision when United your strongest point that's the devil's ground for playing with you messing with you Luke chapter 4 the devil tempts Jesus after Jesus had been fasting verse number 1 let me read these first three verses then Jesus being filled with the Holy Spirit returned from the Jordan and was led by the spirit into the wilderness being tempted for forty days by the devil and in those days he ate nothing and afterwards when they had ended he was hungry and the devil said to him that's what the devil do he'll come talking to you when you're physically weak then he he made this if you're the Son of God command this stone to become bread the devil's the devil starts talking to him and the devil will start talking to you - when you're weak and if you have to be wise enough smart enough not to allow him to manipulate your thinking and so don't make life-altering decisions when you're weak here's number four the devil seeks to appeal to your flesh and please your flesh say to yourself that's what got me in trouble pleasing my flesh and throughout this whole chapter of Luke the devil talks to Jesus and tries to tempt him and and each thing is a fleshly deal ego thing he tries to appeal to him in verse 3 says if you're the Son of God command this stone to become brain just when Jesus was hungry you haven't even fasting but jesus answered and said answered him saying it is written man shall not live by bread alone but by every word of God that's in verse 4 and verse 6 and the devil said to him all this Authority I will give you and their glory for this has been delivered to me and it and I give it to whomever I wish let me back up to verse 5 the devil taking him up on a high mountain showed him all the kingdoms of the world in a moment of time in that amazing the devil takes the creator of the world up on top of a mountain and see it all disappear you and their glory for this has been delivered to me and I give it to whomever I wish therefore if you will worship before me all will be yours that devil is crazy and jesus answered and said to him get behind me Satan for it is written you shall worship the Lord your God and him only you shall serve and the definitely had no right to say that anyway it already belonged to Jesus he's already to create of it all then he brought him to Jerusalem said in verse 9 set him on the pinnacle of the temple and said to him if you two son of God throw yourself down from here for it is written he shall give his angels charge over you to keep you and in their hands they shall bear you up lest you dash your foot against the stone and jesus answered and said to him it is it has been said you shall not tempt the Lord your God so in all of these cases the devil is trying to speak to appease ego and flesh and that's what the devil does with you he wants to appeal to your flesh and your ego the biggest fights that happened in church is when somebody's ego is threatened that's what the biggest arguments have been how somebody feel like they should have been treated a certain way it's the ego yeah God has called us to humility don't let your flesh call the shots if you're not careful that flesh will take you out he will make suggestions to destroy your your flesh and try to make you fall go down that road and it will always end up in pain and tragedy and problems here's number five he's an accuser of the Brethren he accuses the devil is an accuser in revelations chapter 12 in verse 10 then I heard a voice saying in heaven now salvation and strength and the Kingdom of our God and the power of its Christ have come here it is for the accuser of our brethren who accused them before our God day and night has been cast down this is a trait of the enemy is accusing others that's a trait of the enemy in and I think I've talked to you about this before anytime somebody is accusing somebody of something that can't be proven intention motives heart all of that all you can do is accuse somebody you can't prove it those are accusations and that's demonic in nature in job chapter 1 really when you gotta get a chance I didn't give this to them just jot it down now there was a day when the sons of God verse 6 6 through 11 job 1 there was a day when the sons of God came to present themselves before the Lord and Satan also came among them and the Lord said to Satan from where do you come so Satan answered and said answered the Lord and said from going to and fro on the earth and from walking back and forth on it then the Lord said to Satan have you considered my servant job that there is none like him on the earth a blameless and upright man one who fears God and shuns evil so Satan answered the Lord and said does God does job fear God for nothing have you not made a hedge around him around his household and around all that he has on every side you've blessed the work of his hands and his possessions have increased in the land but now stretch out your hand and touch all that he has and he will surely curse you to your face here's what the devil is doing he is making an accusation against the saints against job he is saying you know what the reason job is serving you is because you put a hedge around them you've protected him you provided for him he's making an accusation if you take all of that away from him he'll stop worshipping you if you take that hedge away if you stop providing for him he will curse you to your face and whether you Lord are not the devil is still making that accusation against you and I he wants to accuse us that the only reason we are serving God is because of what he has done for us and he put a roof over our head and clothes on our back and we are grateful for all of that but we gotta be the kind of people that though he slay us yet we will trust him the devil will accuse us that if we lost everything we had he's making that claim if we have fire from our job if our families get ripped apart will we still worship God and we got to be at a place of maturity to say that recover what made no matter what comes down the pike he's still our Lord and still our God and we will still worship Him he is an accuser of the brother and I say that to say cuz you got to be careful and you got to be cautious that you're not spending time accusing people of something that you cannot prove you are entering into the demonic realm and the devil matter of fact he's talking to you all the time about what you ain't you ain't really save you ain't this you ain't gonna do that he's an accuser you got to recognize that voice and reject that voice and just don't honor that voice don't give weight to that voice the devil is telling you I was taught I was counseling somebody today and they made me so I was counseling somebody and they made