Duck Blind Duck Fajitas Recipe | Field to Table with Justin Martin

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what's up guys welcome back to the channel look this past weekend on the live q a you guys said you want to see more cooking videos so guess what you're getting this sunday a cooking video we're gonna make our favorite duck blind duck fajitas super simple um something anybody can do and look we're gonna make it with wild duck you guys can make it with wild duck you can make it with chicken you can make it with whatever you desire so us being duck hunters we love to eat ducks so we're about to show you what you do with some of them the vegetables i like to use for these duck fajitas is a yellow onion i know that one looks white but he's really yellow i like a yellow bell pepper the reason being to me they just seem to be a little bit sweeter and it gives you a nice little color contrast because as you'll see we also use jalapeno peppers uh and one thing that i love to do with them mushrooms i love adding mushrooms these mushrooms i cheated and went ahead and bought chopped i've washed them everything's good to go but what we'll do is we'll prep all this the night before we go hunting especially if we know it's gonna be a super cold day or a day where we may have to sit there a while and you know it you want something to eat so that's just it's what we do i mean it's part of it pit balls come out with these awesome griddles that you can tote anywhere this one's got its own bag runs off a little propane bottle so you can take this anywhere but you can use if you have a big griddle at home you can do that if you just have a cast iron skillet in your house you can do this recipe anywhere i cannot stress that enough so without further ado i'm going to get to chopping the vegetables we're going to use one whole yellow onion and it's just a rough chop guys i'm not bobby flay this ain't food network i'm not looking for everything to be the same size same shape all that we're just going to get it close enough because they're going to cook down on that griddle and it's really not even going to matter so we're just going to do a rough chop of one whole onion let's see if i can get that right down the middle we'll be and not get my finger will be good spread them all apart spread them all apart a lot of times i'll go through here and cheat and take out the core uh just because you know it's just kind of an overpowering bite of onion even when after you've cooked them down but [Music] all those are done we're going to separate them a little bit so that when they get there they get good even cooking i don't want to leave any super big hunks and we got one onion roughly chopped well you can tell they're pretty much the same size so i did better than even i thought i would we're gonna sit them to the side of the cutting board and then we're gonna go here we're gonna we're gonna hold this bell pepper i don't know if that's the technical term but that's what it seems like you're doing you just cut the center out of them when you do that if you do it correctly hopefully i have and hopefully hopefully you pull out all the seeds and everything which i got most of them over there and then i'm going to cut him in fourths we're just going to go like that we're going to go like that we'll go right here there's most of the seeds i didn't get so it doesn't matter if you leave the seeds i just prefer them out of there doesn't really do anything and then we're going to just chop him we're going to try to get them somewhat the same that way that they cook the same and you don't have little crunchy pieces unless you like little crunchy pieces because now i'm going to go ahead and light my griddle so that it's nice and hot for when all the veggies go on there we want it nice and hot that way everything cooks kind of quick like i said you're remember you're cooking this in the blind in theory you can do it at home but you're cooking it in the blind so the jalapeno peppers are next i went ahead and split them down the middle what i'm going to do is i'm going to take two of them and i'm going to haul them out get the seeds and the white out of it decrease the heat a little bit but i'm going i'm going to leave one of them with all that in there that way you get a little pass-through heat take a spoon start here and then just kind of whoop and it'll all come out of there he's a hot part so just in case you want to know he he be what makes it hot so not interested in leaving him and all of them because let me tell you something they will light your world on fire you leave all of them so we're just going to chop them super thin trying to remember we're trying to keep everything consistent so that they cook at roughly the same time so there's that the griddle should be getting nice and hot and what we're going to do once it's nice and hot and we've got all this chopped we're going to put down a little bit of olive oil you can use whatever you want to i'm going to use olive oil just because i like using it i like the flavor it gives in the duck