Dilophosaurus At Night! - The Isle

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look good baby conform yes I am a dealer can we end of course we can end early and welcome to another episode of night day night day the aisles where if you didn't know if you've been living under a rock there is a deal of the Soros and a sera disorder has been added to the game why so I thought today we'd have a join on a sandbox if I don't even know which one it is ten fire no pews or nesting I don't know why why no nesting I couldn't understand like no no Petrus but uh the nesting really doesn't make too much sense to me so now we're gonna go towards the light before we do that and it is night isn't it yeah okay with the starry sky as a background let's perform the broadcast [Applause] so let's trace oh that's gorgeous that's nice they've really like done something different the dados call like that it's like a hoop a whooping swan oh it's okay how about threatened yeah I mean I like how he's like and of course the danger yeah it does sound it does sound pretty scary pretty scared I like how we've got our northern lights in the background it's got an a bite of course it's just a ham can we even check our no we can't check out starts so god knows what we've got well that's going run yes don't do that James you will break your leg how we found a dead t-rex look how big is oh I was like why am I so slow Z that's better okay for first we need to eat them because we need to insert our dominance into this world is it you feel like I see isn't it yeah Wow lovely those are really long eating animation sorry I got the sniffles right now so Wow with this with this dinosaur when you eat it takes a while it's not like quick okay I don't know where anybody is and for life of me I don't remember this um hey let's go down this way anyway what is good in this way oh oh I think we're in the marsh oh oh look at the reflection oh there it is oh that's so cool eat the reflection so this drinkable water oh my god Wow okay so I know that's every dinosaur but this one you when you start drinking or eating yeah you have to really dedicate that time to it you can't just like grab and go so that's kind of good because then people could wait for you to start drinking and then just ambush you there's nothing you can do about it I guess I could work yeah that's pretty cool so we're in the marshes I'm a day low at night yeah just go this way so screw this swamp it sucks oh oh to join their nest should I join nest should I join oh I want to be a baby die low though that would be awesome hold on let's have we got like group chat it said no nesting though would that be breaking the rules so many delos die lows are infertile Oh what oh that must be scientifically accurate squeaky cheese is excited aren't you buddy mmm oh this is it this is the place where the dialogue brings its prey at night and feeds feet sir feasts upon its supple flesh gouges okay now can we all turn still whoo yeah we can see I've learned I'm not gonna fall off and break me like this time I like how it's not the same noise every time as well that's quite nice cuz if you just click the same button and it was the same bah bah bah it would just be like okay knowing get repetitive so they guided like different pictures which takes like two seconds but it's really cool oh I love the oh yeah if anybody doesn't know the Dilophosaurus doesn't actually have the frill well it has the two crests on his head but it doesn't have the throw that the one in Jurassic Park has that was completely made up and I think I think he was in the book I think it was cuz that's how Dennis Nedry got blind you go he got blind he got blinded but yeah and that was it I don't want anyway because he got lifted up that was horrible I love that death it's so gruesome like he holds his own intestines in his hands and then like he feels like the jaws clamp around his head and lift him up ah it's so brutal the one in the one of the movies like brutal - but it's not like oh oh it really pull like the quote that Alan Grant says of they were alive when they start to eat you which I guess they kind of did with robert muldoon and that's how that came around full circle I'm just walking aimlessly trying to fight these bloody coals it's gonna happen I'm gonna fall off a cliff on a this is like a speaker on the other side of a mountain oh look how gorgeous that looks so nice I love it tile Oh in the night like that's that's what we need we need a game where it's if anybody remembers the the movie I think it was alien vs. predator - and there was like a bit where there's loads of aliens and they were all attacking like the town's police and military at night that's what we need with Dinosaurs I guess we kind of had that maybe a little bit oh okay oh no oh no I was gonna say I can't turn around I will I will fall and die Oh No can we jump no we can't jump okay oh no oh no god damn it I knew that was gonna happen well I may as well just rest and get my stamina back at least begin Oh sugar okay I didn't knock knock over all my sea gates I swear let's continue is it freakin always night here or something oh okay well apparently goes every 20 minutes right well I've been recording for 50 minutes so it's just bloody unlucky it looks cool though not gonna lie I just kind of want to see the dial oh and then in the daytime that's all not like that how can you imagine running through this mist and just hearing this noise like if you're running away from a dinosaur and then all of a sudden you hear this oh that's terrifying it's it's like ghosts whispering if really is scary I'm getting close oh that's close but it's it's cool at