Taking a DIP Alaska Hot Spring | Magical Resort Like No Other

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we've got the dogs in the back we're all packed up we're heading on a road trip we have to get some gas on our way out and then we're heading north [Music] so [Music] so as you can tell we are on another adventure we are headed past fairbanks we're headed north today and we're going to china we're going to this awesome natural hot springs resort just for one night we're super excited we're in nina right now and this is something called the nina ice classic it's where they put the tripod they call it out on the tanana river and you guess when the tripod will fall when the ice breaks into the river it's a really cool little competition it's negative 16 degrees today very cold and it's colder where we're headed we're gonna head over this awesome bridge and keep going well we made it to fairbanks 280 miles to get here it's negative 15 degrees fahrenheit we've been to fairbanks before it's really cold here uh we're gonna try to find somewhere to eat get a little snack and we got a little ways to go i think we got about another 60 miles until we get to the hot springs looking forward to it it's gonna be awesome we are in two rivers we're on the china hot springs road way to pick up water the cabin that we're staying at out at the chino resort it is a dry cabin so it's kind of like ours back home we don't have any running water in there so we're packing our water in we are here we made it to china hot springs and we just checked in and this is the map we were given so we're a little confused where to go but we know what cabin we're staying in even though we don't actually know where it is on this map we're gonna somehow find it and we're gonna come back and get all our stuff but we're gonna take the boys out there now oh yeah yeah it's a blue one i think 56. oh sick there's no one in here so that's good we made it we got this little tiny cabin that is warm in here it was negative negative eight fahrenheit so i don't know what it is in here let's see what the heat is it's a it's electric heat oh we got a little coffee maker cool very much there's a microwave that's about it all right we are super excited to be here can't wait to get the hot springs we have a little tour scheduled in the museum here they have an ice museum year-round there's a whole bunch of other stuff too we're gonna walk around and show you guys all that but we have to go back and get the rest of our items and come back to the cabin that's it you get a dry cabinet up here china you get a outhouse so no problem for us we're used to it this one actually has a heater in it so a little better than ours they've got this awesome plane out here this thing is huge the charlie brown why is that thing angry you know i mean i've noticed that we almost have a flat tire so we brought two spares with us and we brought the air compressor i'm gonna fill it up and we'll see if she holds if not i have to throw the spare on hey all right we got the dogs all situated we have a tour booked at seven o'clock for the ice museum i think it's about five o'clock right now so we got a couple hours to explore there's a bunch of cool stuff here we're leaving the dogs we're gonna go look around see what we can find [Applause] i don't think that's the hot springs is it no i don't think so this looks like this is part of the natural occurring hot springs here like i said it's negative eight here so that's ain't frozen and there's steam coming off it there's ducks in there this looks like it's a little creek running out let's see if it's warm it looks warm it's warm how warm it's probably like i don't know 80 degrees i would think that's that is warm pretty warm considering how cold it is out here i think the hot spring is supposed to be like 105 so it should be nice my hands hurt so bad and that's like that's warmer than 80s what do you say 80 to 90 yeah huh wow very very warm cannot wait going to the hot springs the hot springs the hot springs behind me and i just want to keep the tone down because these are healing waters so we want to keep that [Applause] mood they're gorgeous okay we circled back around to the lodge entrance we're gonna head in there some uh cool taxidermy in there they got a gift shop restaurant let's go check it out eighteen dollars a jar i guess we have about ten thousand dollars worth of stuff at home then [Music] i think they grow tomatoes here they got these big green houses got the lights running in there we're gonna get the dogs take them for a little walk and i think it's time to start our adventure we're going to meet up at the ice museum and go for a little tour and then we're heading to the hot springs oh bo don't hit it yes you know let's turn off on you dude so this place is pretty cool so far i'm checking this little tiny mini coffee pot make sure we have some coffee for in the morning seems to be working you they really got to heat these cabins there's three electric heaters in here and there's a like a furnace in the wall here but it's nice and toasty in here and i think it's like a 16 by 14 cabin so it's pretty small but we're used to small cabins