Did Hasan Piker Get Andrew Tate CENSORED?!

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a lot of people have credited you for Andrew Tate choosing to remove all of his content from social media really break that down he was on this other 17 year old fortnite stream because he was doing the rounds he went to like Aiden Ross he went to clicks's stream he's like going up against these 20 year old kids and just basically farming Their audience of like dummies so all these like 12 13 year olds were like oh I love fortnite oh this Andrew tank guy he seems so cool he's got a Bugatti basically he was getting all of them involved and invested in this thing he called Hustlers University the MLM scheme and I saw that I was pissed off about it I was like what are you guys giving this guy a free promo he was doing that and then that dude's manager clicks his manager is a fan of mine and he hit me up on the DMS he was like bro you want to come on the stream I was like yeah I want to do this I want to talk to this [ __ ] what's up everybody Welcome to flagrant and today we are joined by none other than [Music] um the streaming worlds I don't want to say I don't want to say King because you hate the monarchy I do hate the monarchy so then what do we call you like democratically corrected yeah democratically elected president yeah the socialist country the Prime Minister the Prime Minister supreme leader whoa we're getting very Turkish very fast I know yeah we're here with hasanabe okay before we start I need to know something this is very important to me and it's going to dictate how the rest of this podcast goes uh fenerbache or galatasarai I grew up hating football what which is like the worst thing the the reason why I hate it is because like everyone loved it so much and I felt like I was like Faking It the entire time because I was in a nerdy [ __ ] but my family's been out watches so I'm a fan about your fan dude yeah that is a Nar that is some narnwar [ __ ] we gotta start the Pod right okay so we're here um listen I've done some like deep journalism on you like some real deep research yeah I'm a journalist I know that okay that's why I came here exactly because you want serious interviews with me yeah one time you were quoted saying that you support uh I believe communism because it makes better prostitutes or hotter prostitutes what I was like what a great connection that's a brilliant it's true yeah do you agree I agree I was like this guy's [ __ ] on it you should just stand up you know what's really funny is you talk so much every day that I could just say you said something you'd be like [ __ ] did I you you didn't say that no no I know what it is okay but I do talk for a very long time and then like because remember old school like Joe Rogan yeah because he'd do three hours right yeah you'd be like oh people are always like clipping me out of context and stuff it's crazy yeah [ __ ] I talk for eight hours a day try that [ __ ] yeah live too with like people you know prodding at you all the time to get you to like slip up and say some dumb [ __ ] yeah which I say all the time because I'm a dumbass you said that they they're like poking me what'd you call it like poking not the screen oh I said tapping the glass yeah yeah I'm a zoo animal yeah but I mean it's true so like you know I do I do have some very clippable moments already you know what I mean you don't have to you don't have to go too far into the journalism sphere to figure out what I've said that's controversial you know what I'm feeling the nicotine hit my brain already yeah yeah you're supposed to pack it after you chew it oh really yeah you treated a bunch so now you're gonna pack it like a like a snow oh I just swallow that shit's been hurting myself wait you swallowed the gum followed it yeah you're gonna get Tummy cancer no shot yeah don't swallow the nicotine up you're gonna be buzzing all day today it's reflective for him to swallow it's like a thing that's what I use I used to be a big gum swallower when I was younger he's like gum gum yeah okay okay yeah no not comes well yeah that came later was that was a later once you left turkey you're like yeah now I can do it okay now rumor has it you might have been born in Turkey [Laughter] what the [ __ ] so people say New Jersey but there's rumors on the internet saying that you were actually born I'm a U.S citizen baby but but that doesn't mean you aren't born or was that achieved before I don't think you think America would let some [ __ ] dude be like yeah I actually was born here if it wasn't if I wasn't actually born here you could be elected president doing that from what I understand yeah me and Obama come from the same lineage actually wow also Muslim I'm Muslim too there you go that's what we do we're trying to expand the caliphate over here we're trying to get Zev on board as well exactly yeah I'm I'm fifth column style uh infiltration we brought Boris Johnson into the UK many people that might not know Boris Johnson Turkish that's right uh that's our guy and he came in and he [ __ ] it all up but you know he was too good it was too good for the Brits and then you know they they couldn't handle it so they just [ __ ] they cancel disaster what what culture came for Boris I heard that in order to throw the scent off of the Spy Trail when you came to America and you went to University yeah well originally you were at where University of I went to University of Miami and then Rutgers then Rutgers yes yeah to be around more Browns right you want to be closer to the Browns you joined a Greek fraternity I wasn't afraid yes but now how did the Turkish family feel they were already gotcha gotcha journalism right there because they're green I didn't even put two and two together that's how not racist I am wow I don't even see Empire 1453 best year of my life greatest moments you're greatest moment in Turkish history baby yeah um wait what happened in 1453 dude what do you mean Columbus sailed the ocean conqueror [ __ ] took the boats okay took the boats off of the the water put them on land and like literally rode them through these like oiled up [ __ ] logs and dropped them directly into the Golden Horn I guess uh away from the main chain that had stopped every naval ship prior from entering into the Bosphorus and then obliterated the the remainder of the Roman Empire the Byzantine Empire holy [ __ ] Constantinople to Istanbul and how did they lubricate the ships um I don't [ __ ] know they just like they greased it up olive oil maybe I don't know for him yeah I was hurt it was uh uh Armenian armpits that is what I heard many that's many years prior to to the to the you know other stuff [Laughter] or the Ottoman Empire Ottoman Empire him one of one of the greatest Empires that nobody talks about I mean they used to talk about it all the time they stopped dude yeah the pr guy because it's over you know what I mean like we still hear about the the Greek Roman because those are Western you know what I mean they're they're I mean you don't hear about the [ __ ] Chinese Empires either like out here I mean you barely do though you don't hear about Genghis Khan like that yeah you don't hear about genes Khan you don't hear about the Chinese Empires you don't hear about the Indian Empires either like you don't hear about any of that [ __ ] in the in the West was there an Indian empire yeah was there an Indian empire Mughal Empire what it wasn't like just nobody wanted to be around you guys take over things or or or was it yeah we took [ __ ] over dog we took [ __ ] over yeah what'd you guys take over yeah the workforce right now you know what I mean no no but I'm saying back in the day like what was your like did you have a military bro are you an Empire until you conquer people who don't look like you oh interesting I mean Turks definitely did that it's not ottoman everything that's the thing though like that's part of the reason why like why people hate that [ __ ] they [ __ ] they'll bring that up oh yeah so much they'll be like they're slaves right yeah they're like oh you guys enslaved white people yeah it's like yeah they did white people we like to hold on to our slavery yeah like if we spent a day as a slave both sides they love preserving that you know sometimes they do hate yeah how can we help how can me as an ally music Ally help uh non-whites uh do better PR for their Empires yeah I mean it's not gonna it's not gonna happen like nobody nobody wants to Hype up nobody wants to Hype up like the the [ __ ] other Empires that conquered over like white people and [ __ ] the Jews love it because they thrived within the Ottoman Empire in the Middle East in Northern Africa that is true that like bring back the Ottomans they did uh except for when Theodore hersa originally went to the Ottoman Empire to be like yo we want Israel like that'd be pretty sick if you gave us the Palestinian territory it's called Palestine yeah yeah no it was Palestine okay bro what do you mean I know it's called Palestine bro you're hitting the ally points hard yeah it's the nicotine well that was that was that was the that was not cool for uh you know the the Jews on that front but other than that yeah that's why the Jewish producers only wrote about you know the Roman Empire and all of that and that's why you don't hear about these Ottomans I want to hear about I want to hear more about the Ottoman Empire call it what it is there is what is it is a Palestine no but there is Palestine there is actually a really good documentary on Netflix like they did with like Turkish actors and [ __ ] too what the [ __ ] is it called they do like a recreation of it that was pretty good love on the Spectrum that's really good actually the furries yeah this is the the sign of the ultra nationalism okay okay the MHP party and they are uh they're Ultra nationalists but like there's like a pan-turkic mythology okay that revolves around like wolves like we are weird descendants of wolves right so uh It's Like These turanus Guys these like pant turkic mythology uh you know understanders and lovers will throw this up uh as a as a sign to be like yeah this is like it's like a Nazi salute but for the for the uh nationalist yeah for the ultra right yeah yeah perks I could see you as like a woven people I was just thinking that look at that yeah 100 that's what I was that's how I see myself 100 that's real furry [ __ ] bro you just constantly going like oh look at this that's the coolest hand side every time I do this he's taking photos what the [ __ ] yeah but like the Nazi branding got a little better like that thing is cool now you know I mean like the whole thing is cool son I was thinking that when he said Heritage not hate and I was like yo the conservatives have the marketing that's just a nice little saying Herod is not hate yeah yeah yeah yeah exactly the heritage is hate but you don't think about it is it always or why not and you know what I mean [Applause] what it is that's the thing but the marketing and then black lives black lives matter and they're like all lives matter and marketing wise pro-life they say their whole life dude it's insane yeah they're such [ __ ] good marketing okay so we're literally the most anti-live [ __ ] like they would be like awesome Pro live and then sign off on like a like an autistic black teenager that didn't even like commit the crimes dying okay okay here's a premise from a brilliant YouTuber that I cannot say who it is but this is an abortion premise that was said to us the other day and I thought they were genius [Laughter] no no that's not me it's not me it's not me this is uh is there a limit to abortions oh yeah yeah yeah if a girl has like a hundred [Music] [Laughter] yeah what are they doing they're just like getting nutted inside of non-stop who the [ __ ] has the time to do that okay what if they freeze their eggs so they can do it after they stop uh being a woman what is it called menopause menopause oh wow you're you're morally consistent on that you're like yeah my grandma don't call her grandma anymore sorry your eggs don't work yeah she's just regular exactly I mean being able to convert the child next to a woman and when that stops yeah you're a person yeah you're an Envy yeah you're not binary yeah which is weirdly gender abolitionist of of everyone that says that because it's like if you're if you're a teenager or if you haven't been able to uh you know if you haven't had your first period you're not a woman technically which then you can you know play sports with everybody yes that's I'm a gender abolitionist is that good to be I mean if yeah is that the most Progressive do you think so dude what is abolitionist bad that's right I'm like Mark Twain out here dude yeah dude I'm an abolitionist Al though you're welcome why Alex well the Abolitionist why did you point this I was born a woman no no the original abolitionist in America yeah what were that uh what were they abolishers they're really hard-working guys that love to work all the time [Music] Abraham dude he was he was just he didn't like it he was jealous also Turkish I don't know about that one Abraham Lincoln Ibrahim is the Turkish Ibrahim Lincoln it was bisexual though duh I don't know if it was a top or bottom but like there is there are a lot of accounts of him like okay uh leaving his wife behind she was a looney yeah I mean she was a loony bin you wouldn't leave her beer mental illness beard yeah and his wife was a beard uh and uh I say bye to be like politically correct but I think it was just like gay um there's one more scale yeah and he gave good head and he uh whoa whoa whoa whoa buddy I don't know about that but wait wait wait wait I went over my head yeah you guys have like a special or something yeah Bonnie why is he buying uh he there are accounts of him uh sleeping in the same room as his bodyguard with his bodyguard which is [ __ ] it's like okay dude that you're gay then no he's gay like because back then yeah yeah no yeah he was so safe exactly maybe they were having a they were having a little tiff they were fighting you don't watch her play by yourself yeah he likes musicals is furious he doesn't get to go the one thing they get to do together yeah it's like yeah no go go with your [ __ ] wife [Laughter] you know there was no there was no like you were not like openly gay and [ __ ] you know what I mean so back then you just did that you're like oh that's just a that's just a handsome fellow that likes to sleep in the same room with his bodyguard no okay now you've spoken a lot about uh Turkish culture I have spoken a lot about it and how gay the straights are how gay the straights are yes Turkish culture very similar to like uh Latino culture like Hispanic culture is like super gay don't bring them into this yeah lined up your [ __ ] beard Israel this is so strange you finally got shaped up before you joined before you got it you're like oh no it's not yo stop flirting with me back in the day we we used to say like remember because I'm 31 right like we used to say like metrosexual like that was the thing and like I feel like Turkish men do that and like Latino men do that from you know from the jump like they've been very metrosexual they like shape up their