Christmas Splurges πŸ˜¬πŸŽ„ Week 3 Budget Check In & Cash Envelopes | November 2021 | Digital Budget |

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[Music] hey guys welcome back to my channel and welcome to today's budget video check-in budget check-in video i'm a little tired right now it is almost 11 o'clock and yeah i need to get this filmed and uploaded for you guys for tomorrow morning i am determined determined to get back on top of my youtube game i feel like i have just been perpetually behind with youtube lately but it's just been extra busy with new releases and stuff like that so i'm going to be working hard the next couple days to batch film get ahead all that good stuff so anyways i wanted to also check in with our budget get that all taken care of and squared away so as far as bills since we last checked in today is what the 24th we had banner life come out and massage envy i have not done anything with so i just counted that as zero and then our internet came out and i think that is pretty much it since we last left off so the first thing we're going to do is go ahead and check in with our categories over here and i'm going to use the lasso to copy and paste the categories last week i did not do unbudgeted in fact i don't think i included unbudgeted in our budget and i'm putting it back because um there are definitely times that we have unbudgeted expenses so um which we had one this past week which is what led to the decision to bring it back so i'm gonna add unbudgeted in there and we're gonna take a look at our cash so i'm pretty sure we are fresh out of cash but let me just open up this little pouch i've got this little pouch here that i purchased on etsy from a shop called a time for everything she has a bunch of little pouches like this and she sells the little clear dividers i have a link in the description box down below but i absolutely love this little system it's been working really great for us because andrew can access the cash too it's not just sitting in my wallet so it's been working out really well but yeah i think we are fresh out of cash for everything so there's grocery no cash household no cash entertainment no cash um maddie still has some chore money in there but that is it so that is good to know um we do just need to get through a couple days early next week our budget will reset on the first of december so it's not too bad i think we'll be fine especially with groceries we have plenty of food on hand to get us through if we have to get a couple little staple things like milk for the kids or some fruit or something like that we will just go get it and i will likely just count that like as an unbudgeted expense um but then like add it to our grocery category when we're closing out the budget because i like to have an accurate total of how much was spent for certain categories so anyways i need to figure that out but let's go ahead and just do this real quick because this will be easy um so pretty much all of these little sums of money is what was spent because our cash is all gone at this point so i'm just gonna paste all of that in so we spent 179 on groceries 20 on household 62 on eating out we have zero remaining in all of those categories for gas we are doing really good with gas so far this month um we filled up last what was it last monday and we haven't needed to fill up since then and the gas tank is actually still pretty full we're gonna be doing some driving for thanksgiving and stuff like that so we may have to fill up one more time before the end of the month but so far it's been going really good i think i'm gonna actually decrease our gas budget for december because 160 i think is too much i don't think we're not like planning on going on any trips or anything in december so i think i can decrease it i'll probably just like put enough in there for two fill ups which would be with you know just a i like to round up quite a bit and i like to overestimate so i'll probably do like sixty dollars per fill up it's been between the 50 and 55 mark but i'll just put a little cushion in there and we'll probably do like 120 for the month for december is what i'm thinking so anyways um we did track gas last week i switched out the color for that because i decided to use this red color for unbudgeted so we have spent zero on gas and that means that we still have 106.80 remaining and then i did splurge just a little bit and i got an unbudgeted item i got a little game for andrew and i to play for like a date night thing it's um like a murder mystery type of thing it's a nancy drew murder mystery thing i thought it'd be really fun for us to do i've been trying to think of like more creative fun date nights rather than just like watching movies and stuff like that so i'm excited for that that was 32.54 32.54 so we'll just track that there 32.50 and then we have zero remaining and unbudgeted because we don't budget for unbudgeted so that was the easiest checking ever as far as the cash is concerned and everything so there's that and then the last thing to go over is just our sinking funds and kind of what has gone on there spoiler alert a lot has happened especially in our christmas sinking find i admittedly have been splurging a bit on decor and gifts and things like that we're in the new house so we needed to get a new tree our old tree crapped out on us and there was a really nice tree at costco we've never spent this much on a tree before we've always gotten like the cheaper trees but we decided to get a really nice tree this time around and we're hoping that it will last us a lot longer than the trees we've gotten in the past because the cheaper trees they seem to have a lifespan of like one to two years we get the pre-lit trees and they just start to kind of look kind of funky um like too bent up and stuff and then the lights go out and just this whole big thing so we did splurge on a tree which took up a lot of our christmas fun so anyways just giving that little disclaimer before we get into it so we left off i believe when i went and got my nails done they're holding up really well i i don't know if i told you guys in the last video or not but i did get the dip and i do absolutely love the dip um one thing that really bothers me when i get gel or like even if i do like a press on which i haven't done forever is that it gets caught in my hair when i'm like washing my hair and stuff and it drives me crazy because i'll like pull my hair out and like i'm trying to get conditioner through my hair and stuff and it just it drives me insane and i don't have that issue like of the sides like peeling up at all with the dip and it lasts a really long time the issue i have is how dang expensive it is like it was 40 dollars to get this dip and granted it's so pretty and obviously it's holding up beautifully but like do i really want to pay that much to get my nails done so i need to come up with like some other thing solution for my nails i did purchase a couple sets from color street color street but honestly i got like really frustrated with it because i am just admittedly not good at that kind of stuff