like this this is smaller oh yeah so this is the entrance that we came in and this is still like that creek from the hot spring so it doesn't freeze everything's frozen here but these creeks and the hot springs [Music] so [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] oh [Music] [Music] oh that was bad well we just finished our tour in the ice museum it was wonderful and it exceeded my expectations at the bar the bartender was very generous this is a really fun museum to go in it's very small they have a few little ice hotel rooms and they've got a bar of course you can pay for a little appletini some vodka and a little apple liqueur gotta head back to our cabin make some food check out our pups and head to the hot springs so we're pretty much doing like camping food there is a restaurant here eril and i we're pretty frugal we're pretty cheap so we brought some mountain house meals that we bought we're making some chicken teriyaki i brought my little camping stove this little hotel unit this little cabin all it has is a microwave there is electricity here it's nice and toasty in here but there's no like oven or stove or anything like that so we're spoiling some water we're making some chicken teriyaki we're gonna eat this real quick i think it's about eight o'clock at night and we're gonna head to the hot springs the hot springs close at 11 45. we plan to spend a lot of time out there tonight a lot of time out there tomorrow morning but that is what we came here for it is so cold outside it's got to be like negative 15 negative 20 by now we can't wait to get down there we're gonna eat real quick and we're heading to the hot springs all right here we go it's cold outside we got bathing suits a jacket flip-flops we got a little walk to the hot springs let's head out holy smokes let's go i'm not doing wrong going into the hot springs it's cold looking nice man that's cold that is instantly all cold problems are resolved oh yeah oh i got to put my towel down how is it wonderful when we have the jacuzzi i'm rating it they say it's 106.4 i don't know what they say it is but to me it feels about 101 to 2 if i had to guess it's wonderful about seven hour eight hour drive stopping with the dogs stopping to film but this is nice this is beautiful oh my gosh let's see here for hours oh it's warmer over here okay we just got to the hot end of the springs it is hot over here way harder than a hot tub oh this is 106. oh it's all that's almost cooking me i like that that's okay no this is this is a little too hot for me okay this is a little hot let's pull back that's good that is so oh or cool down could you imagine finding this in 1905 your hair's freezing so the story behind this place that we read here is a guy i forgot his name was but he found this place and publicly announced it that he found it in 1905 and then a guy came in 1906 and he staked it out as like a homestead and when did it turn into hot springs 19 1906 about then and it was for gold miners so it's come a long ways they've made these really cool pools in the out of the box they had the rocks it's been a long time so a lot of people freeze their hair out here i couldn't do that unfortunately so i had to come up with a snow cone oh it's a brand it's a brain freeze oh oh it was so cold it hurt it's impossible to get more romantic than this in alaska well that was about as wonderful as it looked we're gonna take a little break because i have worked up an update and then we're gonna head back because it's open till 11 45. [Music] [Applause] ugh hmm back in the hot springs i think it's like eight o'clock in the morning they open up super early and i think my hair started was starting to freeze we're gonna try and see if we can get our hair to freeze really cool ways we ended up coming back out here last night we stayed out here again for a while we only slept for a few hours and we're back out here before we have to check out no everyone's decompressed there's two fountains in here and they put all these cool lights that change colors and you can see a lot more at night as you can probably tell but it's beautiful it's really steamy there's not that many people here right now and you can't see them usually anyways it's so steamy everything i found the temperature kind of variates throughout the pool there's hot areas and cooler areas once you've been here for a while we usually like to sit in the cool end well tell you what the walk over here this morning it's only maybe like a three-minute walk from our cabin if you're hustling and we're in flip-flops i believe it's close to negative 20 fahrenheit this morning my feet i think that's the worst they've ever hurt it's extremely cold this morning compared to yesterday and just sitting with your top half out of the springs it gets extremely cold like my ears are just like killing me right now so you gotta go under every once in a while warm yourself up but yeah the water is super clear it's amazing amazing place for how cold it is here to have something like this see if i can find any relics on the bottom eric and i are attempting to freeze our hair a lot of people do these really cool hairstyles out here like wicked cool