eyebrows and [ __ ] yeah yeah so and and there's a lot of like you know flamboyant things the Turkish men do too I mean we kissed our homies yeah you know but also very homophobic at the same time yes it's like whoa okay well uh hold up yes however historically speaking the Ottoman Empire actually had no issues with homosexuality and some other stuff Beyond homosexuality the same stuff that everybody was doing at the time yeah I saw her was talking about it when he was here um brilliant joke shout out Stoppers yeah yeah it was a great one yeah yeah um yeah it was just the Greeks Turks never did that yeah anyway yeah but yeah there was no like there was no concept of like homosexuality like it was a bad thing you just like [ __ ] your your homies yes and I think the bottoms that's basically and the bottoms were like burning man yeah this is what you guys yeah hey don't don't share stuff oh okay I think you realize it was the off the pot conversation oh yeah I've had whatever I mean it's not a good comment you're one of the boys now [Laughter] Bernie Mac is burning when I pissed after what we did yeah um but there was no there was no concept of homosexuality bottoms I think were still like considered gay but tops were not which is a cultural thing that extends to even contemporary Turkish culture but I'll get into that in a second um as a matter of fact turkey was so like the Ottoman Empire was so open-minded about homosexuality it was decriminalized even though it was never illegal in the 18th century in the tanzimat era so like there's like posters and [ __ ] of like dudes butt [ __ ] in a circle that you can find like there's some crazy stuff out there and why do you think they were so open everyone was the the best way the anti the homophobic uh the the idea of like homophobia is a is um I would say I think it's like a Christian invention it's a relatively new thing no but big time Catholic here right yeah the same idea of like we don't like prostitution and you know uh we don't like homosexuality and stuff like that was because women were just tired of their men not [ __ ] them partially yeah like they weren't binding they're having so much fun with everyone else back in the day you had to pop out like four kids five kids only one of them is gonna make it and they're gonna make it to like 16 before they get their [ __ ] head chopped off yeah right and you need workers in the farm you need serfs yeah and and servants and [ __ ] so they were like we gotta make make sure these [ __ ] like you know they stay together and just like [ __ ] non-stop um in order to combat like depopulation you know like Elon Musk and so uh that was the idea because like I guess you know butt [ __ ] was too good yeah why would I I mean imagine your your husband is [ __ ] his homie he's never gonna come hang out with you yeah what's the upside yeah you're less fun to hang out with he's still having sex yeah exactly you gotta make that [ __ ] weird tight tight butthole yeah dude it's great for him now was that one of the things that out of Turk used to like really rally the Turkish people yeah yeah boy [ __ ] for everybody Turkish [ __ ] would be hard though like there's a lot [ __ ] turkey is [ __ ] you gotta get through it's Delight bro by the way that's actually funny though like because like in Turkey there's still this concept called a pink slip because everyone has to everyone has to serve in the military every able-bodied male has served in the military either after high school or after college depending on you know if you go to the college you go to the officers rank which is like a little bit shorter if you study abroad or something or if you work abroad overseas you can do Foreigner service which is like super short it's like 28 days and there's always like you know financial compensation you can like pay your way out of it which is what I did um and uh so basically one of the ways of like not having to serve is uh either you're like too fat right too fat to serve because you'll [ __ ] literally die yeah or or you have like a disability like a medical disability like or exactly or if you're getting [ __ ] in the ass literally you think I'm kidding like this is how Trump dodged the draft just being gay is not enough if you're a top they don't Abraham like that enough yeah oh I mean I don't know if Abraham was receiving or or delivering yeah so Abraham Lincoln if he's if he's top if he's not verse if he's just the top he's not getting out of service wow because [ __ ] an ass is not considered medically gay but getting [ __ ] in the ass is I tend to agree with that and this is like a thing like this is literally a thing where like you have to get photos taken of you getting [ __ ] in the ass and then doctors look at it no what if you're just I mean what if you're just gay anyway you're already getting [ __ ] might as well yeah now how did you say that you got out of military service again on the internet no I uh I I paid for it because like every now and then there is uh they call it off it's like a pardon basically uh where they'll say like if you you know worked abroad yeah and if you have a dual citizenship like I do then you can get away with not serving or paying away your your 28-day service that you need to do and I actually wanted to go because I was like this is like Camp you know what I mean I'll [ __ ] I'll do 28 days I don't give a [ __ ] I'll get [ __ ] I'll get a pack then you know what I mean yeah already pretty jacked you well I thought yeah I thought it would be good like I thought it would be good for you know I'd be even more fit and my dad was like I'll disown you if you go if you go he's like I didn't [ __ ] if your dad that guy in Pennsylvania that the erdogan hits that guy sucks he's a CI asset but oh really no yeah 100 we can talk about that too but he he literally said like I didn't spend this much money on you to [ __ ] go and like die in a Mountaintop somewhere you [ __ ] idiot like God he's talking to you like he's an NFL owner he was like what do you mean like I spent all this money yeah he's like 20 he's like yeah 23 24 years of like [ __ ] spending money on you or at least up in the 18 all this education we're not going to put that the way so you're gonna go your big ass is gonna pop out of the [ __ ] trenches somewhere boom you're done yeah some Curtis sniper is gonna [ __ ] Dome you no shot so I was like all right um listen I I really want to get your opinion on something I don't know if if you know what's happened in England hmm are you familiar with England news story prince Andrew had a great weekend I knew I knew about that one well we did see that video we're going to talk about that but Scotland got their payback on the queen I don't know if you heard about this wait really you know what happened did you know where the queen ended up dying yeah you know where where did she die uh what's the name of the castle is the Scottish castle that's her favorite in Aberdeen Aberdeen thank you isn't it it isn't that her favorite we made it nice and comfy for her yeah and then when the time was right are you Scottish classic classic uh you know New York white guy yeah oh uh Balmoral Castle yeah that's right um that was her favorite castle do you know what Balmoral means in Gaelic oh no die that's what that means dude yeah you say that but Edinburgh which is like the most we don't consider that Scotland I was about the same we don't get the most like English adjacent part they were beating the asses of anyone that even said like [ __ ] the queen no because well the funeral proceedings were happening yesterday uh they and they like March her [ __ ] casket through everywhere which is crazy yeah so much is crazy about the entire British Kingdom but um the [ __ ] weird outfits and [ __ ] but anyway we're gonna talk about the Ottoman Empire outfits I mean 400 years no that [ __ ] was crazy too but at least it's like flowy [Laughter] but yeah also they don't wear it now they don't have like the royal guard in turkey dressed up like that what are you doing it's just this what is the Vatican police insane yeah um they are dripped up yeah you could probably see that down the street in [ __ ] nolita some dude dressed like that just grabbing a cold brew whatever okay so you were saying they're bringing the body through so they're bringing the body through and like some people are like some people held up signs that said like uh I think like not my Monarch or whatever like and the monarchy and the cops would just arrest them no they did they literally like there was one kid who said something like [ __ ] the queen or [ __ ] the king or something and this like Gammon [ __ ] summer ham looking Scottish dude was like oh [ __ ] you like he's beating the [ __ ] out of this like teenager and then the cops like separate them and immediately arrest the teenagers wow not a real Scott so not a real Sky of Scotland that's not a real I think that's the most so insanely cut no no no no I [ __ ] despise that [ __ ] what the Scottish no I love the Scottish thank you that's right I love the Scottish and I love the Irish thank you but I [ __ ] have so much disdain in my heart for a [ __ ] who was like yeah no I love the monarchy it's like bro what do you mean they cucked you yeah are you a big monarchy yeah speak English Loser yeah if I was you I wouldn't speak English I was just refuse dude what was your language before English and you even know oh yeah do you even know German yeah do you speak that yeah do you yeah no no I should stop speaking English too okay but dude the worst is when Americans are like oh how dare you disrespect the queen what the [ __ ] wrong with you I don't get this 1776 [ __ ] what is this Heritage what is this it's the one time where I was like yeah I feel American right now can't be honest I don't get strong feelings either way like a 96 year old woman she died okay exactly that's what happened it's not like they [ __ ] right there I guess she didn't die yeah yeah yeah no exactly that's what I'm saying it's like she won bro she won yeah oh that's a good day no she won she lived in 96. she lived a wonderful life she like you know took money from the poverty funds or whatever the [ __ ] you know what I mean she did whatever the [ __ ] she wanted and then sprinkled a little bit of your money on unlike a couple Charities so everyone was like oh my gosh she's such a wonderful generous yeah she won yeah she was a little bit to kill Diana yeah I think so why uh she was the The Conspiracy is that she was [ __ ] around with the Arms Dealer a brown boy he was Muslim yeah yeah Temple when you were in Israel dude no I didn't I missed that one you seriously yeah oh it's fire dude you got to go how is it how was it uh I mean it's it's modest oh yeah it's one of the more modest things I mean the stonework yeah Limestone yeah and just like a sick pergola in the back for taking in a breeze don't you gotta kill Princess Diana she left your husband yeah everybody loved her I remember there was a story where she like saved kids that were drowning she like [ __ ] jumped yeah he also was like talking about AIDS at a time when like everyone was like no it's the gay thing don't [ __ ] this up they're killing all the gays like it's good land mines what you do with them she had them moved she played after she played tonight yeah wow that's been cool she was like we should take all the landmines and put them in Ireland [Laughter] she broke up with her man I didn't know this well they got they both cheated on one another I heard she was getting rinsed which is raised like five different dudes were just none that's what I did hear that you are gonna get canceled now actually I did hear that you know it was wild yeah it was wild though like Princess Diana like they didn't like her because she was like the commoners princess right and she wasn't like noble enough like high ranking enough which means like she just wasn't literally From A Distant cousin like he wasn't inbred enough yeah yeah she was not inbred enough yeah um and it showed she was hot she was hot she could get it oh my God and she was getting it bro yeah and she was you could have taken that down for sure and you can go Raw on that thing too man oh absolutely wait yeah I'm winning in that one it's like yeah sit down Boris I'll take it from here yeah no a little little baby trap Princess Diana dude that's great um but basically what I found out is if you look up Princess Diana's summer I mean a childhood home you will realize like oh [ __ ] she's not a commoner at all she was literally like multiple generations of royalty as well just not as Royal as the royal family so she's still what is it [ __ ] Caked Up yeah yeah she was like uh I think her dad was like a noble uh wow no but not high enough and I never knew that and then I looked it up and her summer home or her child at home in England is like is a [ __ ] gigantic castle son I thought she was like a teacher or something yes dude they [ __ ] make it seem like oh yeah you're not you're not a part of like you're not a descendant of like the Spanish King so that means you're [ __ ] commoner meanwhile the commoners living in the a chateau wow yeah here's a question it's a little dupe is anyone in the royal family even English no isn't that crazy like Elizabeth was like Germany yeah and then her husband uh was a Greek and and German so England was run by a bunch of they're all bro they're all like this like the thing is first of all Elizabeth literally got [ __ ] down by her cousin yeah those of you who don't know yeah yeah like uh Prince Edward right is his name I think yeah he is her cousin they met when like first cousin yeah no third cousin however no no no third cousin for normal people makes sense right right I'm super on board with cousin [ __ ] yes okay yeah yeah yeah you know let me just come right out and say third cousin for Royals yeah because of so much inbreeding for centuries third cousin for Royals is literally like [ __ ] you know father-daughter type [ __ ] like they are so uh intertwined with one another that even if you're a third cousin like you're still gonna have some genetic disabilities and medical conditions like the sausage fingers that the current King has y'all yeah you can't even [ __ ] write normally yeah yeah it's weird yeah yeah he looks like uh everything everywhere everything at once or whatever yeah yeah so now okay wow okay so then he becomes king for a short time yeah he's probably gonna [ __ ] he's not gonna survive that I don't think his blood pressure is way too high bro I mean yeah look at them [ __ ] hands that's gotta be yeah he's still committed to the ring though I kind of like that can't get crazy to me I know I can't even take that off yeah I think it's just stuck there his hands are floating away and he's got a ring on it still it's the best well it's like blowing up from both angles it's like it's like there's more on this side and on this side like it's like so committed you can't even pry that yeah like jaws of life but like a tiny one what is the argument for British people who do love the monarchy like what would people say what would they say if there was an argument because I'm genuinely curious I I don't understand the connection