Didn't Want To Sleep Anyway | HSH #1

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all right close it okay that's just really stupid all right spooky game spooky game guys no [ __ ] off it's my day off is she bullying us like why do we sent Jane what did we do do we do some freaky [ __ ] Oh clear your desk tap notebook oh that's a very efficient book I'm like hmm I wonder where I put beareth okay usable items collectible items Jane star in the diary of Jane there we go but if I get scared I can just hide behind a book I'd be like oh okay right let's do this flashlight last night give me your flashlight I'll get out of here oh no all right let's leave yeah oh oh okay I'm gonna crawl under here I mean out [ __ ] tonight use it oh I'm so sorry with it I'm like mm-hmm large [ __ ] mm-hmm you telling the truth both [ __ ] does that blonde Joe ass me and my book F a flashlight I know figure that out already game once this house is I think I remember this game you good you good bro just coughed maybe we have asthma all right well look this elephant's nice bit of elephants here or pottery yes great man this [ __ ] needs a clear apartment up if we're gonna stay over again because I'm serious all right oh hello another music choice sorry you don't turn the lights off in here without me knowing about it okay okay ooh description let's see what it says a key for unlocking divorce Wow I thought I'd put it in my ass but no no inspect the newspaper description something for reading universities dude imported missing a student from a famous University in Bangkok those mysterious disappeared about two days what is this report that she was heading home after severe stomachache oh wow she's gonna have more than stomachache when I find her I got the key no I got the key they go home I go god damn it don't do that my face find a way home all right can you stop making random sounds please no of gods no don't don't call her find a girl to ask for an exit No why is why is the objective find a gal to ask for an objective huh to get home like what what I've she tended to have been [ __ ] that shift to run thank you I didn't know that it's not like I've not been playing horror games my whole [ __ ] life was this okay I'm getting there I remember this paradise changed those since the demo see you know oh oh oh oh no don't do it wow that's good that's [ __ ] fantastic Jesus Christ ah god I hate when they do that when they just ghosts they stand there and wait for you and then they go around the corner [ __ ] ghosts and their goddamn games Oh [ __ ] alright I don't care and neither should you I see a [ __ ] walking around in here I'll be out oh so bloody wall bloody wall okay like oh god damn it I guess she went this way Oh Jesus Christ Oh ours is Christ why is the end in darkness nah not like um stop saying what to play ya son of a [ __ ] go oh oh oh' it that's funny that's [ __ ] funny [Music] I ain't staying around her house again and she [ __ ] up no that's it then we go in here and we go in here we hide [ __ ] can't find us there she is look bless her heart I'm not in lying go away yep I'm [ __ ] yeah okay just she just she just walks through that all right danger must get out of this place really really you don't need to tell me I can work [ __ ] out on my own you know and I don't turn your light off open the door can you close the door all that's good okay closing doors confirmed [ __ ] ah why don't people stuck things properly huh fall over it's a health hazard all right what's it [ __ ] my apparently these shadows are having a good time let's go through here I think so dirty what's that now that I want to pull it up I'm not interested okay Bocas [ __ ] [ __ ] run away run away run away run away run away run away run away went away No Oh Master [ __ ] fair is it [ __ ] could come through walls but I can't go for a door I previously opened ah say stacking things sake bags get through the door hide you [ __ ] self high tide live in here live live in here [ __ ] me in the locker yeah but unfortunately came doing the work like that oh I wish she'd stop doing that wish hey she's a bit yeah really yes oh why isn't this our room it looks the same same posters and duvet and I don't know oh okay all right ma'am can I close that yeah I thought that was [ __ ] door Jesus Christ oh that was deeply unpleasant did you see that [ __ ] did you see that [ __ ] she whispers like a [ __ ] astronaut oh my god I feel like I'm you know like what the [ __ ] at what are those literally one of those they are hideous so I go in here come on in here no okay a toilet oh all that Sun we can hide in that what the [ __ ] is that yeah cuz someone would walk into this bar go honey you know this place needs giant ass days