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[Music] so [Music] welcome back to finnegan's garage thanks for hanging out with us i appreciate it do me a favor subscribe to the channel if you're not already push the like button tell your friends this time we are once again playing with the renegade jetboat which is our 1976 rogers bonneville tr we're about to make some upgrades trying to find more speed because i have a feeling at some point new burn is going to have to line up with jack stand jimmy i don't know when but i feel like that should happen hopefully it does i have seen lots of comments for people like y'all need to race yeah yeah i have no idea how fast this boat is but um because i missed the last video where they actually raced but i know he won you know so it must run pretty decent this is a legit 74ish mile an hour boat can we go faster with just some bolt-ons not on the engine that's what i'm wondering so this is a box from place diverter and controls an american company straight out of southern california who's been backing jet boaters in their pursuit of more speed for decades the owners are super cool in fact they both have rogers bonneville tr's which is sweet and what we're gonna try here today is a new adjustable nozzle from place diverter ah it's even white yeah oh yeah they dialed it in this looks just like the nozzle that's already on the boat except for one important aspect that is bored out for a nozzle insert which are these color-coded thingies here every one of these is a different size and what this does is it takes a giant opening here and next it down to a predetermined size and depending on which one of these you put in here and depending on how much volume of water is going into that jet pump this can increase your top speed can help your whole shot can do both and it's been so long since i've tested any of this stuff on a you know medium boat not a stupid overpowered boat i don't know which one does what so we're gonna find that out today we're gonna go out make a hit with our existing nozzle which is not bored for inserts should go about 73 74 miles an hour like it always does then we're going to bolt this on and see what happens to the top speed and acceleration of our rodgers sweet so now we got to undo the rooster 3000. oh man yeah that's gonna have to come off we'll put it back on later yeah we will we will but not today maybe add more all right i did have an idea for adding more we got to do yeah we got to do your 90 degree idea it involves some welding but uh yeah there's there's more to be had there [Applause] all right i'm excited about this never done this test before all right first things first take the steering off and then uh we gotta take the rooster booster out and then bolt the droop straight back to the bowl oh boy this this test is gonna get a little more complicated oh so we have a droop snoot which is longer and has a different angle than this which is an hph i think is what they call it it's a shorter mini droop this works good on like tunnel boats stuff that don't need a lot of lift we'll knock the pins out when it's time to test and leave this on here and then test just this i don't want to mix up the results by switching this and that i think i'm going to order a really cool scoop for it oh it needs one it needs one like i was looking at i was like man that scoop that hot rod scoop's got to go it's not a bad scoop it's just we've we've run it on so many things i know it needs a a legit scoop on it yeah and right now like scoops are uh we're at an interesting point in history of scoops because for like the last 15 years all the jet boat guys started adopting like dragster style scoops yeah those are kind of played out i want to look at some magazines get some ideas yeah and the stuff like the mic cool looking scoop that's on rubber duck that would be the kind of scoop you would have saw in the 80s 90s and then the fiberglass pro stock you know dragster cell scoops that's what everybody around the early 2000s now it's kind of wide open i feel like you could do whatever you want you know we could build one even if we needed to that'd be cool [Music] [Music] so so the water level's usually right here [Music] and this is why we're not using the ring that's a massive drop-off [Music] oh my god at least there's no traffic [Music] all right you want to get in yeah i'll just stay right here you're gonna have to go back a long way the boat unhitched the front of it the boat's like eight inches from the water still i knocked the front okay get in i'll back you in and i'll never touch the water it'll be great okay you go best friend of the year [Music] [Music] moaning in october so the only difference between the last time and this time is cooler air colder water and the scoop is backwards what does that all add up to i have no idea that is a good looking boat [Music] right now he's just out cruising putting some heat into it it's going to take a little while for that thing to warm up when the water is like 40 degrees and the air is about 60 degrees the tune was pretty rich in that motor so it's probably gonna like this right here [Music] ever came up so i know he adjusted the diverters up stop to about four and a half degrees which should have shown us a small roost that's the fastest this boat runs is with that angle but i didn't see it so i don't think he ever got the diverter up see if he hits the button a little more this time or if there's a problem [Music] you didn't have any roost do what it didn't look like the diverter ever came up i pushed it up how long did you hold it on five seconds how fast did it go 72 really yeah interesting because i didn't see much of a roost and it looked like it was running wet okay well we'll switch nozzles and put it at the exact same angle it's at now okay i'll put the trailer back in uh back up before you hit the shore i'm not pushing you out nice how does the crawl up there and uh when on this thing's cool man i was watching everything right there dude that's right and look i got a pretty good hole shot too the uh steering is uh i don't think i got the steering tightened up there's play in