Dino Kartrsonakis is on MONDAYS WITH MARK

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[Music] well hello everybody happy Monday happy Monday I'm so glad to be back home and to be with you in my house in my bedroom in my studio ah hello Liz Hutchins Sandra Mirabella Karen Calabrese Carole Prue Paula Shepherd Michelle Latorre acroos sharon barrett wilson all of you coming in sandy Anderson Jenni Shaolin Nathan Susan Norwood brenda davis julie cotner mom you're all here happy Monday to you a happy Monday to you may you feel Jesus near everyday why did I always think of that song it's really a Happy Birthday song but anyway I'm so glad to be home y'all I have had an incredible trip you know I was leaving to go to pull my trailer and my three new scooters up to Stockbridge Georgia to scoot all around Georgia with my friend Donna Davis and Scott Davis and we were gonna scoot around there and then I was going to take the car and trailer up to Virginia and scoot around there with my brother and all my friends from college they had a big reunion of 20 or so of them I was so excited to see Christy Cousineau and Bob Dunn and DeeDee Oldham and Rebecca and Paul and all them when I got sick I think I got food poisoning I hope it was food poisoning I've been to the doctor today we'll find out soon but I had a slaw dog had you ever had a slaw dog it's a hot dog with chili mustard onions maybe and then small well the next morning I was ill y'all I was so ill and uh went to bed for about 36 hours throwing I mean y'all that kind of stuff you know so and then I felt too sick to go to Virginia so I finally felt better by Saturday drove to Nashville for hours went to my bus got in bed for another 24 hours I guess and then felt better and I went to Johnson City Tennessee and had a fantastic concert on Thursday night and then I went to family fest and it hit again and I was down for the count but bill was so gracious he let me just come in there and limp through that's what's so wonderful about the homecoming things if one player is having a bad night or not doing good you know there's everybody else in the world is there in fact our foreign correspondent Tory TAS was also there and has a report hey everybody this is Tory cap your Bell Buckle foreign correspondent on the ground in Gatlinburg yeah I'm in Gatlinburg for family fest it's my favorite Gaither event of the whole year because we get to see everybody and their families and we've been doing it for a million years so I just you know I am sweating it out here I look like a really sweaty narcissist because I'm holding up a phone and talking to it and people are staring at me funny and something just bit me on my leg because I'm standing in the mulch but that's that's the dedication I have for you guys that's how much I want to do a commercial weekend October 6th and 7th Bill Gaither whoo I'm getting ready to you know go eat with and 30 of his closest friends Bill Gaither will be there on Sunday our special guests along with Reba and Donny and Goodman revival and rust have and a full loud band concert Saturday night with all his classic CCM because if you stick around long enough you become collective and speaking of classics here's a little taste of the Isaacs from this weekend [Music] well Gatlinburg was fun but after a long long long car trip blesses but is asleep tell me your butt to sleep honey everybody needs a little Bell Buckle in their life you gotta go to Bell Buckle Tennessee and the Russ and Tory Taff weekend just Google that Russ and Tory Taff weekend if you don't remember when she said it was I think she said October but I went Cup last year I believe it was or the year before I can't remember anyway it was great hey listen I want to remind you to get your room booked for the mark Lowry Spring Fling cruise it's gonna be so much fun with taranta green and stand wittmeyer and the martins the martins were there that family Fest this weekend I'm telling you they blew the doors off and the ball brothers it's gonna be a wonderful time called eight four four eight eight one eight eight four four for more information you don't even have to go on the web you can just pick up your phone or you can go to mark Lowry cruise comm and join us my very first cruise it's gonna be fun and we're gonna have games we're gonna have the not so newlywed game and we're gonna have a pajama karaoke won't that be fun it's gonna be a blast so make sure you get your room booked for the mark Lowry Spring Fling cruise I am so excited about that and I'm really excited about my guest next week y'all Karen Peck caring pecks gonna be my guest look at us as I swing that around Karen Peck have you ever heard her sing I'm sure most of you have well Karen Peck is a dear friend she just was just inducted in the Gospel Music Hall of Fame and I'm sure she'll have a lot to talk about that and she can sing I love to hear Karen Peck saying have you ever heard her sing the news came to Jesus please come fasting about three days late four days late what is it four days late yeah incredible song Google that if you haven't heard it four