What REALLY Happened to Mike Hall From Rust Valley Restorers?

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the Canadian reality program rust valley restorers ranks well among viewers Mike Hall and his crew take in dilapidated historic vehicles and get them running again in this episode ever since I began rust Brothers I've seen a significant loss of capital you end up with probably 150 additional automobiles even if that wasn't the original goal the show stands out because of Mike's perseverance and commitment to completing each assignment successfully after all the time and effort that Mike puts into his projects you would think he would earn a tidy profit from them things became even more interesting when Mike said that he was selling his Field of Dreams a collection of about 500 classic vehicles that he had cherished for the last 3 to four decades since then many have wondered what became of rust valley restorers Mike Hall this documentary series is made in Canada by Mayhem entertainment and forus entertainment for the History Channel in case you haven't heard of it it's very cool the idea is Upon A peculiar and eccentric Auto Club in tapen British Columbia located in the Rocky Mountains who restore old rusted vehicles to make them seem like Museum pieces many abandoned automobiles left behind by their owners for various reasons have made tapen often called rust valley their permanent home for quite some time for the the same reason tapen is also home to a restoration business where fascinating individuals use their automobile expertise after picking them up restoring them and selling them to interested customers they turn these old automobiles into Classics no matter the condition of an abandoned vehicle before restoration Mike Hall will transform it into something you'll like even though rust valley restorers isn't an individual show we have to give props to M Hall The Man Behind the institution Mike Hall whose real name is Michael Bourne is a successful businessman and rust collector from rust valley he was born on February 4th 1958 he became famous on television for his passion for collecting Vehicles which he began in his teenage years rust valley restorers the program he launched quickly became popular the play has many admirers but many things like how Rusty Valley restorers came to be remain a mystery both to the audience and to Mike Hall himself the unconventional way this event began was unknown to many some folks do their programs with meticulous planning and a great deal of forethought before they go on television regarding Mike Hall however that is not the case Mike was no stranger to television but he had no intention of creating his own program his rice to farm occurred soon after in a prance on Highway through hell one of many programs on which he had performed the show chronicled the exploits of a Canadian Towing recovery crew as they responded to wrecked cars on Hope British Columbia's most perilous and challenging roadways season 6 episode 10 Junior's job featured Mike Hall's Unforgettable performance which captivated viewers and producers alike he didn't become famous for his involvement in the show but a story about him selling 5 Acres of property together with 300 Classic Automobiles motorbikes and military vehicles from wiii went viral he began his cherished Rusty collection with a few of rare old automobiles if that makes sense the 1951 International was Mike Hall's first automobile but it wasn't the one that began it all according to him he made his start at in life with a 1961 Alpine the second automobile he had he ended up purchasing 6 or S little 62 to 65 novas after recklessly driving the vehicle up a mountain side at around 100 m trim Mayhem entertainment producer Matt shook suggested the concept of a car show to Mike Hall after the vehicles became famous Mike Hall was first apprehensive since he was a collector and not a restorer but after 3 days of fundraising and team building he finally consented to get in and rust valley restorers was formed the repair shop was constructed on Mike Hall's rural Farm in 2018 to kick off the show nevertheless they had a difficult beginning after Mike lost a lot of money and broke even on only two automobiles his accountant delivered the devastating news the 1963 Continental convertible that Mike and his crew repaired had an estimated value of $117,000 but had a true cost of roughly $50,000 Mike learned the hard way that being the sight of a filming doesn't automatically boost his productivity or Revenue when interacting with clients he and his colleagues also struggled to differentiate between quotes and estimates the discrepancy in these figures leads him to confess that his staff and he have a great deal of friction whenever he loses money particularly when it is captured on tape Mike H doesn't seem or act impoverished as far as you may be aware of course you'd agree that Mike Hall had a lot of money if someone asked you consequently how did he amass such a fortune you should be aware that M Hall has a net worth of $5 million before we answer that question although it may not seem significant to you it is rather respectable for