Dino Kartsonakis at the piano Live Session 7-31-18

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[Music] hi good to see you tonight glad you joined in once again a lot of you have been like family right Cheryl it's been amazing every week most wonderful best weekend comments from people saying saying this is like our church right and I might even never attain minister you know well I'll say one thing I love the Lord and we just share the love Christ if there's these wonderful hymns I've been playing for the past how many how many weeks now has been and I'm telling you I'm gonna give you a report right now is everything okay Cheryl yes it's fine everything's rolling well yes it is okay I want to be sure because last week we had a little technical problem you know Sarah loved me here we are we're doing it the momma pop scenario well we're all sold out the family this little iPad is getting brighter and brighter was that good no oh okay all right that's good first of all I'm going to say that the the passion would say the phones are ringing off the hook you know people calling for orders but in this technology you actually do the PayPal and a lot of people already on on that ordering of the new hymnal I'm gonna give you more details about that in a second but let me play something for you before I play the arrangement of heavenly sunlight that I worked on this week from the hymns in the project this one is you know I know you'll recognize it right away it goes like this my glasses it's right here right that's wonderful what words in life yes that's a wonderful ring title I thought you just said heavenly sunlight no I'll play okay sure let's see I wasn't listening you guys be sure [Music] that was great well you know what I am taking these hinges that we haven't heard for so many years and Cheryl and I are enjoying them as she's writing the inspirational messages for each him and I'm actually timing them in the computer because I like tight and she dictates to me if I'm learning like about the background of these these hams and who wrote them and for what reason really interesting stories know most of the writers and I think I said this last week but most of the writers were ministers they work yes and I preached the gospel yet they had to have another job to notice that they're from from the east from upstate New York so many of them Albany New York City Fanny Crosby it was a New York City right right but I believe that's where me for the revival started that is very possible because they are kind of revival songs there are so many of them and I'm still proven to be able to restore these these hymns and and it's it's a pleasure every time I play them like wonderful words of life I haven't played that in years and it just brings it back a lot of memories of my days in our church of glad tidings Tabernacle in New York City on 33rd Street and and I was wondering my sister and I were born and raised sometimes I think we were born first in the first few of that church right all right so I just I wanted you to share the fact that your sister sitting over here on our side son Chris from she came in all the way from Cambridge New York and our nephew CJ's here yes he is they're actually sitting right there at the couch am I gonna turn the camera there but anyway she's here and she's the most amazing Baker and she was in our bakery today and she taught us how to make baklava baklava listen yeah unless you've had vices of baklava she taught one of our bakers to make it and that's good so the next time you come Frandsen you come to our play for County cafe we're gonna have baklava for you just terrific absolutely food but she's awesome at desserts I got my inspiration into the carrot cake and have our cafe but again next time you come let's get back to these these hips okay heavenly sunlight now I'm gonna tell you this this well you have to arrange a hundred one hems night it can't be all the same you know you know in the hymnal it you're gonna be getting its four-part harmony as you would do in a choir right or a casual sing so I don't want mislead you these panel ranges are not in the hymnal okay I need you to understand that because I don't you folks get to him and I'd say well how come does I have up NGOs and all that you know it's a four-part harmony as you would sing in church that's we're trying to bring the congregational singing back to the church you know the him but later on we're probably gonna put out the I'm sure we're gonna put out the arrangements so I'm carry me up to that what may be in CDs they can come to them later or something like maybe so but all right book I want these arrangements with because you meet you know so each one so the Lord has to really give me creative ideas yeah and it's been it's been fun for me because these songs are grained into me because I was raised on these hymns such as little little chop my very first him as a child was at the cross at the cross and then ever since then to just play all these hymns so so I know the hymns but I'm trying to figure out how to make it interesting with the anointing of course so as you play these in church people will be responsive to it because of the Holy Spirit plain to you that's very important you know as Christians so this is a heavenly sunlight let's see if I can remember it's kind of different I'm telling you right now and I kind of like you [Music] different modulation [Music] and I'd like this [Music] no I'm sorry [Music] it's different right do you like it tell me if you like it okay if you don't write us I'm still gonna do it music played over the years in classical music and it's all coming back now and I'm kind of putting it into it's a life long prop it really is a project a lifetime be able to play I've never probably went to volume two and three and four depends if you buy them okay that I've got to let you know you can now purchase the restoration ham 101 on the fan Dino fan page go there and you will see it kind of scrolled down it'll tell you exactly how you can order it now these are the priori I got to explain this okay please do because I'm getting questions