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Fusco does Lisp acquits deaths games and we're back with an exciting new horror game called sweets seven seven six when we get to that I just want to make a very brief announcement regarding my merch there are a lot of fake websites out there now selling my merch the only true link is in the description below don't buy it from anywhere else a lot of people say that my store is closed my store is always open the ones that you are seeing that closed they are previous merch providers that I have worked with they didn't go very well so they are now closed if you want the batch you've got to get the new Christmas march you're all asking the link is in the description below don't buy it from anywhere else let's get in to the game alright so this game is called sweet 776 if in quarters and quite a stir online oh all right all right warning please keep in my lair do these flashing light okay aggressive horror elements fantastic I love a bit of aggression who doesn't like a bit of a question in the morning I haven't very game in a while since PT that made me that scared Marcy was found in a home dead she hung herself well we can all be happy she left her only found her only family alone a seven-year-old son Oh God mercy was a famous architect a very well-known architect unfortunately she became too well-known for the wrong reasons why was she that good at building houses and my intention to prove that sweet 776 exists to that I will photograph mercy and emotion I will photograph her even if it kills me no matter what I was gonna kill you go home all that is left to do is to ring her Bell that's all it takes just ring the bell don't mean the Bell this is some people die that's how they die I have no sympathy for people like this hideous flooring for a lift oh hey am I in a Travel Lodge this feels like a Travel Lodge that's a weird picture okay well I have no feet it's one of those games drink up in the elevator with no buttons how do you select the bar well hello menswear okay well seven seven free develop by oh god alright credits it's quite a cinematic feel to it same picture nah I needed to see that again didn't I sweet seven seven six it exists and I take it I have to go in okay ooh I'm getting very very big wait I just came up in an elevator about seven floors and there's a garden is it in the sky oh yeah this is this is very peaty isn't it that darn picture or ten what's that mean drawer is locked okay well they got here I survived sweet seven seven six it is real it all appears real but that could be possible I was on the twelfth floor yet looking through the windows displayed the first floor I just pointed that out there are over six other sweets on this floor yet sweet seven seven six appears larger with impossible proportions there wasn't even an upper lower level of the it made absolutely no sense whatsoever and how did I get out why am I the only one I have no clue I claim to suite seven six okay but all the footage was laughte gamer xxx how do I put this down alright well I'm gonna walk away all right oh yes door is out fantastic empty tissue box oh yeah this is very PC right now okay alright the outside oh god I don't like these tight corners man I'm really don't it's a nice place though very minimalist oh hello what am I waiting for a soda a Pepsi so here on guess we go back and try and find some other clues door is locked drawer is locked however lock is weak and simple trusty there's no Sprint Eva I don't like that in a horror game sprinting should be essential ringing the bell one more time all right we're gonna go all the way back just to ring the bell oh I can hear some ambient music I don't like that at least it's daytime you know it's not all creepy and night and [ __ ] [Music] the graphics are a little bit glitchy but other than okay anything but I guess it does nothing it's just about does it's no need to be nervous I'm so nervous right now I've been hearing a lot about this game and that's why I'm so scared oh he is very Petey isn't it it is very inspired still nothing we're not getting a damn thing that's okay all right dad don't sound scared this is what you wanted you came here if your camera and your bells and [ __ ] you did this [Music] driving a third time Oh someone else can then pave Oh No oh that was awful wait fourth time because I didn't do it the third time they did it by itself all right then the electronics are really playing up now Oh God it sucks please don't go out lights I don't have anything I don't even have legs it's not funny it's not funny it's not funny stop it that was some Pennywise [ __ ] right there [Music] yeah damn right is no [ __ ] honey somehow the doors connect the small space is played large then Windows despite the warm summer's day okay perhaps she was a genius just nobody realized it oh this is some witchcraft oh god that was just the intro Oh No I can't stomach more of a hat oh I was hit with the light very heavy lights I was one of these games is it huh everything changes what for night vision press right to snap a photo of moving target okay all right if this game just got a hell of a lot more advanced is that is that really night vision just green I don't think it is night vision charge all right I can't be using it too much because apparently needs to charge so I meant to take pictures of this [ __ ] that is that what I'm supposed to do oh my god no no I'm sorry I'm out I don't want to wring the battlekey by the bow is not ring a ball my weight I took a picture damn it okay oh it actually recharges itself the night vision he goes back on okay that's interesting what's that well there's a key hovering above the ceiling can you see it I wonder how I get that I need a grabber any one of those grabbers you know that mum hides under the stairs to get jars off the top okay Sam focus I have a key and it opens this one all right there we go a nice aesthetically pleasing office architects of the year well that is prestigious I mean that is that's well uh because this building isn't it Oh ring the bell again no no I'm sorry don't listen to messages written in blood don't do it all right let's not don't ever follow instructions like that there's no on the table here we go read it mercy does not appear to be in the proper state of mind several tests were conducted testing her reactions to stressful environmental conditions reactions mercy displayed included twitching mumbling redness excessive laughter so that was mercy we had mercy