me so angry they said neither hated of God the God doesn't like them God hates them and when they said at the 3rd time I had to have taken all I can take and I can't take some no more I had to just come out and say I wish you would just shut your mouth Bob keep on repeating that lie about God God loves you and just because life is not going the way you want it to go at the moment doesn't mean that God hates you you're not dated of God that's a lot from the pit of their shtetl I know God try to find out what God's trying to teach you and show you and what character he's trying to develop in here stop lying on God like that you and I got to learn to listen to to recognize when God is talking to us and know that voice and how to recognize the voice that didn't come from God some of you are listening to the lives of the devil and his accusations and his voice and everything that he's about and you're believing the stuff he's saying and my challenge to you today is don't believe what the devil tells you he is a liar somebody look at your neighbor say he's a liar [Applause] all right I'm done I'm gonna take questions if anybody got any question I'm one time praise the Lord [Music] first time in a long time I rushed to all of this because I'm trying to do better with my time we ran no questions all right okay okay come somebody good evening sir thank you for that puddle committee they gotta turn that mic up so I can hear you just so it's all it's just that point in the house so I can hear it they just they just need a minute okay go ahead it's up now thank you sir for that awesome teaching thank you very very much [Applause] [Music] you spoke about Jesus in the wilderness Luke 4 where he was questioning Jesus about no it was the part about him offering the world to Jesus and you you made a really great point about yes yes the devil also profile you forgot all about it that's how good it works I just want to ask the question without giving too much context what are the weapons and the tools that believers can use to keep remembering the things that God has given them we only got this is our weapon right here the Word of God right here know this this is our weapon matter of fact Ephesians 6 tells us about our weapons and one of the weapons oh that that whole Ephesians man you shouldn't asked me that question cuz it's a great question but Ephesians 6 goes through a whole list of things okay and you should get the series that I've done on this because every piece of the armor in Ephesians 6 represents some component of what we need to have in order to win the war we can I read you real quick I serve this you raise since we got time and you raised the question I really need this in this season of my life I can see God shifting things and I want to stay rooted that's why I'm asking I'm up quickly he just hit this but you need to get the series because because I can't go through it all but Ephesians six beginning of verse ten finally brethren be strong in the Lord and then the powers might put on the whole armour of God that you may be able to stand against the wiles of the devil that word wiles means the tricks of the devil he's a trickster the Bible says we are not ignorant of his devices we know his tricks for we do not verse 12 we do not wrestle against flesh and blood but against four entities principalities powers rulers of darkness of this age and spiritual hosts of wickedness in the heavenly places each one of those four entities come along with a special trait that goes along with them the series that help teach you what that is verse 13 therefore take up the whole arm of God that you may be able to withstand in the evil day and having done all to stand the evil day is when the devil aims all of his guns at you and comes at you with everything that he has if you haven't experienced an evil day is coming it's gonna be a day is coming but God says I want you to be able to withstand cuz you got the whole arm of God on and having done all that you don't understand verse fourteen stand therefore having girded your loins Girt at your waist with truth there are seven truths that we should gird our loins with it's the belt of truth everything that when the when the when the roman soldiers put on their their armor they had a belt and everything attached to the belt everything attached to this belt so he says put on that belt and there's seven truths that we we talk about and we teach regularly in our church that we need to learn about so that we can have the belt of truth on this is have put on the breastplate of righteousness that that deals with the breastplates guards your heart something else powerful I forgot I had that mic right there the most important thing for you to guard is your heart out of your heart flows the issues of life [Music] the devil will challenge you and try to corrupt your heart make you bitter angry resentful unforgiveness and once he's done that he wins because he's got ahold of your heart he says guard your heart and what that means you can put yourself in a position that you don't allow your heart to get corrupted don't get bitter with people you got to learn to forgive let it go Lloyd tell your neighbor let it go who released you you're mad upset would people trying to get him back then I'm gone what they like they roll on and you you're you're stuck because you are bitter and upsetting and you haven't forgiven and you can't move forward with that God wants us to learn how to guard your heart with the breastplate of righteousness and then he says having charged your feet with the preparation of the gospel of peace that's that's put on your put on your feet the ability to share the gospel one of the things that every believer has to be capable of doing is how to share the gospel with somebody we have we have in our church about 600 altar counselors out of 11,000 people who come we got 600 people who are all two counselor qualified meaning they they've taken the train and they know how to lead somebody to the Lord that means we have over 10,000 people who don't think it's important for them to learn how to share the gospel well you want the whole foot when you want the whole arm of God on you got to be prepared to have your feet shot that no matter where you walk you are prepared to share the gospel of Jesus Christ online then it says above all taking the shield of faith with which you will be able to quench all the fiery darts of the wicked one the devil will aim his fiery darts lit lit darts darts data on fire he says we defeat those with faith we got to be people of faith that we believe God no matter what our circumstances are I believe God's will make a way you got to tell yourself in the midst of the most trying