Scary As Hell | Don't Knock Twice

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let's go dustless but does games and finally oh my god a horror game that I'm interested in playing it's been ages I've been searching for so long for a horror game this game is called don't knock twice I think it's I don't this tied into the horror film was coming out of the same name but I'm not sure let's play it because oh my god he just said don't knock twice people don't listen in horror games I'm so excited to go back into another horror I've been waiting for so long to just play a horror game or games in general people re moaning at me dazzle is moaning at me saying does where's the games it's just been so dry at the moment with no games but glad to bring some back and okay oh that's quite dark game isn't it grab okay press to show oh alright alright leave me the [ __ ] alone it says I'm gonna leave you alone you know I'm not alone gonna bother you okay so we got a mobile we can get texts from ghosts or [ __ ] do I have a flashlight it's very dark what pick up the candlestick to illuminate your way where's the candlestick oh there it is okay I see it all right all right we've got a candlestick do they melt I bet they melt I bet it's on a timer like the candle in the fire yes no no no now stop knocking no I don't like that so that's that's awful oh gods what was that what was that was that what was it oh god I had a door open did you hear that - it definitely heard a door open I don't like the sound in this game was so real I serve up the brightness a little bit because it was just too dark and apparently we can light other candles are they go see that wasn't so bad was it laptop check my facebook what's that noise I'm not enjoying this at the moment I'm sorry oh god yeah alright that lit that that's fine oh okay I have to push it oh man it that takes ages to open a door all right way ah God don't text me why did you turn the power off I hate you Chloe that we don't know who you are love but I I've had nothing to do I've just literally arrived here so again text from a girl called Chloe apparently this house doesn't have electric they just run off candles but judging by these coats I'm in a modern century as this focus okay II read okay Chloe's diary right this is from Chloe she dumped me all those years ago and now she just waltzes back into my life and expects me to just carry on like everything's okay well it's not I just wish she'd left me the [ __ ] alone she's trying to WoW me with her fancy job in a big new house but there's no hiding the truth she abandoned me and I can't stop hating her for that with strangers now she's not fit to be a mother and she'll probably just send me back to the home once she's tired of me man Chloe's angry I don't want your [ __ ] diary that's gonna come back to haunt me isn't it tossing her diary on the floor okay I think that's locked yes it's locked man this is a spooky house so we don't know who Chloe is yet all we know is that we getting texts from her and she likes candles let's light this candle here yes okay another candle over here I'm lighting this whole [ __ ] probably end up burning the house down but it's okay anything else in here oh wow you can literally just grab anything okay oh this is luxe as well because that encircles red alright okay not like in the music at all as you notice I am no no I'm not in Oh No oh it's locked good I can't come in there that means hey lady you you are beautiful you know that you're beautiful oh oh something oh oh I can't take this [ __ ] that's just why I didn't play horror games alright read the story behind award-winning artist sculpture Jessica Webb Thomas inspiration could come from anywhere from anything mine is driven by my relationship to the world and that what I feel connected to which is bit you know up herself is Angie since I was 9 years old I knew I wanted to be an artist I was always playing with the clay but it wasn't until my teens that I found I had a true talent for sculpting and I still love it to this day and fascinated by bombs we make as humans the strongest bond is between a mother and her baby unless she didn't want it to begin with okay we gonna put that down how do i fur it there we go hearing a lot of noise I'm not enjoying him alright I'm a vampire apparently I don't have a [ __ ] reflection like the candle on the candle is this where the noise is coming from because I'm not I'm not into going into rooms where there's noise oh that's creepy I could never have art like that well alright love calm down oh yeah of course of course yes it has to be fun during a lightening Inara I would kill for some sunshine is it oh god what's this now never [ __ ] know read it self-service divisional what's that noise oh god I can't deal with this temporary custody order dear mrs. Jessica Webb Thomas please accept this letter as a formal agreement regarding Chloe and Webb and the light of evidence provided and with the car from the consent of Chloe we are happy to inform you that we are able to arrange a trial custody period with your daughter once