decided to end the season unfortunately session rather early unfortunately I advise you consult mercy to return further assessments medication may be required as currently the way I see it mercy may endanger herself or others would you mind forwarding over the contracts of Mercy's family perhaps her son thank you dr. stanky all right all right we have a box inserts the view all right right so I take it I have to ring the bell again all right that's how it's gonna go down this game's gonna play me like that that's fine was that I think okay dancing Christ no don't take pictures does just don't it's not the time all right they still don't have any room service that was awful I didn't like that song and somehow I knew it would happen please don't open please don't open I didn't read that message that was on the back wall I guess we go back in here cuz the door just opened 1 2 3 ready for creepy me I know one creeper you I want to go home I have a picture what's that a fragment of Mercy's memories found all right I don't want our memories she clearly has issues [Music] why does a padlock our combination oh all right I was a combination there four digits that's fine let's read this interview you mentioned that mercy had a bell on her desk at her office that's the one we've been ringing would you mind repeating what you told me prior to this interview coworker well every time she would read something online about herself our she didn't agree with she would ring that bell the bell rang continuously especially after she finished the construction of her new home her masterpiece as she called it interviewer she was an angry person wasn't she I mean angry spirit I don't whatever happen interesting maybe a lock pick door isn't locked but there is a force keeping it shut then it stood shut for a reason isn't it we were even we won't we won't even go there we'll just leave it all right so we've got a hair clip do my hair can I reach that oh maybe here what was that I picked up a screwdriver was that I meant to see that's ten I am looking for a combination Oh God Oh reminds me of my floors she can't spell for [ __ ] [ __ ] got dyslexia or something I will grab you from behind alright you don't have to select see how you have perfect grammar you've got perfect grammar merci you know your name mercy it's funny actually because that's what I want you to have oh gods the darkness of check genuinely right now I'm not having fun I'm not having any fun is there something I want I don't want this oh man the card I had my fair share of mannequins in my time and I've had enough all right if you move if you move ha ha no I wanna go upstairs mercy I just want I'm taking pictures of everything oh my Lords are thou Jesus Christ's this this is getting real right now all right I don't wanna dance oh do you see that of course you did it's your sister oh no I'm in the kitchen I'm in the kitchen Christ I sound like Michael Jackson in the cake Jenna I'm in the kitchen oh so so far we've got a ten for the combination I feel if I see anything else written down keep your eye out Dazzlers I would love to go upstairs mercy but unfortunately the doors are always open thank you so much for everything for oh you like your mannequins don't you it's a bit of a strange obsession but I will support it what was that what was that high enough for the [ __ ] alright stop it I am done I am done do not enter well that's fine crystal crystal how'd you crystal clear what's this another photograph of her memories love Lady au lait oh you're here was this Wiz's strange door has some lock securing it man that's for good reason when you have blood written on the door and a massive padlocks they don't enter or boards yeah that their base is there for a good reason oh now this I can live with what a nice shower what's that a pickup bladder I win in a minute all that ladders give it mean I can get the key downstairs isn't it yes all right before we get there loud let's have a look what we got in here we got a photo as greets Oh My gods Oh Oh although she goes off she goes Oh was she going good I mean this is at this point I think up to star how do I do that do I change the camera is all automated wait wait that's outside my room No don't look behind you don't look behind you don't look behind you don't it behind you Thomas okay I don't take pictures hello 0:04 for triple for one there we go Oh God's designer of the decade where's the award for creepiest [ __ ] huh cuz she's earth Matt oh god hello you're right you could pick up string my tie my shoes what's going on oh yeah I need a shower what I have a string but I need something to attach to the string so I can remove it from the drain okay maybe a hook or some [ __ ] I don't know a ladder well where did I put that in my pocket just go downstairs and get that thing that's dangling from the ceiling because I now have a ladder dead ah you so polite aren't you mercy Oh our mercy mercy mercy all what about a sexy sexy sexy yes I got a hook you know who's not getting off the hook you mercy cuz you're a [ __ ] [ __ ] [ __ ] my time now can we go back to that drain and get my shark shark I'm gonna get a shark apparently know what's going here a golden key a golden key miss Turner but I still have that combination triple for one so there's that all right let's go back downstairs do the combination to the fridge I believe it was on a fridge I believe that's what it was okay triple for one if you excuse me mannequin what dress can you fit on that oh wait there's something stuck on his face another memory okay triple for one oh and I was expecting doughnuts bolt cutter very good don't know what that's for wait what what did the boat Cosby uh what have I seen that could require oh that the thing on the door upstairs maybe that's opening the door but I don't want to open enter all right then don't open it all right all right we've hit a bit of a dead end the progression has stopped but that's fine what am I missing what am I missing the golden key all right so that's the next part of the story what's this interviewer many have found that you constantly purchased those clothing mannequins what are the mannequins for mercy are the star talking now well you know I figured it would be interesting to have a headcount of those who opposed me oh my god you know wake up in the morning look at their physical representations straight in the face I would scream at them to back off but they just stand there looking at me it drives me crazy interviewer right well Oh