okay it's missing one barber got one next door and I want one too stupid [ __ ] what's this another bathroom this is some sort of dorm but hiding that [ __ ] big a spot you get I like you're choking on something all right can I go in here there's no point going in it run run don't keep telling me to [ __ ] run all right nerve city's [ __ ] enough room it's exactly the [ __ ] same apparently everyone here like skulls toilet with a hose running into the wall that makes no sense clearly the plumber was on acid we're gonna run back to that [ __ ] pot in a minute I know we are no one puts a big pot there for no reason oh great the wood pallets are blocking the way find something to break them I don't know Murphy oh oh oh I'll use my head if it'll get me away from her she went in their house horrible Oh [ __ ] sake I've had enough of this [ __ ] already oh oh she went in there didn't she ah close up all right big-ass pot is in there okay remember that alright so we're gonna go through here okay [ __ ] my face off oh look little Asian men fantastic oh no put the light on don't don't do that don't be stupid sort of bloods everywhere for we've been doing [ __ ] sake oh god that's it that's enough a bloody wall thing that she'd go through what's that what's this mean why am i carrying around some someone's okay all right mm-hmm Oh what bloodstains but stain nails some have been driven flesh on them great fantastic a crowbar yes timeout Ted a [ __ ] laugh you come oh my lord yep slam the door typical Oh run away Lily welcome to the Tea Party okay let's see apparently I I'm [ __ ] magneto I can just wheels it with my mind and it's about a career that's nasty danger must get out of this place I'm a simpleton Lily [ __ ] Lily welcome to the tea pie you don't you don't need to stop coughing I'm stress-eating that Oh all those pipes though you know you if you're not gonna put your pipes away properly even don't be a buck blubber why would it just fall out of the wall that's really bad work no wonder you're down in the basement you ugly bastard look at you look at you I just messed up who puts a doll there who does it I can't go that way can i no okay missus this is uh oh no what's wrong why am I asking what's wrong I like I give a [ __ ] try to kill me thank you so much for joining the tea party okay thank you and surak's no no no what I say about opening doors I open doors all right don't just open on their own I got a feeling that she's both wanting to kill me and wanting to avoid me oh okay she crapped on the desk what's this [ __ ] dolls raps with the holy thread decent okay what's this the Lego did not know just lurk lurk blur enough of your notes all right I'm not much of a reader apologies what you're about to see oh no don't do that with your light right lock up okay locker s we can hide in here okay remember that what's that [Music] does she go in the other room bye [ __ ] bye [ __ ] let's go ha ha oh yeah I know I feel you're a failure I feel you man Oh apparently we've reached nothing I need to [ __ ] change that negative dull thanks so much what's your name Nick I don't know dull welcome to the Tea Party thank you for ruining my life well right now we need to close that cuz basic [ __ ] I don't want closing [ __ ] she can go through walls it doesn't matter does it pop on I remember this bit I remember so we've got lockers a joy all right there they're everywhere presses button well you get jammed with some [ __ ] Wow Oh oh she does just judge judge [ __ ] Oh No Oh someone needs to [ __ ] do something about her wash your blouse all right don't wash it though it's fine oh I remember this bit [ __ ] bit but I remember thinking how am I gonna get through this [ __ ] oh gods does she respond to light we've been strangers below you know the rules and so do I make around that way my [ __ ] life [Music] deeply unpleasant experience I'm not enjoying it right in here yeah all right so if I [ __ ] myself it's not too bad okay oh you're nasty Beast I hate these these bits like when you go I like try and sneak [ __ ] it I'm gonna die jesus [ __ ] christ oh my god I don't know how I did that I don't know how I did that [ __ ] you know Oh help me Lord let's go forward alright L me I got to try and sneak back scumbag [ __ ] scumbag whoever made this game ah a few Z's [ __ ] get lockup [Music] you crazy [ __ ] home sweet home not liking it mm-hmm I put the fuse in beeswax now right now we just that's gonna attract some [ __ ] in it let's go to attract some noise and catch ranma's shift to become just overthinking Mike she's clearly not that intelligent so that's where we were it only opens half [ __ ] me all right this has passed the demo now so I don't know what's gonna happen from here on out [ __ ] stay in the wall please oh oh well that's not terrifying at all zebras the [ __ ] what's this what a tiny volt amulet inscribed with magical letters mostly worn by men it's believed to protect those who wear it and also make them attractive well [ __ ] I don't need none of those right here I must be wearing ten of them okay okay Jake sir over now all right so we've skipped one my life my life oh [ __ ] Oh [ __ ] [ __ ] [ __ ] over 20 20 20 20 running keep running keep me coming [ __ ] about 30 blow behind you don't even need to know what's behind you you know what's behind you [ __ ] animal run one flee the scene oh you really are playing with fire all right yeah hey Tim it's do I do I haven't seen you in ages now I've been running from Asian woman well you could come over and see me you know all right that's what [ __ ] friends do what's this Jane's diary someone likes Breaking Benjamin font I had quite an unsettling dream last night so strange that I thought a one throw someone or someone was chasing after me oh my oh my god it came to me here and pulled me hard the pain that I felt was real as if I wanted to take my life but I managed to escape and saw a light out of a path I can't remember everything else back where there was love scarier than oh my god hello Jane that's Jane's voice why is the floor so shiny I live on ice okay alright I would do that a minute we'll have a look around so look around alright we've got the office to study the entire encyclopedia of Kama Sutra more beer bottles they don't have a problem though [ __ ] is that we got lovely office space this is probably about my rent I'm gonna pay it I didn't even read it I forgot to pay it what contact list of people that Jane would probably go to man forget Jay is this Jane no I'm wrong don't forget Jane find her she is hot ah a nice bar from oh I'm a vampire no reflection great using all those lovely woman products this is quite a nice place I like this [ __ ] I'm not going on those stairs again though the kitchen okay right ask upstairs it's not like upstairs how's this look at look good look at Jane isn't Jane nice I could get to know Jane a little bit more what why am i obsessed with leaves like why have a goal of these [ __ ] put more jack that's why she left you your obsession with mountain ranges and desktop wallpapers yeah what's this more desktop wallpapers okay more desktop wallpapers more desktop wallpapers all right this is where the magic happens y'all boom me and Jane get it on in this room every day all night every night I play guitar oh I hit a note Jane's drawing Jane's drawing that looks like a map no it looks like a six-year-olds dream house uh-huh you see that key she left me a key all right there's the dining room okay all right all right Jane I fill yeah you'd like to play little games I like to play games too where hello yeah yeah description a key ring that contains Becky's for emergency use thank you guys boom all right here we go that's kind it's kinda Jen's room Jane Jen [ __ ] your name is alright how rooms nicer than mine hey Bay you doing up so late oh yeah can I take a look exchange China me here not to hurry up Jane so tell make myself look around before we read her diary cuz uh I know she was up to something look at her acting all coy I know you alright see the [ __ ] Tyra Jane Jane starry Jane's Jane's front I thought it was good was I can't say things like they weren't there I kept happening once too often but sometimes if someone was in health sometimes I felt like I was being watch out from somewhere oh my god it felt creepy rhyme sir cupboard as well geez you're not doing any better Jane take care of yourself or for t'aime je Skye's dead I just talked to myself in my diary ha ha with me she needed help back til I was a girl oh yeah we won't hang out anymore not to mention going out together wait we should pray a little and make some good karma you know who knows things might get better ain't never gonna get better Jen Chadwick or new Jen Jane Oh oh [ __ ] does the door in Jane's room now I've tried it doesn't open this has changed look the red wire leads into here [ __ ] she can stay in there I don't give a [ __ ] you hear that I don't care how hot she is damn it now go die again I'm gonna go back into the realm where that woman is Oh how wonderful back to the other realm I don't care who it is let them die all right really really I didn't know that I thought it was [ __ ] six blocks away you stupid [ __ ] hey in games where they state the obvious oh I'm in a tunnel okay I focus right friends together apparently Jane's under cupboard leads to an underworld where anything's possible why is that picture of a knife wonderful a picture of an unusual-looking knife great