and I don't understand I think it's it's just patriotism in a similar capacity yeah I was gonna say it's like an extension of the flag yeah like we got stars and bars and then they have the flag and then this also represents like they blew a 13 colony lead right but yeah also like that was that was kind of tight when they had it for them yeah even though like you saw none of it because you were a [ __ ] peasant yeah yeah they think like oh yeah we do eat yeah [ __ ] that was awesome I did that it's like no [ __ ] you didn't do that yeah it's like Yankee fans they don't own the team but yeah [ __ ] we got them exactly ah so the monarchy represents the English Empire yes and there's still pride in the Empire and the people who are frustrated with the monarchy feel like they're not acknowledging what the cost of the empire was which was what they had to do to people atrocity genocide rape gotcha now Archer do we hold the royal family accountable for oh yeah that even now Elizabeth yeah everyone always like everyone always has been talking about like in American news about how like Elizabeth oversaw the largest like decolonialization operation over her Reign and it's like bro it's not like she was like oh yeah please go away like it's fine she wasn't like yeah congratulations for you know decolonizing and having an independence day no she would go there and they'd be like yeah torture these [ __ ] which they did they did it in Kenya did in Malaysia anytime there was like especially if there was like a communist Uprising or anything like that she was there doing PR while the [ __ ] forces were out there oh rarely wearing their disrespectful ass outfits they were shorts and [ __ ] I hate that but they were really big into military uniforms and I do I do love military uniforms I think like if you're wearing if you're getting don't buy a guy [ __ ] wearing shorts like that's so disrespectful the Chubby's Army is here God damn it I got killed by God the last thing that you see is some [ __ ] sunburnt caps like red as [ __ ] it's just yeah summer heat is like yeah mate we have to do it to him it's [ __ ] it's like fortnite dancing on someone's corpse I couldn't cover them shits up dude what the [ __ ] it's just it's [ __ ] up and then they wear the cap with like the little fluffy thing on top yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah you guys have a cap like that the Turks they have like crazy they have the fezzes and [ __ ] yeah The Fez right yeah that's Moroccan oh is that Morocco I'm sure there's a church their version right yeah what is the how does what is that is that just like a version of the yamaka it's such bad headgear it is right it doesn't stay on your hand it's so weird you gotta clip it on and [ __ ] it doesn't even look that good why are you trying to look like a conehead yeah I never understood that it's got a little tassel on it too like you're graduating it's just silly yeah I never understood that I've never been a big Fez boy yeah this yeah yeah oh this is the guy with the ice cream yeah the guy to the right looks kind of garbage he's kind of pulling it off [Music] that is a fit for sure I mean the Blazer is crazy [ __ ] like that didn't he right before he killed Malcolm okay um explain to me the why they don't just give you ice cream in turkey that's so [ __ ] up yeah I don't I don't understand a betrayal of everything dude it's just like you're like awesome yeah I want a delicious tree and Turkish ice cream slaps they had like this weird thing it's like a gummy consistency okay it's actually really good um they gotta make you earn it then yeah dude it's [ __ ] up though they'll be like the they'll do the flip or like he'll Double Cup it you have like the cone in your hand and then you're like oh finally and he's like nope [ __ ] you what you can get out of it actually if you prove you get [ __ ] in the ass oh sorry here you go [Laughter] he's like oh man you got me all right guys I'm gonna take a break for a second because I gotta tell y'all about hard dicks and who's giving them to you that's right fellas Bluetooth the best in the business okay same active ingredients inside Viagra Cialis but no one wants that old [ __ ] we want the new we want the chew and we want the one that's gonna blow backs out all fall okay and you want to know what you're gonna get it for free that's right free the first month all you gotta do is pay five dollar shipping just go to bluetooth.com okay use the promo code flagrant and you get that first month free pay that five dollar shipping and blow backs out because that's what you're going to do now let's get back to the show that's on uh a lot of people have credited you for uh Andrew Tate choosing to remove all of his content from social media willingly willingly he willingly went away yeah you guys had one debate and then after that apparently he removed everything wanted [Laughter] I'm bummed because I wanted to like actually talk to him about the sex trafficking [ __ ] you know what I mean like because that's like way more interesting and way more awful than like just running another Tai Lopez style multi-level marketing scheme which he definitely was doing um but like I I did the entry point into that because he was on this other like 17 year old fortnite streamer clicks like his his stream because he was doing the rounds he went to like Aiden Ross yeah he went to clicks's stream he's like going up against like these like 20 year old kids and just basically farming Their audience of like dummies yeah yeah like all these like 12 13 year olds were like oh I love fortnite and then they like oh this Andrew take guy he seems so cool he's got a Bugatti and and basically he was like getting all of them involved and invested in this like [ __ ] thing he called Hustlers University the MLM scheme and I saw that and I was pissed off about it I was like what the [ __ ] are you guys giving this guy like you know a free promo like you're not even asking for money this is ridiculous um at least get a cut so he was doing that [ __ ] and then like that dude's manager clicks his manager is a fan of mine and he'd like hit me up on the DMS he was like bro you want to come on the stream oh so it just happened in the moment and I was like I was like yeah I want to do this I want to talk to this [ __ ] and I had done a little bit of research on him already like I knew a little bit about him so I just went on and I just started talking to him and he's just like talking about like how women can't drive and all this other [ __ ] he was like I've been in the most car accidents like well I mean Princess Diana right like yeah she had a driver though yeah a female a lot of people don't know the Muslim guy was gonna let her drive okay so then you guys yeah I was watching the back and forth and you guys are getting into it about the female driving yeah and I just like I I was like bro there's not that's not how this works like you can't just be like this is my personal experience yeah you can't personally experience you're away from like you know [ __ ] that isn't true right um but he tried to do that and then I just asked him like because I knew that he wasn't a flat earther because I'd heard him talk about that already which is surprising because he's like everything else yeah he's into everything else except for flatter okay which is weird yeah um so I was like do you think the Earth is round and he's like yeah I do so I was like all right well do you think you know the Earth is round because it feels like it's flat and your personal experiences would show that it's flat like maybe empirical evidence is important for that reason like maybe science is important he was like no I actually went up to the sky like I literally was like what did you fly in a [ __ ] rocket ship to the moon and see it personally that the Earth is not flat he's like yeah I did that that's and then I kind of like that I love that perfect but at that point he had been like so thoroughly bullied by me that like he was kind of like sinking for sure yeah yeah he was like sinking into his [ __ ] seat he like took off his headphones at a certain point to not respond to me wow yeah um so after that he was like he was not as invested in like twitch uh and then and then everybody started making like videos about that and also uh all the other [ __ ] that I had like addressed there but people were like researching yeah what the [ __ ] this guy's about because he blew up out of nowhere yeah like he's been around he's been on the internet for a long ass time I think he dated like Jordan Peterson's daughter and [ __ ] which you know that's kind of a dub s like Caleb Peterson's [ __ ] she's hot yeah you're into it I think she probably her sweat glands are probably busted from just eating straight raw meat yeah there's no diet there's no way she has normal poops what do you think they're like it's just like a fossil you're like it's just [ __ ] dense take you're not pushing that that's a little emasculating too you go on a date you get a [ __ ] Pokeball and then she just she just gets a steak you know very attractive woman very attractive woman um very attractive yeah except like I said like if I ate that much meat I love meat like I ate a lot of meat if I ate that much meat if I had a meat only diet like I feel like I'll be sweating [ __ ] straight grease you know what I mean have you tried it though I have not don't know I could tell you try it yeah 100 kind of like Hustler's University that's also true if you'll learn something you joined you might have learned really how to not get 50 of the money if you sign up because I've been a member you're an affiliate code yeah yeah yeah yeah it's great it's a great business yeah it's never been done before it's very unique now if Jordan Peterson was your father-in-law uh-huh right um like how would how would Thanksgiving do they have Thanksgiving in uh Canada I think they they have like a Canadian they have a different Thanksgiving yeah I don't know what is there it's like a different day they're thankful for the fact that uh they're next to America I think that was actually a very good holiday um now now do we think that you guys could reach common ground on certain things nothing nothing Hassan you would both agree that nothing Michaela's beautiful that's true that is true we both think that she's hot there it is there you go that's one that's one and that's it I like eating meat too so there's that too but right I don't know socialism yeah she's not one dude he actually was a part of this socialist when he was younger he was literally a part of the NDP uh he was like a student organizer for the engine what happened which is like the leftist party there yeah as he got older he went away from it maybe that would happen to you yeah no I do yeah socialism now um no I think he just uh I mean I think he just became older and a lot of people don't really you know a lot of people don't really follow through on that especially when they're younger if they got into it they see it as like a fad rather than like something to internalize or or truly understand are you worried about that no well the one thing I am worried about is not like as I get older but like the more money I make the more I'm like it's [ __ ] luxuries are great they're fine they're so nice and I've always loved like I've always loved Commodities you know what I mean even when I was [ __ ] broke as [ __ ] yeah so that that didn't change yeah and now I can actually buy it yes and then people yell at me all the time they're like [ __ ] you so what is the line where you like how how big can you get maintaining being a socialist I mean Rich you know what I mean like how materialistic can you be rich why can't socials be rich I think I tend to agree with that also yeah there's no there is no like uh it's not a [ __ ] religion like yeah there's no Dogma uh around like uh you know being wealthy and also being socialist but in America they think like oh you're supposed to be dead broke like it's [ __ ] so what is what is socialism to you socialism is about worker power it's it's just about uh allowing everyone to have more autonomy in their lives we spent 80 of our lives in the workplace uh day in day out and we have no control over it whatsoever like obviously this is a dramatically different circumstance because you're you have your own podcast you know what I mean and a much you're talking about the average first load I'm talking about like the regular Joe's right um people that work at [ __ ] Starbucks yeah yeah like they have no control over their lives at all they can't you want to take a day off [ __ ] off you can't take a day out so by your definition you have complete autonomy so yes you are within your definition of socialism conveniently yeah uh and and also on top of that like I have for example I have a podcast yeah as well it's called fear and and I I uh you know I collaborate with another uh content creators my best friend uh for a long time and we have a producer and we just split it three ways like everything wow line and they and and not just the revenue but also the decision making as well so the way we do it I'm sorry is there mutant there's your jaw drops why is your why is your job is Mutiny happening looking straight into my camera and I'm just shaking my head so we know when we can cut okay stop bro said we should Union us yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah hey you notice his Workforce is three people right no but this is good this is good so um the way I do it is like uh the decision making process is also incredibly important I think like if someone is like I don't want to work on that day let's work on this other day that's a huge part of your life like that's a that's a big thing that you never have in any other Workforce the autonomy of like the decision-making process the the process in which we like take on advertisers or whatever or you know whatever kind of patreon benefits we want to do like all that [ __ ] is decided uh across the board by uh all three parties involved and and that is one way of doing and I think first of all I think that's great I think it's great to give everybody say you you probably do recognize that as you would let's say scale and have more employees it'd be trickier to give everybody yeah for sure I'm sorry and we even like contract as well like it's not like you know no no I'm I'm not trying to call you I guess what I'm trying to say is like literally decision making if every decision you have to go through 100 different employees that would get tricky you can do it with and if that's the reason why I said that's the reason why I said it doesn't have to be that way as well like there are different ways of doing it there are different ways many different ways of doing it it's just one way um it's just one way that I do the especially the podcast side so um but I do see that can I because one thing I think that I think most people would agree with regardless of where you lie on the Spectrum uh is that you want workers to have more rights the ability to make more money and more freedom in their life I don't know if you're not an [ __ ] you probably agree with it yeah exactly um but are there other are there