someone who deals in the resale of used automobiles but selling or fixing antique automobiles wasn't how Mike became Rich he worked in the construction industry for a long time before he became the famous reality TV personality that everyone knows today it turns out that Mike Hall was the proud owner of chimera Springs rockworks a company specializing in slope stabilization Mike Hall and his crew climbed precarious Cliffs and detonated explosives to control the erosion of these treacherous and unpredictable features Hall was nicknamed the rasta Blasta because of his distinctive dreadlocks as of December 2021 Mike had amassed over $5 million mostly from construction with the remaining Equity resting in his house and Automobiles according to Hot Cars Cory Barkley the path to reality TV popularity was not without its obstacles and despite his success there is some truth to the story that Hall prioritizes his passion for automobiles before for his love for money his construction firm was more lucrative so he invested the extra cash into purchasing vintage automobiles that he loved gave them a good cleaning and eventually sold them for a profit despite selling his restored cool antiques for less than he spent on them Mike persisted in pursuing his passion for decades even while he knows that being a reality TV celebrity slows him down in the auto repair department you still have to wonder how annoying it must be for him one bright spot for Mike is that he has company being an avid fan of vintage automobiles herself his wife is really encouraging he feels satisfaction in his work since he is helped by her son and Pals with this company when it comes to the performance in particular there are a lot of concerns about television series which focus on real life they make you question their veracity at times what you want to know is if things are scripted or not obviously not everything seen on reality TV programs is authentic and that includes rust valley restorers nevertheless there are some unscripted moments so without further Ado let me tell you the truth about rust valley restorers the show's Creator Mike has come clean about the fact that not everything seen is factual but he claims that 90% of the program is based on reality his Furious reaction when his kid dropped some Automotive gear is evidence that what he claims is true you now own the solution the program exaggerates several things for dramatic effect there are certain staged moments and the father son or father friend exchanges may be enhanced any fan of reality TV worth their salt understands that the staged Simplicity of the featured characters interactions is a major component of the series overall plot the car-based history series Russ Brothers Restorations portrays the owner as unskilled when it comes to concentrating on making a profit and his son Connor is constantly trying to convince him to focus on the bottom line this is just as true for rust valley restorers as it is for example Keeping Up with the Kardashians however the technique is much more obvious in the latter still it's easy to understand how rust valley restorers omits key details from Mike Hall's backstory still Hall is completely forthright when he discusses his business his feelings about appearing on a TV program and his financial situation despite the fact that Hall has a history of making questionable Financial choices due to his obsession with collecting and restoring classic cars his track record as an entrepreneur proves he is no novice when it comes to managing a company his declaration about selling his Field of Dreams was the most unexpected thing he said leaving his followers wondering what happened to Mike Hall from rust valley restorers none of his other statements regarding the program his life or his money were anything like as stunning it would be devastating to discover the origins of an Empire that had been built with Blood Sweat and Tears only to learn that it would one day collapse that is shocking isn't it this is just applicable to Mike Hall and his land it was shocking news news for everyone who had followed the rust valley restorers from the start when Mike Hall announced that he was selling off his automobiles as we speak the number of restored muscle Vehicles has dropped from 600 to 40 all because someone had a fantasy more of Mike Hall's renowned muscle Vehicles were sold at this auction over the course of more than four decades he had amassed this he kept hundreds of automobiles in his collection on his field of dreams which he said he didn't want his loved ones to inherit why would Mahal make such a comment when he has a wonderful family that he loves with all his heart but here's his rationale before you pass judgment given his uncertainty about what would happen if he were to pass away tomorrow Mike Hall expressed his concern about leaving his family his collection as a man approaching 70 years old Mike is naturally contemplating his last days his buddy who was also a company owner was the one he used as an example in his burial his friend's family allegedly made a killing off of selling his automobiles for exorbitant prices after his death and he was left