like i don't i think the problem is i just don't have the patience for it so and i'm perfectionist so if like there's a little like you know error on it or something like i will try to fix it and all that and i don't know i don't remember i wore color street once and then i kind of gave up on it and i can't remember like if this side's peeled up the same way the gel does so or i might just like do natural nails and maybe just paint them at home i do have the sally hansen um instant dry nail polish and i do really like that quite a bit so i might just go back to that and just do like natural manicures um but i don't think i want to pay for dip i would love i mean i would love to but i just like can't justify it right now so anyways lots of nail talk for you there um and speaking of nails the next transaction that we have is i did go get a pedicure um with my friend kelsey to celebrate her birthday and then i also decided to get some waxing done and all i will say is that this is the first time so i got my legs waxed so i've never besides my eyebrows i've never waxed anything else on my body and i was shocked at how painful that was like that was not fun at all i've i've been told that the more you go the less painful it is but all i could do in that room was just laugh like an absolute maniac because otherwise i would have just been crying like that was some painful stuff and i don't know that i'll do it again i hate shaving like with the passion i usually have to make a choice am i washing my hair today or am i shaving today if i do both then i'm in the shower for like a freaking hour and i don't have time for that so i wanted to give waxing a try my nail technician like talked me into it but dang that was not fun i mean it was over very quickly but like um i don't know if i'll be doing that again so um yeah i took that out of beauty to go get that waxing done and the pedicure and i always leave a very generous tip because i absolutely love my nail lady she was awesome and then i also paid for my friend kelsey's nails so she got some dip in her toes and stuff too and i did that as like a birthday gift for her so that came out of birthdays and gifts and then i did purchase a another gift for maddie for her birthday so for two years now she has been asking for a paw patrol plate paw patrol playset that is what she has been wanting forever and so i was like you know what i'm just going to get it for her this year like we were worried that she was going to get it and just never play with it again and i'm surprised she's still kind of into paw patrol she's gonna be seven but she still really likes the show um and then i figured like julia will end up playing with it too so we just decided to get her the paw patrol playset and like i got her this racetrack one and it has a bunch of cars and stuff like that and then i got her some arts and crafts sorts of things as well so um her birthday is coming up on the 10th of december she's gonna be seven like what the heck what the heck i swear oh they grow up way too quick i'm telling you okay so there's our extremely expensive christmas tree that we got from costco but let me just say worth every penny that tree is beautiful it's very full i love the look of the i don't know if you call them like sprigs or branches or whatever they just look more realistic less plasticky and um what's really nice is that through the core of the tree is where all the wiring is housed so when you connect the parts like the pole parts it like all plugs in and the way to like light it up it's got a remote and everything you can switch it from white lights to colorful lights it's beautiful so it was expensive i don't know if i did i already say we got it from costco but um andrew saw it like a month ago and he was and he knew we were looking for a new tree and then i went shopping with kelsey and roxy on the day we did nails and stuff and i saw it at costco and i was like i just called andrew right away and i was like listen they've got six of these you need to come down here and buy one so he did and then while i was there i also got some more decor and stuff they had really cute like ornaments and um wreaths we got a new wreath like a light up wreath and a door mat and stuff so i really went kind of all out on the decor and i got that and then what else what else and then we just did some like general gifts and stuff like that for family so yeah christmas is probably going to be a little bit negative i don't think it's super bad but we'll have to put a little extra in there in december to sort of make up for it but i'm done now no more christmas no like unless i have to get some lights for outside andrew still needs to put the lights up outside and we don't know if they work yet or not they're from our old i think we used them last year maybe we didn't i don't remember did we use them in this house last year i i don't remember so anyways we have to see if those still work if they don't then i'll get some lights but other than that i'm cut off no more christmas i love like giving and christmas like it's just my favorite thing to do and i love christmas decorations so anyways we have a sinking fun for it it's okay all right and then for miscellaneous i did stock up bath and body works had a really good sale on their hand soaps so i got a bunch of like holiday themed hand soaps and stuff like that so we did a little soap stock up and that came out of miscellaneous and then for medical we picked up some allergy medicine for the kids they have been very nasally and just yeah their allergies are insane right now so we have to give them an allergy pill every single day to ward off the allergies and i just stocked up and got a couple boxes so that was 31.43 and then the last thing was just thanksgiving food we made desserts and stuff and so that was 65.35 for getting all the ingredients and all that kind of stuff so that is what is going on with sinking funds and that is pretty much it as far as this weekly check-in is concerned i'd say overall we're doing pretty good other than some christmas splurging so anyways um that is it for this check-in i hope you guys enjoyed it if you did please give this video a thumbs up and be sure to subscribe to catch all my future videos i hope that you are all having a wonderful thanksgiving with your loved ones there's so much always to be grateful for let me know in the comments down below what are you grateful for today i would love to chat about that in the comments and other than that i hope that you guys enjoy the rest of your day and i will chat with you all later bye [Music] you
Channel: Planning to Prosper
Views: 649
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: iPad planner, iPad budget, digital budget, budget, budgeting, budget with me, monthly budget, tracking expenses, family budget, goodnotes 5, weekly budget, grocery budget, debt free, budget check in, budget results, cash envelopes, november budget, 2021 budget
Id: 7jUe9W4UTlg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 2sec (962 seconds)
Published: Thu Nov 25 2021
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