Dino Kartsonakis

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welcome to revival radio TV I'm your host Jean Bailey glad you're with me listen normally on this program we take time and we talk to pastors and ministers evangelists about what God did in their lives in their ministry but today however it's special because today you're going to hear from somebody that you've probably heard of Dino Dino cart sonatas Dino started playing the piano as a child and the gift that birthed in him brought an amazing future he attended glad-tidings tabernacle there in New York City remember now you meant to may sound familiar to you because that is the Azusa Street of the East Coast so that's the environment that Dino grew up in recently I went to Branson just so you can get this interview and as I talk with Dino you're gonna get some things from this awesome man of God that they all had in common they all had to begin somewhere ladies and gentlemen it's my privilege to introduce you to Dino [Music] in every generation there have been revivals massive moves of the spirit that changed the course of history in every revival there were believers like youth who chose to answer the call to become the one their generation discover your call to be the one generation we're about to take you face to face with history Deno Carson aqus it's great to have you on the program it's a pleasure to be here in this pleasure to have you on in and I want to talk to you about a lot of people who may have heard your name we talked about revivals and things in the past I want to go back even further and we don't have to give dates or anything like that it's fine with me but I want to know how did you get started how did you get started playing well do we have time yeah oh okay okay I've said this this story so many times you know and I expected to hear that question again and I want to just say this that my life started before I was born you know what my mother was carrying me which was pregnant the doctors had said I was to be a stillborn child and I'll fast forward a little bit we'll take the detail except my grandmother she was my first evangelist and I've got to tell you she was such a woman of God let me let me give you a picture of how she looked she watched who should look like Golda Meir look like yeah that was my grandmother yeah yeah we called her and a praying woman loved God she live in this little apartment house in New York City on 43rd Street and ninth Avenue right across from the Port Authority bus terminal and that's where I was raised actually in that area she got on her knees in a little apartment on the fifth floor and she was praying for her daughter Helen my mom that that child would survive the problem and would be born alive her faith was so great it was a just amazing but anyway a she was praying she had a vision and my grandmother had visions this one time she said that the devil was in her living room and had a grip around my mother's waist mmm try to destroy the Charro's within her an immediate her first reaction to all that was in the name of Jesus I rebuke Satan and she kept saying that because it but by the word we had the authority to do that right I should keep saying in the name of Jesus I mean she shouted right like she was gonna fight that devil yeah and eventually he left my my mother let her alone and my grandmother said that she actually heard him run down five flights of stairs hmm Wow that's how real the devil is you know yeah absolutely yeah and she knew immediately that her daughter your first daughter was gonna give birth to the child she knew it beyond a shot of a doubt because God showed it to her she called my mother and just held Helen how are you feeling I just prayed I want to know what happened well well it takes a deep breath and she says I'm feeling good you know she really felt relaxed and really good she's well let's go to the Greek doctor and let's let's check this out sure enough the next day he went to see dr. papa LA Paulo palace or does his name was that long you know I mean you could die before you check into that hospital you know but anyway he examined my mother and of course what it is is that I was born alive they were just totally shocked by it because it's never happened and but my parents my mom my dad was in the Christian at the time but my mom and my grandmother dedicated that child right to the service of our Lord and of course I was born alive obviously and we have this little upright piano in our apartment house broken down have the keys were missing your black and white keys some brown ones you know can you picture that okay right it was a player piano you opened it you see the rollers you know all that and one Sunday morning my parents came off of church with me and my sister I just walked into the living room stood in front of the piano and start picking out a melody that I heard in church at the cross at the cross where I first saw the light one finger and mom was behind me and she was there alone and she heard this and saw it and God spoke to her in her spirit saying this is the gift that I've given your son he will evangelize playing the piano now you gotta understand back then evangelize play the piano and we were talking about right how old am I you know maybe 77 a couple months so we're talking about that many years there's no such thing as you know playing piano and ministering at the parental right so there's a whole new thing and Christendom really but my mother kept that in her heart and the next week I go to church because I always sat next during the main service so I