because you're gonna be you're gonna be getting a discount being that you've helped me for all these weeks and months to put this put this project together so I told the publishing I asked loving company if we can just give a nice discount for those the first 500 people will actually split this way let's back up no it's gonna discount if it's a thousand people five thousand but the first five hundred that's why you're gonna act quickly first 500 I will autograph for you okay each of those books Tim knows will be autographed and I want that just for you so you got order right away we reach 500 because you know it's what it's like to autograph 500 him that's a lot the publishing company had been stood in barks come mr. Ari how about a hundred and one I said that's not enough well unexpanded more because we had we really literally had hundreds and hundreds of orders so but you haven't purchased it those are purchase I will autograph each one so if you have any questions ask us the the publishing company will probably you know answer your questions don't worry for sure yeah they're better equipped at this to do that aren't they [Music] I love hearing you arrange that I mean you just start with a little bit of it and then you just build on it so while you guys are waiting to make a little here [Music] you're gonna get all the money in the world that will not satisfy you people think we'll have a lot of money I can buy this and that would have you and you know it's it's okay at first but eventually this will not satisfy you the ultimate is when you turn their eyes upon Jesus he will give you the peace and the love and the joy and the supernatural power for your life to live especially in this day and age [Music] these are the songs that just lets the hearts of so many people right yes they do I mean if you have a request tonight kind of write it in there and see if I can I may have time to play play it for sure and then so loving to theater singing you know I won't do something makes you focus I want to just there's a lot of you that has had a tough day today and you've come home from work and who knows what we've been through and I just feel for the next three or four or five minutes on how long it's gonna take I just want to play just play the cows we just if you even can close your eyes and just just meditate on the Word of God and and on the Lord Jesus Christ just see him and I prayed there's a bring peace to you and whatever I don't know unless we were God just play through me [Music] shurl the love of Jesus is just absolutely amazing [Music] yes jesus loves me stick it with me please [Music] I want you to six weeks a life as a child Nestle you were just a little girl a little boy and the purity of that little course is absolutely profound if you're watching right now you sometimes say how could God love you because I've sinned so listen I want you to forget about that he will wipe away those sins that he actually adores you because he died on the cross for you his blood was shed for those sins that would you say fear Jesus forgive me of my sins I mean Derrick gone and and you must forget them too and sing this with me especially you that are heard yes [Music] docile of the world that He gave us all bleep behind us I believe the tensor not perish but have you know so I just felt for about three or four or five minutes or so just a play is sometimes less talking and just easy listening I don't want to call it but I call it peaceful music there feel that big piece of their lives and we get a lot of folks that rise is a dino Cheryl please pray for me because I'm going through some trials right now I've lost my loved one just recently and I'm having a hard time making it through and you know what's not let me I just want to say this that I understand that sometimes we need to cry we need to just pour out and let those tears well there's nothing wrong with that it's it's like a cleansing and and just let let the Lord just continue all your doing that give you the peace of mind just knowing that it's gonna be okay right Cheryl are we gonna say I just wanted to say that clothes we give here you I wanted to say that I noticed how one of the listeners was crying out to God and saying how much she needed [Music] God can supply whatever is in your heart attorney and that is such great precious ministry of ever [Music] God we thank your Savior scientist Earth [Music] it's so pure it just flows through our veins like Cheryl says we get a new DNA price our personal Savior and when it comes you know that's why when I put up this hymnal when Cheryl and I were little Laura to do this these are the songs this is the music that touches the heart I mean it gets right to the core of a heart where it you I mean down to that layer where you're really hurting and that's why God has given us this that's why I want you to be able to digest all this and read the lyrics of the hymns and Cheryl when you get your hymnal and you read the writing and as she's writing out I'm telling you Cheryl it's been hours and hours and hours on these on these devotionals for each him love lifted media and the old rugged cross and nobody should give the history of the composer the right of the lyrics of the writer of the music but she gives these little thoughts and at the end of every devotional is a prayer and if anybody could pray Cheryl knows how to pray we're not daughter sir he was was stricken with mumbles ferocious I'm telling you it was Cheryl that came to her bedside and just just ask God you know there's some things we done derstand but she committed to God and she we've been praying for her and I'm here to tell you tonight that are sure I just talked her today she is feeling terrific she's usually a great life no trace of multiple sclerosis this is what God does he loves me so much oh wow praise God I'll tell you I just feel a wonderful atmosphere of love yeah yeah happy you wanna know something okay now this is amazing this is what Facebook does you know I'm able to just share from my heart I get on stage with so many years and I've always wanted to get right close up up close and