Setting up the Store - Part 3: Final Touches

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so i'm back it's saturday morning i'm going through some stuff here got a couple more boxes emptied out this one the only thing in it is this easel so and it's all open i'm just going to bring this back to the warehouse um i think i showed you the blocks yesterday we got this stuff priced and ready working on this next found some more of those little bowling sets some puzzles so basically five bucks i don't know what i'm gonna price those at uh dollar ninety nine two ninety nine um and then this is just gonna be varying prices and get some other larger items there it's not really much else to report oh that's right i need to get those in the system okay i forgot about that that's why i put the post-it on it so making some decent progress here my hope is the next couple of hours to be done with all the toys then i can go get the trailer and bring more inventory i expect the toys to run all the way down here i haven't decided if i'm gonna put them on there yet but the very least all the way down this wall that is going to be other stuff um i've been putting some of the toys in here we're pretty much a toy store at this point like that and then that there some over here not a whole lot to report these are all they need to be hung up so i'm waiting till i have a some sort of fixture here where i can hang things i got all of the extra sheets and there were like some extra the blocks and stuff i put in the back maybe all of them yeah that's empty so that's pretty much it that's where we're at right now so i really hate this this is the only sections like that everything else looks pretty nice i'm trying to figure out if there's a way i can eliminate this i might i'm kind of tempted this one-off type stuff maybe just box it up for the warehouse sale sucks already priced it both time and presentation for the warehouse sale but like this looks much better even when they're like that when i've got a bunch of them i put them face forward it looks much nicer like that this area up here it just looks so much nicer than this so i think i might pull these for the warehouse so unless i can think of a better way to display them i can put some of them you know on like these shelves i might do that another option is to make all of this look nice like that and have that just the loose one-off toys that you know don't fit well i might actually do that use this shelf for that and then the ones that are faced nicely would go along here all right this is mostly empty i'm gonna leave that there because i'm pretty sure i've got more and then i'll leave these how they are um and we'll just get some nicer faced items along there for instance these these will look nice so i'm going through these toys here what i decided i'm gonna do is i'm gonna sort all of these because there are a lot of duplicates stuff that i already did for example i already did two of those and stacked them here i'm gonna just try and sort them all but i realized this one here clearly i'm the one who packed this why because um well i'll enjoy the freebie i know i've done that before i think i ship my keys to someone once too all right it may look like more of a mess but it's actually organized now that box is empty by the way i just said didn't break it down yet because i started using it as a table but we got through all of the boxes these two i decided all the one-offs that don't really stack well or display well are going back to the warehouse um they're going to be you know stuff like this this this is gonna be warehouse sale stuff it's good stuff like this is decent but i only have one of them so it's just gonna look like goodwill on the shelves ignore this mess and this i'm just using the shelves to set stuff for now um so a lot of that stuff is going back to the warehouse we will need some of this for the next warehouse sale this will work well for it look at all these mixers one two three four five six seven eight nine i've got a stack of ten there i've got three more on the shelf um then i've got 17 missing the boxes there are so many of them there's also this dust sweep and mop there's two different package designs probably their old design their new one there's six of them there i've got another six in the back room and i think three or four on display there um now as i was going through it i found a lot of things that i already have on the shelf for example these i already have one those i mentioned earlier i found three more there remember i said i was gonna find more of those there's seven more um i thought these were the same at first no one's a crib one's a bed i found another one of those a ton of these easels all of those are the table top easels except for the one on the back there's three looms and then we've got more easels over here this i don't know if i'm going to put in here i don't know how well it displays wooden blocks inside of a crate it's missing the box this box there's another one buried under there and this one is the items that are missing pieces or damaged or something like that that'll go on that palette and i've got a whole bunch of this stack of those in the rugs and then this is full as well of these it's the same things we saw in a box there but they're loose i'm thinking i'll put a dump bin out and sell these for like 99 cents uh what else that's all the little art kits that we need to hang up just some randomized i mean this is cool stuff this is stuff that will sell down here we've got some grilling sets i might put these in the front they're obviously toy brilliant sets but i might put them in the front with some of that grilling seasoning and whatnot so it's going to look nice i found another one of those the hopscotch sets oh yeah over here i found a white table and two chairs a brown table and a multi-colored chair i don't know if i'm gonna sell those here or not they're gonna take up a decent amount of space they might be better to send to an auction i already told the auction company michigan that was going to send them a pallet of this melissa and doug stuff so maybe i'll send that to them who knows then this is i think it's like an easel or a loom or something it's big as loose in the box so i'm just going to bring that to the warehouse but it's going to look nice now once the next step is to get all of this stuff priced and either put on the shelf or put in back stock those the dust sweep and mop