was there with the hymns and we'd sing the hymns and I was hearing this and the gift that God gave me was playing by ear and when I hear something I was able to go out go to that same piano pick up another melody another song but as it progressed I was then adding my left hand and maybe some my mate you know simple chords majors and minors and the gift just kept developing in front of my my family's lies you know and ears so that's why I say you know my testimony starts way before I was born and I'm here because of that miracle and you have ministered to millions well you know I'm really humbled by the fact that that's true I really really am because God has taken us throughout the world and what's so great about being a pianist is that I can play in any language mmm I wouldn't be I played it in India I went to China play giant music is international how what was that like playing in a is any different and when you play in a different country do they just immediately accept the tune well yeah they like well people love beautiful music right no matter what no matter what nation or you know nationality you are so if I sit down and play like say even with him and it's pleasant to them right and they listen to it but then I get to talk to them through my interpreter saying this is what it is I remember I was in Russia and I played this big Coliseum there about by the way thousands so many people I said to the panel played classical music because the Russians love classical music no Tchaikovsky and Beethoven you know and you know kind of welcome it but I had a plan you know and after two or three of those pieces I start playing what a friend we have in Jesus just simple as can be simple melody with the harmonies a little style to it and I plan only through and you could hear a pin drop and I'd look to the art of the Russian audience and said I wanted to tell you about this him this is one of the great hymns that we sing at our church in our churches they in America and I told it's it's titled what a friend we have in Jesus and then I had an opportunity to to witness to them Wow see that that's what that's ministry does yeah and you got to win the hearts first you know and and then they're open to receive whatever that's why we're responsible for what we say our words are very important powerful right supernatural power of God is the supernatural power of God it's that same power when that stone is rolled away that's right the Word of God says it's clear as can be that we could we can have that same mm-hmm right supernatural power for healing now that's when you think about that that's pretty heavy you know it's great to know that we can pray for people and experience that supernatural power so let's talk about your move to Branson oh okay yes we're here we're here in a church here in Branson yeah brother and also tell me tell me about Brandt okay let's say let's say this New York City where I was born and raised Carnegie Hall where I perform and then there's Branson Missouri now you talk about it's a little bit of a shift a little maybe cultural shock yeah but it wasn't for me I was raised raised in New York City in Manhattan and as a child you know in between my playing piano I sold shopping bags on 9th Avenue I have a whole foot stomp raise my arm I was very very young just a little kid and we raised money because my parents were not wealthy at all they came from Greece and we all had work yeah Sean bag five cents that's what it was you know and we'd sell those give the money back but anyway Branson is is something that God raised you know from the dead right I mean literally if we watched the resurrection Jarrell and I my manager at the time we lived in Nashville Tennessee Jim Halsey he said Tina you need to go to this little town in Branson Missouri something's I know he's such a visionary he managed the Oakridge boy he still do still does the the the the Judds and all the big country stars and he liked what I did and he called me in his office and he said you know I think you could do really well this little town Branson I said well where is it he said about 40 miles south of Springville I knew Springfield because I attended for about a semester or not a year at Central Bible sure back then it was the Institute now it's college or no it's a longer College action it's all the Evangel college so so I knew the area and general nigh we're playing somewhere in Springfield we said let's take it take a ride down there we came down here and guys I'm telling you nothing yeah I said okay Lord why did you send us here so we we drove down Main Street mm-hmm right now we're my cafe is that right right so Cheryl and I were in the car we thinking okay what's here that our manager was saying we should check out there were two tiny little theaters the ozark theater and Baldknobbers maybe and perhaps Presley's and it was all based basically country and I what is what am I going to do here in a country town barren I mean there was hardly and buildings nothing so we drove down there was the five-and-ten downtown for sure that's been there 100 years and we drove down that little Main Street and I felt that my spirit that I we should just pull over and pray and Cheryl and I prayed Lord White sent us here and the Lord spoke to me in my spirit saying this town is gonna be a beacon of light for the world to see mmm there's nothing there right and I'm thinking okay Lord I receive it you know and so we went back to Nashville and I mentioned to my manager what do you think you know he said well there's a little theater there that you may want to play at