Alaska Salmon Fishing PINK + CHUM | Taste Testing Candied Salmon & Smoked Roe

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one two three do it [Music] [Music] [Applause] hello good morning guys we are out fishing at montana creek it's a local creek that eric and i have never fished and there's pinks running right now chum and even silver so we're gonna see what we can get today and we're going to start fishing all right we got our first fish hooked up believe it's a pink salmon won't know until we get it up here but hoping it's a female because we want some eggs [Applause] oh you hooked him all right so that was a male pink salmon i actually foul hooked him i hooked him on the back which if you catch a fish like that here you need to release it so we put that guy back in the water we're gonna keep fishing okay we have a pink pen on i think we're gonna keep her because they have really good eggs if we can get it or so these are the pinks they have that really pretty band on them that's kind of a small one but we're gonna keep it [Music] and she bit that lure we find the pinks are pretty aggressive towards the flies eric's using a vibrax to see if that works for something else so we actually really like the pinks and we smoke them and can them but we have done all our canning for our fish so far so we give this to the dogs and they really enjoy it as well so there's a lot of fish in here i mean not like a lot a lot but i think i'm pretty sure i snagged a male in the back even though we are jigging um i saw him kind of come up and they're really they really fight you when you have them in their hump okay that's nice did you see him he's going all the way across forever now excitable little man i think it looks like a male no that's a girl oh it's a mini hump mail [Applause] well that didn't take long oh that was a pink salmon and that was a male put that guy back see if we can catch some more all right this is a female pink salmon so we're gonna keep this one we got two fish so far and i think we're gonna start kind of just working our way up the creek and just keep fishing beautiful fish she yeah i think we don't seem like that that often it's so great [Applause] so so okay guys we're having a good time out here fishing um i think we've got we caught maybe four males and then we're keeping the two females we got right there but we're gonna head out of here and we're gonna head back towards our place and fish our local creek and see if we can finish catching our limit for today round two guys we made it to our local stream we got four more fish to catch to get our limit she's a fighter fish on it's a really good sized pink right there it's got some power oh there you go i had to snap my lure on a piece of on a tree or something in the river uh we're just using the flies i wanted to switch over to a spoon but we cannot use trouble hooks here we're gonna see if we have anything back at the truck when we go back there um i kind of want to see if we can catch anything different we're starting to see some chums finally so we just bopped this down they really seem to like that i don't know if they're trying to eat it they almost seem to be just more like annoyed by it so that seems to be the technique that works really well so i lost another lure we're gonna head up river see if we can rig something else up get some different fish yeah we've pretty much just been catching pink salmon and we're hoping to get either a chum or a silver so uh i think we got four fish total right now we can have six between the two of us um at least six in total and we're gonna go up to this hole it's a little deeper and see if we can catch something else all right that's a good way to end the day for me that is my three fish um and ariel can still catch one more so she's going for a chum seeing a couple out there and she almost had one bite so i'm gonna keep fishing okay so we finally caught a chum um this is not expected they're not as desirable for fish but i really like them and we have plans for it um man that's a big fish it's a little bit of a struggle super exciting so i caught what we needed and we're gonna head home okay we made it back home we have our five pink salmon and one chum salmon they are all hens all of the pinks and i'm not sure about the chum it looks like it's a girl but the teeth indicate that it may be a boy so we'll see when we get that one processed so we're setting aside the eggs we're going to be brining those and smoking them that's like a salmon strip right there huh so eric and i are saving a few of the fillets of the pinks for us the rest is actually going to go to the dogs because we've already done all our canning for the year and we have already made some fish stock which turned out really awesome and so these carcasses will either go to the chickens or to the compost pile nice eggs on this one [Laughter] okay this is these chums have some seriously thick skin [Music] look at that that is insane compared to a pink salmon yep i stepped in and helped ariel fillet that chum there's definitely a lot of bones in that thing but we're going to take these inside so we're actually doing with this fish today the fillets we are going to be making candied salmon we're going to smoke that on the smoker tomorrow after we brine it and with these salmon eggs we're going to be smoking these and making smoked salmon roast so with these we don't do anything with them yet these are just going to go in the freezer until tomorrow when the smoker's going our fillets all i'm going to do with them now is i'm going to cut some strips just like this and i'm going to leave the skin on there i'm just kind of opening them up to get some more of our brine in there and also tomorrow when we're smoking them i'm going to be basting these