personal with the folks that came to our concerts and I try to do that from the stage but there's nothing like like right now like what we're doing week after week that we're absolutely communicating with each other we're getting to know each other [Music] well you know what I have this this this book that we've put out five or six years ago and people are still buying it because it's got some of it the songs that I've played for many many years and like we shall behold and look it's got so many so many so many arrangements that I've played my career is in this book my career is actually the book and I'm gonna show you right here if I promise you I do this I'm gonna play some of the pieces you know I know there are a lot of Janis that watch every week Panasonic churches and the key of G I'm actually reading this arrangement right here you can do this [Music] a great awful Tori arrangement sure let me keep going okay you got time okay let's see what happens [Music] it's very regal and and this is a great arrangement for anybody that wants to play a special at the church so Majesties actually the very first one we shall be holed up [Music] how excellent is thy name that's a good one it starts like and let's see how babies for a long time goodness God he got along where were that one it was a steep green that was his song and we got a beautiful arrangement an arrangement of this these are kind of technical they're advanced a Lamb of God Oh how He loves you would be actually a plate that little while ago that's it here in that arrangement and let's see another one you don't know what I really like for this book it is well with my soul with a Canon and D major the classic piece so the combination of classic on sit somewhere entire [Music] holy night is in here hey you guys some purchase music I'm gonna give you an idea was it a morning like this [Music] I just [Music] and the vocalist on there is so high and pure and beautiful is it's all straight oh this is the one Cheryl's gonna yeah are you warm out there she's gonna pull it off this is a Via Dolorosa and I want you to see the intro that I put on this I think you'll like it let's see if I can read it read my own music you [Music] anyways this is this is probably a great vote that you'll want for sure well it just and have purchased this left and right and tell me we're running out of these but we're gonna get more printed so if you know of a pianist or pianist yourself this is something you really want to have and not you're trying to impress your your congregation but they're gonna like it because these were very powerful so it's called Dino million-seller counter Iranian books and many of you already gotten this book so if you're interested in that but there's just so much that God has given us to share with you where's our C B's and what 0 quite a few have been notating that they have had purchased their hams tonight and the book yes but then I have one more or two that said how do I get it cuz tell you that's a yes yes as many times you want you have go on let's see how do you think it's really easy okay you're on my facebook now you're on the Dino okay Dino's fan page so as you scroll down you're gonna see a paragraph there or two from a Daniel Nord Skog this is the son of mr. and mrs. and Lord Skog Jerry and yeah and he's the one that's kind of organizing the orders would have he's any orders jotting her name down and he's keeping a record I told I told him I said Daniel please so I asked him I don't tell her that I asked that please keep a list the first 500 that purchased this hymnal tonight or it's however soon I will autograph personally so as soon as you get in there because we've gotten hundreds and hundreds and that 500 over it quickly and I want you to have a personalized because I'd love to autograph it to you for sure and as you know I can't decide graph thousands but I could do the first five five hundred handle that right there's a notation here that Stephanie says Jerry just sent her an email tonight oh he did sign up that's good about that thank you for sharing that again thank you and if you did not get the email please let me know we'll see that you get it because in that email I looked it up myself at the bottom you just the hymnals picture of the Hamill's there all you got to do is click it on and it'll take you right to where you can actually purchase like I said some of my 3-4 this is what I would do and listen if you know the money we're gonna pray that you get the finances to make this happen great Christmas gifts okay it's gonna be out it should be out by the beginning of November just before Christmas and get that to your grandchildren a wonderful gift it's a beautiful piece like it's even grid of Christmas put a nice bow around it and give this to your grandchildren children and grandchildren I'm excited about the outside I think it's very very pretty look yeah ended on the back you see some of the authors and I just think that great well we mentioned a while ago that my sister's here Chris where did she tell she was left the room I'm not sure Chris are you here sister Chris what Michelle Stevens she went to do the bedroom cuz I would love for the folks to meet her well that'd be fun would you like to be my sister Chris oh you didn't love her of course we can get along that well we were kids but we love each other now all they left yeah let's cook we call with my telephone did I go to the okay could you call Chris Kristina yeah would you tell him I want that I wanted to meet I want the people to meet her look at a kick out of it for sure do you love my sister Chris you drove together in New York City and I used to hit every time we go to school we walk to school you know New York you walk she grabbed me by the neck by the collar right here and I just I hate it it would annoy me she cuz mama said be sure you take care of Dina because I'm the I was younger than she was and so he's protected everything and she would just grab me by the collar it's one of those brothers miss Jillian something else and we argued a lot oh my god what we have grown out of that and we just absolutely