that's why I got that's not the snow No did you see that did you see it don't know I mean that was that was unnecessary like that was awful oh [ __ ] all right okay huh I just go keep going I don't mm-hmm big black monster coming at me don't be a [ __ ] don't be a [ __ ] that's funny you're really funny [ __ ] you [ __ ] Jesus Christ oh god what is that noise oh I really I don't like this at all I really can't deal with this [ __ ] I've had enough actually this is where I just make another video oh all right I'm ready thirsty I need a drink all right that's a hole I never want to go back in well can I go in there no okay jesus [ __ ] christ what was that was that so it went boom boom did you hear the boom boom I had a boom boom oh yeah Sarah alright thank you very much but it's not time for that [ __ ] all right what's this Oh in a minute right in a minute okay Buse thank you very much all right change diary that was not better I was sure I thought it's a deep sleep then what was I an old wooden house why huh earth was I in that old wooden house okay that's better okay and that was it where we have the shadow creeping outside with us probably big black thing right I've never seen anything that gigantic before why do you think she got with me now hmm I was able to get myself out of that nightmare back into my bedroom what is happening to me I oh my god I don't like that big black thing all right I don't really don't okay it scared the [ __ ] [ __ ] out of me Oh God everything's fricassee oh I really [ __ ] hate this game who the hell are these old men can I close these please [Music] [Music] nah-nah-nah-nah what is what's this [ __ ] what a wall written with three different colors of ink covering something conveying something sorry guys I can't I can't focus okay what's this OH group photography you know I'm noticing that I'm picking up a lot of stupid shirt a photograph of a group of teenagers fantastic really how had enough really have had enough what's this yeah yeah ah ah all right okay apparently um mice we've got a fight a code which is probably this all right free digits right so what's this one two three no way right so that's white one to right first numbers to pink one two three four two four blue one two three four five so that's two four five right see that see that it's intellect okay smart no I'm doing heard another I don't have a bang though this was streaming on the Halloweeny yeah I may even play the rest of this on on Halloween you know cuz it's such a good game who got feeling that I'm gonna die alright there's some big-ass pots again get in the pot get the [ __ ] I don't care if you can't fit oh no Megan Megan don't do it Megan where is this place Buffy videos - keep up the good work dev right there's a super check coming get prepared does didn't like it nasty nasty you're nasty it's gonna be something up there and there please leave me alone one of those I don't care I'm not interested in your in your shirt all right this is a scary day for me oh look level two armor okay what's this that's gotta mean something right do you have tea with that sandwich no I don't have tea anything my scared miss what the [ __ ] all right apparently there's more there's more apartment available now all right hey does love evideos just don't get to don't get scared well I am I am I am quite scared Annie bunch of filthy [ __ ] oh they'll get laid I got it we're looking here nope nothing in here okay okay okay all right okay can I go to the table all right what's this I need a bigger pot I need a bigger pot I need a hiding a [ __ ] big pot now now pot hide what's that what what's that mean I'll return I'll get what belongs to me with a [ __ ] hand like that you definitely getting what you want I will show you I will show you [ __ ] on next to say what kind of bird flies at night you fly into [ __ ] God say oh my god nah hmm no this [ __ ] up this is [ __ ] up that hand big-ass hand reaching in like that what the [ __ ] was what was his truck was you spanking the floor makes no sense I move this [ __ ] yeah yeah next time I get spanked oh [ __ ] cuz it's open no all right I'm just going to take my eyes off that window what the [ __ ] was that what was it okay alright Musa Musa oh yeah love you does but this [ __ ] is scary you know what I agree with Sarah it really is you know I'm not having a nice time oh nice jacket though fans [ __ ] really I do fancy yeah you know mm-hmm why why would I walk out onto a balcony I know something's gonna happen oh I went out I want to go back in oh I feel safer inside what why okay um that's uh [ __ ] Jesus [ __ ] Christ or Mike oh god Jesse Jesse thank you hate does key livestream the service please I don't live stream the Sims unfortunately