kit and the mixers all of those are going to back stock and it looks like there were two different package designs um here's something interesting the same style and i saw these when i was building pallets to sell we've got the coffee maker set it looks like a keurig and then we've got a blender set too but unfortunately we've only got two and one in here and they're uh missing packaging and then all this is dress up stuff a lot of this is this chef's uniform i think three is enough i might uh put the rest in back stock but we've also got a construction worker firefighter police officer i think there's a princess one here so we'll probably hang those there for the ugly christmas sweaters were uh the these two both of them look just like this they're still factory see uh this one might be stretch wrapped that one's factory sealed though they just came loose it's poor design yeah another look at i think this is strut drop it's tough to tell but anyways i think i can still sell them oh we've got some quilt kits these blocks 24 i already have the 40 pack in the 30 pack out i think i'm gonna back stock those until we sell out of the other ones and then this is all the empty boxes uh they're not gonna fit look i can't imagine what they paid for these big boxes from uline are pricey but um i wish there was something i could do with them i can't ship anything in them um and they're not really the best for building pallets so they're just going to get recycled i guess they're huge 32 by 24 by 24. um that's basically what they look like you can see it's a decent sized box um anyways so the next step is to get all this stuff organized priced and on shelves i decided toys are just gonna be this bed sheets to the end this i'm going to use for other stuff and i've got a little gap here and then those two sections i'm going to use for other stuff and i thought about putting the light fixtures here but i might at some point expand the light fixtures so i'll just leave them there and then i need to figure out what i'm gonna do with this center area obviously we've got a lot of those i'm gonna need some sort of fixture that hangs so you know with pegs with hooks and whatnot for those i don't know what i'm going to do here i don't have a lot of clothes that i really want to bring here um see with clothing if i'm just doing random clothing i need a huge space and that's you know part of me was thinking about staying here longer if i can make enough money here because the rent is so cheap my total overhead here rent utilities those storage units in the back payroll everything all in is about two thousand dollars a month here that is nothing so my thought is just leave it here and and spend 2 000 a month running it and i'm pretty much hands off where i rarely need to come here maybe once a week to bring some extra inventory here once a month something like that so i can be relatively hands-off and just kind of monitor it remotely i could do that because it's cheap or move to a larger space now it'll be maybe a little more hands-on if we're spending now eight ten grand a month more employees more space i don't know but anyways with clothing i really need a larger space so i can have a space twice the size of this whole building or this whole unit sales for whatever just for clothing because you need to have a variety you need to have all different sizes it needs to be organized i really can't do one rack of clothing here unless it's something where they're all the same like i've got those you've seen me sell them here and there on ebay those denim levi's vests i could put a rounder in here they're all the same thing and then just different sizes i could put a rounder with those in here but that's really all i can think of i've got a bunch of swimsuits but i think those will do just as well in the warehouse sale and those suck to hang so i haven't decided what to do with the center space initially i was thinking apparel now i'm thinking less apparel i would like to have it something that can be moved something on wheels just in case we do decide to have events in here where we'll set up some tables kind of like how she was doing it before but i'm excited i'm very excited i have a lot of work left to do it is saturday at just a hair before one o'clock and um mrs rabbit's driving uh our convertible she says her hair is absolutely trashed uh anyways it's just before one saturday i'm not working sunday or at least i really don't want to i've got monday and then we open at two o'clock the hours are two to seven yeah i know it's tuesday through saturday two to seven weird hours but that's how she was actually two to six before i extended it an hour and she does have a full-time job which i'm trying to get her to quit to work here full-time but i'd like to wait until i know that i'm going to keep this running anyways getting off topic so that means i've got the rest of the day today i've got uh all day monday sunday if i really need it but i'd rather not and then tuesday morning i don't want to be here doing stuff tuesday morning tuesday morning i wanted to be like final touches um because that's really cutting it close but i think we can get all of these toys processed in the next hour hour and a half then i'll go to the warehouse get the trailer and load up on all the stuff that i bought from the auction the other day and then i've got some other stuff in the warehouse some summer stuff some cleaning products and whatnot like laundry detergent i'll bring over here i think i might be able to get the bulk of it done today i think i can so we're just put down with the toys i need to do this furniture yet and by that i mean i need to make a decision on it there are a few things in here and a couple over here that i haven't priced yet i have already priced those in fact those might be the only thing on the shelf that is priced no those are two um but over here we're basically done this looks really nice i have to fill this little crevice up here and i'd like to get something down there but it's looking really nice and then i'm leaving this empty intentionally the carpets i'm going to put here that's going to be this display right there these i might just decide to get rid of i was going to put them here and see if maybe i'll be able to sell them honestly i doubt they're going to sell maybe a couple here and there but because it was just melissa and doug to be fine but it has a picture of two kids on it so no one's going to want