Digital Planning 101 | How to Add, Duplicate, Move & Delete Pages in Your Digital Planner |

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[Music] hey guys welcome back to my channel today i am here for a very much so requested video and that is to show you guys how you can add duplicate delete certain pages in your digital planner it's actually a very simple process not complicated at all but it adds that extra level of customization to your planner um the other thing i want to show you guys is how you can change like the labels here because i've gotten questions about that like if you do take out a certain section of the planner what can you do to change the label and that's a pretty easy um fix as well although i have to say that the fonts that are used in this planner because i've gotten questions about that are fonts that i did pay for they're not fonts that would be pre-loaded on your ipad or your device so just kind of keep that in mind i do plan to eventually release a like a scripps bundle that will literally have just about every script you could possibly think of however if you are really wanting something just reach out to me and let me know on etsy just message me and i could easily put something together for you like some sort of custom option it wouldn't take me very long at all so um just wanted to let you guys know about that but do stay tuned for eventually there being like a big scripps digital sticker bundle that's something that i have on my to-do list that is one of my higher priority items that i want to get out there for you guys just based on the demand a lot of you have have wanted that so um so yeah i want to show you guys how you can sort of customize your pages this is in good notes five i do primarily use goodnotes 5 for digital planning and it's the app that i personally recommend using however i know that there are other um there are other apps out there like note shelf and notability and things like that in today's video i'm just going to go through goodnotes 5 but i'm sure that those other apps probably have a similar feature in them i would think so my recommendation would just to be to search on youtube there's tons and tons of digital planning tutorials out there that's how i learned everything and how i'm continuing to learn because i'm pretty new at this as well so yeah let me just go ahead and walk you through how you can go about changing your pages and things like that so this is my digital planner that i have up in my etsy shop it's the planning to prosper all-in-one digital life planner so all in one meeting it's going to have your monthly view your weekly view your daily view and as well as all these productivity pages and for even more customization i did offer a couple sections of the index to be totally blank where you can um add your own pages and things like that so let's see how do i want to do this i think i'll probably just go to the budget section so i'm going to click on money management and some people they prefer to just do a monthly budget other people like to do bi-weekly other people like to do paycheck budgets and you get all options in here so let's go to september finances so you get all options here you get your bi-weekly budgets your paycheck budgets and your monthly budget so let's say you don't want your paycheck budgets so what you would want to do is just go ahead and click on the paycheck budgets because that'll take you to the little page you need here and then there's these four little squares up here in the upper left hand side so you're gonna click on those and you'll see that it's gonna be on the slide that you're on in the pdf or the page that you're on in the pdf so it's taking a bit to load because my internet here is awful and this is a very very large planner so these are the paycheck budgets here page 690 691 and 692. so if you want to delete those all you simply have to do is click select up here and let's click 690 691 and 692 and you can simply just click the trash button and voila now those pages are completely gone so there's that and then let's say you want to see i'm going to close this and then we'll go back to our index and we'll go back to money management go back to september and if you want to change those um sections so those those sections are after the bi-weekly budget so let's say you want to take some dot grid paper and you want to insert it where the paycheck budgets were for that and this is where you know switching around the pages and all that kind of stuff comes into play for that you're just going to again click those four square boxes up there right to the left of the magnifying glass and you would just select this page the dot grid page and click copy and then we know that 690 691 692 is where the paycheck budgets were so you can scroll back to where you want to be and let's see so here's the business budget so i think what i'm going to do is i'm going to go ahead and insert it right after this bi-weekly budget up here so there's the bi-weekly budget and i'm going to add a page after and i'm going to click paste page and look now our dot grid is right there so let's say i want a couple pages of that so again you're going to click this little arrow click add page after or before whichever you want to do but i'm going to do a page after and i'm going to paste the page that i copied so now i have a couple dot grid pages there so that's how you can insert pages and all that kind of stuff now let's say i want to duplicate a page like a spending tracker say the two pages is not enough for you and you need more um so we would just simply go to the spending tracker which it's really small on the camera but i can see it in front of me um oops let's not check all those um so it's 686 and i don't know if you guys can see i can see it in front of me but it's like really tiny on the camera so it's page 686 so let's say i want to duplicate that