the same time to sort of like I'm just listening where people are roaring and so we're going over there oh hold on I think I see dial oh let's let's get out let's get out walk on oh if you like this first contact first contact let's see there's a friendly dialogue I mean what pretty big but they are too I guess cuz we're carnivores we could sprint oh oh there's two of them oh this is all oh there we go t and there goes the immersion yeah I think I've turned it off finally Jesus listen all of us and cheaper what how was that oh oh okay yeah ooh screaming danger cuz the cerrado soros here oh he's big I love serrata sauce that's world class next time can I just see it was like oh yeah we're getting daylight coming out that's nice the Dead Valley well I made it guys I think this is spawn Lake how come I can see less and then if I turn my fishing on I can see more my eyes just that bad okay so what do we even have here we've got a lot of dead things who is it crust and turns into Marshall oh no it's just shallow water whoo Oh God everything just sort of like spam so we got t-rex and a crow oh look dead carcass that looks great oh well that the serratus horse is eating a dead down oh that's okay it's not me at least all those gorgeous where's the trash bag Walker there he is he looks so cool though I love it [Applause] egg gonna clutch them in my claws yeah there we go ah those guys just look the serratus horas strangely looks like a scaled-down Acrocanthosaurus like the model is almost the same the way the tail holds itself the way his head is like if we can just get these two like next to each other they look at that tail the way it like goes up and then dips down that one goes up then dips down the sort of the head and the body are very similar well of course Acrocanthosaurus has got a weird jaw he's got very narrow jaw Oh God oh yeah they look quite similar the dilo though dialer looks awesome and this is bigger than it than a human so like it's hard to grasp scale when we're looking at t-rex and stuff but these are all bigger than a human like even the down-low is bigger than a normal dude I don't know what it is that makes it not look big whether it's like the grass if you like made the grass smaller maybe we would look big I don't know I don't know I don't know what you could do but what I've got to say is the night looks really good actually who is that it's on living stego cuz I know they've updated the Steger model is it is it alive you sort of just hiding here hey buddy are you doing no one can see me by dinner can we buy them I don't want to look what the SEC for Dino is here this is awesome five dollars he is so many mmm there's a t-rex so yeah if you guys didn't know even the one in the in Jurassic Park that Dilophosaurus we're supposed to be a youngster that's why Dennis Nedry says oh you're not so bad as your bigger brothers that or he could just be meeting a t-rex or something that's just generally bigger but I mean oh hello where you got over here a t-rex party and a poor dead spine oh well I might as well turn it off you see definitely more oh hold on I think I'm female like the males have a red yeah I chose female so can i nest I think I could probably mess yeah everyone else is a male I think I should be like a dollar color I think oh let's feel love we look so cute yeah Oh like you know it is well like birds you know when they like synchronize they do they copy each other's dance that's what we've got to do Oh a shan't see sandbox is nice oh that reflection Oh torture by this is so cool I mean look at this this is beautiful I've already said it a million times in this video but it is and I'm guessing the Dilophosaurus is build is not one of a of a killer like you know a thing that could take on a triceratops we're not heavyset were very agile and brittle looking actually it's bet especially with the crests on ahead they look very brittle and they probably solid bone but still we're not a dinosaur that would want to just charge in I don't think all right let's make the three-headed dilo Hydra no I'm a little bit no nobody messes with the Dino hide please don't bite miss t-rex we cannot look Oh No ooh okay that's good we're being friendly being good he's like shut up your job dinos yeah I like the other ones just nodding hey just go up and down up and down yeah I'm the only female these both males no silly boys icky so they're supposed to be like if I remember right ain't no the t-rex you've got like the hypo t-rex you've got this t-rex but I feel like there's another theory I keep on seeing like I'm Tom there I see this video and it's like it's like loads of new thing cerrado exclusive Tyler it's funny because you have to do that when it comes to YouTube I make fun of it all the time like what record epic this is oh my god how dark is it going the hell's going on it's the solar eclipse it's gonna do missile oh my god there - meteor event ah that would be so cool if you had a meter event and then like it was basically you couldn't spawn back in and it was a case of whoever lasts the longest sort of and like the petty was just random where the meteor would hit on the map ah that'd be so cool then you just try to survive in almost pitch blackness and then trees started like dying out so the herbivores can't eat I mean obviously I think the last surviving dinosaurs would have been scavengers like carnivores little little carnivores like you know didn't mean much to eat just sort of looking at everybody else's eating animations or drinking animations and seeing if they also need to eat a lot or like take take a lot of time to eat my god oh it must be becoming day ah okay yeah the moon's going