ever workers where you're like I think they should get paid less like do you ever like run into those people there are there sometimes I've never I've never had a situation like that never really never had like a waitress or someone where you're like no no because like the way I see it especially with like with like way staff right yeah I I like unfortunately in America they get paid dog [ __ ] and it's all tips right yeah so even if someone sucks absolutely sucks I'll I'll still tip them I'll still give them a fat tip yeah because I see it as like it's literally what if they disrespect you or disrespect your girl no even it's just like it doesn't matter no matter what because like bro the person that's never happened so I don't know but the person there is having a way worse time at it overall than that brief interaction that you have I wanted to be on his side this cheat I want it to be on his side I'm white I tip no matter what because it's in my culture but he actually what's funny is as he's gotten richer he tips worse and worse it's a really interesting phenomenon it's a really interesting phenomenon it's really interesting why [Music] are you being serious I dead ass heard you say to somebody probably in this room when you go to a nice restaurant they know you tip 15 that's just what it is no 20 is bare minimum bare minimum but what if they disrespect you 20 and I [ __ ] am upset about it you know what if they disrespect me I tip 20 but I do it on the customer copy oh so they have to do it yourself yeah figure out yourself sometimes you'll do the math wrong that's it and they'll still get the same amount of money but it won't be the right sense yeah yeah why are you making up these Shenanigans uh yeah because you got defensive and you're projecting no he doesn't tip he doesn't respect is good that's one thing that dramatically changed in my life is like back in the day leaving your friends that are pieces yeah you're attacking my culture okay whites have few things but tipping is one of them and we [ __ ] bring it dude I would even knocking pressure from the [ __ ] Turks over here 20 is a little low for somebody Rich if I yeah yeah I I do more than that yeah we'll do that I'll just take it off [ __ ] take it off um it depends so like uh first of all 20 is definitely the minimum right no matter what happens no I don't think you deserve 20. stand on that ten toes down if you suck you don't deserve 20. I I don't I I don't like the Tipping culture that we have regardless but if you're decent even at least 20. for me for me it's not based on performance like 20 is the uh bare minimum because like I don't see it as like a Performance Based composition I literally see it crazy I see it as like survival like this dude this dude needs the money bottle waitress she needs it she needs it she needs 20 I just no matter what it is like one thing I never had to do when I was younger is like I never used to tip when you like go to a Chipotle and they just ask you and it's like well I'm picking up the [ __ ] you know I'm picking up the food here now right yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah now they don't deserve it right now definitely no it's not that they deserve it it's just I was also kind of broke you know what I mean but now I I even tipped in like I just drop a oh that's crazy now you're a little over East what about ubereats always I do the percentage now it's like I think it's like 25 is the max that you have uh in the in the immediate allocations it's like 15 20 25 as well I give an amount I give a straight amount yeah it just depends it depends but usually it's like if it's like yeah five dollars oh now we back now he's back I got that number from him it's the same work to bring the one the thing over it's one hit boom you're not writing nothing down wait come on you're not asking me how's everything tasting tonight I give them that Ibraham Lincoln bro if you don't ask me how's everything tasting tonight that's it that's it that's crazy oh that disrespect waitresses like that I'm gonna pay this yeah the waitress was with me the entire night checking on me water risking his life to get the food to you yeah get a drone it's literally words that you're using their own [ __ ] car they're paying for gas they're getting parking tickets and [ __ ] all right six dollars you got some good points there no it's so much worse like I I definitely I definitely go uh max out you max out or it depends on if it's like a big order you're right I think I should tip them more and waitresses less okay what about uh strip club oh dollar is a dollar I have been like I don't think I've ever I don't think I've been to a strip club since I haven't been broke so I don't even know like I just I have not been in a strip club recently so I don't know what I would do I don't know what I'd do I mean I have no problem with it like I love strippers they're great but let's say that we're all at the strip club yeah tonight maybe tonight maybe I we all have wives so that probably won't happen but in a hypothetical situation yeah right are we making it oh yeah are we making it rain yeah of course you got to do it you have to you have to 100 percent in the strip club you can't be like respectfully giving like a hundred dollar bill you know whatever it comes [Laughter] exactly yes yes would you ever ball the dollars up and that's disrespect that's disrespecting broding each other you're dividing conquer socialist Divine yeah yeah but what he did I thought out of everybody he was the most left oh did didn't you think that that's right yeah he's a Catholic bro yeah socialist Catholic socialist you know early 90s comedy bully style like snowballs we put like pebbles in it yeah exactly he's like you balled up a dollar and put like coins in it so it was waiting she didn't duck I don't know like what do you want me to say they were loving it though they were like concussing strippers like oh they would go like this for the hoop it was sick oh yeah yeah there was that one strip club Claremont Lounge yep yeah oh that's right the old ladies you don't know about that oh in Atlanta oh the old lady strip club no I'm getting it no why the lady crushes a beer can with her titty what's up that was awesome smash better pong ball out of the [ __ ] that's no elasticity left oh these are old it's like an old gym sock you've ever seen like it yeah yeah you never know man if they've been doing kegels they have like a Competitive Edge over you know young uh 20 year old strippers oh maybe yeah she got the extendo clothes dude we need to go back to Atlanta yeah she's like oh you threw you threw coins at me watch this I got her way worse than she did I feel like Abraham that [ __ ] [ __ ] me up but shout out to strippers man like yeah you know the real troops the real well yo on the front lines yeah you know is there anyone you won't tip that you conventionally like would is there any place where you're like ah these movers I don't know [Laughter] I mean I don't even I have a house now anyway but um yeah no so go coffee you get it to go coffee I still tip I typically yeah I tip downstairs yeah 20 I'm gonna ask them and like when I do that some people like you [ __ ] it up for everybody else I'm gonna be honest proposed with you was against tipping and you didn't believe me yeah now the truth is coming out and I appreciate it hey [Laughter] this guy just conveniently forgets entire summations that he gives these guys that's a good point what if it's a fan you go there if it's a fan I have to tip because but you don't know but you don't know I know you do I hate that [ __ ] yeah off work dogs he's not that's my whole point I love tipping come on come on what happened no says he's a big Tipper is tax evasion are we good with that or no no not at all you have to pay your taxes all right you have to pay your taxes I it's such a [ __ ] complicated process regardless which I wish it was easier um but I mean most people that first of all Every American does some form of tax evasion which is crazy yes like there's everybody all the way to the [ __ ] now you guys are all going in jail okay I yeah I'm working with the 87 000 new IRS agents actually undercover yeah um they're coming in right now but no I mean the taxes are important man it sucks that it like goes to [ __ ] blowing up brown kids and like uh Yemen with the that's a great excuse for rich people to not want to pay their taxes I I know don't don't we all do that we're like well I don't want to give it to the government so the black brown kids the way I see it is like if they're blowing up the right people we still wouldn't want to bet yeah the they're the way I see it is that it still is like a fraction of it it's still going to schools rows [ __ ] like that fraction yeah fraction yeah I mean it's still it's still those are incredibly important fraction resources hey until we smarter than China at math you should lower my taxes that's what I'm saying no American [ __ ] likes that because like especially since like the Reagan Era everyone has been going on the star of the Beast attitude where they're like yeah [ __ ] the government and the government [ __ ] sucks it's true there's no good like we don't have any [ __ ] Health Care Health Care bills are getting higher and higher no matter what the [ __ ] happens educate public education sucks ass Democrats and [ __ ] Republicans both want to take funds away and create charter schools and [ __ ] that are unaccountable agree and and really [ __ ] awful in and of itself and that's the mentality that genuinely makes Americans go why the [ __ ] am I paying taxes I gotta tip the government I'm not seeing anything from that yeah which is why I love like you know the the Trump uh the Trump bucks the stimmies that was great that was for the first time ever every American was like wait a minute the government's like kind of got my back a little bit yeah which by the way the cnbce and like all the [ __ ] you know Fox Business and everybody else literally hated that I mean still talking about it why well they're like oh it's inflation you gave and poor people money yeah you can't print that much money without inflation happening most of the money wasn't printed for the poor most of the money was printed for the [ __ ] stock market yeah yeah and also exactly PPP which you know people abused the [ __ ] out of yeah now they're getting locked up for no they're not I mean a bunch of people yeah we know a guy who went to jail for PPP it's like Andrew's going to jail no we yeah we do yeah I saw him on Instagram recently taking his daughter to to uh jail now sorry honey this is a break for a second because it's smooth sack summer okay and smooth sack fall to be perfectly honest with you it's smooth sex that's what we need that's what the ladies like nobody wants that prickly pear down there okay they want a nice smooth mango skin and you can do that with manscaped and let me tell you why you're going to use manscape and I'm going to tell you why I personally use it because it saves the time okay if you ever shaved your balls before guys shaved your Gooch shaved your pubes you realize you're using a few different instruments you're using some scissors or buzzers and actual razor it's too much with the manscapes they've got it on lock different levels trim shoot boom swap done I don't even know if these words make sense but you know what I'm trying to say your balls look absolutely pristine and it's so fast it's so [ __ ] fast what would take 20 minutes takes two and you're gonna want that extra time because that extra time you can use to deliver dick to live a dick to whoever wants it beautiful and pristine like that that's right smooth sack summer smooth sack fall simple as that if it's a smooth sack it's not going to be a full sack it's going to get liquidated if you don't want a full sack make sure you've got a smooth sack for summer and for fall and if you use the promo code flagrant20 at manscape.com you can get 20 off plus free shipping with the code flagrant 20 flagrant20 at manscape.com it's smooth sack summer babies okay get on board or get left behind now let's get back to this all right guys we're gonna take a break for a second because I gotta tell you all about the best underwear in the [ __ ] business the only underwear that I have worn since I put them on I put them on in Miami you guys remember the video we did in Miami if you don't you can look it up somewhere it's abandoned several countries culprit culprits culprits the best underwear on the planet I have not worn another pair of underwear after I put my first pair of culprits on I could give you all this stuff about how they're equal eco-friendly and micro modal and all this other nonsense you don't give a [ __ ] about that I've never once have bought a pair of underwear because they're equal eco-friendly I can't even say it or micro modal I don't know a micro modal is I don't know any of these things are what I do know is they're incredibly comfortable they make my dick and balls look amazing okay and they offer the support that I need also all my tread marks gone in the wash I don't know if that's a culprit thing maybe it's something about my poop maybe it's something about the way that I do the laundry and by the way I do not do the laundry but the point is culprit has the best underwear on the planet and you're gonna get them for 25 off which I can't believe I can even say to you it should be no discount there should be none it's ridiculous that I'm even saying the words 25 off because what I just said should be enough for you just buy them regularly but for this limited time you get 25 off if you use the code flagrant at checkout you just got to go to culpritunderwear.com culbreakunderwear.com use the code flagrant at checkout for 25 off simple as that now let's get back to the shot okay so then um you will run for president and then no shot no you don't want to do it no no I hate it I hate politics what are your aspirations Beyond streaming I love streaming I just want to do it uh to a larger audience that's it like if I if I'm like Walter Cronkite uh numbers but uh still doing the same [ __ ] that I'm doing that I'm perfectly set perfectly happy that's what I I I know that everybody always is like endless growth endless growth we gotta constantly keep growing and constantly keep grinding and like I do have that in me too I I have that dog in me for sure but um I'm not interested in like going on CNN and having a show on CNN or some [ __ ] like that yeah plus they're not gonna pay me like let's be real they're not gonna pay me the amount I make now unless people are gonna see it uh and yeah well CNS those are pretty pretty large audience like depending on what time slot we're talking about it ain't Fox News yeah man yeah you want numbers yeah exactly I mean how many uh how what are the numbers that a Fox News I don't know but it is Fox is probably in the millions oh really uh yeah prime time for probably and if you had like let's say you did your streaming but you did it at a specific time you're like hey I go on every single day at six or every single day at seven do you think that would increase or decrease I do that already I I usually over 10 [ __ ] hours