page 686 all you have to do for that you don't even have to copy and paste or anything you click on the little arrow and click duplicate and voila now you've got two pages of spending tracker so let's go and see that like particular section and how everything looks so here's our september finances there's our monthly budget our weekly check-in spending truck or spending tracker normally you just have one page but whoa now you've got four or four like individual pages two two slides but two four pages that makes sense i'm a little loopy right now because i'm not feeling very good our whole family has head colds i think but yeah so there's that and then there's our sinking funds our transaction log debt tracker savings tracker net worth there's our bi-weekly budgets and the business budget and then here are our doctorate pages and now i i didn't realize i put this in the wrong spot so let's go ahead and click those four little boxes at the top again and i think i'm kind of curious i think yeah you can just hold and switch it around look at that so you just press see and now that's moving and you can put that where you want it to be so let's go back there's the the bi-weekly budget and now there we go there's my two dot grid pages before my business budget which is what i had wanted so that's how you can move stuff around pages around you can delete stuff that you don't need you can um make extra pages of things like the spending tracker where you might need more space you can rearrange things all that kind of stuff so to get back to our main like september page you're just going to click on the september script this little piggy by the way will take you back to the main page of like everything so i'll just click on it to show you guys so here's like the the main main page so just something to be aware of because i got i've gotten questions about that is if you want to ever get back to like a main section look for a little clip art thing in the upper left-hand corner because that will always take you back to that main section so you don't have to like go back to the index and then click on it and all that kind of stuff um and then if you're ever wanting to get back to like the month in the budget or the wellness tracker whatever it is just look for the script of that month click on it i made that all clickable so it should take you back but let's go to september finances now i removed my paycheck budget so let's say i want to rename these things all you would simply do is you would take your pen tool up here and we would change that to white and probably do like a thicker one and you can simply just color this out like so so i'm just gonna wipe all that out of there now let's say i want to i don't know you could add text if you want or you can just hand write it so if i change that to black i can hand write it and say i'm gonna do um my christmas budget right there then you just would right over it now i know this might bug some people because it's not in the font and everything like that and that's why i'm saying like eventually i will be releasing a scripts bundle where you can pull in the fonts and all that kind of stuff um but like i said if it's really going to bother you just reach out to me on etsy message me and i can very easily put something together for you it wouldn't take me very long so let's say i want to put my christmas budget there and then i want to rename this one and i'm going to change this to white again and i'm going to just color this out and let's say for the month of september we're gonna have a housewarming party so i want to put in our party budget party budget and then here's paycheck five we deleted that as well so i'm going to take again my pen tool wipe that out and you can use the text tool to write on top of this you can just use your pen tool like i'm doing it's really up to you how you want to do it um i'm going to switch it to black again and then let's make this um uh moving budget i'm gonna be moving soon well hopefully very soon our house is at a standstill right now but okay so there's our moving budget now something to be aware of here as well is that if you delete a page that was hyperlinked it will remove that hyperlink so something to be aware of here so if i try to click on this christmas budget it's not going to take me there one way to avoid that and it's a little bit of a pain but one way to avoid that would be to just use your pen tool and just do like the same thing we did and just wipe everything out so say i want to get rid of my september net worth i can take my pen tool switch it to white and i can just um let's see how big i can make this i think that's the biggest i can make it you can just color it out another option would just be to create like a white square that you can lay on top i am gonna offer different budget inserts very soon and some of those inserts will have a white background there's gonna be a transparent background and a white background so if you wanted to lay something like on top and switch things around that way you could but that is something to definitely keep in mind when you're when you are switching things around is that if you click on something and it's hyperlinked to something and you delete that page that will um that will remove the hyperlink so like clicking on here that's not going to work but like i said you could very easily create like a white sk a white square in canva for example for completely free um let me see if i could even well i know i can't because that will show some stuff let me see let me see if there's a way that i could just show you an example of that so let's take my files over here there's a little sneak peek of some of my stickers for my budget stickers where is i think it's completed oh completed sticker set so let's see if i can find a square this is for my purple fall and it's not a white square but it's a colored square so i can