all right so that's what i'm going for got the slits on there and i'm going to finish the rest of these real quick so we're going to be doing the two chum fillets and then i got three of the pink salmon we're also going to do on there all right and all we're doing for the brine is i have two quarts of water here and then we're gonna do one cup of sugar and one cup of salt okay this is gonna go in the fridge overnight we're probably gonna do it for a little over 12 hours and then we'll see you tomorrow when we have the smoker going so we got the smoker fired up we're working on our fish we took it out of the brine and it's been smoking for about an hour and i'm gonna put some spruce tip syrup that ariel made on there and i got a little honey mix in there also and i'm just going to be basting this like every half an hour or so and this is probably going to smoke for about six hours our salmon has been smoking for probably about four hours now and i'm gonna get these eggs ready and we're going to be smoking salmon eggs today and all i'm going to do is i'm going to lay them out on this tray i'm going to put a bunch of salt on them half an hour i'm going to wipe all the salt off rinse it off with cold water and then i'm going to put them on the smoker [Music] all right those are gonna sit for a while i'm gonna open up the smoker and we're gonna baste them again so i went ahead and rinsed the salt off these cleaned them up patted them dry it's time to throw these on the smoker and i just checked the fish and the small fillets are done so we're gonna pull those off first all right guys it's been a long day of smoking everything is finally done the eggs went for about an hour and the salmon the thicker pieces went for about six and a half to seven hours we're gonna pull everything off and we're gonna do a taste test we've got some sourdough here we'll do a little bit of kefir cheese on it all right this one's getting the candied pink salmon this one's getting some of the smoked salmon eggs this is from the pink salmon also all right let's start off with the uh smoked eggs all right those are those are kind of just okay i'm gonna try the candied salmon okay that candy salmon that's awesome really good nice and salty really sweet i'm gonna have the camera woman come in here she's gonna try some and we're also gonna try the uh chum salmon that we smoked so errol's gonna try the eggs i'm gonna make a one of these pieces of bread with that chum salmon on there see how that tastes all right taste test complete and i think it's pretty pretty straightforward here yep neither of us really cares for the eggs i don't know what it is we liked them raw and we did like them with caviar yeah um they have a texture on the outside and they stick to your teeth worse than taffy and it's bad it's not pleasant it's not pleasant at all um i would probably not make those again i'm not sure if we did anything wrong and technically speaking they're cooked a little bit you know because we've smoked them so they kind of cook this the membrane of the skin a little bit they're really sticky they would need to be frozen right yeah to save them they're not actually preserved or anything like that but the other salmon the candied salmon is quite good we don't typically do that with salmon we don't like to you know take the meat so to speak so usually just make it as is but um it was it was pretty good candied and we did notice a difference between the chum and the pink salmon yep the pink salmon was actually really good i really liked it i'd probably make a little batch of that once a year probably the chum salmon was definitely fishy tasting neither salmon are really desirable for most alaskans but um we do like the pink salmon and the pink salmon we caught at montana creek i think they were a little bit fresher their meat was a little more red or pink and the chum was very spawned so yeah i don't know if that has something to do with the flavor you know clearly we live these fish have to travel quite a ways until they get to us would you make either of them again i would make the pink salmon again the candy pink salmon that's pretty good really easy to make i mean if we're smoking meat you might as well just rub some syrup on it and let it go a little longer um but other than that yeah the eggs and the chum salmon probably won't do that again for the most part we have wrapped up our salmon fishing for the year um we're just doing it for fun now at this point and we may go silver fishing a little bit later i know that's the species of salmon we have yet to to catch um and it's we're pretty much going into moose season so this is this is fun to try all right so with that being said we're probably just going to finish this bread and the pink salmon and i think the eggs and the chum will go to the dogs and the chickens we'll see you next time she actually doesn't like you i paid 20 bucks i feed you every morning pepe i paid you 20 bucks you're my kitten yeah it doesn't taste like fish at all oh really fun [Music] oh i detect what you're talking about now
Channel: Simple Living Alaska
Views: 437,873
Rating: 4.8861666 out of 5
Keywords: off grid living, living in alaska, cabin life, debt free living, tiny house alaska, fishing in alaska, cabin living, off grid living alaska, off grid cabin, daily life in alaska, summer alaska, alaska fishing, garden alaska, homestead alaska, alaska salmon fishing, fishing salmon alaska, pink salmon, tasting pink salmon, chum salmon, fishing willow alaska, montana creek alaska, candied salmon recipe, smoking candied salmon, smoked roe, fishing set up salmon
Id: fGHdtf3MB3s
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 18min 29sec (1109 seconds)
Published: Sat Aug 22 2020
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