blind a lot of times i'll use butter butter is a lot easier transplant than a thing of olive oil so we'll just keep chopping we're just about done with all this so we're going to put just a little bit of olive oil over each of our burners we're going to put all this stuff on there's a little bit i pray that my table and my griddle are somewhat level they are that way i don't have to change anything and we're just going to take we're going to go here and we're just going to start adding so oh you gotta love the sound of that listen at them babies sizzle yes sir so let's get all this on there and we're just going to let them cook for a little bit like that sizzle like that sound um beautiful beautiful i referenced the mushrooms earlier the mushrooms are going to go in last because they don't take as long to cook down to the level you want them so but there we are we've got our uh bell peppers jalapenos onions all getting on the griddle about to get a nice little sweat on here um and we're just going to let them do their thing now we're going to move on to going ahead and chopping and slicing our protein so you've probably eaten fajitas before you know it's real thin strips so we're going to do the same thing with these duck breasts i've had them marinating overnight you can see they are in a deal of of worcestershire soy sauce minced garlic and cayenne pepper so that's what i have them soak in that's kind of the flavor profile i like what you'll do with this minced garlic a lot of times as you slice it it'll stay on it and you'll get the carry over of the minced garlic to cook with so i'm going to start on that here shortly now that these onions have had a little bit of time to sweat i'm going to hit them with something that's a little different this is made by a buddy of my meat church it's called the holy gospel it's actually a rub it's not a seasoning so to speak so what it's got is it's got a little sugar so what you're going to do is you're going to put it on here and you'll get a little caramelization of the sugar now that they've had a a minute to that shouldn't be too hot it's not perfect and we're just going to hit all of it with a generous amount of the gospel so everybody deserves to be hit with a gospel every once in a while so we're going to put the lid back over and let them keep sweating and we're going to get back to work on this so i'm going to go ahead and slice the duck breast i'm going to slice them again thin strips and get them ready to go on the reason the ducks are going on last they don't take very long to cook you got to remember one thing about ducks you don't want to cook them well done wild ducks you do not want to do that so you want to keep them at the most medium try to keep it around medium rare so when you cut them in strips when they go on there it don't take very long so these are mallard breasts these are the uh end of the road for ducks for me so you can tell i'm cutting them in super thin strips and then i'm even gonna go back again and slice them in half that way they cook even faster they got less time on there and you don't have to worry about it so i'm gonna do this i'm gonna hit them with a little bit more olive oil just right over the top not much just a little splash you'll hear it start sizzling and at this point too now that the vegetables are about halfway there i'm going to go ahead and throw some mushrooms on top of here so these are sliced portabella mushrooms use whichever mushroom you like again i bought these as a matter of convenience since they were already done so uh then we're going to go back with a lid put that on there let them keep and then we're going to keep slicing [Music] so now while that's continuing to do its thing i'm gonna come here this pro move here you won't see this one on many when it comes to fajitas but as our base for our duck we're gonna take four strips of bacon and we're gonna chop it we're gonna chop it real nice little small bits and that like we use the olive oil for uh for the veggies we're going to use bacon grease for the ducks and you'll also while you're eating it get these nice little crispy crunchy dills of bacon up in there and i don't think anybody's ever been mad about that happening have you if you have i don't i don't know i mean you can be friends so we're just going to keep doing it again this is seeming like a lot and you're like oh y'all do this duck now well we do but we do it all the night before so that baby's probably going to be hot this time let's touch it oh lord look at that look at that they're pretty soft that's a good thing right there that's we're gonna let them go for just one more hot minute but while we're waiting on those to cook i'm gonna ask y'all a question drop a comment down below what's your favorite duck blind snack what do y'all cook when you're out there is it bacon and egg sausage pancakes deer sausage what is it what and how do you cook it you cook it on a griddle you carry a little grill with you a little stove top let us know because we're all we are always looking for new ideas too so you know be