it's called the Ozark theatre right now it's right behind Italian restaurant so it's not a hill and that was the only large theater it's at about 300 maybe hmm so he said you should go there for a Christmas show and I found out that in Branson there was nothing for Christmas no one came to Branson now during the summer and spring they would come to hear some country stars you know right and so anyway okay and knowing me as a Greek I I go quick you know I made a decision I said sure let's go down there and do a Christmas show on that little theater and I knew that the Hurons were here they're Christians they had Silver Dollar City and so we had that kind of connection yeah so long story short we played in that Little Theater we packed it out with that probably the whole community because it's will be about what 500 sure you know people in this town at that time and the versions were there that gives a little reception at the end and people are saying oh we'd love us so it's a little bit like a like a Broadway show you know it was different for this town totally and for people seeing me on Kathryn Kuhlman PTL and some others sure so I had a little bit of a paradise there so this how it all started me here here in Branson you kept coming back the next Christmas and then before you knew Tony Orlando was moving here and Andy Williams for this Christmas show and so Chris has became probably the biggest season of the year which it is even still now we've come from every for the Chris shows are fantastic at Christmastime [Music] [Applause] [Music] if you had to put a capstone on the memory that in his recent as today what what really stands out to you is one where you there really stands out he memory of plane okay dad as you know I I was with Kathryn Kuhlman for about five years right five five amazing years I was very close to her as far as watching her ministry we've got any heat and talk and she loved our family the Greek heritage right thing you know and she didn't have much of a family so she she loved my grandmother it's about a little side note here she flew to New York City for my grandmother to pray over her oh wow that's how how much she felt my grandma's prayers were just so powerful so I was around that healing ministry and I watched her and I studied her you know and and I'd prayed Lord reveal to me what what is it what she walks out on stage something happens right the whole atmosphere changes and eventually I found out what it was is it's the love of Jesus the love there's power in that love right there's healing in that love yeah and she didn't brace an audience and care for them and and and not sympathize with them but come to their level saying hey I want to help you you know Jesus is here he's putting his arms around you and be healed in the name of Jesus so she was very sensitive to the people that are out thousands of people that are out there well I learned from that with my piano playing hmm that when I walked out on stage or at a church platform I play the piano they're the ones that are the most important they have the needs I'm not there just entertain them although there's nothing wrong with entertainment but I'm there to minister to them there may be entertained for a little bit that's looking on the Dinos style whatever I do you know yeah where would I wear you know for shows that would have you but this is what draws them in I do this so hard in our shows here in Branson also and then I'm able to get in there for the gospel the simple gospel Jesus Christ so having been around Katherine for all those years and talking with her tell me something about your conversations with Katherine what did you what stands out to you what stands out to me is that shoes even though she came off bigger than life right you know because were dramatis ism and the way she talks slowly of course people have to understand she stuttered when she was a child so she's gotta go real slow and that's why it's so situated and so dramatic you know and aversion is the arms and but that was kind of a draw right there too you know the Lord uses you know it's a charismatic thing you know so we'd sit and talk about after the service how great it was and and then one thing that stands out my mind is she would say do you know I just watch this God God just use it I stand back I'm amazed as much as the people are amazed of those healings see that was the simplicity and the humbleness that she had in her life and that show that shows when she walked out on stage how much she loved God it was about the Lord Jesus focus your sights on Jesus that was the key to every one of her services that is so priceless I got it as carefully as what would God do that expensive jewel in the world think the most expensive gym in the world and it's guarded carefully the thing that I God so carefully is this priceless jewel that I have my for the masses my loved people but it's a supernatural that I tell you the God's trees that I have stood before someone cool and depressing knowing that I had no healing virtue knowing that I had no power to hear that one and there was an overpowering law where literally I have prayed silently it cost me my life please heal that one something I can't explain to you it's something experiential so when I play because that taught me something you know the Lord really showed a lot to me during her ministry and I'm gonna give you one illustration so Cheryl and I were at a First Baptist Church something I'm not gonna tell you where it's a big church I got up there play we planted a lot of Baptist churches I love those people you know they