Cooking FRIED FROG LEGS with Jase Robertson

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[Music] in the morning and then we're gonna eat them tomorrow night welcome back day two i'm gonna show you how to make frogs utterly delicious stay tuned [Music] i've already eaten the back and the shoulders couldn't help it now when you get them this size i cut these legs in two there's a little socket in here i hadn't done this since last year there it is you'll see it just start cutting you see a little socket right there like a deer you just cut around the socket okay now you got two legs so i normally don't do this but when you get frogs this size you got to make an adjustment just so they'll halfway be tender so you just start you just start cutting right there where you where you can you'll see the you see the little ball joint pop up and you just cut around it there it is bam then you can kind of clean out the outside i mean the inside of the undesirables if you so choose those veins they're not gonna hurt anything [Music] but it just makes them look all pretty i forgot to do this one really i fold around and got two males out of this eat the backs and the the only thing i don't eat on a frog is his head or his feet everything else i ate the frog the whole frog people said let's eat some problems i eat frogs now what you got to do now is you need for that two eggs that's gonna be your batter black pepper on the frogs a little salt if you so desire i don't use salt because i use phil's seasoning so i'll go with black pepper and phil's cajun season egg and all-purpose flour that's it i mean this is simple yep egg number two little done now black pepper heavy more than you think you know frog you put all that you say well how am i you know i need to know how much black pepper to put on a bunch turn them over and then a lot because problems are big you got your eggs why am i so tempted to say bam right now so that's that get that all going so we have eggs two eggs and a lot of black pepper now got to be all purpose all-purpose flour and i'm frying these in peanut oil you don't have peanut oil it's worth whatever more extra it is a lot of flour you see you're not measuring this out a lot more than you think whoops [Music] then i there's a lot of tossing going on you gonna do this for a while that might be enough [Music] yep see this is a great activity that you love i always cook the problems for my wife she likes them she loves me cooking [Music] i don't know why she likes to eat balls but she loves me cooking she doesn't help she just watches so a good batter knife so that's all i got that's all i go with i kind of do my seasoning besides the black pepper [Music] post fry that's when i break out i'm gonna tell you something my dad he did quite a few things like starting with making jesus is lower but right in the top five is when he came up with this i don't even know if they still sell this or not but this is awesome you gotta have it yep it's gotta go this is the truth test right here it's right here yep okay now you need your black iron skillet come on just don't embarrass yourself [Music] and i got peanut oil i actually won this skillet playing cards of course you know there's a lot of things about that don't be playing cards without any money the way he leaves but the old fella that did lose i said what kind of man doesn't bring money to a card game and he said well i got a big black iron skillet that i just commandeered i said you know what i'll take it that's just like a chicken leg i mean they're they're humongous so i don't know how long to say but when they're right i'll tell at least five minutes i'll start stirring them around looking at them once they kind of seal i see people who fry stuff and they don't use paper towels you know this is gonna cut you excess oil so your frog don't doesn't get soggy i'll go about three times of course common sense maybe not so somebody doesn't get hurt now like a little look-see here look at that [Music] this is just the legs see another reason that i separated the legs is that now they can all get an even pry and you can kind of move them around a bit we're going for golden brown a couple minutes you can see this sharpness they're starting to turn that's a good turn i'm waiting a little longer on these just because they were i was gonna i didn't tell y'all this part so when i came home there's about i don't know midnight one o'clock when my daughter's going to church camp she's got a bunch of friends staying at my house so i took the two biggest frogs i had them behind my back because i thought they were awake so when i walked in i said y'all want to see what i caught and they were like yeah sure and when i put those two frogs out in front of me all of a sudden i didn't know what had happened because their screams were so loud it was deafening it felt like some kind of bomb had gone off and they all took off running i hadn't seen them so my nicaraguan daughter that we've kind of adopted she she said no no problem no frogs so it doesn't bother me that people don't want to eat frogs because that means there's more for me [Music] my lovely wife here all right i think we're ready here i think we're good i need to probably try let me let me test one and make sure just to make sure i don't need a raw problem just cause it's hot perfect get the little one first [Music] [Music] i'm gonna let the big one cook a little longer let me just yep and you probably should wait till these cool down they can't help [Music] that just proves to you right here that if you can make frogs that are that size good but you got to cut them up in pieces it seems barbaric but hey that's what you got to do because if you don't do what i did if you don't cut them down into pieces that's what i did you eat the backs and the shoulders first it's called an appetizer then you get the big legs now in this case i mean these are huge you separate them about that much oil you saw i had about just so to cover them that much oil all i did was uh two eggs for five frogs whisk black pepper filled seasoning all-purpose flour peanut oil i fried them probably what did that make minutes and that's just because they were huge hey hey hey they're hot they look pretty tender then you just start gnawing mm-hmm yeah he said what are you gonna make to go with it i would be a waste of space i'm just going to stand right here and i'm going to eat all these frogs so see you next time you
Channel: Duck Commander
Views: 521,672
Rating: 4.9333162 out of 5
Keywords: Hunting, outdoors, waterfowl, duck hunting, waterfowl hunting, duck calls, robertson, robertsons, duckmen, duck commander, phil robertson, jase robertson, willie robertson, mallards, teal, duck tips, duck blinds, Frog, Frog legs, cooking, wild game cooking, cooking wild game, wild game
Id: WTKhOU8aeuA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 35sec (935 seconds)
Published: Sun Aug 02 2020
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