days late all right Karen Peck will be my guest my guest tonight though is the incomparable Oh before I bring him on I've got to do one more thing or I'll get in trouble I'm gonna be this weekend y'all I'm gonna be in Shipshewana Indiana June first and then June 2nd New Wilmington Pennsylvania so if you know anybody who lives there please share this program and let them know I'm coming to their their town this weekend Shipshewana and new one weekend I love ships you want I've been there many many times and New Wilmington I I love get it see all these places and sing and next year I'm taking the whole year off I'm s I told you that so I hope to get to see you this year cuz next year I'll be I'll be taking a sabbatical and seeing what God's got from me next Dino's in there laughing at me talking about take time off he's probably never taking a day off Dino Kart sonatas he's amazing and would you help me welcome him right now Dino welcome to Monday's with Marc which is really on Tuesday but if you're seeing this delayed that well then you doesn't really matter when we video it but it's usually Mondays night but I was traveling last night so I couldn't do it and you were gracious enough to move it right and people can go there every Tuesday night if you every Tuesday night Dino gets on that very piano that you're seeing right now and he plays for 20 30 minutes all the old hymns or whatever you request and tell them about you're working on a new hymn nori that project yeah anyway I sell oh gosh she did that's right right before y'all Oh Dino it's the enemy oh my gosh she they've got the doctor that looks horrible you're awesome okay I want to go back I want to go back to the first time I discovered Dino karts and Optus I was probably 14 I'll be 60 next month June 24th 2018 I'll be 60 buzz I was in high school or I'd come home from church and I had a little gray black and white they call them television the little bitty thing I was so proud of that black and white yeah and um I would come home and watch Kathryn Kuhlman every Sunday night I think it was because she was so fascinating that she'd always say hello I've been waiting for you and it it felt scary and inviting it was almost spooky she talks and it was a slow drawn-out did she have a speech impediment I heard that's why she ended up talking very deliberate oh yeah and it made you want to watch like what's she gonna do next and you would be back there playing the piano right and playing heat wait wait wait playing he touched me always yes and you have this didn't you ever like a chandelier or something over the piano right right realize that she was one of the greatest evangelists of that day and long story short she invited me and she had heard I played the piano and she said I'd love to have you on my show and her show was filmed at CBS and that was what Red Skelton was hey everybody hey let's start over y'all I'm sorry I just turned the skype mic on talk don't talk I'm sorry everybody you were there saying I can't hear Dina remember I turn the Skype on for the beginning let's go back y'all I apologize everybody but this is not CBS this is mark on Facebook I don't have a Cheryl to hold my camera and help me it's ok so I was we were talking everybody now you can hear correct everybody can hear perfect on volume can hear now I'm so sorry everybody I wanted to just to uh Kathryn Kuhlman I would come home from you heard me say all this and you said the theme song was he touched me and play that again for him every Sunday [Music] sure that's actually open the show and of course at her services that was your theme song also and that was what we're talking about how long ago it had me 40 some odd years ago oh well I was 14 I mean we out come home every Sunday night every Sunday not help how many here is that I'm 15 I'll be 16 June 24th so that's I don't know I'd never did good in math well it's not 40 some odd years ago I know and look at you you look the same I do I look a little different than when I was 14 don't we all right but so so I mean you would play it all did you play it her Crusades - oh yeah so you were with her for how long how many years about six six years six years and Mark I'm telling you I saw some amazing healings in her service I mean of course I was raised as somebody god boys we were we were taught that Jesus still performs miracles in our lives and so but I never saw honestly I never saw like a physical healing mm-hmm you know I'm saying something that I get seen with my eyes right like I did one day I was trauma auditorium so I actually so goiter dissolve oh you did the lady was right next to me and Kathryn Kuhlman said there's someone being healed of a glitter and I turned around and literally I heard the crackling I was that close and I'm heavily crackly and it would it went down I mean oh why not I mean if God he can do what he wants absolutely and what God did back then do you do today right you can do whatever he's God I am the I am the kid he is the daddy he does what he wants and I just try to follow that's exactly right hey listen so so from from Kuhlman what