it so like it was like at first but then i got it under control and it was fine but part of that could be like when the nozzle is coming up you know so i i got on the button to push it up as soon as i floored it okay all right yeah he's got it i don't need to you know get out i should be here behind the steering you know ready to gank the boat out of moment's notice a rogue wave could come and wash over the back of that boat at any moment and sinking we can't have that i need to be here ready to move immediately not out there or the water is cold no problem [Music] all right so now we got our baseline 72 miles an hour we should uh verify the pump angle again and then make sure we match that when we put the new nozzle okay did you bring the new nozzle i uh okay we'll change it to the house that's fine i brought the inserts okay we brought the inserts that don't fit our old nozzle new nozzle which the inserts do fit at home all right is it not in here for real yeah i'm pretty sure you know it's not in here it's never in here dang it okay bro if you're cold just say so you know we'll get you and get you a heater blanket i love that thing it was great it's leveled up our youtube video right here let's stop this video real quick i need to ask you one more time can you hit the subscribe button for me you probably forgot to do it i know you want to right now please thank you on with the show so we're taking this bracket off our new nozzle this is for a different type of steering system it's a single uh like morse teleflex style it's just a cable that pushes and pulls in one direction we have dual cable steering that pulls on each side here so it's missing the arm for our steering we'll just transfer our steering over this is also a different type of nozzle adapter this i believe this i believe is called the place diverter hph or something like that it's a shorter nozzle than what we're currently running so if you look here that's basically where the other one would be not only is it shorter it has a different pin angle and so if we were to make this change in this change it would be two changes at once and then we wouldn't know whether the new nozzle with inserts is what really helped or hurt the boat because you know two changes so to be scientific we're just gonna put this section onto our droop snoot put the inserts in one at a time and go run the boat all right and then this needs to come out because this is also not for our stuff game over runs a similar type stuff it runs this adapter it runs a place diverter nozzle with inserts our inserts are custom whereas these uh or any of them are at some point we'll grab them we'll show you guys these are all off-the-shelf ones that anybody can go buy which is sweet but yeah basically all the same stuff that i run on game over can be found and purchased by you guys [Music] there we go [Music] so this one is 3.250 three and three sixteenths three inch three and one sixteenths so i don't know what the stock bore size of a place diverter is but they machine it to then accept these inserts and this is machined to a hair under three and a half inches outside diameter okay so it'll slide into there and then it chokes it down and in this case it's three and a quarter inches three point two five oh three and three sixteenths like you said three three inch and three and one sixteenths and then after that you can machine them to whatever you want you know limitless um and so a boat like this a v bottom typically doesn't overcharge the pump doesn't feed it more water than it can process and so uh it's been a long time since i've done the spawn of v bottom but i like big changes so i'm gonna say put the smallest one we have in there which will increase the pressure and it should hold shot better will it top end better i don't know um but let's just go that way yes right away and if the boat doesn't like it for whatever reason go the other way we'll put a three and a quarter one in which is still smaller than an empty unmachined place spreader nozzle so what's is there any way we can measure that guy right over there to see what a stock one yeah we could with a inside micrometer or you know snap gauge or something we can't do it with calipers they won't reach but but yeah at some point we can measure that um okay these are tight so we can start putting the steering back together that was the pilot transport guy he's bringing death metal back right now and so he should be showing up any minute okay let me get this okay that should now go in no problem yeah actually you know what before we put it on let's try and put the insert in okay so right now there's a red one in there oh really i thought the red one was 3.25 i got this quick where's the 760 so the way the inserts stay in is it's just a screw in the side that catches a groove and it just pinches it in there and uh yeah this is three and an eighth so this is 3.125 so you've got 3.250 [Music] three and an eighth we've got three and three sixteenths three inch you got you got a lot of options here sweet the biggest one we have for an inside diameter opening is three and a quarter inches which is huge um but we're gonna go the other direction and squeeze this thing all the way down to three inches so that just slides right in there and then right here i don't know if you guys can see this but there's a quarter 20 bulb that you just snug in there and it pinches it in there and you don't want to go too gnarly because it'll it'll distort the thing because it's just pushing in on the side of the insert which is enough so it can't blow out okay that's actually kind of crazy because like that one little set screw yeah with the pressure you would think it just i don't know i don't guess it can though it's a very smooth transition in there yeah and so there's nothing kind of grabbing it all right so now let's put the steering back on [Music] [Music] all right so this isn't the most scientific test you can do um we don't know exactly how long you were wide open how far you went while you were wide open the draghi because the boat doesn't have breaks and doesn't sit still the draggy was running the whole time so we don't