a day yeah I start at uh 11 p.m Pacific um 11 A.M Pacific uh every day usually what I'm saying is if you Consolidated to one or two hours do you think all those people would meet you there or do you think that the convenience of being on for that long allows these different people to tap in yeah I think the convenience allows uh people from like all around the world that's right you're doing a different time zones and that kind of [ __ ] but I don't do like repeats or anything they can just like watch the VOD or watch my YouTube videos did you know there was kind of a void in the market streaming wise where things were kind of right of Center and you could be left to Center and there was a market there it wasn't I didn't think about it on like Market terms because I didn't because like when I started making videos on The Young Turks originally it was so right wing like YouTube was incredibly right yeah and all the [ __ ] essayists and everyone else was just like oh there's a you know a black woman in a [ __ ] uh new cartoon and that's woke and [ __ ] that you know the feminazis are coming after you like everybody all these like fat neck bearded [ __ ] weirdos were just like cutting 25 to 45 minute videos about like go woke and get broke like that sort of thing yeah yeah and that was like everyone was doing that yeah and that market was like awful and I did want to push back against that like I wanted to I wanted to counter that propaganda by being like look you can be like a normal person who enjoys uh even you know buying dumb [ __ ] every now and then and and also a person who can like laugh at jokes without uh immediately being like uh this is actually a microaggression or this is yeah you know this is uh triggering when so here's my question about when you like stake your claim on like a political side do you find people trying to constantly like catch you and out you yeah always how do you also be a Human Being Human Beings can laugh at [ __ ] that is hypocritical we're all I'm the biggest [ __ ] Hitler we're all here Chris but also guiding have like a moral compass or Guiding Light and how do you how do you balance that because I feel like that happens to everybody that what you're looking for is like seeking out hypocrisy in that regard is usually just hyper focusing on the Aesthetics like anyone that has watched me for a long enough time knows that uh knows exactly what I value these are people who are looking to discredit you yes and because you've positioned yourself politically in a way they can use those beliefs to go you did something wrong like the greatest example of it is literally like every cancellation is [ __ ] [ __ ] anyway but like every cancellation I've had since I bought the house has literally been the same thing with like a new [ __ ] patina it's just you're rich you're socialist but you're rich yeah like how the [ __ ] does that work yeah and it's so easy to just like uh dump into that to join in on the fun because everyone is conditioned into thinking socialism is a poverty cult right they don't even think about it they're not like how has he made his money right like bro everything I do is free and readily available on the internet I do it for eight [ __ ] hours and um I don't pay wallet I don't do any of that [ __ ] that's right with the exception of the podcast which now has like additional content behind a paywall but it's only one hour of the episodes and I tell people to Pirate it if they want to I don't give a [ __ ] yeah right um not only that but all there's like if you search my name on YouTube there's a million [ __ ] channels some other people yeah I've seen this yeah yeah yeah hundreds of thousands where I watch most of your stuff yes is I'll watch other people clipping and posting and people take yeah people take my [ __ ] stream and just re-upload it yeah in its entirety and make money off of it yeah and I let that happen I like you I've I've straight up went to YouTube and I was like I want these channels to operate a lot of [ __ ] they're not my [ __ ] you know they're they're fan channels but I don't give a [ __ ] great marketing too for you yeah that's like Hustler's Community College yeah it's literally a win-win and I of course I would make so much more money if I wanted to like you know streamline that process and like claim you know do copyright claims and [ __ ] but ultimately it doesn't matter I make too much money as is yeah where do I make the money voluntary subscriptions on free [ __ ] content yeah like yeah I'm sorry that you know fifty thousand six thousand people are like no I [ __ ] I [ __ ] with this guy like I'm gonna give him five dollars a month for no [ __ ] reason yeah and then people are like nah [ __ ] that guy yeah yeah it's not like I put a gun in I don't think it's because I think that they don't like other opinions you might have and they're like this is the way that I can say [ __ ] yeah go ahead okay so I guess what I so the the tricky thing is always how do you police yourself and make sure you're not doing that to other people where you're like how do you go okay I don't like how people try to discredit me based on one thing when you know the entirety of my thoughts how do you make sure that there's someone else that you're doing that too well I care less about the hypocrisy of people's actions even though it is like Punchy and it's easy for people to like immediately go Oh that's hip that's hypocritical uh that guy sucks right but I care more about like what they're doing and what the consequences singular issue yeah and the consequences that [ __ ] if Ben Shapiro is like hypocritical I give a [ __ ] if Ben Shapiro says this one thing that you disagree with so your statement is less about them as a man or a person and more about that singular uh right that's mature yeah but but ultimately like the hypocrisy policing is like a good way to propagandize your position so I certainly jump on that train too don't you know I'm hypocritical myself obviously because I love calling out hypocrisy yeah I I yeah I think I think that point is great it's an easy way to remove yourself from the political sphere yeah to go yeah oh that person's a hypocrite I don't even have to respond to what they say yeah and on the other side that person is also a hypocrite who gives a [ __ ] about either of them yeah just you is like the greatest thing you can do it's always like a good flip to be like this you and then you know show like an old tweet or something yeah and everybody loves that everybody loves engaging in that and um the way I see it like here's a great example right everyone loves doing the I'm in a key search Asian uh on your [ __ ] Twitter from like before 2012. let's see everybody has a name everyone has made like a dumb [ __ ] joke like that right uh not me though I'm built differently it's fine yeah but yeah you're also Asian right yeah technically yeah that's true um let them rip my boy so everyone has that right like but [ __ ] that you've said 10 years ago do not reflect with your current value right yeah you said three years ago might not reflect their current [ __ ] values like we as human beings learn and grow and change our [ __ ] minds about things all the goddamn time and everyone recognizes that so it's insanely frustrating when people on the left and people on the right do this [ __ ] all the [ __ ] time or they're like well got you you [ __ ] said something that was bad and wrong even if you might have changed your mind well maybe you didn't actually change your mind yeah yeah totally you got me that's so dumb and that's always the the there's always something that that person who's like calling you out has also done yeah that you can always like counter what happens immediately yeah immediately people will go through their [ __ ] thing and it's just this like never ending cycle of just proving the point that like everyone's hypocritical like you said everyone has privileged blind spots there's an intersectionality a privilege like ultimately even if you're um like a a trans black woman who is disabled or whatever like you're still American so now you have like American imperialism that you can uh benefit from potentially and maybe your privileged blind spot in that regard is going to be uh you know people in the third world that are getting [ __ ] butchered and slaughtered right right so I recognize that and that is one of the guiding uh principles that I have which is why I always like yell at people in my community whenever they come in and they're like oh we got to cancel this guy you can't collaborate with this person this person has said that this person has said that yeah I'm always like nope we're not doing that you have an interesting relationship with your audience it's really they're antagonistic and then you're often ruthless to them yeah you're like like a scream at the chat yeah like a dictator yeah yeah I love that team leader because it's the most so the way it works is like anyone and everyone can talk in my chat most people do especially at my level most people don't even look at their chats because Chad's like it's yeah I didn't know how you even read it yeah there's I'm insane uh but there's like thirty thousand forty thousand people in there they're all writing [ __ ] right um so there are different ways of stopping people from writing you one easy thing is like subscription only I never do that because I want to have a as Democratic of a place as possible uh so I can get as many opinions as possible however some people like to take advantage of that and like try to piss me off yeah so when they do that I'm gonna make an example of them to show everyone like I'm gonna whip my chat to ensure that like they understand what the boundaries are yes and if you're constantly breaking those boundaries yeah you're [ __ ] ruining the content for 40 000 other people and I I'm not gonna do that it's like when Orson Welles would fire someone the first day on a movie set just to let everybody know like I'm not [ __ ] around oh is that his thing that was apparently a thing that he did yeah interesting so you do understand on some level how tyrants organize society and there is some efficiency and functionality to it for sure yeah I guess two discussions one is if it's the right way to do things which I think we all agree it's not we want uh democracy but uh or assume a version of it yeah right uh but I'm not an anarchist like I'm not like uh every every decision that we make needs to be like uh dealt with by uh [ __ ] uh democratically organized Council of individuals or whatever I don't I don't think that like there for things to run smoothly in content creation of course there's going to be an authoritarian element even in [ __ ] uh even in companies as well to a certain degree it's just a delicate balance of like making sure that you are doing right by the people that are providing the value for you yeah especially when it comes to your your Workforce like um you could shoot this podcast on your own you could put a [ __ ] camera in front of your face and and shoot it by yourself but it would never be as good as this podcast as it is now because you have all these people that are generating value that are you know putting in the work so um that's entirely different but if someone is like I said taking advantage of your your generosity in that respect because like uh it's it's free for all you can say whatever the [ __ ] you want and it can be if you're coming in earnestly and honestly and you want to learn something um and you're you're asking a genuine question then that's fine I usually have a a decent way of reading that um even though it's hard to interpret sarcasm or [ __ ] like that over the internet but if you're coming in to be like uh you say you're a socialist but you bought a three billion dollar house just curious like if you do that and I've seen that a million times already I don't know exactly what that is I'm gonna [ __ ] click pull you up to the [ __ ] Public Square and execute you know I [ __ ] your mom you know in my three billion dollar mansion now at a certain uh amount of money can we organize like a coup of you where we take you on yes and we're like listen he's one of the boys now this like take care of the workers and all that [ __ ] was don't worry about that don't criticize him for this at all the nicotine Gomez I can't I really love it okay so and then we just go let's just run it up yeah let them eat cake let yes thank you you want everyone to have a yacht in my community no just you bro but just you yeah I mean you can have Armenian workers on the yacht that running around like bringing on the lamps [Laughter] we just do a yacht week with the boys I how do we balance that I like I like luxurious [ __ ] but I mean that's not you know that's never been really something that I'm into personally I'm not like a nautical guy okay no Yachts no Yachts okay not like uh yeah snowboarding do a little I mean I would do some [ __ ] like that I could I could do that right now like I could [ __ ] you know but I like it but the problem is like I like streaming too much so that's the reason like I bring starlink we bring your boy Elon starlink I know you and Elon I love it yeah yeah we're good friends he I was talking to him the other day yeah he loves your your commentary on yeah like when his baby mama came on the show Rhymes dude I'm sure he knows who I am but I don't think he's too fond of me regardless really what I [ __ ] rip into him all the time he sucks but wait why does he suck he is like the perfect definition of a [ __ ] con man I'm supposed to love everything he does normally and you're supposed to like he's he's literally in the renewable energy space he's doing space exploration love those things right but he is such a [ __ ] rugged capitalist con man that has been able to like use uh energy credits to his Advantage every single industry that he's in suspiciously only operates off of Government subsidies okay this is I think a reasonable criticism yeah can you explain the Energy Credit thing I think a lot of people don't understand how in order within a capitalist framework in order for us to try to uh reduce our carbon emissions our output but what we try to do is incentivize company fees with tax breaks or direct dollars these are car companies yeah car companies and every company has uh some kind of high energy credits for him even if you're not uh um well our manufacturer car manufacturers do this uh with the energy swap but um other companies do this too like landowners do this for example John Oliver had like a big uh uh take down on this uh thing that people do usually well they'll be like this is underdeveloped or undeveloped land and we're offsetting carbon by not using this land give us money so that is of course this is what's happening essentially like so you yeah the government stipulates how many like what your energy output has to be for your company for the amount of cars you're putting out so if you are not making a fleet of EVS right and like you're using yeah and and reducing your your uh you know carbon carbon producing uh cars then you can go and like uh every one of his cars is not producing any carbon exactly so now he has an excess of