to pay the price if Mike were to sell vehicles over his lifetime he would be the best seller in the world according to Mike despite Mike's claims to the contrary he did sell every automobile he listed even if he was unable to sell everyone some he whooped and others sold for much more than he had bargained for in all the auction was a huge success plus Mike's collection has now reached a point where all of his automobiles can be contained in a single yard the rationale for his operations Mike had a rough year leading up to the auction he stated that the abundance of natural catastrophes in the province forced him to essentially bring his firm out of retirement businesses are particularly vulnerable to the devastating effects of natural catastrophes aside from his son Connor Hall who stars with him on the program Mike has no intentions to shut down the company entirely rather he intends to pass it on to Connor Mike has been used the land of New Life Outreach for vehicle storage for the last 3 years but they want to expand it soon additionally Paul was compelled to sell an additional 100 automobiles he claimed to have retained some of his favorites while selling projects worth $250,000 to $260,000 to others who are better suited to handle them a shopping spree is not something he plans to undertake anytime soon either in addition to his many Chevies Mike held on to all of his 1970 Dodge superbes a 1964 Malibu SS convertible with a four-speed transmission that he owned for 30 years a Buick GS fourspeed that he had for 40 years and many more not only has Mike used natural calamities as an excuse but he is also getting on in years and has complained of exhaustion he pointed out even if I drop dead tomorrow I wouldn't feel bad my family can deal with 40 cars I think I've done a pretty good job it's someone else's turn now now we can reveal today's subscriber favorite let's take a look at Mike Hall's life which has been characterized by his love of constructing and refurbishing dilapidated Vehicles into beautiful works of art after he revealed he would not be continuing with the life we knew him to enjoy many were upset many would have envied his existence would you say that Mike Hall the host of rust valley restorers made some bad retirement choices now that you know the truth do you think it was pessimistic of him to dwell on death while he wasn't sick the other option is that you support his actions as with keep filling you in on the details surrounding Rusty Valley restorers and Mike Hall we would really appreciate it if you could let us know what you think if Mike Hall has departed from his program and is no longer involved with his automobiles then what is he doing to now fans of rust valley were shocked to hear that Mike had sold off 500 of his rotting Classic Automobiles leading some to believe that this was Mike's way of ending his involvement with rust Brothers Restorations and rust valley restorers contrary to what was said the reality was very different Mike had to decide between maintaining rust valley restorers and his cherished collection of historic cars Mike ultimately lets go of his cherished collection in the last episode of Season 4 Avery and Connor couldn't bear to see Mike sell his prized collection of automobiles so they made the decision simple by letting him pick out 10 of his favorites to hold on to however in the end he kept 40 vehicles from the line rust brower's restoration has a great deal of value for Mike call Facebook and Instagram among his other social media sites demonstrate that Mike intends to continue working with rust valley Mike has devoted himself fully to the auto repair company and has left the demolition aspect of the business which he ran before becoming famous on rust valley Connor Hall his son who is still involved in giving old rusting automobiles a new gleaming lease of life is also with him for viewers the most pressing question is will season 5 be greenlit rust valley restorers is a reality program that follows Mike Hall and his crew of car mechanics as they tackle dreadlocks and rock blasting Mike is known as the rasta Blasta as we see them in each episode they didn't exactly come clean about this they fix up old worn out automobile so that they shine like new again all it does is provide us Delight to see an ugly object turn into a stunning Masterpiece true nobody is sad to see the program end Mike Hall has stated that production has begun on season 5 but he has been mum on the subject of whether or not this will be the series last season additionally Connor Hall hinted to a new rust valley restorers season in an Instagram post a release date is still pending but filming has wrapped we don't yet have a specific release date but season 5 of rust valley will be available in 2024 so get ready to refocus on your favorite program the premiere will likely be shown first to subscribers of History Channel Canada and Motor Trend plus since season 4 is also now unavailable on Netflix viewers will have to be patient season 4 concluded with Mike Hall making the most difficult decision of his life selling his 500 car collection together with with all the cars he had failed to