to put it in their kids room because it's not their kids i figured maybe someone wanted for the poster board but honestly i can probably better use this space because i put all those down there um i've got some bigger toys here three loom kits whatever that is blocks or something and then the crib that i need to find a place for and then i've got this stack other than this one other than these top ones actually never mind that these need to go somewhere this i realize this was the stickers i've got some of these over here so that's what i got to figure out that stuff and then the furniture whether or not i'm going to keep it in here i don't know but it's looking really nice let's take a step back over here that's looking really nice and i'm really excited about it the top shelf is mostly back stock um we've got the trucks the dolls the vacuum and then these two everything oh i got to price those yet everything on top is uh has a place down here somewhere it's just extra i could potentially do something else with those two and put another box or something there it looks really nice i am very happy with it i just need to figure out this stuff figured out the shelf problem i wish i figured it out before i filled all this up i've got some of these they're actually made to go on the front of shelves so if you have stuff to keep it from falling off for instance a good application for that would be these so they don't fall forward but they fit they don't fit great because they're not made for this brand but they do fit back here so that'll create a backer i don't want to put it on all the shelves because i'm losing what three four inches of space there stuff that you know bigger items that can go all the way to the wall i want to put them all the way the wall but for smaller stuff these will work well i don't have a lot of these there's that one and then these and these are actually brand new and then some other things so one two three four five six seven i've got eight of them i might be able to scrounge up a few more at the warehouse i scrapped most of them i had hundreds upon hundred i wouldn't be surprised if i had two thousand of these things but when i got rid of my store i never really used them much in the store so i figured shelving in the warehouse i won't need them so i got rid of them i remember if i scrapped them or gave them to whoever bought the shelving but nonetheless now we need them but i did save a box just in case i did need them i might have some more laying around in the warehouse so at least that solves that problem i would rather extend the shelf back but that'll at least keep stuff because i know so many things are gonna fall behind those shelves it's gonna be so frustrating i've got what 45 shelves in here i think that would be if the lighting was had the five shelves so yeah that's uh that'll work so i'm at warehouse number one grabbing stuff we've got all these pool floats if you remember i've got two 10-foot shelves full that one's full as well so i'm just grabbing a small sampling for now i got these out of walmart last year for 10 cents each on clearance these came out of office depot and i've got hundreds they're wooden pencil cups uh let's see we got some plastic spoons some of this underwear uh we got cologne wow that is a small bottle we've got cookie presses and there's some loom kits in there we've got some items of dollar general here all this badgers stuff and the light bulbs we've got off of other pallets we've got laundry detergent there's the flings they're like pods these things a whole bunch of these foot baths and then cupcake tins and then these fit board things so i'm gonna haul all this over there but we gotta go to warehouse number two to get other stuff all right we're at warehouse number two over there is mostly just the melissa and doug the lighting and the bed sheets which we already did i've got all of this not the black and red boxes but all these other pallets i'm basically grabbing a box from each one to bring over there um some of them have a couple different like this one has a couple different things so probably grab a couple boxes off of it but this is all the stuff that came from hanson's so we can uh load up on this and i forgot to bring a knife oh there might be a knife here somewhere so almost everything from hansen's cost me less than a dollar per item that includes the big spider ball games that were over there they're in the store here's 3d viewers basically a vr headset um i've got 564 of them here and they cost me less than a buck each i think i probably paid like i don't know i think i paid up for this one a little bit there were like three pallets and i didn't want to pay more than a dollar each i think i was probably pretty close maybe 75 to 90 cents per i'm gonna grab one case of 12. here's the most expensive pallet i bought there are 2400 bluetooth speakers 52 a case the employees said that when they were loading the truck after i bought them that this of all the speakers they had was their best one but i paid i think this might have actually been over a buck i paid 22.50 plus a 15 buyers fee so it might have been just a hair over like a dollar two or a dollar three each i think i should have no problem getting five bucks each so i mean once i sell this whole pallet this could be close to ten thousand dollars but it'll probably take quite a while to sell it i have no clue how many of these i have but it's a sunglasses camera it looks like all of these on the bottom here are the sunglasses cameras so i might price these at like 10 bucks i don't know so i'm digging out these pads and i set the knife down right here that goes all the way down to the floor this is a six or seven foot tall pallet that's fun so i'm sitting here looking for the pallet jack and it's on here on these keychains i'm thinking to myself i don't remember using it to move keychains because i was used to load up those bed sheets then i realized there's a tractor missing if you recall there's a giant tractor here before they got this out of here somehow you know the wheelbase went basically from that pallet to that one somehow they drove it through here was able to get around that corner that is crazy you can see the now that the seat notice it you can see the tire tracks where they were trying to maneuver around this corner that's uh well that gains me some extra space i can fit half a truckload there now for those of you that don't remember part of my