Mama's 10-Minute Hot Water Cornbread (RECIPE) | Phil Robertson

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just remember this i usually don't do sides side dishes so you pour your little peanut oil don't get wild with it about half and that i got that heating up because i want that hot they call it corn ponds they call it uh hot water bread uh hot water cornbread this is ground up corn so look it's it makes a good meal i get me about about that much water about a third of a pot you turn that on wide open you're gonna boil that now look girls this feeds about uh that's a half cup that's a high that's a high that's a cup that's two cups two and a quarter two and a half cups get you a little flour i've got a half cup in my hand here it's a half cup that's close enough about a half a cup of flour take you a piece of salt about that much a little too much about like that a little sugar just a little that's all you got in it i've got cornmeal a little flour two and a half cups of cornmeal but look if you're just you and your man and one kid just use a couple of cups a cup and a half of meal a little bit of flour a little salt a little sugar that's all the ingredients in that i'm going to cook this with that hot water i'm going to pour it over in there but you got to know how much to pour you pour it in there and you roll it around you keep it in a ball but the hot water cooks this then you fry this in peanut oil and you come out with hot water bread see corn ponds hush puppies now you can get fancy you know and put a little bacon powder now where they'll fluff up but these are the crunchy types doesn't take long to boil water from start to finish i would say start to finish 10 minutes 10 minutes as soon as that boils i'm gonna pour it over in there and i'm going to show you how much water to put in there for where you've got to do this right you can't just pour the water to it and say well i want how much i got you get too much water well then you got mush so just enough water to cook it but it's still a ball then i'll take this spoon and you just knock it right off the spoon dip it out and fry it in little configurations it's a great meal it's a way to cook cornbread in 10 minutes hot water bread roughly a little flour mixed in with cornmeal a little salt a little sugar you got it nothing fancy this is old old school this is back in the time pioneer days when they would get bring their corn in they'd grind it up but they made all kind of dishes with it and uh yeah i like baked bacon bread totally different deal but this here is fried cornbread you want you you want your oil hot don't put it in there cold you don't want it smoking but you want your oil very hot and i mean it'll just it'll sizzle it's going to brown quick you got to remember it's already done the hot water going to cook it it's going to cook this corn the water's boiling now watch i'm going to pour this over that that meal there i'm watching how much i pour so i'm going to start with about that much and watch i'm going to roll this see it's soaking up that water see right there so look i poured a little more so i'm going to roll this again that hot water is cooking this i'm rolling the whole the whole shooting match here you don't want to make it mushy it needs to stand up i'm going to roll it again i'm down on the bottom i see a little dry in there that hot water is cooking this meal but you want it looking about like that where it's like a it's like a ball i'm putting just enough that i still got it as a ball that's about right right there girls see right there now just got a ball of meal so there's your hot water cornbread it's already cooked you got it in a ball take your grease pan's not hot yet i've got that all wide open wait till that gets hot you take your little pinch of flour when you see a little flower sizzle not there it's it's like the the church you have uh different members not all of them the opposite paul said have the same function i usually don't make fried cornbread miss k does that well what happens if miss k is gone what they're gonna do show down the cornbread no more cornbread the cook's gone i don't think so where's miss k she gone well let's get it and make some i watched my mama make this way way way back you say did you remember how she did it i remember how she did it you want your grease hot everybody oh you can't cook in in grease back in the old days they fried them in lard peanut oil a lot of people i'm allergic to it i'm not peanuts corn how bad could they be you say well you know i don't know eating stuff like that that's bad for your health yeah i noticed that because maul made it she cooked this her entire life you said did it finally get her i said i finally got her but she was 96. well how about your daddy 89. they ate this all their life so you run up down the road and forget the cornbread you're still going to die by 75.80 90. don't listen to the people that's blowing that heavy smoke them old timers live to be old look at this check that out pretty cool this is crunchy now if you put them if you if you do it on your hands and and you can do it that way but it won't be as crunchy i want this to be crunchy cornbread so i'm just dipping them out with a spoon if you want it real smooth you can pack it down with your hands have you some cold water there see all them little mountains and little hills that's what's going to make the crunch it just occurred to me before i walked in here so i'm going to make crunchy kind this time look at that you don't want to load the pan slam up i mean think about how many people just this will feed so i'm watching them look here see it's already getting brown look at that so i'm just turn them over move those to the side move the other ones in see how them look it's a little one look at that crunchy you'll just wait till they're brown you make them as brown as you want to if you like them really brown just stand here and let them turn brown and brighter son can well yup the girl you're married to can she cook well yeah oh she could cook when she has time the answer is no she can't cook if you don't have time to cook when do you find time to eat somebody has to cook something at some point are we always going to go out to restaurants you say but if i learn how to cook not only will it keep me alive i'll eat well i learned how to cook so you eat well so that's the first batch back to this so you get a little blob and you take it off my breeze is hot the old pioneers that come across some of the country you can bet your bottom dollar they made a mini a meal out of this right here look you could put little giblets of onions in here a lot of them do that that's fine but i think i'll kick it up a notch that's fine you want to put a little giblet on there little green onions up in there go ahead look that whole process didn't take long at all from start to finish 10 minutes easy fast we're going to teach you yuppy girls how to cook if it's the last thing we do because you need it and for you guys well you don't ever get around the kitchen it won't hurt you to get your tail in the kitchen and cook a meal from time to time it ain't gonna bother your manhood get in there and do it i mean very simple dish old-timey dish this goes way back to the pine here days so what's that look like to you you're like you know 10 minutes two and a half cups of meal half a cup of flour a little sugar and salt put hot water on it cook it with the hot water fried and peanut oil you could survive for years on that go out there in the yard and get you a few veggies with it you live to be 100 years old father we thank you for this good meal with fix neat thank you for the things you put in your creation like this corn thank you for your creation thank you for this good food we're going to eat in the name of jesus i pray amen let's dig in boys [Music] you
Channel: Phil Robertson
Views: 1,879,181
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: vIwKNZciiH4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 27sec (627 seconds)
Published: Sat May 08 2021
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