energy credits so for GM and all these other companies and essentially buy his energy credits exactly and some might say that that is why Tesla is so profitable no that literally is the reason I don't know the economics of it so I can know that that is mainly the reason especially because like he has done brilliant though he's done the same [ __ ] over and over again where he'll just be like we're gonna do battery swaps never happens but it doesn't matter because the stock price reflects like what he says what he said is going to happen yeah yeah uh Tesla is not a car manufacturer it's a technology company which is why it's like valued at like 10-1 instead of yeah that's right yeah Tech uh evaluation that's a higher evaluation yeah and and you know everyone wants to be in on the Unicorn so like everyone is invested in it and it's it becomes this like too big to fail scam basically yeah because if we're all invested in your success and my savings are investing your success the last thing I think this is why we feel like the stock market was floated a little bit when the pandemic came because it's like if I'm all in baby yeah no but that's that's how it works uh they actually privatized uh what was otherwise known as like pensions and Social Security uh through 401ks so even if you're [ __ ] working at a kitchen or some [ __ ] even if you're a chef in your upper middle class you think you have an ownership stake in the stock market because when the stock market is doing well uh you feel like you're doing well even if it's like [ __ ] marginal yeah yeah but when the stock market is doing poorly those losses are socialized so you're definitely [ __ ] if the stock market is doing poorly that's why everyone feels like invested in it despite the fact that ninety percent of the wealth in the stock market is owned by the top 10 percent of wealth yeah which is [ __ ] nuts and if you're a [ __ ] Chef you're not in the top 10 percent of wealth brother doesn't have the case with all wealth though isn't like 90 of wealth always held usually about 10 or the you know Jordan Peterson Pareto Principle what is that he says it all the time the 20 or the 80 20 rules the 80 20 rule the burrito principle 20 of people make 80 of the things yeah or the output is like dictated by 20 of the people yeah right the top uh creators and that's not necessarily that bad you're you're saying that as long as the people that are helping the creation of that are getting paid yeah a reasonable wage yeah reasonable wage and have like some control over their lives you know what I mean do you get does anybody look at you and be like I don't want that I don't think this is a very small business owners all the way to [ __ ] you know CEOs and [ __ ] don't like that they would literally go I don't believe that someone should have some control of their lives and if you've read if you're if you ever got brainwashed into [ __ ] going to college and like reading an econ textbook The Textbook literally tells you what I'm saying is wrong is just wrong completely wrong the market decides what a fair way is the market doesn't at all account for human nature economics doesn't anytime you talk to an econ guy he doesn't ever seem to account for human nature yeah we're human beings they just think like oh it's a widget Factory [ __ ] who's making the widgets you know what I mean a guy is making the widget you know what you know what I think also like uh manipulates reaction to this is like when you're in a creative field there's a heightened value on creativity right and especially with the people that are working right here like every idea is very important so we can come to the best idea right so you want to compensate creativity as much as you can I think when you're so far removed from the thing you're creating like the guy who makes the widget you've never had a conversation with him before you're like well what does he need to make what's the profitable thing you're actually not valuing his creativity because you're like I created the thing yeah you're just screwing it in or putting it together that's like that that is that is what happens in an increasingly financialized economy where like the guy who's never stepped foot in the factory floor has the ownership stake yeah and has to say or he has even delegated the management responsibilities over to a board that has a fiduciary responsibility to the shareholders yeah yeah entire conflict system is built in a way where profit uh which is uh you know extracted wages like the additional compensation that you would normally get yeah that you're getting cut out of yeah uh and and all control over your life as well all autonomy in your life uh taken away from you Stripped Away from you is is designed in a way to yield this kind of uh outcome but haven't you seen recently like um the fact that like people can work from home now right yeah like my wife just went to business school she's working her job her job says you only have to come in two days a week right and they didn't say because that's what they want they said because the workers are like I don't want to go back in five years a week yeah [ __ ] that and then the great resignation is the whole trend of people just being like Oh quiet yeah the quiet resume and then now quiet quitting is another I quitting great designation it's just like which is literally just like you're working this is hilarious so so great resignation first was a bunch of people like oh I hate this [ __ ] job I'm out and now there's something called quiet quitting where employees are basically like hey I'm not going to go above and beyond what you've asked me to do and employees employers are like oh you're quiet that's called quiet quitting and they're like no no I'm not quitting I'm just not gonna kill myself for this crazy that's insane it's just and that came as a consequence of a little bit of a tight labor market creating conditions that genuinely are supposed to happen all the time which has never happened before because labor had no power explain tight labor market a tight labor market is when there is uh an unemployment rate that is uh so low that there aren't enough they're not workers there aren't enough workers for the job okay so now now the uh the and that's bad the power is in the hands of the workers all of a sudden exactly you have to stay home through normal econ conditions when workers have more of a bargaining power yeah they can just say all right well you know if I quit you're [ __ ] yeah right um what are you gonna do you can't you can't fill this role that's a strike essentially yeah and and exactly but that has not happened uh in the past because well two different reasons one is because there's always an undocumented immigrant pool of Labor that American the American industry especially like agricultural Industries have always relied on to be like okay you're not going to do it doesn't matter I'm not even hiring you I'm hiring the guy that just came in from Guatemala and if he ever talks back I could just call the ins or now ice on him get another Guatemalan immediately yeah and then go and do that which by the way Purdue for example the chicken factories yeah they do this this is a part of this is built into their profit margin it's calling ice on yeah and the government doesn't finish you severely enough for undocumented immigrants so you can just take an L one time refuse to give them back pay and if they ever ask for back pay boom call ice on them pay the fine and then go back to the [ __ ] exact same neighborhoods that you have created right and bust together into those neighborhoods and and have a steady pool of new workers that are desperate for a job there's a uh my my wife would tell me about uh they're developing programs that will track keystrokes on your laptop on your work laptop so this is this is fascinating what workers thought was a blessing which is I get to stay home I do my laundry I want I'll sneak a workout in what I want to do but I'm going to get my work done as long as I'm getting my work done the the corporation is happy we're happy I have a much more happy lifestyle everybody's good and now they're starting to calculate keystrokes so they can tell if you're using your work laptop or not and how many hours you are using it so while you're typing and what you're searching so now there are programs that move your mouse uh yeah I'm like automatically so it looks like you're doing so this is oh real quick real quick so so I guess what I'm saying is like what what they thought was going to be an advantage now has allowed the corporations to spy more even more intently if you're at work they know you're there so like okay we don't need to look over their shoulder every single second yeah but they've developed software to be on you every single House Point there will immediately be somebody who's like here's a workaround right like but not everyone has access to that work around and knowledge of of using that work around um but what you are describing is basically something that Karl Marx uh understood [ __ ] 200 years years ago yeah who's he she's a bearded dude wrote some texts you know yeah yeah he was he was a poster yeah yeah he's a big poster yeah dirty schlubby guy with the mustache and those and the glasses oh that guy yeah the comedian oh yes yes it has some interesting ideas but like it's you have to always squeeze out as much profit as you possibly can and profit is uh making sure that your Workforce is working as efficiently as possible so that is another way to surveil their efficiency yeah to ensure that they're [ __ ] working because God forbid now the irony of course is that a lot of these office jobs as we all know if you've ever worked in this Workforce like if you're not in the service industry especially like I did a job like that you know I did Biz Dev right and it's like you're not working eight hours that's crazy you you could literally bang out you could [ __ ] snort some Adderall yeah and literally bang that [ __ ] out and like maximum an hour and 30 to two hours yeah and then the rest is just like hanging out by the cooler yeah um so that's how it used to work back in the day but now I feel like they are going to try and and squeeze eight hours monitor yeah and try to get eight hours of [ __ ] work out of it which is insane but all matter of technological improvements without any sort of Labor power ends up [ __ ] over that I remember from The Communist Manifesto is technology invariably hurts the proletariat and makes a bourgeoisie more money that was the thing that really blew my mind because technology like artificial intelligence and automation right that's a beautiful thing we're all on board with it someone's got to [ __ ] clean the toilets hopefully it's a robot Not a Human Being right away human beings however the way it works is because of the way that our economy is organized right now when there's any kind of automation they they use that to reduce redundancy so they will fire someone so instead of like having someone literally do like three hours of work yeah for the same amount of pay now they [ __ ] fired that guy and loaded the rest of the work uh load onto one guy who will do eight hours of work now um and and have a higher output because there's Tech available then what do all the other people do that are fired they start a podcast yeah that's how it works and that's how we are what is the solution though because there's no I can't imagine a business owner honestly doing it any other way yeah because why would they do it any other way because everyone is trained and conditioned into thinking this is the right way to do it which I personally believe is not the right way to do it so there are multiple different methods of ensuring this uh the immediate thing you can do is unionization obviously um during it like uh workers have the power to collectively bargain with their managers it doesn't it's not like go good bad left right is just just yeah like that's the way I see it it doesn't there's plenty of [ __ ] Union guys that are Trump supporters and [ __ ] I don't give a [ __ ] as long as you are at the bargaining table and you can uh you can say hey we're gonna get some benefits we put in a lot of work this year yeah we made a lot more [ __ ] money for the Kellogg's Corporation we should be able to take some additional time off yeah I isn't the union the equal and opposite reaction to the billionaire I mean it's it's one way it's the only the only way right it's the only way that you can push back against uh the the way that your workplace is organized and they [ __ ] hate that like it's kind of human nature though I mean like that's how like humans have evolved right is there's like one super alpha male and then the betas all came around and they're like we don't like one guy telling us to do let's kill him and then we just kept doing that we kind of domesticated ourselves so it's a kind of natural like democracy is even a function of that yeah in the workplace telling us what to do we just do not like it yeah and this is what we do with even famous people are successful people we build them up and we [ __ ] tear them down it's like in our DNA to be like ah too much power in that one guy [ __ ] you yeah and and that one guy could be magnanimous right and the way I see it is like as someone who does have a lot of of wealth I try to use it for good as best as I can I help organizing efforts like I bring in community organizers Union organizers uh I I raise funds for philanthropies Mutual Aid all that stuff but um but it shouldn't be up to me like it shouldn't be left to someone being like I'm going to be a good dude in this situation yeah and do what's right it should be that should be by Design and if that was by Design if we had a different way of organizing Society then we wouldn't have need for sure you wouldn't have to work so hard what no I mean you wouldn't have three hours I know you have to stream 10 hours I love what I do do it bro this is [ __ ] up this system dude this is a [ __ ] up system we're working in I I am so fortunate because look I work shitty jobs I and I got shitty pay yeah and I love what I do so it doesn't even matter like I have a contract with Amazon right because you have to get a contractor you're an exclusive partner with twitch and in that contract there's like stipulations I can't like talk about it too much but there is a certain amount of hours that like if you have a contract with a with a streaming platform there's a certain amount of hours that you need to stream oh yeah there's a minimum amount of hours there's like you know things that you negotiate in that content it's really cool about working with Amazon is they treat their Workforce so great is that a conflict of interest for you what actual question working for working for Amazon and Bezos when I'm sure you disagree fundamentally yeah and I see talk a lot of [ __ ] not only that but I had shout out to Chris Moss he is the organizer the labor organizer for the first ever Amazon uh distribution facility up here in in New York actually was it Staten Island um I think so yeah oh that was the one AOC was I think yeah yeah AOC was like helping them or something like that no AOC