Daily Winter Life in Alaska

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[Music] [Music] so can i stand up on this yeah i know it's like what's going on here okay i just didn't want that to come like doubling down on you pretty sure it's still going to come tumbling down on this oh welcome back to the channel march is just around the corner in fact it is tomorrow so that means we are getting all prepared for starting seeds do you press it down yeah kind of push it that's really strange cool yeah so last year we used a shelf that is now being used inside the shelter logic that's why we had to buy this shelf for the seeds this year and we bought this thing it said it held a thousand pounds and to me i thought that that meant that the whole shelf just held a thousand pounds but it's actually saying in the instructions here that each single shelf holds a thousand pounds and it says that this shelf all the other will hold six thousand pounds i don't think it'll hold six thousand pounds but it's definitely a lot sturdier it's holding over three hundred yeah it's it's it's a lot sturdier than i thought it was gonna be so it's a pretty cool shelf anyways i just thought it was kind of cool this is a heavy duty shelf we're working with here we're not gonna use all the weight but like i said it's just for seeds [Music] our shelf's done before we add the lights we have to do some shifting around of things in this small little house that we have here eric and i spent a lot of time thinking about where we want to put our seed rack and we're going to go with our south window that's where we've done the seeds inside the house two years in the past and it's always worked really well they get good light but then we also supplement them the only problem this year is that's also where we decided to put all of our canned goods so we have to move that and we're going to put it right in front of this little movable kitchen table we have going to be a little awkward in here for a few months but that's just the nature of living in a smaller house yeah but this probably weighs a thousand pounds eight hundred pounds okay [Applause] okay the carrots are being kept separate from these ones because it's no big deal actually come over here yeah they just have different they have different dates so it's no big deal you know this reminds me our living room table which was like at least 400 pounds what are you doing do you want to go back maybe you should go back see if you mean it it's awkward tight okay we're good we're good can you get out of there yeah let's take it out of here well we figured this would be a good time to do inventory i've actually had to do this a few times just to sort through if you remember a while back when we did a video on this little shelf and all the food that's on it it's not the most convenient long-term shelf by any means but it has worked really well for us this season and we have been so fortunate that we worked really hard the last year two years to put up a lot of food and this is this is the result we have a bunch of extra food and when i say extra it's just going to be used later in the year so it's awesome it's for next winter it's for the summer really really ecstatic about it honestly what do you want next tomato sauce what are you going for i'll probably do i could do a fish i could do a different fish if you want we got pink salmon right here was that all the purple sauce uh did it fit perfectly cold because that's really cool but it sometimes that happens got one more i think that was it i can see we're just looking good yeah we're looking real good can you push those up front yeah okay is that this sounds really good all right on a hot dog or sausage zucchini oh we got those hot dogs from fishing okay barbecue sauce we finished moving the shelf and all of our jars and we counted them i think we have right around 280 so really really good i think we started with you know around 500 or something like that and we're constantly canning and using what we have we're going to keep going with our seed shelf and we have to get some soil from outside too so we're starting with three lights for aerial seedlings and from this point on until it begins to be summer or the seeds start to go outside we're going to be running our generator a lot kind of sucks but we got to do it we got to power these lights these are led lights these are they're really nice high quality lights we actually got them from like a grow operation in anchorage that was going out of business and they were selling each one of these lights for only five dollars so i bought 12 of them so we have like a bunch of extra ones they're waterproof they are like a red and a blue or like a red and a purple i'll show you the color but they work really good for us and like i said they're only five dollars each and i think they use about 30 watts but i got my little meter here we're gonna check and see exactly what they use that's the color kind of blue and red i guess but it's 39 watts so each light is going to be about 40 watts and at some points we'll have about 10 lights going on this thing because we'd like to really hit them with a lot of light and then we also have a couple seed mats and those use about 30 watts each also so hence the reason we have to run the generator a lot this time of year it usually has to sit for a while there it goes so oh i'm sorry man you want to bring that out okay you ready oh yeah we can do it i went to lift it with one arm and i was like that's not good okay good nice job all right let's clean that good job we're done with our seed setup for the day because we have to wait for our soil to defrost before i can start planting anything we are in zone three so some of the things that i'm going to be starting first are some of our herbs i'm gonna do celery leverage celeriac and onions and leeks and then from there i'll do peppers and tomatoes pretty close after that our high tunnel isn't heated so we pretty much grow everything inside here almost all of our garden is started directly from seed i have a lot to do and i'm so excited for this setup because we have an extra shelf and i have extra length to them so i'm going to be able to add a lot more trays we're at about 10 hours of sunlight now which is still not enough for plants that is why we have to add the lights and we're going to be running the generator unfortunately quite a bit until we have longer days coming up which is definitely something to look forward to now that we're done with this we have worked up quite an appetite and we have something awesome for dinner planned we're going to be making a pot pie we are starting with our crust for our pot pie and i have three cups