happened in your life after that weird what tell me what all that up to tonight give me a little rundown for everybody how much time do we have as much as you want it's FaceTime Facebook whatever this is this time Mark Zuckerberg is paying for it [Laughter] after Kathryn Kuhlman to be specific I got married okay and that kind of cut me off of the ministry the chemical ministry of course the word was out that I I left Catherine and and hurt her and you know is just unfortunate People magazine put out an article that that I'd betrayed her it was just terrible a book came out my Jimmy Buckingham and one chapter there says betrayal and talks about me being a gigolo it was terrible that book was it was called daughter of Destiny huh so now you're you ask me the question just I want to change that sure it happened okay yeah so this book came out and he never interviewed any other Oh Cheryl is reminding me that it was JT Buckingham they wrote the book and but he never interviewed me that was a that was you know the part that blew my mind because how's he getting all this information and it wasn't true of course but they kind of blacklist is what really happened yeah and she charges would accept me and of course Kathryn was still living got a very long time after that that she that's the way you know but still I had a lot work through that it was very difficult time of my life hmm it was and in fact that the marriage and you know it was just a terrible it was a terrible scenario and I won't go into more detail but God you know he had a way of just how they going to survive all that and I had to start from the you know I was kind of a top day with Kathryn Kuhlman I was on television every Sunday vited to play everywhere then all of a sudden no one invited me so I'm really praying about it and it was jiff Baker on the PTL show and I'll always love Jim Baker for this he put me on his show and he wanted people to know the real story he goes like act like I said you know the hum barks and those that Katherine was friends with they were not very fond of me because they thought I heard Katherine hmm so Jim Baker invited me on the show when Jamie Buckingham was on the show which is really interesting and I wasn't there to put his book down or anything I want to be as nice and kind and gracious as possible but Jim Baker said to Jamie because they were talking about daughter of destiny he said it just what happened is that I've invited Dino and Jamie turned red I mean you could see it right you know the TV and people even saw it and I walked out there and sat next to him and I looked at him and I said Jamie you know I wish it contacted me or interviewed me for this book because a lot of things you wrote though they were just not right there in fair and besides I don't think Kathryn Kuhlman Lovejoy or it would have preaches such a lady she wouldn't that appreciate it view bringing up all of her background and what happened in her lives right right so but that show that Jim put me out Jimmy Tati really turn things around Wow because after the show the phones were ringing off the hook yeah people were saying we didn't know about Dino of a real story and Rex and Monty he called me and said we apologize so anyway have you ever been able to to amend that with him I mean have you ever been up but because it's so you have cancer quite a while ago yeah but no I but on that show it was it was a good moment and that and so from then on and then you toured for years and churches Ford I mean every time of the week I was in a different church you know and then you settled in Branson and then yeah actually what to Nashville Tennessee okay I said up there live there and then you know of course had there was a divorce somewhere in there unfortunately but anyway I bet Sheriff and I meant Journal at PTL there in heritage USA I walked out on stage and I saw Cheryl sitting really close to the stage with her mom and family and the way this bump is getting bigger I feel amazing by the way I felt so anyway I saw her and she looked actually gorgeous and I said okay lord help me play really good you know and I want her to come over afterwards and complement whatever I want leader and after the show Tammy Baker had a little reception and sure enough Cheryl is there and that I guess Euro came up to me and thanked me for the evening and I said well thank you very much I said and we're worried from and Cheryl said well I'm that Christ for the nations I'm a student there in Dallas Texas I said well I just happened to have a comma minium there but I just perfect I said let's do lunch some day and then hapless day says what what a lie yeah yeah how many years ago was that oh we're married about 30 some odd years yeah thought so so so fast-forward we do the lunch actually was dinner we go we go to the that was called what the hotel was but anyways it was the pyramid route was a very romantic place at the Dallas hotel and strolling strings and it's very romantic and it's Cheryl sat there and I sat here and we ordered and then all of a sudden Cheryl so please excuse me I said sure and I pulled