Did You Call My Girl!? | Anwar Jibawi

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[Phone ring] Hello. Good afternoon Mr. Roberts. Yes, Fresh Paint USA Edward speaking, would you like to buy some... [Phone hangs] Hi, Fresh Paint USA, would you like to buy some fresh paint? Uh, no. [Phone hangs] This is Edw.. How are you, how's your day been? Yes. *She is always pooping under the bed* No ma'am I'm here to sell paint. This is not about your cat it.. *Oh, okay, bye.* [Phone hangs] [Phone ringing] - *You're really gonna call him, that's what you gonna do?* -Thank you for calling, Fresh.. *Relax I just want to talk to him!* - *Stop !* - *No, I'll stop when I settle this!* *Hey! Is this Adrian?* *I said is this Adrian?!* Uh Yeah, this is Adrian. *Why you keep calling my girl, huh?* Well why does your girl keep calling me? *Look man, you better stop calling my girl.* What are you gonna do about it? *I'll kill you!* Pfpfpf. You're not gonna do a thing, Michael. *I'm gonna get you man and I'm gonna find you!* Pfff yeah, good luck with that buddy. *I'm gonna find you and you're gonna regret every little thing* - Uh.. Breaking news, Michael. *What?!* This just in. *What?!* I did your girlfriend. *Oh, you're gonna get it!* *You cheated on me with this guy?!* Hey, no no.. It's not your fault, don't be upset, okay, she just needed something a little bigger. *Shut up, man. I'm trying to talk to my girl!* Look, put her on the phone, and I'll clear things up. Okay, how about that ? *Here, he wants to talk to you!* *Hello* What's up, baby? What're you doing later on tonight? *I don't know* Round two? *I'm gonna tear your limbs off and ship them to your mom and then.. !* You're not gonna do a thing. *Yes, I am!* You're not gonna do a thing. *Yes, I am !* Yeah, whatever man, you're all talk. *All talk?!* Hey, your sister called me. *How could you talk to my sister!* - You're not gonna do a thing. - You're not gonna do a thing. - You're not gonna do a thing. *I'm gonna get married and have kids.* And that's just too bad. *And we're gonna remodel the house!* Oh, you're remodeling? *Yeah, why?!* Well, lucky for you because here at Fresh Paint USA we have the freshest paint for the freshest prices. *Oh, you work at Fresh Paint!* No, no no, no, that's not what I meant! *You're mine.* [Phone hangs] Hello? It was a joke, hello?! Hello? Hey, I'm Adrian. I'm the new guy. Nice to meet you Adrian. This is, this is my life, man, I am so excited about this stuff. You look friendly, man. You're really nice. I think we could be really good friends, man. - I'm sorry. - Why? - Hey! - Who's Adrian? I-I'm Adrian. Uh, it's my first day. It's good to be here. - I'm not gonna do a thing? I'll show you! - Why are you pointing at me?! - Hey ! - What's going on man?! - Get back here! *I'm not gonna do a thing?!* [Phone ringing] Fresh Paint USA. Oh yeah hey, my mom wants an order refilled. Is that the only thing your mom wants filled?
Channel: Anwar Jibawi
Views: 35,322,602
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: did you call my girl, anwar, jibawi, did, you, call, my, girl, how girls act in horror movies, membership qa 3, bathroom buddies, thats my sister, How Girls Act in Horror Movies, lelepons, hannahstocking, rudymancuso, shots, shotsstudios, alesso, anitta, brazil
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 3min 25sec (205 seconds)
Published: Thu Oct 05 2017
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