a stadium period has been agreed we will send you the final letter of confirmation oh okay all right oh [ __ ] sorry I did not mean to do that [ __ ] knocking things over in a haunted house what's this okay love an ugly picture radio please don't turn on I can't deal with that [ __ ] alright what's this hope another mirror great Oh God all these doors are locked I'm kind of grateful for that in a way ok right so this is the outside is it my candles going to go out isn't it I didn't bring an umbrella what who's knocking again oh please stop doing that it really isn't nice basketball hoop don't you shoot some hoops together huh ghosts back handle ok brilliant yes light the way ok that's locked as well that's fine you know really wish someone would stop doing that knocking [ __ ] and it's getting old come on of our text Chloe you're going to dump me again aren't you you selfish [ __ ] oh gods that was a pass did you just see that there was a woman in the window lately a chick in the window now we're locked out in the rain this is perfect love it wait can I put that cam up there okay what's this how's that doing it's bad seeds right all right locked out in the rain don't know what to do we will work it out oh go through here now I really wish the gates weren't so hard to open all right that Way's blocked all right this way back into the house not by really wanna go all right we're back here Oh God that's not normal artwork just oh god damn it please paintings just stay still all right all right we like to admire you whilst you're hanging on the what the [ __ ] go die this is where I die hello mmm oh-oh-oh Buffalo how lovely blood a bit of blood in it you know blood my [ __ ] candles are now blown out but it's fine what's in here oh nothing ok alright I've got my candle back relight my fire [Music] oh I'm just you know I'm in a bit of a little bit of a bad way at the moment guys not gonna lie kind of um this game it's really kind of freaking me out hello why am I saying hello oh this is open now huh I hope we got some stairs it's nice Oh Oh guess it's time to to ring the bell right that's what we do for a lovely fireplace you know this could be a nice home if it wasn't for the poltergeists okay any candles I can light the brighter I can make this environment like the better oh hello owl how that you're expensive oh you were can I leave of course I can't [ __ ] leave what horror game actually is fair okay is this open no all right it's midnight that's never a good thing is it there's blood in here as well bloody foot are great see I'd see that and I'd be out okay well we got here we've got a newspaper another child goes missing oh dear avatars Grammys local boy so I have any children to go missing in recent weeks he last seen playing knock-knock run with his friends see page 19 okay well we don't have page 19 unfortunately missing children hmm see are we investigating this or what I don't really know - lovely closet fragile mother [ __ ] oh god what's this focus how is that ugly little woman okay an ugly little woman with gifts alright alright so we've been that we've been around here now I believe it's time to go upstairs oh maybe not [ __ ] but we know we're gonna have to go up here so just suck it up - you know and everything will be fine night won't there's that [ __ ] knocking again stop knocking on the walls stop it nothing better do oh [ __ ] me [ __ ] me ah ah what was it what I didn't see what it was oh love someone cracked the window man all right maybe it's Chloe I bet she's dead what's this Oh read so don't tell okay disorders are okay so film into orange juice over water hello the tablet to do okay what's this methadone I don't even know what that is we're gonna put that back though because you know it's tablets people might need that you know I don't want to piss off the ghosts okay that's not there's a lot of locked doors in this mansion wouldn't you say [ __ ] ah padlock that's gonna need a key ah man this isn't fair you know come on stop it don't start with the music I'm not interested in music missing child alright date missing temporal temper 20 last seen wearing a dark red jumper over a white t-shirt blue jeans any information please call okay wow so you're missing are you please don't end up in here really don't like that now now now come on what kind of house in 2016 s has paintings like that oh wow this is a very long corridor kind of seems a bit unnecessarily long once you agree [Music] basically go in here because it's not that terrifying five places in my life haha okay alright alright alright got diary or something here let's read this and Chloe sorry okay it's back to Chloe I had a dream last night after I was messing around with that ritual [ __ ] I found it was exactly it wasn't exactly a dream more like I was reliving a memory the scariest door appeared in front of me I had a goat head on it which really creeped me out okay the missing children the ones from the news were waiting just outside the door and I'm shouting don't knock the door to loud bangs and I would wake up in a puddle of sweat I know it was