her chair and she she left and didn't come back for about 10 to 15 minutes I said oh no what's going on she finally comes back to find out she was at the restroom was way far from that restaurant came back and we sat down that we had our appetite and start talking and for the second times you said please excuse me same thing and then she comes back to the table and I said Cheryl tell me something do you have a kidney problem what was she doing she would let me tell you she was do you want to hear what she was doing what she said tattoo now summer night her nose is running that she had a blower mills she with ladies room because she would not do it at the table that's pillai ha ha that's polite not to blow your nose at the table but anyway when i said you have a kidney problem that we start laughing and that broke the ice ever since then we're laughing okay they know i think your sound was off when everyone you were telling people how you got hurt so y'all before we went live dino failed in his home like an old person I told them to watch him butter I did look at my hand and look at my own lookit he hurt himself look at that let's say either that is an egg what does they get that on it looks like it looks like a camel what did you hit that on I got a camel on my leg you do look at that I wish we'd got that on video oh Jesus it's got to go down they say you need to get some ice on that people were saying that someone said look Linda said go to the hospital your leg could be broken oh really well that's what she says of course she's watching on Facebook so who knows you know you need to go look everybody send you're the doctor well before you go cuz this could be the last day here yeah before you go to the hospital play something okay something that is you know I told my facebook family that that you know we're doing a him right tell everybody about your hymnal and also this is where you can find the hymnal y'all let me get where is that again his Facebook page if you go to facebook.com slash D know dot cart sonatas kar Oh in a kis you can find his is that now is that your face but is that your fan page or your no it's my rep I think like regular yeah yeah get up you gonna find out the fan page too okay well it's you know he doesn't really he understands Facebook less than me because he's doing his show from his he's doing it look nice looking at his knee he's doing leave it Geo oh yeah that's us right there in it I see it yeah to his ownership is too much information for this okay Dina what can you play can i play that when you play something I will oh you want to know my favorite hymn yeah okay but first let me play a little hint that everybody loves but now I'm going to ask you what's your favorite hymn is alright because I had a little contest with my people and I said if they can guess what your favorite hymn is alright that I will send them one of my latest CDs so okay did did I'm ask you this did did you have a lot of people offers oh oh yeah yes okay oh yeah all right place on [Music] hold on a second oh there you are is it starting to affect it I love that now your favorite yet well there's so many but I guess the one that I sing when I'm in the MRI would be blessed assurance Jesus is mine oh Lord I love this line oh what a foretaste of glory divine because that's all we get here is a foretaste just a little sampling of heaven wouldn't try that somebody's mouth blessed assurance Jesus is mine oh what a foretaste of glory eres Alvey purchase of God of his spirit washed in his everybody's saying [Music] [Music] people are saying nice things let's see what this one know so thank you so much guys those defenseless still have my son King shirt Oh people want you to go to the hospital yeah well he ain't going parties Pentecostal y'all he'll get healed just hold on I'm lap dissapears me I'd be already that were on my way to the hospital but he's Pentecost so you can sit there and get healed but we could be free go to the hospital we got some cake Oh looky there y'all that's my carrot cake well cut it let them see inside of it now the people know about my carrot or explain to this how did you go from the piano to baking cakes well number one I'm Greek so we'd like to bake and cook right all right and my father was a chef and I learned from him actually and one day I went to the kitchen I said to Cheryl I'm gonna make a carrot cake because I've never had is that knowing tips on the end of the icing yeah it's 24 it's got gold 24-karat Wow yeah I can't eat gold yeah you could I wouldn't know because the price is going up all right I've had it you know it's very good it is so and they yep they ship all over the country do you James everywhere yeah it ships around the world I guess because they cut it comes in frozen right throws it and that way you just warm it up or let it come to room temperature and there you go we had Thanksgiving one one Thanksgiving I said it to you did I I think you did but look it's so moist look at this it's so amazing and the cream cheese icing oh Jesus help us look here I'm not ready I said can you look it there no