Dip Net Fishing Sockeye Salmon | Alaska Provides Our Food

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um so good morning we are out in the high tunnel collecting some food from the garden for a spontaneous trip eric and i have developed a case of the fishing fever and we are going to be taking a quick trip down to the kenai so i had to grab some food eric's gonna be packing up the truck and i'm gonna be making us food for the trip [Music] okay [Applause] okay we are heading out on another fishing adventure we're gonna be heading south remember the kenai peninsula we're gonna go to a river called the kasilof river we went there last year we did extremely well we got 35 salmon which is our limit we already been dip netting once this year i was on the copper river this is a completely different permit and like i said we can get 35 sockeye salmon we're bringing the big nets we have five foot nets last year we only had the one this year we got another one for ariel so both of us are gonna be out there fishing we got our big ice chest we got all of our gear we're pretty much just gonna try to do a suicide run overnight run we're gonna go down there fish through the night hopefully come home tomorrow with our fish we're gonna grab the dogs all of our food our gear we got our waders which we really need we're gonna get everything or at least try to get everything loaded up on the tundra and we're gonna hit the road [Music] um all right we're all loaded up we have a five hour drive and we will see you guys on the river okay looks like we're just pulling up we made it took us quite a while we made a couple stops it's uh 8 42 p.m and there's a lot of people here anytime there's good fishing in alaska there's going to be a lot of people here but uh usually the crowd thins out at night at least that's the plan so it's 63 degrees and like i said it's almost 9 o'clock but we have the midnight sun working on our end so i think it gets it does get dark here at night though so i think maybe around 11 o'clock or so it'll get dark but we're gonna fish through the night well it looks like it's low tide i think low tide is going to be at around 10 p.m today and high tide was earlier in this afternoon but it is such nice weather it's been raining for a while and there's not that many people here so we're totally looking forward to to getting out there and getting some fishing done that guy's caught one saw a couple down there they're catching them same length almost right okay we are almost all set we each have our own beater stick for the lack of a better word and we came prepared this time with some scissors you have to nip the fins so same thing on a little carabiner and this time we brought some gloves last year when we were here although it was pretty warm the fish cut your hands up pretty bad and because it's salt water it just doesn't feel very good so became prepared with gloves this time that's it you're ready to go [Music] could you ask for a more glorious uh sunset oh my gosh o'clock that's low tide low tide is super muddy right here i'm seeing a lot of fish heads so i guess oh that's that's that soft i remember this last time [Music] you give me the first one to get your thing in the water i'm gonna be the first one to catch a fish okay go for it [Music] okay guys broke the ice beautiful sockeye salmon aka red salmon down here in casilla a little smaller here than chitina but nonetheless beautiful fish get him on the stringer we're gonna do some more fishing awesome about 20 minutes not even 10 minutes good job baby high five thanks babe nice fish fist pump awesome okay get back in there i got him i got one mom i got one i got his current it's like taking that net that's eric's third fish i missed one i missed i missed one too but the fishing's good it's not like crazy fast but it's pretty consistent and that's all we can ask for three and 30 minutes three and 30 minutes this is great great fishing out here beautiful sockeye did i mention i love these fish it tastes very oh yeah it's so nice having the gloves this year not cutting my fingers at all okay good job eric don't hit with that net please don't trip on your fish this is my little sandbank right here okay it's been fishermen coming and going it's 2 15 now and we have 17 fish we just made a run back to the cooler or arrow did and then i just got another one so beautiful we're gonna we're gonna keep on fishing we ain't tired yet so pretty good night so far that's the moon behind you the harvest moon and the sun coming up over there they're big hey yours is big too did you see how big mine was oh my gosh you can't believe that okay it's picking up uh that makes 16 we got 20. ariel's got one on hers too so we're doing really good double tighties don't lose him can i answer your question is that a tree right there and i just yeah it almost looks like a camo wig suit did you get in there [Applause] hey you did it that makes 28 right yep i wanted that last one does this one count too that's a big one oh okay 5 15 a.m we're calling it quits i think we got 27 fish 28 fish which is awesome pretty good haul it's a heavy ice chest we gotta get it on the roof the boys have been patient they want breakfast both of us got super messy this trip i feel like it's inevitable this happened last time too there's a lot of sand out here it's a beach so that makes sense but you get sand on your face i actually got sand in my eyeballs it was very unpleasant i have i've got wet i have water in my waders eric didn't get too wet but we're both pretty cold all in all our setup worked awesome to have our little scissors on us and the beater stick and then we've got a little stringer that all worked wonderful we are so happy with the amount of fish we got i don't think we needed to get our full limit which is 35 it only took us about seven hours so pretty exciting stuff it kind of was you know hit or miss there was periods where it was better in the periods where it slowed down but powered through the night and we're probably gonna need to take a nap before we head home first