just a dream and the Baba Yaga is nonsense but it felt so real okay what's the Baba Yaga when Chloe was wearing some seductive clothes just saying look at that shirt on the bed all right all right that happens a lot round here was this was this okay I was a drug addict okay I hate those words but the truth what I was really bad I figured you were safer with someone else looking after you I tried to get back sooner I really did but they wouldn't let me they said I wasn't ready but I'm ready now I love you Chloe all right so she'd like to do the marriage' Wan ease and that's why they're taking her away maybe no I could be wrong I've been wrong before it's this another note Oh Jess and Chloe she's ripped out the picture of her mom she but isn't like her mom does she hmm I feel bad for Chloe in a way I just wish she would stop sending me horrible text messages you know because it's kind of out of order you know I feel like texting her back hey [ __ ] oh right then we're gonna lock me in the closet [Music] Chloe I promise you I promise you I won't I won't I won't call you a [ __ ] okay what the [ __ ] is going on is someone else here I guess I better get the ugly woman and throw her apparently there is that a way of saving it I don't know can you save it I don't know I ain't got a clue I did not like being in there okay so we've still got to find the key for that door and I'm not sure don't like that music go by that sound what was that what was it ah I need to fix that window Oh my mate you can have a alright take up I all wanna go vandalize the walls just to say that what's this no share Jess's diary I wish Ben was here it's not the same when he's away he's been my rock through all this and so supportive of Chloe's custody case he's right what he said you can't change the past and what matters is that I'm trying to do the right thing now the scariest thing about having a child it's not the pain or the sleepless nights it's the love and nobody prepares you for that I love clay when she was born when I was high when I gave her up even when I was a thousand miles away and loved her now she's mine and I'll never let anyone take her from me again okay so she lost her because she was on drugs went and bought a load of hideous artwork and now she's bored and wants her daughter back well you can't really blame Chloe for being a little bit pissed yeah she was given up all cuz her mum wanted to get high and do whatever the [ __ ] she's doing in this basement what is this that's some witchcraft [ __ ] doesn't it find that in the base when it kind of explains everything that's going on all right all right it's okay please savage didn't kidnap all the children because she bought a monk what is that is that a statue okay who's that sure you read it Jess Webb Thomas all right so that's her that's the mum okay let's go home what we doing here are we singing Kumbaya so she's a sculpture a smackhead and a terrible mum and I think she's kidnapped the children because she misses her own was there any nothing else here I can look at is that pizza damn right she's got that right mm-hmm all right let's go and say hi to these statues that look very very scary they're gonna move aren't they if you move I'm gonna slap that baby out your hands Wow that's very scary isn't it okay what's this oh so she sculpted these these are really good creepy but good what's this one under a sheet yeah that looks kind of terrifying if I'm honest I'm just gonna leave that one alone what's this Oh a well with a cap in it wait can we like oh wait there's a note over here let's read this because the store the back story is actually quite interested in this one let's have a look at this um Jess's diary it's been so tough the past few days Chloe hates me and I don't blame her I'm trying to make it up to her trying to make her see that I'm not the same person who was unfit to look after her all those years ago letting them take her away from me was the hardest decision I can ever make but it was the right one I needed help I agree sometimes even now when I can't sleep I ache for another fix thank God I have my work to distract me I spent hours last night in the studio working on my latest sculptures very good I'm still not totally happy with the concept but it's slowly getting there I just wish Chloe the same could be said about my relationship with Chloe okay you know you know she's trying she's trying and if she had a problem you know I don't blame her for getting rid of her child we're not getting rid of her like maybe just temporarily just all right we got a cup oh all right all right oh god I'm in the wrong place at the wrong time ah no if you move I was your baby gone I didn't even have a chance to slap out your hands it's gone all right Oh note the cup it's floating touch it wait I'm guessing I got hay fever I'm guessing we have to find one two three four all right for other pieces of the puzzle I'm all right oh god Chloe please stop messaging me know it why are you doing this to me I wish you were dead Chloe that's not very nice ah all right babies need to stop doing that there