yeah yeah yeah I can't too bad with the it almost taste it right yeah so good so good that's so whatever I do when it comes to Branson Missouri they need to come to my cafe it's on it's on Main Street downtown Main Street yeah it's 104 East Main Street it's a little cafe and they'll love it if they come in Cheryl I'll probably in there sure we're sure she's coming yes sandy Hackney Allen he ships and you have a website did you just tell the website I was reading the comments my website is Dino place cattle calm do you know play piano calm being those cake is amazing amazing a beacon is a beam is I bet it I bet that K of silent these people are loving your they can't believe you're a baker and a pianist and a recording artist oh what's that now this is called treasured songs and hymns of worship okay and this was recorded at the Baptist Church in Dallas mm-hmm with the congregation at about three or four choirs and it was totally impromptu mark I went into the into the accentuate the microphones were all ready to go and we even videotaped it and I start playing one song after the other and people who sang along that's all on here oh wow that's good so just songs like of course blessed assurance and I mean it goes on and on and on it's just it's something you can play in your house and sing along with go treasured songs and hymns of worship and if they get on that way they put the email uh-huh that they could also think wouldn't Amy wants to know how they know order the carrot cake where did you tell them already know you got a 24 karat comm 24 karat is that okay with a see okay our ro t KF r ro t 24 kar huh yeah k r ro t common let me just do an overlay of that 24 okay see if this is right y'all karat 24 karat cake and regular pizza is it 24 carat carat cake k AR r OT k CA k yes alright you're gonna have to go the doctor clears there it is 24 carat cake calm y'all you know order that carrot cake I've got the website up on the screen right now and Cheryl took me some pizza where's the pizza oh you just up star show okay before we let you go is there anything else you want I don't know about a and cheese and mushroom and olives it is so looking so good so good okay Carol sings update remember you by improv is all [Music] the colors of the rainbow so pretty in the sky are also on the faces of the people passing by I see friends shaking hands saying how do you do they're really saying [Music] and we don't hear no babies crying cuz we're all too old [Laughter] [Music] yes and mais been Dole says it's nice to see Cheryl in front of the camera yes and someone says Marcia Saul Hill Hannon says sweet pretty Cheryl they all love you Dino and Cheryl everybody loves you you know I've loved you guys for years really not gotten to know you well until really the last few years that's true because I pass across so much in Branson and I love y'all because you are my family we're all family of God and you know mark we love your ministry you you really have an amazing ministry you know we've been to several hear your concerts and purchasing is amazing it's really funny because when I asked what your favorite hymn was love it was that it's probably mary did you know it's weird I think it actually is in a hymnal I so someone put it in a hymnal that doesn't make any sense to me but because I don't know how a congregation could sing that everybody knows it yes and that's been recorded by how many people mark I don't know how many artists you know I don't know I would say I'll tell you this not enough oh I want the world this thing and I believe that I really do believe the Gospels in there and I'm so thankful that I got to be a part of that and I hope they will sing that song about Jesus and saying all great songs about Jesus for you know I just heard that blind what's your name like Mary Jane she's a tree corded she's recording it oh yeah mary j blige recorded it several years ago let me tell you I met you the first time when you were probably 12 or 13 years old right and I met you get your church yeah and your mother was trying to corral you and it was impossible because you were making everybody laugh so much oh wow with all your laughter you listened in that church because you have so much ministry though you know it's just like I mean you have you Minister the whole time even though people are laughing they're hearing well I do love that I love it when people get it it's not about you know I could laughter for laughter sake to me is such a waste of time but when people get it all right I love you guys hey listen go to Dino Carson artists a Facebook page if you didn't get that word what let me give it to you one more time let me find it where I put it right it's right here here it is okay that is Dino's Facebook page and I will see you this weekend and Shipshewana and New Wilmington Pennsylvania god bless you everybody bye-bye
Channel: Mark Lowry
Views: 11,297
Rating: 4.8596492 out of 5
Id: gyK4O1Z_kdg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 38min 55sec (2335 seconds)
Published: Tue May 29 2018
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