really get into the word you know and so I start playing and all of a sudden someone the audience went I could hear like that and I turned with you he disturbed really the whole service that way and people weren't like they didn't know what was going on they were really surprised by it and he just said because his ear was oh he was born deaf since birth and I stopped because I really felt something was going on right I said what'd he mean you're healed and I got up and I walked down up to him because I couldn't hear from this ear since I was a child Wow I think was birth and I said really yeah just like you were playing that was a sign of the demonstration of the power of God the healing power of God no one laid hands on him and God demonstrates his power that way well the people are just awed by this and honestly from that point on it was a healing service I tell you the rest of the stories please please so this pastor of this reputable Baptist Church asks that Sharona after the service that Sean I would come to his office and he had his head deacon with him and I thought okay I'll never be invited in this church again you know so we wouldn't at the office yes I said yes pastor I said well well it's kind of small talk and then he said they got serious the head of the Deacons sitting there Shirl who's here I believe and I was here and he looked at me and said what happened this evening I want in my ministry all right as a pastor it's all on the word god still performs miracles and healings he hasn't changed so he said would you pray would you pray with me and I said absolutely he got up from his desk walking around the desk he went over to our side sherilyn and he had myself and the deacon there and we prayed and the power of God just came upon him and he fell under the power of God then the deacon falls over with a deacon I mean he could stand up it was so powerful he started laughing the whole time laughing laughing laughing the joy of the Lord just came upon him and it was just an amazing moment in that office that pastors Church great so this is what this is what it's all about you know it's about the anointing is what it is it's like when Kenneth walks out on stage you sense an aura of greatness in the atmosphere that God is present right and the miracles that he has experienced in his ministry you you recently have come out yes but him restoration do you not mean how many CDs I've recorded know my life fifty maybe more right but I've got to say that this project is of God that's what the others were not right but for this time that we're living right so with dr. Billy Graham passed away I thought I should do because that who didn't love dr. Billy Graham sure what he's done for ministry I decided that evening I would do a special on dr. Billy Graham play the music that if you were to walk into a crusade you'd hear hmm cliff barrows conducting right George normally hates singing his eyes on the sparrow so I did that so a piano is here it's in our living room yeah it's great I could remember jamas and just gonna stay home and just reach thousands you notice I don't wear pajamas unless I've got a boat time but anyway so I'm sitting here playing I look to the eyes just like this and I say I want to I want to do something today let's honor dr. Billy Graham I'm gonna play you music from the crusade so I Stern to the piano I start playing Jesus Saves and when we all get to heaven just as I am of course just as I am and trust and obey I mean don't you go you know you've heard all this music yeah right am i right do you remember that oh yes oh my god you see it was amazing and he felt the print and he walked through the crusade I mean the service started before him dr. Billy Graham got before even started you know is the rehearsing if you remember that yes right so as a result of that the comments that were coming in we received over half a million comments on comments hits so what do you want to call that but we see fad we received thousands of comments saying oh how refreshing Thank You Dina for playing those hymns we don't hear that in our church anymore it was great hearing from Dino today and all that he was telling us in the stories I've never heard in all the years that I've known Dino I've never heard him talk about Kathryn Kuhlman like he did in that interview and when he told the story one of the key points in that interview was when he talked about playing the piano and mused and a guy standing up being healed he remember that story how he could hear suddenly listen we have a way of thinking God's going to use us in a certain direction and we think our gift is a certain way or he's only going to use it this way and the truth is when we give our gift to God that he's placed in us and we let him do the work we see God move in our lives in the lives of others in a way that's far more effective than we could ever plan so thank you for coming our way today on revival radio TV I want to go out with a clip today from Kathryn Kuhlman Deano was there as she Smita stirred to a very small group of students and over you I know you'll enjoy this watch I have made the choice like juice this life shall be only used for you and any cost at any price nothing from here on out will matter more than just to be a couple Niner [Music] you
Channel: Revival RadioTV
Views: 4,913
Rating: 5 out of 5
Keywords: Gene Bailey, Dino Kartsonakis, Revival Radio TV, History, Revival
Id: tyTCMRgAhV0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 28min 30sec (1710 seconds)
Published: Sat Jul 20 2019
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