times I know somehow God's gonna make away from me out of nowhere I don't know how I don't know when but I know he's gonna make a way somehow I don't know I don't know how soon it's gonna happen but somehow someway everything in the past y'all scuse me for a second I feel like shouting right now cause every thing you experience in your past is preparing you to deal with your future right today everything I cried about everything I struggled about everything I've gone through is preparing me to walk insane with what I'm going through right now [Applause] Hey [Applause] somebody hop by your neighbors say I believe God he's going to make a way and no one looks impossible I know it looks like he can't change I know it looks like I'm going to lose but I believe God Moses thought they were going to get killed by Pharaoh's army but God opened up the waters and they walked across on dry ground the Hebrew boys thought they were gonna be burned in the fiery furnace but God kept them in the midst of the fiery furnace Daniel looked like he was going to be eaten by the the lion of God shut them out for the lion by faith [Applause] faith and above all taking the shield of faith with which you can quench all the fiery darts of the wicked one and take the helmet of salvation that's your thought life control your thought life this is how Musti notes of us get defeated we can't control our thought life and the sword of the Spirit which is the word of God we get this if we meditate on this if we think on these things if we hide this in our heart if we study this believe this look in this we shall win and lose [Applause] [Applause] [Applause] that's his name a winner somebody try to mate with you and you go to win and you go to win and you you wanna win and you gonna win we win yeah [Applause] [Music] [Applause] did I answer your question where you go [Applause] where you go did I answer your question okay [Applause] [Music] my god amen all right [Applause] [Applause] colonies hi-yah [Applause] just go ahead and play this all right amen we might well shout [Applause] we got some of the shoutout we win it loser all right hallelujah we have so much to thank our for [Applause] praise the Lord well the weapons of our warfare are not carnal but mighty through God to the pulling down the straw [Music] casting down every high thing that exalts itself against the knowledge of God we go with we're going [Applause] anybody want to get saved me but I want to join this church anybody want to rededicate anybody's not sure come real quick that's you you fallen in Category unsaved backslidden unsure don't be afraid don't be ashamed let's come on unsaved backslidden unsure or you're already saved but you want to be a member of the church already want more with God all right y'all come mood is stand right here how they do [Music] thank you I believe somebody prayer come on down here let me pray for some people who need some prayer today [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] first lady come up here real quick since you late you had the price it needs people since your wife she better be you got your hands all over we're winners y'all [Applause] don't judge your future by your present circumstance speak life to yourself in that day speak hope to yourself learn to recognize the voices that you listening to some of you are listening to the wrong voices and you're making decisions based on listening to the wrong voice listen to the voice of God amen discern because whatever whatever things are lovely and pure and holy think'll knows things that's his voice all right the Lord answers my wife's prayers she got she not that she got more closer to God to me it just seems like he answers more for prayers for hurtin for me okay even when we don't deserve it that's the kind of God you are we are privileged that you are our Father so because we know you're our Father and because your word is true and because you are mighty and you are strong and because there's no god like you because we couldn't praise you or not for your goodness because you are exalted above every God every nation because at the name of Jesus every knee will bow that's why we come to you God so Lord we thank you that we are winners you made us winners we are the big doors because of you and we thank you for that we thank you God that we can stand on your word and that we can hear you when you talk to us and that when we talk to you you listen and lean over because you want to hear what we have to say so lord I beseech you on behalf of every person standing here around this altar god to you every concern every request we lay it on the altar and lord i pray that you would do according to your word according to that situation God speak to it and causing to be as you created it since the beginning of time father so lord I pray for your peace that surpasses all understanding God that we will trust you to cause everything to come in line with your word and with your will and Lord we thank you that your word says that no weapon that is formed against us that's formed against the destiny that you have for us for our families for anything that we touch God that it would not prosper so Lord we love you we believe you we stand on your word God and we want you to know that our eyes are on you so have your way father we desire to give the good report so that men would see all our good works and glorify you hallelujah we pray now Lord in Jesus name that you would give us confidence when you're talking to us rebuke fear father in Jesus help us to stop making decisions that are instigated by the enemy but helped us to make sound decisions with the confidence that you're talking to us help us to see clearly the doors you're opening close every door you don't want us to go help us here with clarity your voice help us discern when is your hand orchestrating the circumstances when is your hand guiding our authorities when is your hand in Jesus name we pray it's turning around for me it's turn around let's declare this tonight for me one more time [Music] hallelujah [Music] [Applause]
Channel: Inside FBCG
Views: 216,213
Rating: 4.8188844 out of 5
Keywords: Sheryl Brady, T. D. Jakes, Jasmin Sculark, Dr. Jazz, Joseph Prince, T.B. Joshua, Billy Graham, Bishop David Oyedepo, Bishop T.D. Jakes, Chris Oyakhilome, Benny Hinn, Creflo Dollar, Kenneth Copeland, Bible Study lesson, Bible Study, Hearing God's Voice, pastor, god, baptist, church, bible, fbcg, First Baptist Church of Glenarden, Pastor John K. Jenkins Sr., God's Voice, Powerful, John K. Jenkins
Id: DV7g061-oJ0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 65min 1sec (3901 seconds)
Published: Sun Mar 11 2018
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