just show you guys like what i mean so let's pull this purple one over and you guys will see what i mean by this so you could take now we got our purple square you could take this purple square and you can um kind of stretch it out so i could lay it there and then kind of move it and you'll see that's covering the whole page now so imagine that that is white okay or i mean you could use a colored square if you really wanted to as well but now i can write in with my black pen and put um put i don't know test page uh and we'll make this our moving budget moving budget happy face just because okay um so there's that so now what we could do is we can go back to that september page and it was the net worth that i covered up i believe yeah net worth so i'm gonna take my pen tool again i'm going to switch it to white and color this out and i'm going to switch it to black and put test page and now you'll see it'll still work so this is a way to avoid the hyperlinks like if you still really want the hyperlink to work this would be a way to do it um instead of like um what you'll call it instead of deleting the page so i'm going to turn my pen tool off click on test page and look there it is right there so that's one way to avoid it that's probably what i would recommend just so that you're not messing with the hyperlinks and stuff so instead of like deleting pages and stuff i would recommend doing this now say you want to get some more dot grid somewhere one thing you could do too is you could take your lasso and you can just trace that dot grid like that tap on it and then you can take a screenshot okay so there's my screenshot i'm gonna go ahead and save that image there and let's say i want to put some dot grid on top of my bi-weekly budget so there's my screenshot there i could crop this if i want to take if i wanted to like let's just crop that a little bit and clean it up okay so there we go look at that so now we've got dot grid on top of here instead of the bi-weekly budget so that's another option too so just to show you again you take your lasso you just trace the page you want you could do a lined page as well i also have graph paper in here but you can just kind of trace around the page you want you can click take screenshot save that to your camera roll and then i'm going to go and i'm going to cover up this bi-weekly page as well i would just open up my recent image there it is you can clean it up by cropping it a little bit which i'm going to do and then we can just simply lay that right on top of there and just kind of fit it however you want it to be but now we've got doc grid pages instead of bi-weekly budget so you can you know make like your own little columns and things like that like say there's something in particular you want to track here you can use your shapes tool create like a little column different sections you know this is not pretty but it's you get the point so you could just do like um you could do like item [Music] budget actual plus minus and then like a note section whatever you want to do i mean the opportunities the options are literally endless here so that's another thing you could do too so again as i was walking through this i kind of realized like i would honestly avoid um i would avoid deleting any pages because that will mess with your hyperlinks so let's say we want to uh let's say we want to do a duplicate transaction log so what you could do is you could can you probably hear jules out there you can take your lasso again this works the same way take a screenshot save it to your camera roll and let's say i want to put that on top of this page or you could also insert a blank a blank page which that's super easy to do so if you go to those um the little four squares up there there's blank pages right in the back here i left a whole bunch of blank pages and you could simply just um [Music] let's see oh you have to select it and then click copy and then i'm gonna go um up here so i want to insert this um add page after and paste the blank page there we go and now there's my blank page and i could just take the little screenshot i took and again you can crop it just to clean it up a little bit done and i can add my transaction log there and now voila i've got my sinking funds my transaction log there and then i've got another one there so anytime you add a page or anything it's not going to hyperlink to it so that's just something to be aware of um but you can very easily switch up like you know um the way you've got the pages laid out just by like doing that screenshot trick and stuff like that so anyways guys that is it for this video i hope that this was helpful i think i showed you all that i wanted to show you but if you guys have any questions or anything definitely let me know in the comment section down below and other than that i will chat with you all later oh and i wanted to mention that there are going to be some extra videos this week because my budget planner is going to be released this weekend so stay tuned for that um that's part of the reason this video is going up today is because i wanted to have some extra days for those extra videos and stuff like that so anyways that's it for this one i will chat with you all later [Music] bye [Music] you [Music]
Channel: Planning to Prosper
Views: 1,751
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Digital planner, digital planning, digital plan with me, digital stickers, budget planner, meal planner, life planner, health and wellness planner, Etsy, Etsy shop, plan with me, iPad planner, goodnotes, Apple Pencil, iPad, planning to prosper, weekly planning, how to use digital stickers, goodnotes 5, goodnotes 5 tutorial, digital planning tutorial, how to use digital planner
Id: tAr5_2MRgyo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 22min 27sec (1347 seconds)
Published: Tue Sep 22 2020
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