should be no babies in the basement oh what's this what is it in Suffolk folklore baba yaga is a supernatural being who appears a deformed ferocious-looking woman right she is the most ancient kind of witch truly dark she dwells in perjury and feasts on children she cannot just simply go and prey on children to eat they have to be given to her in the form of a sacrifice this ritual she believed would give her the power over death itself so we're dealing with a witch here what oh alright I got a little spray can now I can't see anything oh damn it oh alright alright back [ __ ] oh it turned around ah there's a head what am i doing but the head down does oh [ __ ] I dropped it there we go yeah burn some [ __ ] okay you know join this not enjoying this I mean I am I just you know these bits man come on damn it just hiring Donna all right we're back here now I know where we are yes I remember this gate this is back out in the courtyard now it should be all right Oh Oh Oh Oh while stuff levitating in that room oh [ __ ] oh wow alright that daughters to our man I can't deal with ghosty [ __ ] right can I spray that I can't I can't spray it anymore guess I should just drop it remember I dropped it there just in case I need it again why do all the candles keep going out there's some [ __ ] all right Chloe stop texting me now what do you want I'm really [ __ ] scared it's come for me this is all my fault what's what's come for you Chloe so alright this is the room where they just got sucked through that door and I'm going in there was this what this photo is that her it's Chloe okay France Chloe h9r back fire to cook her cold dead heart right page 9 and her favorite dull Reuben I guess is because it's got a ruby there on its chest fire to cook her cold dead ha so maybe we have to throw that Ruby in the fire am i right no no don't read it I've read it I've read it I want to throw it there we go right what we got here Reid summoning ritual ok alright these are all the things I have to find Ruby fire gemstone amethyst sphere so maybe that cup had one of these elements in them ok all right I get what I got to do I just gotta find all these items and we're gonna do like some sort of sacrifice or some [ __ ] all right now come on what's this sorry I'm sorry please how I didn't mean what I said Clary it's too late for you now you've just been mean oh [ __ ] Ben Thomas on behalf just with someone to make us Sam I have known just for over five years now and we have been long li married for the last free it it is with the great honor a privilege I write this character reference for my wife she's my soul mate and passion loving a caring woman she is a shoulder to cry on my voice of reason and I would be proud for her to be the mother of my child aha he's agreeing I believe that depriving Chloe from Jess is depriving everything that she has to offer the chance for her to make amends we know mistakes were made long ago and I truly believe that Jess will do anything to assure Chloe is safe happy and loved she has turned her life around and become a success and I truly believe she deserves a second chance to be with her daughter so that's the husband the dad agreeing that you know she should be given a second chance you you're what I'm sorry you're mine you're okay I can't make that out that's why you don't write in blood okay no this is not as well no no I open doors you don't turn our [ __ ] now okay that's locked well there's another thing here what's this Oh kitchen entrance or dining room games and basement that's a nice little man okay nice I like it can i play Paul is that a possibility oh okay well that's cool can I actually play Paul because I'm not gonna lie that would be the best thing in the world I can't okay alright let's light this candle and we can about to go through this door but guys I'm going to leave it there this is apparently a long game maybe a two-parter I'm loving the story usually I don't like games where you have to find notes because like it's been overdone but there's so much interesting story here and getting texts from them as the missing babies and all this life there's a lot going on so I kind of want to work out the backstory which inevitably is gonna lead me to the goal like I really like this and because there is a complete lack of games and horror games around right now I'm not in a rush to finish this all right don't worry I'm gonna play the second half in the next few days let me know what you think of this game guys alright go on Twitter tweet me more horror games alright let's find some more I'm desperate like not cross my channel don't do drugs and give up your children all right don't do it it's wrong and I will see you in the next video state a sling
Channel: Daz Games
Views: 1,466,026
Rating: 4.967329 out of 5
Keywords: Daz, games, dont knock twice, horror, scary, daz games, daz black, funny, comedy, jump scare, gameplay, game, lets play
Id: YAaX8bLffeI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 33min 43sec (2023 seconds)
Published: Tue Sep 19 2017
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