have like your et or anything right now we're just seeing can we get some more top end out of it and see to the pants does the whole shot feel better i was uh i was on i was at 72 mile an hour for probably six seconds i was like i was like go go and this would not go over tapped out and it looked like it was just dragging the bow like it was running really wet really so there could be more there but in the interest of being semi-scientific we'll leave the nozzle angle exactly where it is and go run it again okay and then after we get your final number there's still some daylight or something out here or good water let's just you know adjust the bolt give it some more nozzle angle and torque it all right yeah i'm going with the wind because like i was i was going to go this direction but i was going against the wind i was like i need all the help i can get so i went all right down later on we'll go with the wind turn the scoop around backwards give it some more up nozzle you know it's the equivalent of throwing the toolbox at it so we've put this cam this foam mount backwards because we're paranoid that it's gonna yeah it's gonna accelerate so hard the phone's gonna fly out so let me start this guy all right that's started i hate for the phone to fly backwards and get eaten by what's left of our six rib alternator belt we're down to like three and a half ribs on that piece she's good she'll make it the whole season i think and look it ain't even it's it's only on one rib on the crank because it's mostly off the front of it i can't really see him for the dock here but that's okay it'll look like he's shot out of a cannon when he comes past the dock my prediction he's gonna go 74 to 75 miles an hour dude that looks great that looks pretty good like as soon as he matted it it was on plane calling that success let's see how fast he went [Music] dude your hands are shaking better hole shot right oh yeah that was it was it was better and smoother it's what's weird it was maybe because the steering i had more of like control of the steering or something but dude a whole shot and went 75 what i mean and it got there quicker too oh dude yeah like it looked better going by yeah you picked up three miles an hour and the whole shot was better yeah so there's really let's um give me a couple twists on that bolt let's get some more uh angle out of it and let's go again hell yeah one more time let's go for 77. okay all right give me the give me the wrench and i'll jump in the water i'm in the water dude yeah i love this okay i would go two turns because it's not a big change remember one full turn is one thread one thread on a 5 16 coarse thread bolt carry the two yeah go two turns because it's not a huge change you guys can't see this but what newborn's doing right now is loosening the jam nut on the up stop [Music] for our nozzle angle and then he's gonna thread the bolt in two full turns which will allow the nozzle to come up further and the boat should go faster it's not a big change but the boat looks wet when it's driving so this should help it go faster do it already such a cool looking boat they're getting expensive now but a few years ago these things were cheap in fact the other day i just saw one a project boat 7 500 bucks for roger's bonneville tr less motor had everything else even a fresh paint job like it's pretty good the deals are still out there man i'm telling you if you're online socal jet boats i got a good facebook group um there's a bunch of other facebook groups where jet boaters hang out at the bulk of these things are on the west coast arizona and texas [Music] see that as soon as the boat fires up it starts moving definitely [Music] it sounds killer it really does alice in a jetbo man it's a good combo done way much runs good [Music] that boat is just begging for just a little little tiny shot of nitrous you know four or five hundred that's all i think it'll be an animal dude american flag look at all the freedom we got here yes what a damn good day he's just out there hot dogging now have the time of his life so 75 75 all right it wasn't a big change it still looks wet really yeah you could still crank that thing up it looks fun like soon as you fire it up the boat just starts moving really yeah like it it dude the nozzle change you liked it [Music] it's really fun i can tell awesome all right um what do you want to do it's up to you you make the call let's put the nozzle up a little more and go one more time and call it a day okay all right newbern just blindly turned the up stop in i don't know five six turns we're not really sweating it because he's already driven this boat with like 40 degrees of up nozzle without crashing it so this should be no big deal might go faster though we'll see he just turned it in two turns on that last pass and went 75 miles an hour and then we just gave it two turns on the nozzle 75 again so now i'm somewhere between four and six turns on that bolt now so it's got to be a change you know at least a degree or two you guys gotta be right we'll see [Music] 77 yeah two more miles an hour 77. nice work dude we are close to 80. yep real close look at that a twist of a screw was worth two miles an hour yeah that's crazy dude they liked it it's all about just decreasing the wetted surface dude getting as much of the boat out of the water as you can well not bending the water too much thanks for watching finnegan's garage hope you enjoyed this hope it was kind of educational it was for me telling you every time we go out here i learned something new and uh we'll be back real soon with more car stuff because it's getting cold here in georgia i don't know how much more debt voting we're gonna do [Music] [Music] [Music] you
Channel: Finnegan's Garage
Views: 302,889
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: roadkill, jet boat, rogers jet boat, rogers bonneville tr, place diverter, rooster tail, roost, ls swap, ls swapped, lsx, ls1, ls2, ls3, tech tip, diy, mike finnegan, david newbern
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 27min 55sec (1675 seconds)
Published: Sun Nov 07 2021
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