uh uh I think she pretended she helped them no no there was there was a little bit of conflict but like they're fine they squash the beef um but anyway that that part doesn't even matter but I I had him on the broadcast you know what I mean but is that is that like tricky or are you part of a greater system you're operating within the system so no matter who you work with no that's how you work no you nailed it it is that yeah it is impossible to escape the clutches of Amazon when you're working in any part in any industry because AWS owns like [ __ ] 80 of the internet explain AWS too the Amazon web hosting Services is the backbone of the internet yeah so every [ __ ] website is still hosted by them is hosted by them so like this is where they built their this is their their admission credits or whatever yeah like this is where the real Amazon money came from exactly and they own all like they own like an insane amount of the an insane percentage of the e-commerce too so like it's very hard to escape Amazon yeah almost impossible and if you're going to escape Amazon where are you going to go Microsoft those guys are really good you know yeah yeah yeah so it doesn't matter who you work with in that situation well here's a question this is why they say there's no ethical consumption under capitalism would it be possible to compete with one of them if you didn't have the same policies you would get such a disadvantage I don't think you would be able to do that yeah I don't even think that you would be able to literally [ __ ] you would have to make an international competitor yeah yeah unless like the rules were changing exactly to to side with the working class to ensure like the nlrb was like beefed up yeah you know what I mean they got like [ __ ] guns in there yeah they would like arrest you for you know not paying back pay or wage theft yo he is he's going yeah yeah yeah you should be worried about that I'm just like [ __ ] you we keep everybody here man you gotta have all the opinions dude so the way I see it is like if if uh if we didn't have like a pro-capitalist government in Bourgeois government uh that that is uh creating the conditions to ensure that like workers can never actually uh you know engage in emancipation and and get better pay for themselves and better benefits and whatnot if that was not the case then yes there could be a competitor to something like Amazon because Amazon would be like [ __ ] cut into pieces regardless but uh as a singular individual like trying to compete with Amazon with a like a Cooperative let's say or a unionized like democratized workplace is is um is pretty [ __ ] difficult sorry government who's that is there one right now I don't think there's one no I mean it's like the way I see it I'm not like a you know Revolution tomorrow you know I got my [ __ ] furry uh ears on uh you know uh a type of person um I'm gonna Molotov cocktail business owners or whatever um I just I see it as a as a transitional period uh especially in America like you gotta you have to make sure that the the conditions are met I don't think that there's a lot of revolutionary potential in the United States of America because we are a part of the labor Era stock Mercy I do think that we are beneficiaries of the third world exploitation yeah you know what I mean like we don't even [ __ ] think about it but like they I do the shoes that I'm wearing like some Indonesian child slave made this [ __ ] isn't there like a little bit of silver lining in capitalism is that we like found how good Asians are sowing right like they would never have known that yeah no totally if they have no idea speakers yeah they had no idea and then we they [ __ ] got to sewing and they were great at such a young age yeah that's why that's why they're doing it because they're so good exactly what were they doing before karate or something and then we found things exact thing that they're incredible at yeah so sewing yeah so capitalism does is pretty good too on on that front I think that there is way more uh revolutionary potential in the third world because of the way that like production works there uh whereas here in like America or in the western Nations like we've already outsourced that there's no [ __ ] assembly line where you can get together and be like yo this [ __ ] sucks huh like [ __ ] this manager you know what I mean why is he doing this why is he up my ass all day um that doesn't really happen as much yeah um and where there are assembly lines like there are already like uh pretty those are unionized sectors regardless yeah but those unions are so [ __ ] old school that they are kind of a part of the system itself too yeah yeah so it's just it's too powerful of a force so what I try to do is is instill class Consciousness and anyone and everyone that I can and and you know do agitated propaganda to ensure that people will go out at least know that there's something else out there yes and try to get their workplaces organized which has been very successful the first ever Chipotle uh Union in in Michigan uh were two Hassan ABI has you know two fans of mine they were like one of them was reading a Mark Fisher book it was a and and the other one walked up to him was like oh what's up you're really gonna left this uh you really left this book what you know Hassan ABI you know Hassan [ __ ] like that's what they started and then they that's how they yeah yeah you know you don't know Chomsky so I don't need a tip at that chipotle so oh yeah yeah but yeah no it's it's stuff like that there's a lot of uh there's a lot of organizing student organizers and [ __ ] in my community as well what about what about uh and we talk about this with Starburst a bit but like do you think it's also a function of time and value of life and that America has been built and I guess kind of rejuvenated by The Immigrant experience right like your parents come here they're like yo it's time to get it your dad is like nah you're not [ __ ] around with the military like you're gonna go out there and get some go get your education get some money my mom had the same idea with me Al's parents literally Mark's parents literally all of us here kids of immigrants kind of funny and so we have this mentality it's like yo here's the opportunity go seize that [ __ ] run with it and then you give us a few hundred years and then we start realizing like after we've gotten all this wealth we're like third generation is when you get fully assimilated that's there's a there's studies done so so third generation means you start becoming a [ __ ] loser at school like you don't give a [ __ ] and then things were so young in the next let's let's even give us like a maybe a couple hundred years what if we start going hey you know what it would be good if we value the work week let's take August off yeah let's do it do Europe in America I wonder if we're just young and we're eventually going to get there yeah you see what you're saying like once there stops being an influx of immigrants and we become second third fourth generation Americans then maybe capitalism kind of leaves and then socialism socialism because we realize the things that really make us happy which are like family friends and taking August off essentially is a great idea for sure but uh no I don't think that's gonna really it's gonna happen bro because this is so Natural Evolution I I don't think so and the reason why I don't think so is because well first of all all those European countries like they did something just like America did which was you know slavery and theft and you know colonialism that's how they were able to like build that profound amount of wealth that they're banking on on some of those countries still actually manage the financial operations like France you know they still own like the Central Bank of Somalia and [ __ ] you know what I mean like they still they still a lot of money in there yeah I mean but yeah there is a yeah it's an entire country yes there is a lot of money there you know what I mean it's not yeah it's not they're not Caked Up it's Somalia but yeah it's still cake yeah yeah um like so so there's a lot of that going on but uh let us hope let us hope Hassan I don't I don't think time is going to do that because with climate change like there's always a new phone you believe in that yeah I believe in it because this is a Chinese conspiracy so I I love that that's why I believe no no I just I do like uh Xi Jinping he's great wait really I love High-Speed Rail bro I just it's [ __ ] fun road initiative that [ __ ] is lit yeah that's good too the euger stuff not great okay that's not great is that how it's pronounced is how you're supposed to say it it's a Turkish word right it is they're turkic yeah you say yogurt I just I just americanize it uh and say euger yeah like even their food is more Turkish than like Chinese they're turkic there are turkic people so why don't you all stepping up they're helping out your boys get in there can't [ __ ] do [ __ ] what are you crazy yo you got shot down a Russian plane y'all don't give a [ __ ] I mean that's true turkey as a government doesn't care and they actually do act uh they swung on dudes in DC remember that yeah that was insane if you think America treats their Workforce poorly China let's take them up yeah I mean here's the thing that's a really awesome that's a really interesting take because I agree uh but that like one [ __ ] or two decade of like hyper exploitation of its Workforce yielded insane results for China so which is why they're going through their like 80s [ __ ] period of like you know like you know buying luxury because like China is popping the [ __ ] off right now they are dominating terrifying and their economy is their economy is great they're [ __ ] they're killing it and part of that is because like um they they just straight up said like we're I mean it's a very different way of looking at it I don't think that they're actually like a perfectly transitional social estate in the way that like a lot of people will claim they are on the internet especially um but they do have some really good ideas 100 million dollars would you work for the Chinese government he just said they have some really good ideas I'm [ __ ] I'm doing I do it for the high-speed rail dude how much do you hate travel time yeah you're like yo China China it's not just that it's like they there's this concept of Chinese Prosperity that uh they abide by overall where it's like yeah the government's really authoritarian there's no [ __ ] social Liberties you know what I mean there's no like civil liberties in the same way that you see it in like uh Western countries it's it's authoritarian you know there's there's no porn I hate that you know what I mean I want to watch porn every now and then yeah right um but having said that it's more like you put your head down and you work because you know that the government's taking care of you no matter what happens because if the government doesn't take care of you you know they they're not that far removed from a peasants Revolution like you know what I mean it's like they'll they they they have that uh in their history and they could technically do that they haven't um but ultimately they recognize that the government at least the Chinese people I talk to will say there's this understanding that the government is uh amongst your you know living in xinjiang then of course not that's uh the government has your best interests or Tibet but ultimately yes the government has your best interests at heart and they show it too they build they build build like [ __ ] crazy and and they take this overall uh pool of wealth and they distribute it across this massive [ __ ] land with billions of people um and that's the reason why they've been able to prosper so aggressively over the course of the past like two decades I don't think it's because they just like steal our technology and they don't do any research and development at all and well that's a really good uh that's a really good idea that bargain was uh engaged in contracts and then use software to rip off everything no no that definitely that definitely cuts out a lot of the a lot of the trouble the worker a lot of the work they take advantage of our workers but you know they're taking advantage of our workers no you know who did that why are you okay with that no you know who did that who the business owners they knew that China was not going to abide by their IP and they still kept doing it why do you think the factory yeah why do you think the [ __ ] factories are still in China [ __ ] it's been like 20 years yeah they're good because business owners were like I don't give a [ __ ] if my IP is stolen as long as that Chinese as long as I get that Chinese manufacturing yeah which now they have developed to a point where like Chinese manufacturing is is is definitely Primo like you can get top shelf quality or bottom shelf quality still if you want in the same [ __ ] Factory but even they have to now Outsource it to other places because now it's not you can't you can't meet those uh deadlines and you can't like abuse your Workforce once they become more prosperous yeah um so it's the same concept it's it's the tendency of profit to fall always like the profit rate the profit margins are always going to fall capitalism with technological achievements um they did they did I think a mixed economy better than America ever has done but it it worked it's not the capitalism the capitalism was the influx of of foreign Capital coming into the country yeah that's why I said mixed economy yeah but the distribution of that wealth was was uh spread out across the land so it's impossible to do without capitalism well in a capitalist world yes post-cold war no USSR anymore there's no like communism is demonstrably failed socialism is demonstrably failed uh at that in that situation it's like yeah you're you're gonna look at that and and dang did and he said yeah we're gonna you know to be uh socialism is not about being poor to be rich is uh glorious well that's a mistranslation who invented capitalism I don't know Mr Capital isn't that crazy we don't even know well I mean I mean but Adam Smith wasn't even a [ __ ] cap it wasn't even a capitalist Nation he was Scottish the funniest part about it is Adam Smith [ __ ] hates landlords and [ __ ] everybody everybody with a [ __ ] economic he's like huh Adam Smith invisible hands like [ __ ] you didn't read the text like there's plenty of [ __ ] like Karl Marx stole his work I mean technically didn't steal it but like plagiarized half his [ __ ] bro you took advantage of that worker yeah exactly that's [ __ ] up he also loves guns that's why Karl Marx [ __ ] go dude okay so all right listen I know that we don't have all day with you but I I do before we get out of here want to understand uh Nancy Pelosi smash or pass like what do you mean where are we going with this really fast young Nancy oh an absolute piece or what yeah she was very attractive beautiful yeah you see how she uh made it I I well I think she was a very good fundraiser like early on in her career abuse of a politician yeah she's also yeah she's they say she's very good with the whip like she's