although I wish I did [ __ ] Jesus Christ a stream is swell and friends really we're trending wow it's a Monday as well that's pretty good isn't it you know for a Monday because some people usually they're doing normal things on a Monday they're not crawling through a hidey hole alright with [ __ ] red string and [ __ ] monsters I nearly said black people that would have been wrong oh god I can't deal with this [ __ ] game anymore guys I'm sorry alright I'm out I'm done I don't know what these things are alright the [ __ ] terrifying me I could deal with I could deal with that the dead Asian nurse person over this [ __ ] oh-oh-oh-oh eat your sandwich are good idea it's good idea oh that's a little door oh yeah should he know what you're doing I don't you trying to do all right it's not working work you know it's not helping help me okay are we back in are we back in this place Oh God oh no oh god no Lord okay all right corridors I know anyone facing you pass away what's the comma is done with you you'll be reborn as a ghost [Music] what the [ __ ] up all right I have done more than you have mister okay get a girlfriend [ __ ] wrong with you I don't do so well with staircases you know don't do so well I mean big a staircases down all right I'm gonna go up because my basements who does who likes basements gonna make me go down there though undoubtably that's not it's alright alright hello Oh what was that what's Happ [Music] what's that coming over the hill what's Moses no all right all right I ain't high-fiving that [ __ ] [Music] I don't I don't understand what's happening or what to do do I go towards it but it's not looking don't go over there all right okay all right all right I hey what's up uh oh I know your other yet your cousin's all Romney's got a bigger situ I'm [ __ ] you oh my god oh my god oh [ __ ] me Wow big ass whoo [ __ ] oh we need to we need to find something to hide in oh I'm gonna go up at least an RBI level with it mm-hmm-hmm please don't grab me don't grab my ass don't grab my ass please what is that big [ __ ] thing what is it what's doing what's doing oh wow great ten [ __ ] open door open the door I feel sorry for him because like he can't check out a girl's rack you know because like he'll just have his eye on her chest you know need to do something about that oh just stay out of his sight and you don't annoy him it's fine oh look at that big ass I should have gone there now actually I wasn't paying attention no I'm not gonna run cuz he gets me right he makes van here I didn't see him before contribution to a new chair Thank You toasty pirates please play facade when that games out I'm playing the [ __ ] out of it looks terrifying so the light goes over there please don't see me I'm a young man so I can't the middle of the night there's nowhere to hide there I can probably get around the rice occur on the back right now regardless of where I hide in the middle well there I have to use these to hide don't I yes I'm gonna go there next time I'm gonna go in front of those things you see me okay okay there's no send me please keep looking over there oh what up man you good okay that was the stepford that made my balls go up inside me I'm not even gonna lie that's nothing support from Japan hide oh I'm hiding the [ __ ] out of this don't you worry Jesus Christ did you get that chair from our go stairs know what chair I need to just oh that's a big hand Wow I'd hear a second oh [ __ ] if that there's a vessel scary I don't know what is you know we're good and we're gonna go for it next time okay yes does you are playing it whoo we hide behind here I don't know is he gonna see me god feelings gonna see me big dumb [ __ ] all right you're not that dumb you're not that dumb [ __ ] it run [ __ ] run [ __ ] run [ __ ] run [ __ ] run [ __ ] run oh come on [ __ ] you're playing this an hour ago still am still at donations going crazy they want me to get that chair hello Jesus Christ what's the time are free for the game there alright guys thanks so much for joining the stream I had a good time I'm gonna upload this video thanks for man we got like over two and a half thousand people in here the stream is getting bigger the tea party is growing I will see you guys in the next stream later tonight I'll be playing some player unknowns probably tonight love you guys
Channel: Daz Games
Views: 4,277,612
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Daz, games, home sweet home, horror, game, gameplay, funny, daz games, live, scary, spooky, halloween, ghost, challenge, vlog, laugh, jump scare
Id: frD6cOZLA6s
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 49min 35sec (2975 seconds)
Published: Tue Oct 10 2017
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