sure to let us know down below what you like to have when you're out there [Music] so we're gonna pull them we're gonna put them in this pan and i'll show you what you do with that here in a minute the reason oh that's hot hot underneath there hot on the bottom hot on the bottom boys i'm gonna start with the bacon and we're just gonna come here oh boy listen at that sizzle of that bacon law have mercy [Music] lucky here that bacon's gonna even soak up some of that veggie juice oh man cool thing about cooking with like one skillet you get all the flavors through everything so we're gonna let that bacon render out produces some grease and let it start getting nice and crunchy [Music] nice and crispy [Music] and before the duck goes on there i'm going to take it and hit it with some of this hardcore carnivore amplify it's called mega savory flavor dust now look here i'm a seasoning nut i'll try any of it i love it ours is really good but every now and then you just like to play with other stuff so let's go let's put let's let's hit that we're going to hit it with more of it too i don't got it oh i got it fouled up there we go that one's on me and i did it again [Music] so we're going to start with that and look once i get it onto there we're gonna we're gonna add some more to it too not a lot of salt in that stuff i tasted it before i did it so that's why i wanted to try it because you're gonna get the salt from the bacon um and there's just not a lot of salt in there so that's a cool thing we're going to just scoot it to the side for a hot minute we're going to mix it all back in but let's get it over the side you see that puddle of grease right there and that is where these babies are going get on up in there mallard duck and then we're going to keep hitting it with some more this amplifier uh-huh now spread it out nice and thin let the bacon stay over here then we're going to bring them all back together and now you just want to watch it now you got to really look because you don't want to overcook it so spread it out where they get a nice even cook on them and we're just going to sit here and watch it we're going to move it constantly making sure that one doesn't get overcooked over the other so now you can mix the bacon back in with everybody you can see once the meat went on that went pretty doggone quick so now that we're there [Music] we're going to come here with our limes so we're just going hit it with a little lime we're going to hit it one more time make sure psy gets a seed in here no i'm kidding we don't want to do that to that old man he's too good to all of it [Music] all right then we're gonna remember our pan of vegetables we're gonna go here we're gonna dump it all together [Music] oh man look at all that oh my [Music] now we'll come here look i don't know why you keep trying to use that spatula that's what i brought this guy for now we're just going to mix everything together all the veggies all the meat everything come together then we're going to take a couple of these tortillas [Music] and i'm just going to go straight onto the griddle with them really quick won't take but a second [Music] about 10 seconds on each side roughly 11 000 it's probably been about 10. got that one a little wet ah that one's good we're gonna sit him right there i'm gonna sit here oh look at him get puffy so that's what you want right there a little puffy pop out air pocket go right here now trust me let him cool because that little rascal will be 200 degrees that little flower thing and you will burn your hand but let me get hunter a couple of them i don't i don't wanna i won't be that guy let me get hunter boy a little something here get on there oh he's going to build us one we're going to try to get a good mix of meat [Music] veggies i ain't got no green in there where's that yeah there we go look at that got him [Music] just everyone's to top him off with just a wee bit of cheese and we're going to fold him up like so and we're going to eat [Music] hmm that right there that's fire look we appreciate y'all tuning in with us this is our favorite duck blind duck fajitas comment down below let us know what you think look if you try it shoot us a message shoot me a message on instagram anything doesn't matter let me know how they turn out i can tell you right now if you follow what i did they're gonna be fire and your woman's gonna buy you more shell money to go duck hunting with because when she eats this that's the deal right there oh lord you
Channel: Duck Commander
Views: 180,651
Rating: 4.9575701 out of 5
Keywords: Hunting, outdoors, waterfowl, duck hunting, waterfowl hunting, duck calls, robertson, robertsons, duckmen, duck commander, phil robertson, jase robertson, willie robertson, mallards, teal, duck tips, duck blinds, duck hunting recipes, duck recipes, duck fajitas, wild game, wild game cooking, wild game recipes, hunting recipes, justin martin
Id: 7J4EXTmACbc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 18min 43sec (1123 seconds)
Published: Sun Nov 01 2020
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