of flour that i'm using we're gonna do a pot pie with the you know crust in the bottom and then a crust on the top too and i'm using tallow because that's what we have lard works awesome you can use butter of course or like crisco now i'm only adding about half a cup of this because it does have a little bit of a stronger flavor since it's most hollow eric's going to add in a teaspoon of salt that i forgot to add thank you good yeah once i have the towel all crumbled up in here we're gonna add probably a half a cup maybe three quarters of a cup of really cold water and get our dough formed and then we're gonna let it chill outside for about half an hour perfect here we go we've got the dough divided into two and we're gonna bring it outside [Music] so [Music] [Music] getting started on the filling for our pot pie i'm really looking forward to this dish i'm extremely hungry tonight we're gonna do a couple frozen leeks we have some frozen garlic scapes garlic we're gonna do about a half a pound of ground mousse meat that's called julianne is it really called julian it's called julian we cut him like we're going heavy on the herbs we're doing sage rosemary and do a little bit of oregano in there too and then we got salt and pepper this is just about cooked a quarter cup of flour and we're gonna brown the flour we're not adding any liquid yet and we'll see if we need more flour but this should be good just keep stirring it it all incorporated and browned up our flour has brown so what we're gonna do next we're gonna add our liquid i have like a quarter cup of milk here and we've been soaking some morel mushrooms so they've kind of soaked up all that milk and they've gotten a lot bigger kind of how they were when we picked them we're going to add this in there we're going to add the liquid of our celery stock we are going to use the celery stock in this but we're just not going to use it yet we want the liquid out of here so i'm going to pour all that in so this is what the mushrooms look like before i just started cooking with them and they're just little tiny mushrooms but when we picked these things i mean some of these were huge some of them were like six inches big these are one of the easiest foods to preserve in my opinion you just go out you pick them and you or at least what we do is we lay them on a window screen for about a week they get pretty much hard as a rock you put them in a jar and they're good for later i'm gonna top this off with a little more milk and we're gonna let this thicken the milk and the broth and the flour this is all going to turn into our gravy for our pot pie so i want to add some frozen cauliflower a little i got a little piece of broccoli we're going to put that in there that's already been blanched so it's pretty much almost cooked and this should go for about 10 minutes we've got the bottom layer of our pie crust in this dish and we're going to add these green beans and carrots to the bottom and then some of our celery and carrots i think there's some onions in there and then on top we're going to add all that delicious gravy all right it's time to put the top on and i have a lot of extra excess dough i think i made a little bit much so i just set that top dough on there and i'm kind of like folding it into the bottom one i left it extra thick because i kind of wanted a thicker crust i'm sure there's a correct way to do this and i'm sure i'm not doing it the correct way but i'm going for flavor over beauty so i think it looks pretty good too we're going to plop this in the oven and let this cook i'm thinking it's going to take over half an hour maybe 40 minutes we don't cook pot pie that often so we will see well took about 40 minutes we brushed a little bit of the egg on top of there to get that nice golden color it's done it looks amazing we're gonna eat we're starving tell you what no kids are gonna get this started there we go oh my gosh oh gosh beauty yes that one could be mine well i'm gonna just massacre it anyway beautiful mood thank you yum that was really good do you not like that crust i haven't tried it you haven't tried the crust i mean my filling that's like exploding out of the side i think i think you need to try the crust it's it's it it i mean [Music] so [Music] do [Music] do [Music] so thank good morning we are cooking breakfast i'm getting some rolls in the oven and eric's going to hop in here and cook up the rest of our breakfast painting the rose that's red you ever watch alice in one night we're gonna make some hash browns i'm gonna shred some potatoes and then we're gonna make some mousse sausage out of our just ground mousse meat we're gonna make like a sweet and spicy sausage and we're gonna fry up some eggs just some salt all right sweet and spicy sausage we got cayenne red pepper flakes salt and pepper we're gonna do maple syrup we're gonna do some sage like i said we got half a pound of moose meat here you take patty's shaping super seriously go blue you've gotta shape it now for the future nice looking sausage breakfast is served we're gonna eat we are heading outside but i have some leftover chocolate from last night and i'm gonna make us this nice drink so we can stay warm because it is super chilly out there i'm gonna add some honey and milk to the chocolate which is just chaga and water that's simmered for a while we're good to go [Applause] ah sometimes they don't want to come up cause there's too much snow but there's no snow really over there ah well got an absolutely beautiful day today it's probably about 10 degrees out the sun is shining we're getting a ton of solar which is awesome i think we're getting about 400 watts right now at our charge controller that thing only handles 430 so we're about at the max got a bunch of stuff to do out here today i have a ton of cardboard i'm going to burn and obviously we have a lot of snowmobile do probably got about good eight inches on the ground right now [Music] do [Music] do [Music] so [Music] you
Channel: Simple Living Alaska
Views: 424,478
Rating: 4.9642563 out of 5
Keywords: off grid living, living in alaska, homestead alaska, cabin life, tiny house alaska, off grid cabin, daily life off grid, off grid in alaska, solar system alaska, living in a tiny house, cabin in alaska, winter cabin living, homestead off grid, heating with wood stove, splitting firewood, solar off grid cabin, cabin winter living, tiny cabin alaska, couple off grid, cabin life alaska, winter living alaska, dry cabin, tiny home alaska, tiny cabin living, winter in alaska
Id: PO3acVCqxSs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 27min 34sec (1654 seconds)
Published: Thu Mar 04 2021
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