agreement with this warehouse because it really wasn't for rent if they have a four lease sign on the front but are they really trying not really um they have a bunch of equipment including that crane there so part of my agreement was uh they get to keep their equipment in there in here that's why you see boats and sports cars and dirt bikes and tractors and all that in here none of that's mine but you do see they do get to keep that in here but every time they pull something out i get a little bit more space and i just realized something this would look nice in the store mounted on the wall above all that stuff i think i'm gonna bring this came with the pallets that'll make it look nice and professional okay so i'm confused i just moved this pallet and the knife isn't on the floor i wonder if it's on one of the boards under here i'm not seeing it that's weird maybe it's being dragged let's try lifting the pallet higher found it see it's sitting right on there so i think easiest way is just to slide something under and knock it off i might be able to reach under this pallet isn't very heavy if it lands on my hand it won't hurt too bad ding ding ding ding ding got it all right we are all loaded up once again didn't even put a dent in here but uh a lot of inventory i theoretically wouldn't need to buy inventory for the store for a long time honestly some of this could take years to sell and i don't plan on holding on to it for years i'll sell it in the warehouse sale to get rid of the bulk of it you guys smell that oh it smells so good so a popular restaurant a couple blocks away burned to the ground today and it just smells i want to have a bonfire so bad no i suppose i should clarify the restaurant closed like a year ago and the fire department was there doing a controlled burn for training but it still smells so good all right got all this stuff out trailer all the boxes and that's the stuff going back um and then i'll show you what it looks like in here the door propped open for half an hour this stuff is everywhere if you're not from the area or the region i should say we have trees that you can kind of see it flying around out there cottonwood trees and that makes it look like it's snowing that's how we get snow in the summer we also had a frost warning last night no joke so we cleared out all the cardboard that was here these need to get rolled up and put into there all that i have left to the toys to do is this which i'm thinking is going to go by that window and then here's all the stuff or most of the stuff i brought over we've got this here um is that something no so we got all that oh i got to get this out of here too we got these two stacks and all this up here so i don't know how much of this i'm gonna get done yet today i'm gonna start and uh i'll show you my progress after this i'll have one day left though so i don't want to uh call it too early although i might run home i gotta ride the warehouse to drop off the truck and trailer i might run home put on some shorts it was supposed to be we had a frost warning last night it was supposed to be like 60 degrees today well this says 64. there's absolutely no way it feels like it's 80. it is hot out so anyways i'm gonna go change into some shorts and drop this truck off so i still have to label most of these but these came in nice retail display cases here uh we've got four different colors it's even for 50 off 19.99 i'm probably gonna price them at five each and then we've got these here which i've already priced i wonder if they're the same 2000 yep they're both 2 000 they even have these little hooks so you can attach them to the back here and actually hang it and i thought about putting one of these on here but i figured it would look too tacky competing with this so i decided against it but anyways these look really nice and i think i've got maybe 30 cents into each one so i'll have a nice markup i've got a few thousand at least two thousand uh total i think i have some too i must not have brought them to have flashlights built in so i still need to price those by the way it's monday now we open tomorrow i still need to price those but that's kind of what this is gonna look like this stuff is in the way but the spider balls underneath uh that's basically what this area is going to look like we've got these which is a local manitowoc county youth sports it's the next county over maybe two counties over i got them cheap i'm pricing them for five bucks maybe someone is involved with this and they get a great deal otherwise someone just wants a nice insulated mug and it's a good deal i've got somewhere between six and seven hundred of these aaron rodgers mugs i priced them at nine bucks these are pretty nice i got them super cheap too surprisingly cheap i spent like 1300 and i got somewhere between six and seven hundred of those and then somewhere between six and seven hundred of the bluetooth speakers this i haven't priced these they're gonna be more here i just wanted to put those for space i've got three bucks for these mushroom speakers i took them out they're two different colors black and blue much like the detroit lions after playing against the packers black and blue these are suction cups so they're kind of neat so when they're out of the box here they stick up there when they're out of the box you can actually see them so i took one out for each then we've got these bluetooth speakers as well priced at four bucks these are the ones i said i got between six and seven hundred of uh i haven't priced them yet again just put some here for spacing and then these light switch nightlights i think i've got like 1400 of these i might try to bulk sell some but i've got them for three bucks it's just i want to put batteries they're three different colors and there's nothing on the box that says what color it is you have to open the box to see so i sorted them by color but you just hit the switch and the back lights up like that run aaa batteries i'm going to get some aaa batteries so we can have some in the three that i have on display these came 10 cents each from dollar general when they closed um i put them at two bucks i've got more i've got three of these that are full and one that's about half so i might grab a second one to put on there just so it looks a little bit more full again these are just there for spacing and then all of these are priced and then back here i did more of the mugs the two types of mugs here and then i've