DINE on SWINE | Uncle Si's HUNT and COOK - Jambalaya Recipe

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about a month ago metal stone went to what is known as a pee-pee event and what that is is we want to it starts when it gets dark and it ends before it gets light it's called a pig [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] all of this is from that pig party because we [ __ ] stack them alright so now we're coming to the part where we're going dine on the swine this is gonna be a pig jambalaya nothing but Pig as far as meat goes to this lot yeah and the unique about this jambalaya the unique thing about this jambalaya is we're gonna cook it on that fancy grill you got so hot it's gonna be a smoke flavor jambalaya we're gonna put a little smoke on the rice so this bowl number one we have I would say pound and a half of bacon in a pot of black pot about this size you got to have a black pot you got to have a spatula call it though so don't seven that's your weapon the choice the next thing we have is breakfast sausage from pig this ain't one opinion one this is this is come from the grocery store but one of them's hot one of them's mild okay this okay in this bowl we have the preacher meat off of one M pigs that Oh evil eye shadow very this is a young Sal which is they say is the best eaten a young Sal this is the preacher meat is the muscle on the inside of the rib cage aka tenderloin see they be not lowing that's right filet mignon tenderloin tenderloin very tender in this bowl we have also from a pig is link sausage Cajun style and I got some hot mixed in there because I'd like a little heat in my jambalaya all right and that's all the meat all from P so veggies in this bowl we have green onions onions green onions and this way should be the last ingredient we put inside okay bowl number two we have that will be red bell pepper bell pepper that's right because they live look at color in our food and in this bowl we have Cerie finely chopped chopped celery and last but not least we have white onion so veggies onion celery bell pepper green onion meat link sausage how great your meat I got one more breakfast sausage I'm looking it's bacon yeah I know I'm not gonna test and I got a question well I don't think you got a big enough pot sir oh yeah well this cold we're cooking it down is what we're fixed do so we're just a jambalaya love jambalaya is is a soup pot of rice and it is gonna be sick Oh No Hey so and the other two ingredients were going to use is of course rice Louisiana or Arkansas rice I don't if it ain't there only Louisiana Arkansas rice a chicken broth for our liquid okay now when we cook it down that's gonna have some liquid in the pot already so you know you put twice as much liquid as whatever amount of rice you put in there so are you ready to get started yeah I don't think I've ever heard of anyone cookie hey jambalaya oh yeah you go Hughson in here first this smoke this is smoky smoky pig jambalaya there we go [Music] so are we gonna do we're gonna cook this bacon down so that's gonna take about Oh 10 minutes all right so let's check out our bacon good yep yep we have brown the bacon around your bacon so the next step the next ingredient that goes in is the breakfast sauces so we're just gonna chop it up real good and brown in my all pigs so far it's a process it's a long drawn-out process but it's well worth it I'm gonna take it a little more Brown all right so the next ingredient we're gonna put in that preacher meet I'll fetch south we're gonna Brown it and we'll go ahead and do it like this so I don't you know splatter now you notice some pretty good sized chunks I did that for a reason they gonna render down to half that size and we're waiting on the next ingredient looking good right so we start out with her baking breakfast office in the Tenderloin so now we're coming in with the link sausage next now this is critical you got to go in this order know why because Phil told me to yep all right okay so we're gonna let that eat for about ten minutes or so all right oh that's all of me that's all the meat so our meat the meats doing it's cooked then we started here's the here's the part that before it gets really the aroma starts getting dried we're gonna scrape the bottom of that pot you always a little scrape on that pot that's where that good flavor comedy is so now we're gonna add our first veggie gonna be that white onion and we're gonna cook that down so that onion gets good and soft they're fixin to be good all right now our onions are cooked down so the next veggies we're gonna put in our Cerie and bell pepper at the same time mixing those veggies and we're gonna let them get soft and once they get soft we're almost to the last stages right now this is the most important part of making a jambalaya okay so all the meats cooked down all the veggies are cooked down in the exact order and what I sell no now we're gonna add the rice and the liquid so when you cook a pot of rice you always double your liquid wherever how much rice you put in there so I got a little more meat in this pot and I usually do so I usually have half a pot of meat and I use three and a half four cups of rice well in this case might have room for three cups of rice so and if I put three cups rice in there I got to have six cups of liquid and we'll go ahead and pour my rice here and I'm gonna mix it up real fast so this is gonna happen fast you ready yep let's go happen fast rice goes in the options in setup now that rice is gonna start expanding man yep just gonna start expanding fast and the last time we want that rice to scorch I'll show you what we're gonna do all right rice is in here comes chicken broth we're going I'm gonna put three cups in first see what it looks like and now here's here's the most important thing if you look at your watch what time is it 12:30 1:00 yep in three minutes I'm gonna roll that rise yep so that rise don't scorch every three minutes and I'm gonna do it 10 times every three minutes yep this is row number 10 we put our green onions in a little number nine see normally know if you're cooking on the stovetop this is when you turn your fire off you turn your fire off and put the lid on the pot we ain't there yeah but in this case the way this grill cooks and I like to do jumbled eyes on the grill for one reason cuz I like to get a little smoke and fused in that rice so now instead of turning fire I'll be putting lid on the pot I'm just gonna move this pot over to the end direct indirect size move it over here and in place of the pot I'm gonna take this smoke box set it right there it's one o'clock at 1:30 we'll be ready to eat and we're like a salmon if you're not using this particular method turn your fire off put the lid on your pot let it rest twenty to thirty minutes but in this case we're gonna add a little smoke flavor and the way this grill cooks that steam is going to bounce off that the roof of that grill it's gonna steam at rice perfect all right it's been resting for thirty minutes I just smoked I just turn the fire off after smoke more that's pretty good smelling there's your presentation as the presentation boy looks pretty good to me what about that let's take a baby inside and eat looks pretty good to me started with a bacon then with brown a breakfast sausage then we Brown pork tenderloin then we went with the link sausage that was all the meat onion bell pepper celery then rice then chicken broth twice the amount plus the amount of rice you put in there and liquid the number one deal with the jambalaya is scraping the bottom of that top and roll every three minutes for 30 minutes then if you're cooking on the stovetop put the lid on turn fire off let it rest for 30 minutes all the flavors come together that is fine hey this is a souped up playing rocks oh you don't know hope you enjoyed see y'all next time you should be here to take this stuff hey final photograph split four ways it doesn't get any better than that [Music] you [Music]
Channel: Duck Commander
Views: 234,169
Rating: 4.9202099 out of 5
Keywords: Hunting, outdoors, waterfowl, duck hunting, waterfowl hunting, duck calls, robertson, robertsons, duckmen, duck commander, phil robertson, jase robertson, willie robertson, mallards, teal, duck tips, duck blinds, Uncle Si, Si Robertson, Pig Hunt, Hog Hunt, Jambalaya, Recipe, Hunt and cook, Cooking, Duck Dynasty
Id: bYgRcKA9F8Q
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 53sec (773 seconds)
Published: Sun Jul 19 2020
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