rescue we are eager to see what happens in The Following Season forest fires were looming in the region and new limitations on permissions may have forced Hall to shut down his firm if he didn't act quickly in the end he chose to auction off his collection at the same time Avery schaf his closest friend was facing problems managing his own repair business due to complaints from the residents in addition to arranging his own wedding Connor Mike's son persisted in lending his assistance to the family business another enthralling season is about to begin and the rust valley Squad is prepared so brace yourselves for a thrilling production important characters from the program We Can't Stop gushing about Avery schaf mechanic and reality TV star since she is an indispensable part of the rusty Valley restorers team and she also had an unusual route to stardom even though schaf has in an unusual twist of fate managed to keep much of his private life and background out of the spotlight we do know a few things despite the mechanic's infamously tight lipped nature about his love life he isn't bashful about sharing photos of his kid schaf whose name was finally derived from online comments rather than shaf himself the fact that Connor Hall's son and a former employee of cha looks up to the flamboyant figure as a mentor is something that viewers of the show are already aware of because to his massive Instagram following and following at long last we have the information that Hall's group of autor restorationists had a net worth of almost $200,000 in 2020 fans of rust valley restorers aren't just drawn to the show because of his fascinating and difficult to find real life story no discussion about rust valley restorers would be complete without acknowledging his many contributions to the program Canadian take on the genre contains many female leads in contrast to shows like American Chopper Cassidy McMillan an Autobody Apprentice is one of these ladies she has a larger Instagram following than any of her co-stars and has featured in many episodes of rust valley restorers in an interview with the History Channel McMillan admits that despite being an apprentice at the beginning of the series she is well-versed in the field of collecting appraising and reanimating auto cadavers auto mechanics make up McMillan's whole family and she inherited their passion for vehicles at an early age even if he is unable to change it McMillan's enthusiasm for the deal is contagious and entertaining despite her projected net worth of $1.2 million in 2021 she continued to give her all to her career the value of a collision exchange the significance of the transaction itself and the inventiveness required for a repair strategy were all topics on which McMillan spoke at length in a recent interview in spite of her enthusiasm for her work McMillan was forthright about the challenges she has as a woman in a traditionally male-dominated field you always have to work a little extra harder she remarked explaining that the need to prove oneself on a regular basis motivates her to do just that she she is just as competent as the rest of the series because to her love of cars seriously it is astounding why rust brothers are so generous their altruistic spirit is the most important thing to keep in mind when watching this program rust Bros Restorations has more than simply financial gain in mind they were instrumental in 2019 in launching a new fundraising tradition for Habitat for Humanity in cam loops Canada in December of that year the housing oriented organization displayed the team's donated vintage automobile in a fundraising raffle at its Jingle Bell Rock dinner and dance the car was valued at about $70,000 as reported at the time by the Salmon Arm Observer the event which would later become a yearly fundraiser for cam Loop's Habitat for Humanity was kicked off when Louise dag a raffle participant won the refurbished 1968 Camaro SS convertible a 1969 Barracuda convertible helped the group earn money in 2020 while a 1968 Bowmont convertible was raffled off the year after that according to cfjc executive director Bill Miller the local organization received a large contribution from the rust Brothers Restorations which has been a continuing tradition ever since the grant enabled the charity achieve its objective of building 70 houses or more in different areas by 2020 at the moment the cam loops Habitat for Humanity is holding a raffle for a 1979 harleydavidson for just $10 you have the opportunity to win the bike and all proceeds will go towards building affordable homes in the region for families veterans and elderly I think we can all agree that this is just incredible what are your thoughts on the recent criticisms of Mike Hall his program and his business for tuning in I am grateful looking forward to seeing you in the next video
Channel: Concealed Secrets
Views: 57,205
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Rust Valley Restorers, Mike Hall, mike hall, rust valley
Id: JM6AIqF22jE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 23min 8sec (1388 seconds)
Published: Wed Apr 24 2024
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