got the back stock for the rogers ones i've got another case of these um i think about 36 or something to a case we'll wait until we move those out i think these rogers ones are going to do really well because people love that guy for some reason i've got a ton of badgers stuff here as well too that came from dollar general that'll have to get priced and out uh what else that's pretty much all i've done so far i brought this from the warehouse this i got for free when uh i bought up targets halloween stuff they let me have it and i just can't i don't remember if i used it in my old store but i had it around that time i just kind of held on to it you never know if i'll have a use for it i was thinking maybe sorting things in the warehouse but it'll work well very well here i'm thinking like these pop sockets maybe some of that badgers stuff can go in there so i don't know if that's where it's going to stay but we'll put it somewhere these are really coming in handy because this little stuff you know would fall off the back so that's really coming in handy to put a backing there and you know i was thinking it looks nicer this way but if i run out i could just take a board like a one by four and like zip tie it or something to this and run it straight across if i needed to the merchandise blocks and it was look you don't even see it here i can't suppose you see a little bit there but it wouldn't be that big of a deal if i needed more what else i think that's about it um i've got stuff to do here now i've got uh my work cut out for me so the idea is the shelves are going to be items that i have decent quantity in and then these glass cases i've got one two and three oh and four there's one up there uh will be items that i'm not really deep in that i've only got a few of so we can display them nicely kind of how the other consignors have it uh where there's not a ton i've got this one i'm renting out the top shelf i think 15 bucks a month to this lady i don't know how long she's gonna stay she's selling these bags for 15 bucks they're handmade but i don't know i'm not going to throw her out because one shelf it doesn't really bother me that much but uh if i wouldn't be surprised if she leaves just because i don't know how well those are going to do i suppose if she sells one a month she breaks even i really don't know and then this stuff is all mine that i'm getting from the distributor i need to get this priced yet uh we just have these on here so i need to actually price them and that is i'm told cheaper than the grocery store this was the only contract that i got or the only distributor agreement that i got from the stores the only one they had but she said that was moving really well and she said those gift boxes did really well around christmas time and then here's another vendor um so this area here is going to be just kind of it's the first thing you see when you walk in the door you walk in you see this summer fun is what we're going for now but you know like around halloween we'll fill it with halloween christmas will fill with christmas it's really going to be seasonal it's going to be stuff a lot of the stuff is going to be on shelves and some of it will just be brought up here i might even do it with some of the vendors items to kind of fill it up i just realized i'm competing here with this person i wonder what she's selling these for 12 bucks that's probably the same these little ones are 7.50 so i'm not really competing with her the prices are on par these are similar to these manitowoc ones but hers are bigger and hers actually have something amusing on it something that someone would want this isn't so it's not really an issue and then these ones are nine which they're about the same size as that but obviously this is honestly it's tough to say which one's better uh from a sales perspective i feel like a lot of people are going to want this because packers aaron rodgers but at the same time that's a better mug if you were just if there's nothing printed on them this is gonna be a better one so i don't think we're competing too hard with this person i'm trying not to compete against these two are my favorite vendors which i put them on the front because i might not make much from them but it's stuff that's going to draw people into the store you know that hand crafted local type stuff so i want to keep these two so i don't want to upset them the ones that have just random stuff that's mine those are just random stuff not too worried about losing these are handmade so i'd like to keep this person but i really don't know how well this stuff is going to sell i have my employee coming in to price the jewelry she used to own the store uh she's coming in today to price the jewelry a lot of it doesn't have price tags she was selling it uh based on the size i don't remember she had like a formula so the necklaces it was like a dollar two dollars an inch or something like that so i'm gonna have her come in and price it and that'll allow me to train her on the system i still need to fill out those shelves though and figure out something for the middle so i've got a lot of work ahead of me yet today look at this car so anyways it's really dark that is a pretty neat car it's really dark on the windows it's going to look so much better the window decals should be delivered are installed today and then this is going gonna be blocked with the bottom one i looked at the picture and you'll see once they're installed i think it's gonna be green covering the bottom half i think it's a little bright i'm not in love with the color might redo that at some point if i stay longer but um it'll cover up all that ugliness so i still have quite a bit of work to go well first of all let me show you this i'm not in love with the green the green against the brick looks like mario but that's up this is up and then we put that you can see it almost matches the font of that one but they're all different um but they didn't even have an address or anything so we got that up and then inside here's what you see walking in we've got some badger stuff this came out of dollar general uh the mugs that came from hanson's we had some walgreens stuff right here and then let's see this is pretty much all the same here this is going to go i've just been using as a doorstop and i think we'll probably put these two outside whenever we're open so moving down here that cart is going go this is pretty much all how you saw it before