things first i've gotta get changed it goes up above how does it go long ways i gotta go up an inch it's just hitting the corner [Music] [Music] got it okay were you happy with your net this time yeah ah sure say this is about average size right here that's the kind of way i just picked up [Applause] i'm not going to spin the fillet pretty good you want some of this coffee there's like two flies out here it's not bad it's perfect i really pretty much that same color that pink silvery pink color yeah that blows my mind it doesn't matter how big some of these are two are massive like they're significantly bigger than that that was the biggest one right there and there's two looks like a male yeah you can tell i think the ones that maybe turn that color first yeah okay fish processing it's going well uh we got a super nice night that flies around around here it's just died down there's no flies like no mosquitoes out here it's going great uh one thing about these fish is they were caught on the beach so just everything is covered with sand so we're taking extra care with these we got the generator running so we can run the hose and we're hosing every single fish down we are going to save some of the smaller ones for the dogs but they're all pretty much pretty big and we're going to be vacuum packing these and freezing these for us that's going to be kind of our way we're going to eat these through the winter [Applause] [Applause] one a lot of work [Applause] what's that [Applause] so [Music] ah [Music] [Applause] okay we're making room in the freezer uh we end up with a lot of salmon we still have moose meat left we got about probably about 40 or 45 pounds of ground moose meat left which is awesome because moose season is not for another month um and we have lots of frozen salmon this year which we're really looking forward to we didn't have enough last year so we made sure to just freeze a lot of it this year we got a little bit of dog food for the dogs and we're gonna stack it all up in here i think we'll have enough room and arrow has a loaf of sourdough bread going in the oven and we're gonna make some dinner because we're hungry that's it i think so i can give whatever i do want to cut it now okay we're gonna make a great meal tonight after some great fishing we're doing lettuce wraps so we're gonna do our salmon now we got like a bunch of herbs bunch of veggies we're gonna do some garlic scape garlic bread and we made a homemade teriyaki sauce so it's going to be really good i think this is cool [Music] so oh my god that that's what they're squatting at there's bandit do you want a cookie there's a huge mousse oh my god that's a big one she's just chilling just eating that's probably the babies oh oh it does okay sam very little right behind it extremely small i just need one hmm what do you think about how good boy that's all you know but that's good enough that's good enough for me and you did a little scratch on your head as a reward let's assemble it he likes cucumber well you want a cucumber okay it's time to assemble a lettuce wrap and i'm just gonna do like a few little chunks and three we'll do three some cucumbers got turnips and kohlrabi and then eric put up some green onions those look really good oh you forgot about the basil i'm gonna put some of this teriyaki sauce on top oh that looks so good truth be told we've actually been snacking on the sourdough and that teriyaki sauce i can't even eat this like this okay just like when we used to buy them at a restaurant would go really good really good lettuce wraps i think i'm doing something great big leaf um i think we made like a teriyaki sauce didn't we in the past no right now this is like teriyaki sauce isn't it i meant in the past i don't think we've ever eaten we've done salmon wraps but not with that usually you know sandwich like a plum sauce or a peanut sauce but it tastes like that know it sounds delicious the green onion no the green i taste the green onion tail uh-huh oh he's biting up well those are good the cucumber and the green onion and the sauce heck yeah wow delicious right well it may seem a little redundant us eating salmon again but tis the season this is alaska we love salmon we can eat salmon and we have three times a day so it's awesome to have fresh salmon again and we've got our canned salmon and this is just an awesome meal yep great meal a really fun fishing trip that's our second time going there it's really cool i mean it's like you sit out there at the net you wait out in the water with a bunch of other people but as soon as that fish hits the net you can just feel it start shaking it's just i don't know it's just really fun time really fun definitely was able to keep us awake the whole night right yep definitely well i think we're gonna have to make some more lettuce wraps and enjoy our meal it's garlic bread rocks like two maybe i took too big of a bite it's got all the right ingredients it's got all the right ingredients maybe like a peanuts like you were saying be good but i don't know i think this is pretty dang good wonderful we're so good let's go i'd really like to say that he's ruined my dining experience bandit no this is so good do you like more wear socks and flip-flops oh get that mosquito off you dude i do but i'm so full i can't eat anything good i think you're getting a little overweight now
Channel: Simple Living Alaska
Views: 623,725
Rating: 4.9148326 out of 5
Keywords: off grid living, living in alaska, cabin life, tiny house alaska, fishing in alaska, cabin living, off grid living alaska, off grid cabin, alaska fishing, garden alaska, homestead alaska, alaska salmon fishing, fishing salmon alaska, smoking salmon, preserving salmon, canning fish, canning smoked fish, red salmon alaska, sockeye salmon alaska, dipnet fishing, copper river reds, canning salmon, dip net fishing alaska, dipnetting alaska, kenai dip netting
Id: tJ5qnT51pko
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 30min 56sec (1856 seconds)
Published: Fri Jul 30 2021
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