a gold bar I just picked up a bar what did a gold bar yes it was I'm selling that [ __ ] aah ring ring ring ring ring ring I don't want to mercy I've had it all what does it right so that's the Bell one that's not very clear is it I don't think I want to do that now you're right good choice good choice wait Oh My gods wait there she's behind it can you see ya bye-bye these bloody mannequins everywhere every time I ring it every time I ring it my God's true oh I'm the lights go out I said now I'm kind of a bit stuck I'm not really sure what did you what's this all right so maybe you find two more photos as well then to put on the boards that's a new thing I've discovered okay that's gonna be all my memories and maybe when all her memories are up and running that might trigger something oh my god all right I just came back into here after having a look around and it's a mannequin she's disappeared I didn't happen before my neighbors think I'm being murdered right now that's what they that's what goes down I can't read this after that you kidding me I'm gonna ring that Bell she is a failure you there Christ I hate this ghost died you died all right you can live live helpfully please slip I have nothing against you personally do I go in here because I got a key now honey I are coming need to charge my phone I need to charge my night-vision I need to charge I don't have anything to do [Music] [Music] she where is she everything's dark [Music] I've got Kay let's go back to the beginning of the maze Oh goats dogs Jesus I'm waiting for it man hey enough stupid dog don't going now this this is so dumb this is so dumb oh gods why is this happening something I know it's gonna happen I'm not stupid [Music] yeah our basement I don't know what's gonna happen oh god this isn't fair is it after everything I've been through so far this is what they're gonna do to me a stupid basement with mannequins I pick that up can't have the glow stick I can't have nice things no what's that wait something something happened oh we've key all right it's like a hexagon shape I guess that's the fuse box there we go found it now all I do is go back the way I came yes lights oh-oh-oh-oh-oh-oh move large pumping force required I swear to God Oh Marie I really have an axe yes yes come happy now [ __ ] you know what it's like to miss a face that's what's gonna happen come at me no side swipe your ass I'm gonna make some mercy sushi yeah I'd mercy sushi it's the best thing that's what that was for I thought it was for battering her face it why would you use it for that huh well there's the Bell [ __ ] [ __ ] don't knock me down me to walk me Oh stupid you die god damn it have not the job scares [Music] what was that what's that mean well I'm gonna have to clearly go down in the basement again aren't I cuz I once I find that stupid device Oh God man is leaving a left in here there's that door still that I can't seem to get through wait use axe oh my god Oh hanging please don't move if you move if you move I swear to god god no you didn't know you didn't oh I see I see the game I see the game I'm gonna turn around right oh there's a note I should probably read the note please - if you are gonna slack you from the ceiling what journal my name is Joseph sippin I wrote this journal just in case something goes wrong I want you to know that I was here and I probably died here and how did you write this then I came to investigate suite seven seven six I did this because mercy shipping is my mother oh my god this is her son i I her only son Joseph twenty seven years old at the time of this night wanted to meet her for the first time many claims because it's not real apparently others were given permission to enter the suite with no luck and triggering the circle or should I say with luck they did trigger the circle I stand before the Bell this very moment and I'm about to ring it funny thing is I get this feeling that I shouldn't ring it don't bring it I feel like I ran it before straight before that try again either way I'm going to bring it I think and I will document what I see and I linger duck man [ __ ] you can lose your hands wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait there was a light last time I was here I could find Oh Oh God oh [ __ ] ikana mercy mercy please please have some mercy oh my god so dumb I'm not going there [ __ ] cursed and all she dykes how old are you mercy are you 5 you lock me in a room merci merci ah right point taken Oh God do I have to ring it for the first time walk away no am i back in time right okay walk away walk away that's what I do that's easy I can walk away I'm gone I'm out I'm out of this place very nice place but I'm done good bye bye ha ha it's away it's open I'm free I could just get out they done am I going home did I I missed you painting I missed you alternative ending to supposed to leave behind treat them as they don't exist Wow there's a way to save my mother I know there is but what could it be there has to be a pattern of some sort of set sequence of some sort that must be commenced but what what could the sequence be I have to come back one day and find out bravo Bravo game stats all right let's see this ending unlocks two or three time plays for this event five photos were taken gold bar so there's other stuff I owe Easter eggs found Wow but a brilliant little game and the thing is as well I know that there are three endings to this game and they're also vastly different and I chose the fact that he gave you the option to just walk away and end the game is fantastic that was great but I do want to know the rest of the story I do want to find out you have to go all through it again I guess and then Wow I wonder what the different endings are it makes me wonder now what happened if I press the Bell do I go through it again does it make me replay well cheers to the developers of this game well guys that was sweet 776 I love that so much I really though scares got me and the story was very intriguing I actually enjoyed reading the notes in the backstory there are alternative endings there's apparently a way to save her I'll see you in the next one stay dazzling
Channel: Daz Games
Views: 5,374,871
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Daz, games, daz, watches, daz games, horror, gameplay, suit 776, vlog, play, game, best, scary
Id: XTg40h0SYvw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 38min 12sec (2292 seconds)
Published: Thu Dec 12 2019
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