nothing new all the toys again nothing new we filled out this shelf uh you guys remember some of the underwear put that in more mugs this came out of walmart that came on one of those blue wrap pallets if you remember these came out of hanson's that came out of hanson's as well as this stuff up here that came on the blue wrap palette and then we just got back stock up there then over here you know still have the lighting but this is all filled out these came from meijer and coincidentally there were open bottles so we're going to use those as testers i'll put a little label on it that says tester this is voyage there's voyage blue ambition there's another one just called blue i'm sure they're all similar enough but i'm not going to open one to make a tester um i don't know what i'm gonna price these it looks like they were 11 in the store so maybe like 650 or something i'll get more walgreens stuff down here remember this i bought one for eight bucks at goodwill and two days later i got half a pallet of them uh we've got some foot baths i've got a whole bunch of these um it's got a mirror in it so you can kind of see it angled down so you put stuff in it and it's hidden it's magic uh bluetooth speakers some smart watches odds and ends here these wouldn't fit on the bottom shelf so they just had to go on the top but everything else up here is backstock the plan is to have all this stuff priced but that's probably not going to be until later in the week um so if a customer buys it we're just gonna have to find one with a tag uh what else i added a few items here i did a little bit over here got rid of some of the stuff that was on the bottom over here we've got more melissa and doug uh these came out of shopko and they smell like cookies and it's amazing um i've been sitting on them because i knew i could do more than well i forgot about it when i had the last warehouse sale i put them away when we were just doing dollar sales i knew i could do more than that just random stuff everything on here is mine all the used stuff came with the store um what else we've got these over here i'm gonna move this it's a little tight i'm gonna get rid of this rack and put this on one of the shelves back there ultimately uh what else my star employee came in she's been pricing jewelry for the past couple of hours all the jewelry in the case i just told her most of it didn't have price tags i just told her price it whatever you think is gonna sell because i don't know what this stuff would go for we've got some up here like this thing four bucks she has for that the rings uh 20 but that's sterling that's sterling so and then all of these jewelry displays are mine too i didn't even think about that when i went through it now going in the back we've got these mirrors i've got a whole bunch of them that came on a target palette i only brought five and then we've got paper goods this is all napkins i had to re-tape almost all of these boxes the bottoms because they were kind of falling apart i need more roll towels to fill this out and then these are more of those napkins that's going to disappear before we open i'm just using it to move stuff around now this stuff is all going behind the counter but we were able to push that up against the wall which gives a decent walkway through here and then we've got this this rack came out of toys r us we've got some posters that you can color in some other larger toys down there these are popcorn molds or forms so you can make shapes out of the popcorn and then more of this melissa and doug you know arts and crafts stuff i was gonna go with uh a hanging fixture like this that was just flat and you could put stuff on both sides but i think this looks nicer um and that's pretty much it this is going to go i'm not going to get rid of it it's a nice one you can see it's got the metal base and everything it's cloth and then the dress is mine too i forgot to grab it when i get all the clothes out of here but tim's actually been listing some of it on ebay so should make a little bit of money off of that but i'm gonna probably just shove this in the back room for now and that's it there's not much else to show i still need to organize that i need to get these cords all running inside of here so it doesn't look terrible but with this here i'll show you again you don't see all the cords hanging down anymore i really don't love the color but the reason i had this done was just to hide you know the side of the register looked ugly or the side of the counter looked ugly and all the cords hanging down so now you don't have that anymore really the only cord you'll see that needs to be tacked back up there but it's gonna be the cord coming off of here that will run along the side so that looks nice this looks amazing they almost match the font perfectly so you see that and then you see this up here it's just the the f is a little different in craft see how it loops down there up here it doesn't but um i'm probably not going to keep the name i really don't like the name but i'm just going to go with it for now replacing this is gonna cost me like 20 bucks so it's not that big of a deal same with the hours if i change the hours i can replace those pretty cheap we got giant pizzas um i like this idea how you have before if you remember she had that little spool sitting down here with like four or five items on it there wasn't much this gives you something really to look at when you come in and the store i think it just looks great another thing so i still have 13 pallets of those bed sheets i haven't yet to sell one the store i bought them for the warehouse sale the store we're going to move a lot of them but i might have another truckload coming next week thankfully of different colors but that should be we're gonna have bed sheets for days we actually had a customer come in today while we were working uh i don't know if it was the graphics that made them see us or what but uh we had to send them away and say come back tomorrow but they said it looked like a nice store um i did ask her this pottery person actually set up right before she closed due to the health crisis so it's tough to say whether or not any of it's going to sell or whether or not this person will stick around we'll find out i guess evidently this person's handmade blankets do sell pretty well especially around christmas so i'm not really making much off these five percent but i am uh getting 40 bucks a month for this space