adore each other and Chris she we would do a duet in church [Music] [Music] [Music] please [Music] [Music] [Music] the message [Music] I don't know [Music] he's amazing in trouble all the time - Gator always did things that I did he pick fights with everybody and I'd have to fight his battles that's why and he followed me everywhere when he's for years the little brother you know how that is and I used to walk on eggshells I guess I'd welcome down the street I used to hold the bag a car is like this I still do you try to get away from me we have that don't the booty call is like is a custard it's a cosmic phyllo dough and a nice it's wonderful I want you before you go yes I want you to talk to the mothers out there yes and the grandmothers you are mother and are you grandmother yet yeah I'm gonna be a great grandmother okay we don't give ages around here guys right no no no my senior figure right no I can't figure Oh she looked at it oh my tell them Chris my sister Christine nah christena christena christena they call me it's gonna be 80 years old oh this vibrant and pretty grandmother's and your mother's you make sure you dedicate all your your grandchildren your children to the Lord in the end it's really gonna pay off I promise you it never fails and the way you treat them remember this turn around and you take care of them it's amazing I was [Music] excited are you listening going on that whatever page the link and you're getting you know what people are longing for the old hymns I know the praise and worship songs are beautiful we don't want to know something these these him spoke to the heart this came from real experiences from stripes suffering and trials that's true I mean real things that we don't even know today but we were just talking earlier about how how most of these hymn writers back in the 1800s they were ministers yes I want to take a moment let's pray yeah for the dear grandmas that are we get a lot of comments from sweet people that are living alone they're lonely yeah but we have to we have to encourage them to get out there and fellowship with church people involved and so on you don't have to be alone and this their Tuesday night is the only sometimes the only relationship they have with that's great and some of them are they can't go there it's hard for them to do that ladies watching our Facebook yeah over and over again but what I like you to do is if you don't mind I'll put you on the spot yeah but I want you to pray yes all right father in heaven we're souls god you're so amazing we love you so much we never cease to praise your wonderful name we've seen it over and over again you take lives and turn them around Lord right now especially we pray for the grandmothers the mother is the ones I can't get out the ones that are so lonely Oh God just let them know that all they have to do is reach out to you and let them pray that also that God will bring something someone to them that's not impossible father we pray that you lay a hand on them bless them by the power of your Holy Spirit heal their bodies heal their souls those that don't know you let them know the wonderful experience they could have and knowing you and experiencing you that you love them and that you died for them and that someday when they're ready to leave this world that they'll know that they have a Heavenly Father that's waiting for them to meet them what a blessing promise and assurance that we have we love you Jesus we commit these people to you and the precious name of Jesus amen my sister credits is so much [Music] seriously oh listen to scrub this is what family's all about oh let's see this been great and remember jesus loves you so much it's been requested over and over again and that's also it in my book my tribute there's something about that song that people [Music] for what he's done and what he's doing today and what he's gonna do tomorrow it made tonight be the most restful night you've ever had just it just lay in bed it just just call on the name of Jesus it's all I got to do it he'll bring such a calmness over you it's such a peace that's what I do at night when I can't sleep I just say Jesus Jesus Jesus there's just power in that name and know beyond a shadow of a doubt that you're never alone if you know Jesus is your son here the Holy Spirit lives within you and the Lord is right there to comfort and guidance right okay and I'm hoping to give me a good report next week throughout the week I'll do that those that have already purchased the hymnal first 500 will be autographed and you'll be so pleased when you get it there's such anticipation for this hymnal we're getting churches already inquiring about getting these for the hips there's a revolution taking place right now remember how many months ago I said we are we are committed get these hymns back in a church I'm not saying that guys you have to sing one half after the other for the whole serve interject one or two or three hymns with the new songs that's what our church is doing now faith and wisdom Church here in Branson Missouri they are the last last Sunday we're seeing some great saw I forgot but they were hips two or three of them and then they brought in them do her things you know there are great praise songs there really are that have been written and still being greedy so listen god bless you we love you so much you know that's how many times did I say that but I do it with our with our thoughts with the music and you can tell I know you can and I can tell that you love us too so please let's paint touched it let's pray together and god bless you and give you the desires of your heart within the perfect will of God amen you will get whatever you ask for amen your books we love you five I love you so much
Channel: Dino at the Piano
Views: 4,807
Rating: 4.8383837 out of 5
Keywords: Dino, Dino Kartsonakis, Chris Kartsonakis, Piano, Piano Hymns, Christian Piano, Gospel Piano, Hymns Restoration, Hymnal
Id: AlbGk9jQoZ4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 56min 56sec (3416 seconds)
Published: Tue Jul 31 2018
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