but i think it's got to be really cold then we may just barely be breaking that this morning maybe a little cooler are they as glorious as yours yeah you have really long eyelashes it's complete my hair is turning up on its own i got some really crazy broth back here gonna have to go underneath to get that off but i think we're gonna take a peruse around the pool first oh that's the hot end getting cold time to go under again oh yes you look good you look like cavemen like caveman iceman yeah that's what i was going for there's these really cool rocks all around that you know shape the pool or the hot springs and they're so nice to lay on there's some that are like perfect seats to get too warm oh my gosh look at the whole pool practically to ourselves well i've been here about an hour camera's extremely frosty getting fogged up we'll run back to our little walker grab the gopro come back out and relax we still got a couple hours left out here before we got to take off it's so cool cool like matthew mcconaughey cool all right see then no it's a real nice thing he says all right this is the tunnel into the hot springs you gotta run look at this oh yeah it worked nice well it's been extremely nice out here i think we're going to swim around for a few more minutes and unfortunately we have to head back to the little cabin pack all our stuff up again a little bit up in the truck and we gotta head home we're gonna enjoy our time while we're here it's good it's nice it's really nice just like a jacuzzi ready swim out of here let's do it all right we gotta grab our stuff out of our little locker and it's gonna be a mad dash across the parking lot to our cabin it's cold oh our trip is coming to an end we are getting ready to head out all in all i think we both had a lot of fun this is a really good experience definitely once in a lifetime in my opinion i'm really really glad that we came all the distance just to do it this once it was a little over 350 miles which is a little over six hours but with stopping with the dogs and filming it took us much longer than that closer to eight and a half so very long journey for a one night stay pretty typical in alaska because it's such a big state the hot springs was awesome the museum was pretty neat last night and there's so much more to do here i'll put some information in the link if you guys are ever in alaska and you're like that looks so much fun we want to check that out last time eric and i were in fairbanks we've actually only been to this area once we went to the world ice art show which was awesome it's this really cool ice art sculpture show they do in the month of february and march and fairbanks we're not going to be able to make it to that this year but that's okay because we got to do the china hot springs yup we had a great time here i would definitely highly recommend this place it's more of like rustic lodging but it's pretty cool and it's definitely something that we're into unfortunately when i was just walking back by the truck that tire i was filling up last night well it's completely flat now so anyways i gotta go out there i gotta start the truck up it's about negative 20 fahrenheit out right now so i'm gonna let the tundra warm up for a while and then i'm gonna try to pull it over kind of closer to our cabin i'm gonna change the tire over here and we'll get all our stuff loaded up we do have to make one stop on the way back pretty sure bandit started getting carsick for some reason on the trip here usually he rides in the back of the truck in the shell but because it was so cold we have the dogs inside the cab and i think he was getting a little nauseous so we're gonna stop at like a drugstore or something on the way back hopefully pick up something for him make his ride home a little more pleasant oh let's put the jackets on yeah oh you stick like a dog tight area we're working with here there we go here we go [Applause] i'm gonna put the tires in the bed of the truck up on the dog beds i think and then i'll throw the jack in there we should be done i gotta lower it down though all right he got her changed i did it in record time um i think these winter tires we have i think they just about had it might have to get a new pair but brought two spares with us we've brought two air compressors and we brought a patch kit so we're prepared for the 350 mile journey home just finishing getting everything loaded up and we should be able to take off [Music] [Music] you
Channel: Simple Living Alaska
Views: 318,577
Rating: 4.9702125 out of 5
Keywords: off grid living, living in alaska, homestead alaska, cabin life, off grid cabin, cabin in alaska, winter cabin living, homestead off grid, off grid shower, tiny dry cabin, cabin winter living, tiny cabin alaska, chena hot springs, chena alaska, alaska hot springs, natural hot springs alaska, ice museum alaska, chena resort, fairbanks alaska, things to do fairbanks, chena natural hot springs, winter in alaska, life in alaska, chena hot springs resort alaska
Id: g0cDec3Z-p8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 28min 33sec (1713 seconds)
Published: Sat Feb 27 2021
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