or 35 or whatever she was charging i'm gonna keep the race the same for now um i would like to get rid of this this isn't mine this belongs to this person i might tell them they gotta take that because this person also has stuff hanging on these as well i don't know how well this person's gonna do also i called this a candy dish in a video a little while back and i was corrected it's a fairy lamp i do not know a lot about glassware but um that's that's what that is i guess um what else that's pretty much it i think it looks really nice it looks like with the shelves face like this it looks so nice it's not going to look like this after the customers come but this isn't going to be like the warehouse sales i don't think it's going to be totally trashed going through i'm really excited we open tomorrow at 2 p.m i still have to price a lot of this stuff so i'm going to be here for a couple more hours yet it's 7 30 p.m uh i don't know if i showed you these yeah i think i did i need to get batteries for the uh the sample ones that are out but a lot of this stuff still needs to be priced so that's gonna be the next couple of hours and then tomorrow this can be pulled out i don't know how much she knows about retail and facing shelves that's something i'll have to teach her if she doesn't pull everything to the front especially in areas like this where i put stacked them up so these wouldn't fall off the back as these cell will have to pull some down from there but i'm really excited the store i think it looks great i think we really maximize space and i think we're going to move a lot of product out of this small and very inexpensive space as far as this is concerned this looks really nice because all of these are the same once these sell i'm not going to have a lot of identical ones it's going to be more mismatched and some might work like how these fit with that and everything but it won't look as nice but that's basically what this area is going to be for now i thought about putting some sort of fixture here instead of putting these but i want to sell through a lot of this stuff and i mean there's what 16 of them there i'm getting 20 bucks each or at least that's what i'm going to go for that's 320 bucks just for this row i i'd be hard-pressed to get that with any fixture like this isn't going to make me 320 bucks so you know i think this will work for now and we can swap it out you know i've got cups and other containers and other paper goods and stuff as well uh i've got a ton of these so hopefully these do well i don't know i don't want to price man i have to look up to see what they're even worth i'm excited oh before i forget i'm gonna move this this is garbage and i keep forgetting look at that if you remember when i dropped this off the truck it had those and some of them busted open so we're eating those but i need to throw that away because i keep forgetting every time i bring a trash run back i'm really excited it's such a nice looking store it is tuesday it's about 10 a.m we open in four hours i'm still pricing i've got all of this done i've got that done i've got these middle areas done i made this that looks nice for the toweling here i still need to do this that shelf and you do those coloring pads i need to do these and then this section of the bottom shelf i need to do most of that shelf the water stuff here and then uh the candles and the thermoses and then i'm done oh and this and then i'm done then everything will be priced i got everything else i even remembered to get the rugs some of these these things are like 70 bucks new i priced them at 15 and then these smaller ones they vary in price but i'm less than half retail on all of them especially on these because these are supposed to come with some cars like that i think i'm 7.99 when retail is like 30 and then 9.99 when it retails 30 if i have the cars these i haven't discounted too much i did eight bucks they're normally 10 same with those i looked them up on the target app that's what target's selling them for uh beyond that nothing special i have been getting some of the top stuff priced most of that's done and i did remember to do those um all that's up here that is in price is this those and this box none of that's priced but the stuff on the top doesn't need to be priced because it's just back stock particularly what i'm doing is if it's just loose inventory i'm still trying to price it if it's in a box i'm not just because of time but my plan is at noon wherever i'm at that's when i stop because i need to finish getting the cash register set up including running all these cords and stuff inside of it so it looks nicer and then i need to get this microwave and this table put behind the counter as well as this box of stuff that was with it um so and then i got to set up the receipt in the system so it has the store name and everything on i gotta get rid of that so at noon i'm done pricing and i'm gonna get everything else set up and then once i'm done with that i'll go back to pricing maybe we'll be open by that time who knows but um making some decent progress here she has been doing jewelry uh my employee yesterday today i will probably have her hop back on jewelry i don't expect a lot of customers coming through the door because we haven't advertised at all other than a couple of posts on the facebook page that only has like 200 or 400 followers the idea is it's kind of a soft opening make sure there aren't any issues with the system or the software so we can get all ready and next week that's when i really start promoting our grand opening it's not going to be like a grand opening event but i'll really start promoting it next week maybe late this week i just want to make sure everything's situated and ready and there are no issues before we have a ton of traffic come through i'm flying through this is 10 35 this is done that's done that's done all i have left is this glass case some of which is already done those are done and those are done but i think everything else needs to be done i have to do this case which again is just the candles and the two thermos they're missing thermoses and then the sticker pads that's it that's all i need to price uh i think i'm going to get down before my goal of noon i got this stuff done um this was surprisingly easy i thought this was going to be a pain because it's a bunch of little small things but that wasn't so bad so i like these little stickers if you remember i got these on