actually very good at like whipping people I mean way better than [ __ ] Chuck Schumer is for sure yeah Chuck Schumer and has Dick Durbin as his Whip and nothing gets done the Senate [ __ ] sucks so yeah okay so she's abusive a politician now is incredible incredible analyst her husband Paul Pelosi you know I mean yeah Georgia Paul it doesn't matter yeah whatever he he's great yeah he really gets it good driver when he comes to the numbers yeah yeah wow like if he started fun that would probably be really successful don't you think yeah and no there are trackers that that they just match wherever they match what he's doing the catch his Market moves uh is Nancy Pelosi uh deep State what is deep State what okay do you know how like there's I I don't subscribe to this idea that like literally we're gonna hand over the keys to America to a new dude every four or eight years like this plotting and planning has to exist maybe 20 30 40 years in advance and there has to be like a group of people that are doing this and those people can move in and out but I don't think it's every four [ __ ] years that's dangerous yeah I mean they're not doing it in their Shadows it's just like rich people it's called capitalism they get together they get together in front of you they go to Davos like they don't but is they don't do it in like a like a shadowy corner where they're like oh man social corporations and government kind of working together yeah and when like Nazis will look at that and be like oh it's all the Jews it's like no [ __ ] Protestants especially in America like uh all like everybody who's rich is already conditioned in by the system to be like I want to be more to move the system to benefit themselves exactly and ideally if America continues to be prosperous then they're able to continue to be prosperous and that's where government comes into play and they're working together I think at this stage it's not even America it's just like uh it's just wherever you can which is precisely why like the the original like uh the gamble of of moving manufacturing overseas yielded a a you know um an incredible uh return prosperous uh China for the next couple decades but was awful for uh that a company like NAFTA was awful for the Americans because they weren't thinking about how this would benefit America there was no like Patriot patriotism [ __ ] the workers here yeah the Patriotic thing to do would be pay the workers here a little bit more and not build up this other country yeah yeah no I do feel that way are they taking advantage like is that the limitation of capitalism is it it puts your own country In Harm's Way you were green technological achievements ultimately it's going to become harder and harder to squeeze out profits so you have to do one of two things right you either go to a you know new country that you can exploit and create a new underclass there which we have done for many many uh centuries you know 400 years of slavery that was a big you know that was you know one of the primary motivators for that or you have to [ __ ] over your own workers and we do a combination of the combination of two things however when you do that then your own workers can't consume so ultimately it's a it's a double bind capitalism eats itself a lot which is why Marx originally thought that the inherent contradictions uh built into capitalism was inevitably going to be its demise but the welfare state has kind of put Band-Aids on it over and over again that's why you see this like boom bust economy uh the the economy [ __ ] uh tanking every like eight years in this like weird cycle you act like that's normal I feel like the limitation of capitalism is that if you're willing to do anything for money then you would put your country at a disadvantage for the right price like you would let Saudi Arabia buy up a stake in the New York Times and then put out whatever articles that they potentially want to put out and silence whatever ones they don't like I thought that's I think that's Twitter Twitter or or any uh social media ads Facebook exactly I thought that was the limitation so it's like you can be be manipulated by your greed I I the way I see it is like uh or have like a really good timer with great hair just talk about how Great China is every single day yeah exactly that's I'm paid uh I'm paid by Pink um I I think that like I don't really care because I'm Turkish so I don't really give a [ __ ] an American about National boundaries like that I do care more about like uplifting people that are just everyday citizens everywhere all around the world like that my ultimate goal as someone who believes in the things I believe in is just uh emancipation for everyone across the board and um you know and and one way to do that here at least doing my part in America would be to at least have America get out of the way and not do coup d'etats when there's like a democratically elected socialist and a [ __ ] Latin American country with like most Americans are like we don't want that [ __ ] either you know no I I that's a corporate greed on another ladder because America's not a democracy it is a you know it's [ __ ] 10 multinational corporations on a trench coat there's no uh will of the people there right I mean well the people doesn't even work on domestic policy Brittany bro I mean exactly that's the most you're gonna get um and uh yeah you're right though most Americans for example abortion is a great uh example of this like most Americans even conservatives are like nah like abortion is fine like chill the [ __ ] out guys but the Republican party was like no we need to make sure that the 30 like white Evangelical Protestant base of supporters get yeah get what they uh have been demanding for a very long time and look what happened everyone's like that's [ __ ] [ __ ] you look at Kansas and and um Kansas foolishly uh dues of the Catholic uh some like Catholic group in Kansas lobbying group put that as a referendum uh in their in their elections uh recently like a couple months they put abortion as a referendum in the election they put yes in the in the uh upcoming like in the yeah at the time uh primaries you could vote on whether they were gonna buy yeah and it was so bad they got [ __ ] wiped out the Republicans got [ __ ] absolutely come stirred because everyone was like oh [ __ ] no wow primaries well this is tomorrow is he working exactly but because of that reason Michigan has that exact same thing happening right now because it has a a red State Legislature yeah and now they're desperately trying to take that referendum off the [ __ ] ballot because they don't want people to go involved and this is democracy not working exactly it used to get added as a referendum in order for that thing to be exercised wow they're silencing the voice of the people out of fear of what yeah which is why when when everyone else was always saying like ah it's called more democracy stupid it's like no it wasn't it was never yeah most [ __ ] it was about to be yeah like with the exception of like Louisiana and [ __ ] most [ __ ] States even red states are uh going to let you you know do an abortion that's crazy like they there's this left to the will of the people yes exactly this is one thing Republicans I've noticed too brilliantly is they find the rules around cat or the loopholes of capitalism and then they exploit them yeah I mean that's I mean that Capital I'm sorry democracy how many uh how many abortions you got my boy I [ __ ] I have no idea let's go [Music] I mean I'm raised I think I raised like what have I raised like more than five two hundred thousand dollars or some [ __ ] for like uh you know Red State abortion funds really I'm more than that now I don't know how many are you personally so that's what I'm saying like so he got to get his money worth oh yeah yeah I got you 200 plus 260 thousand dollars Louisiana leave it in I'm out here yeah I'm out here like [ __ ] I'm funding all the abortions where where are you at on universal basic income I think Universal basic income uh has been championed by uh those like Milton Friedman and [ __ ] too alongside and Andrew Yang who I don't like he sucks he's yeah I told him he didn't come on the podcast he wouldn't be the mayor of New York well right there you go um but uh it goes either way like I think it's a necessity in in some ways but it can't actually be used as a as a way to eradicate the welfare state that is also a necessity like I think in the way that production works right now um because the distribution of wealth is not adequately spread out in our country like you're gonna need it at certain point you're gonna need Ubi it doesn't matter it's gonna have to happen because uh companies have Consolidated all that power and all the profits at the top and [ __ ] still need to buy Burgers you know what I mean or else why are you have Goods to sell yeah so like you have to do that that's interesting it's not in the government's best interest to help the people it's in the company's best interests It's Like the Model T thing yeah he wanted a car that his employees could buy yeah right yeah in order for you to have people to buy Burgers but that's alienation like that is a alienation is exactly what that is is that like it gets to a certain point with like division of labor being so exploitative that the person who's making the [ __ ] candy here in Indonesia can't buy the sneaker yeah yeah you know what I mean yeah yeah yeah yeah so the product that you're creating you can't purchase so is money just going to be like a water cycle for companies where it just goes out of their like you know they buy the girls can they pay the people then it goes right back into that that's how taxes are supposed to work so that's you know kind of yeah and it and they will do it only when it's like literally a [ __ ] necessity why do we get stimis the American government never gives money to the poor in the 2008 financial crisis what did Obama do he bailed out the [ __ ] Banks they all got gold and parachutes not a single [ __ ] went to jail [ __ ] right how does that happen because the other way around if they paid off all those mortgages with the money instead of giving it to the banks then that's a moral hazard that's what they call it they say it's a moral why is that it's only a moral hazard if you're helping the people who need it exactly because the poor is the or don't know how to spend their money you know I mean they're going to buy dumb [ __ ] which is what you want us to do yeah you want us to buy all the dumb [ __ ] exactly yeah um but when the rich when you give the rich the money they're they're more productive with it which is ironic and not true because they shelter it yeah so it doesn't even matter they park it in like overseas or they park it in assets that are not even productive they are productive with it yeah they do make more money read the Panama papers they are productive yeah people like that's that's what I mean like real but but it doesn't benefit the comedy yeah yeah exactly yeah yeah yeah so that's the that's the never-ending uh conversation that econ people uh have which is it's always a moral hazard if poor people get money yeah right because they don't know what to do with it but if rich people get money they've already shown that they know what to do with it because they're super they're rich already yeah yeah that's fine yeah and uh you know companies can literally build stock BuyBacks and also like uh the being too big to fail is a strategy into their [ __ ] uh you know quarterly earnings they're like it doesn't matter what's going to happen Boeing is a great example yeah yeah oh yeah yeah our planes are falling what's up what are you gonna do about it yeah give us more money and it's true you have to you have to do that or else what are you gonna do let a [ __ ] American institution fail you can't do that yeah so that's how it works they can do whatever the [ __ ] they want yeah I don't think that what you're saying is that uh disagreeable I think the average person would really appreciate a lot of your thoughts I that's what I try to communicate to people as best as possible but outside of your taste in football teams which sucks yeah I'm sorry but I think I think a lot of the things that you're saying here have been uh been very reasonable yeah I is the thing is it is reasonable if you like listen to me yeah in a in a uh but if you're just grabbing a sentence if you listen to me in an agreeable uh situation yeah but if you're like watching [ __ ] clip compilations of me like raging at Chatters and you already have this idea that like oh this guy's a hypocrite socialist grifter [ __ ] yeah like what I always say is this bro if I'm I'm good enough and uh in media to do whatever to do the grift if you wanted the most annoying broke ones the least like I'm sorry it's just every leftist hates each other like we constantly yell at one another it's so [ __ ] bad why would I pick the worst [ __ ] Avenue yeah I could have just been like Temple that motherfucker's boring as [ __ ] doesn't matter it doesn't matter all it he's saying the right things and and right Wingers love that [ __ ] they will dump funds into your [ __ ] media to keep it yeah you don't have to do anything for me oh yeah Benjamin was like worth 40 million dollars or something wow and not a single peep out of people being like wow this guy's kind of a grifter huh like he's he's just saying what I want to hear like yeah you know turns out it that's the best way to grift why the [ __ ] would I grip the other way you don't see the Candace Owens is on the other side you know what I mean like people are just they're not too we have to say you have to say I am the leftist Candice yeah it's so dumb it just like doesn't make sense like I could just easily very easily do this if I wanted to be a grifter I could just do it in the right wing okay last question all right smash or past Tommy learn oh oh back in the day back in the day yes smash for sure she was cute thank you so much for coming man tell them what tell them where they can get you tell them everything I'm live every day at twitch.tv hassanabi I'm live after 11 A.M Pacific uh I'm also on Twitter at Hassan the Hun and uh on Tick Tock and Instagram and Hassan d [ __ ] d as in dog and I'm sure after watching this episode you're going to see tons of his Clips show up on YouTube and these are all independently yeah cut yeah so don't [ __ ] yell at me when like some random fan channel is like clip this [ __ ] out yeah because they always get mad at me they're like bro what the [ __ ] you stole the thumbnail I'm like bro I don't know who this person is there's a fan like they're they're trying to make money shut up yeah guys thank you for watching peace
Views: 1,875,522
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: andrew schulz, andrew schultz, comedy, comedian, stand up, flagrant 2, sports, entertainment, pop culture, commentary, comedy club, near me, jokes, interviews, akaash singh, alexxmedia, alexx media, alex media, eddin, eddin media, Thankyoueddin
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 125min 42sec (7542 seconds)
Published: Tue Sep 20 2022
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