away that's a big house move it's spooky that's what it is and it works perfectly at night that's that's the way a diamond needs to come out like a nighttime predator and you just need to hear them all at night like make that noise oh no they're dead spider in here rivers not been very kindly to your kind not been very nice oh that's a Giga I'll have a bit of you bit of Giga burger now I mean the silhouette of it is just scary you look at but it's it's the snaggle in the front jaw that's what really sets it off and the crest and the spikes behind the head it's gorgeous I love it it's sort of a bit like an Oviraptor like from a distance oh we've got a carcass and even know how this happens how did things turn into carcasses up finally a herbivore is I stay gold as he decided to wake up or is he logged off yeah I can't see him anymore he's gone and it's nice that I can opt out of chat as well and as much as it's like nice to talk to you guys but sometimes when I just want to make a video I just want to immerse myself in it nothing personal I'll show you I don't know we're doing people who play the eye all the time on I like numb to this now but I don't know I don't play it too much so every every time I come on there's always something new I'm just so of flabbergasted I didn't buy the bush I am the bush happens like is he talking in chat do no beavers not oh no everyone's switching to local I know there you go group no no find me got a roommate though nobody's asked if I'm the fake beaver or if I'm the real beaver I guess that's only for primal carnage isn't it yeah can add a dose swim I mean we all know in primal ecology dollar can swim Oh glorious no please no please I can't swim faster break for the bay line for the t-rex well if we've learned anything it's that a dialer does not make an elegance woman yeah how about I don't settle for a dial oh I'm going to seduce this t-rex yeah look at this strut you're like why you see bar hockey hmm no likey no laddie I'll do I'll do my alt turn around you know your lad no check them out see you can't spin like this oh okay where the hell did I come from that was frightening Jesus like from the mist well actually I can barely see it nighttime Oh be definite this is spawning wow that is a foreboding shape in it that's pretty terrifying can't even hurt the Petra I don't feel like I could hurt the pressure can i oh no let's get close yeah oh no he made a noise I don't see him bleeding though pretty it did look like you oh he's gone well I bit him oh god everyone just went nuts did I do something wrong no am I good still oh you trying to seduce me is that what you're doing you're doing the dance I don't give my nest away lightly hello mister oh you're a killer don't you Marar me that's a dead Dilophosaurus the big cheetah I think I suddenly told me that t-rex actually didn't have a snake I like a lizard eye and it was more like a round pupil so wonder if savanah sores also had around pupil cuz I've got to admit that like the little slate eye that like snakes up and this Dilophosaurus have and unlike the Stratus auras have it just makes it look so cool though scientifically accurate it's like no I don't want it to be scientific Dekker anymore look so cool the way was hello mr. T Rex do you have regular pupils oh no you do you yeah you do okay but you look okay the one in prehistoric Kingdom looked really dirty so most it's because that one also had regular pupils I thought this one wouldn't over this one huh would have layer the reptilian hem pupils but no okay oh we got a meal yes I mean there's plenty of meals but I want to take on this thing is it the such oh it's an actual trike and I missed it too like oh yes let's try and get him oh he's bleeding is he no I don't think Oh Oh t-rex vs. tried Oh try it gets the first hit ah he gets a second hit the tears get odo - Excalibur phone who's gonna go down t-rex I'll try carne and t-rex is out of it I kind of do want to kill him now he did good oh the t-rex has died really cool like oh no hey wasn't me dude it wasn't me alright I didn't do it okay you won this battle fair and square I wouldn't bite you alright it's that guy it's like I've been a bit of an oh it wasn't me you do it oh yeah that's it ah your brings a dino park to you they come and kill you in the night oh no oh no oh no I was like why could I run my run there's no collision anymore oh oh oh the other thing died oh so the albertasaurus protecting him is he all right yeah well I didn't start it the triceratons went for me I was completely fine how would I survive I always terrifying out of the Mist No Paulo Paulo do that Alton was it me I'm not doing anything Oh God hey goes yellow Chevy t-rex no you're not supposed to go after me damn it look who they just they just sit on top of the surface of the wall if it's like solid eyes oh that's a thing dinosaurs and ice that's what we need that's what this game needs Oh Triceratops thing I knew I was gonna happen damn it ah no you know the one time I was like you know I'll let something walk in front of me that'll be fine hey spine oh why why like I died when I haven't done anything this though well guys this video never liked it until next time I'll see you later alright
Channel: TheGamingBeaver
Views: 622,466
Rating: 4.9382377 out of 5
Keywords: dilophosaurus, dilo the isle, dilo, dilophosaurus the isle, The isle, giganotosaurus, spinosaurus, spino hypo, spino, Hypo Rex, hypo cargo, hypo Utah, hypo raptor, hypo Giga, hypo, Utahraptor, unlocke
Id: YCT13riXaW8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 23min 13sec (1393 seconds)
Published: Mon Aug 28 2017
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