clearance at walmart for 10 cents each last year i bought 485 of them and i remember that because the highway that i used to take when i lived in charlotte was highway 485. anyways i bought 485 of them should be 48 and 50 cents plus tax so about 50 bucks and i have barely sold any of course i bought them in the middle of winter and it's now summer but also the barely any that i've sold i've already doubled my money so the remaining 400 or 380 or however many i have left were free so it really doesn't matter if they sell or not 99 cents is retail on those but i think that's cheap enough people will grab them uh those same brand actually but coincidentally those came on walmart pallets as did that um so yeah we're uh making some good progress now when i'm done if i still have time this is store stuff the ss these are people's uh consignor numbers or vendor numbers anything that's ss is mine because the store owned it before right now i'm set up where i can do do this because that's what we're doing with vendors just using their id okay it doesn't have one that's something we're gonna need to work on because she may not have known who each vendor's item is i don't let's get a better example this one here the vendor number is nas 19 so anyways stuff like that we can just type in the price and the vendor number and it's already priced the stuff that i own here most of it i gave to goodwill but there are some items like this i think will sell and some little odds and ends here and the jewelry so maybe i'll go through and price that stuff afterwards just so there are scannable tags on it but i'm not doing vendors items i decided well let vendors just keep doing their thing and put their vendor id on it i'm just pricing store own stuff and my stuff what i'm actually doing all of this stuff this store is a separate llc for my corporation so my corporation my main company that has ebay and everything else is uh consigning this stuff at a 50 50 split to the store so when this item sells for five bucks the store gets two dollars and fifty cents and my other company is two dollars and fifty cents it's easier that way because all of this stuff was already owned by the company and a lot of it is still gonna be sold directly by the company in warehouse sales and liquidation so it was just easier that way so there's very few items that the store owns the store owns this grilling stuff here on the bottom shelf the store owns this all this jewelry and that jewelry and then you know a few random trinkets on here everything else is owned by my other company which is a corporation so we are open no customers had a couple of sales 25 bucks this morning so that's 1.25 of the total i spent on the store that's crazy 25 bucks anyways um i did the back area here i'm gonna put a full-size printer there i got the phone hooked up this is all set up back here i got one bag stand we're still doing jewelry but uh she left to go check on her dog uh which she had to take to the vet this morning um so i figure i've got a lull also my computer crashed my brand new computer that i bought last week already crashed gave me the blue screen of death it's automatically restarted after that screen came up and it's updating so hopefully that's just a simple issue but since i'm dealing with that i can show you the store we sold some of the bed sheets already uh and a puzzle there you can guess what size puzzle it was um and then there's something sold while i was gone i don't know what she said it was um but it's all cleaned out i've got my cart back here hopefully no one steals it but i don't have the truck here to take it back to the warehouse she's been sweeping for the past 15 minutes or so because there was so much dust on the floor so anyways uh that's that's really about it i bought the elvis bag that was originally up here because well i already explained that grandmother big elvis fan i don't think she would really want any of this stuff she's not really a puzzle person and the coins probably wouldn't do much for her but i'm going through and pricing some of this stuff here store owned inventory it was already priced but we were just doing the uh the roundabout way were similar to how we do with the vendor items with the handwritten tags so i'm doing that now looks like the computer is back up and running i also got cookies um this crate i listed this i brought from the warehouse i actually used it to carry some stuff here oh and fun fact my dymo twin turbo is already junk it labels jammed up almost instantly and a part of the printer is sticking out when you take this front piece off a part of the printer little plastic pieces sticking out from that wheel brand new so i'm going to send that back to amazon and get a new one this will suffice for now my 20 pawn shop purchase so it is wednesday now it didn't have much in sales yesterday i think it was like 65 bucks but we didn't advertise at all that's just people who happen to walk in we're gonna start advertising today we got this all set up i even bought a lock for it because of the way this is set up you can't put a regular lock on so this actually has a ball like one of these that goes in there and it clamps on and then you gotta unlock it with a key i'm sure you could easily break this off with a hammer if you really hit hard enough most even the 100 trailer locks this is like 40 bucks the hundred dollar ones those the reviews are pretty much the same i mean you could even take these bolts off and put a different end on it but if someone's that determined to steal my 250 sign i'll let them have it um so anyways this is set up ready to go i'd like to put a little further back on the lawn there but i don't know if i'm allowed to so um look at that i don't have any letters anyways um so it's double-sided it will light up if i plug it in but there's no place to plug it in so i'm just gonna leave it it'll look nice and that will draw people here
Channel: Resale Rabbit
Views: 19,327
Rating: 4.9589043 out of 5
Keywords: ebay, amazon, sell on ebay, sell on amazon, fba, flip, flipping, resale, resell, reselling, resale rabbit, garage sale, rummage sale, yard sale, flea market, thrift store, thrifting, thrift shop, pawn shop, Storage Auction, Storage Unit, Liquidation, Pallets, Overstock, Customer Returns, Liquidation Pallets
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 55min 38sec (3338 seconds)
Published: Thu Jul 23 2020
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