New INSANE Shotgun x Multi-Shot Rogue Build In Diablo 4 | Endgame 50-100 Triple Imbue Barrage Guide

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today I will show you my triple imbuement filter Sonic at the speed of lighting operating extremely deadly lethal and throw some more synonyms in there to make it even more epic Rogue this build is really strong it defeats enemies way higher levels than you like it's nothing at the speed of lighting this build can clear entire rooms and move from area to area just obliterating packs making it ideal for Speed farming and leveling very quickly but is that where the power of my build ends just AOE no it's not because it kills bosses as well quickly covering you in the single Target damage Department very well as well and if that wasn't enough the build has also good survivability so pushing nightmare dungeons is on the menu as well which lets me conclude that the only word that we can use right here to describe this build is the word banger Now My Philosophy for my triple imbuement barrage build is as following barrage is an extremely powerful and very slept on core skill it is also the one Marksman skill that I haven't truly covered yet but it works very well in a triple in the human setup with Gamo points maybe even too good and you'll see why today a triple imbuement barrage setup is also very fun to play so that is definitely good news so as you see on my hot bar I use a three imbuement skills obviously barrage puncture and dash now before we get into these abilities let's first talk about our specialization so things will make more sense when we get into the abilities you can play barrage with inner sight or even preparation definitely for sure but it just doesn't feel as good as with combo points in my opinion the bonuses of combo points for barrage are really good they give you more shots per cast and increase the damage so two extremely relevant bonuses which by the way doesn't apply to every core skill for the Rogue and what more do you want right now combo points allow to hit 4 Millions per hit routinely making it a very bursty build and since brunch is a fast mobile skill it translates to very very quick players the general combat strategy is then simple build up three combo points through our basic attacks our three combo points will now amplify our barrage and make it insanely Strong by increasing its damage output as well as the number of arrows that are above shoots so we then cast barrage rinse and repeat you will never have any energy issues with this build as building up combo points gives you plenty of time to regenerate your energy why barrage then works so well with triple imbuement in my opinion is as following barrage has this tendency that if you attack from a distance it will lead into this pattern where the arrows spread in like an arc-shaped type of pattern this means that cold imbuement is really nice with barrage as you can chill and CC an entire room essentially with Just One Barrage thanks to this Arc spread so you can use it to control areas quite easily chill or even freeze them but also get multiple modifiers going like the ones that increase your damage to see seat and chill targets that means that both our utility survivability as well as our damage output with cold imbuement becomes ridiculous with golden movement you also just completely annihilate Elites by the way as they get pretty much instantly Frozen with so many cold imbued arrows being shot right into their face which means they will just simply explode in the same line of thinking and using barrage nice spread it also means we can apply Shadow imbuement's effect quickly on a bunch of targets and with that everything will just blow up very quickly so we always want to use Shadow domain and two clear big backs fast and efficiently and mixing it with cold imbuement means for area clears we just clear so fast that AOE why there's never anything to worry about now barrage has another tendency and that is if he stands very close to the Target then barrage essentially makes your bow or crossbow become a shotgun and this is because you hit the target with all arrows instantly as the distance to your target isn't far enough to make the arrow spread and what does that then translate to well this aspect of barrage is really nice in combination with poison imbuement the final imbuement of R3 in humans because it essentially means we have a single Target nuke now as well with barrage we just need to stand close to them build up three combo points use poison imbuement and then barrage and it makes quick work of bosses so all in all brush is essentially the capabilities to be a single Target nuke as well as an AOE machine and that's why in my opinion it is the best skill to use triple imbuements with as accordingly you can use every imbuement to its fullest potential because we use three different imuments and combo points we also then just don't really have to worry about cool Downs as at any time at least one imbuement will be up so that means we will instantly benefit from the effects of our imbuements so with the three imbuements we have all elements of gameplay and combat covered as you also see in this clip where we fight packs of mobs as well as the butcher simultaneously for our basic skill we take puncture because it can make us apply vulnerability on our enemies relatively easy and it's just a very good fast basic skill with a ranged aspect that builds up combo points quickly for us then for our Mobility skill we're going to take Dash as Dash is really good with this build not only will it make a swift true dungeons it gives us two casts and it makes us move to any place on the map really but also makes us reposition ourselves quickly to line up barrage as we wish in combat so whether you want to go for the shotgun variation for say Elites and bosses or for a barrage cast from a distance so we can hit a lot of mobs at once Dash can set up for both scenarios very well Dash in this case is also better than Shadow step because Shadow step requires you to select a Target to essentially tell board 2 so that means it's not very practical to say move away from the pack and for people who play on controller you're quite Limited in selecting targets you teleport to while shadowstep has that installable effect which is nice for breaking ourselves from CC and as you know getting cc'd as a squishy Rogue is a good way of dying if you have no proper Solutions I have a good solution for it though while using Dash and still getting Unstoppable and this is the eluding aspect if you can get a lower cooldown on this thing then you have a really good aspect here towards the 20 seconds Mark is what you should aim for on its cooldown and you have a really consistent way of becoming Unstoppable when see seat for a whopping 4 seconds and it provides us a nice way to use actually Dash without having to worry too much about breaking out of CC so with that we have now discussed all our abilities and while most of our footage so far was in Nightmare dungeons with enemies being significantly higher level than us on say hell tights or nightmare dungeons where mobs are only three levels higher than us so we get that Max XP bonus the build is insanely fast for Speed farming and leveling so if you want to make in many cylinders to open whatever chest you want or get to 100 quickly on your Rogue this is a great build to do so it clears insanely fast now that we have talked about the strategy and combat let's get into our gear stats Skill 3 Paragon boards starting off with gear now I've put the alluding aspect that I just talked about on my helmet and for your helmet you just want to prioritize defensive stats mostly total armor maximum life but also ranks to poison the beam it's really nice and you can also roll cooldown reduction by the way on your helmet which is also a really good stat to have right there on your chest you'll definitely want to prioritize defensive stats over offensive stats just like I did damage reduction total armor maximum life those type of stats will be great for the aspect I went with ombros now Ambrose was already good before its Buffs but it recently got a buff which means its percentage is now higher than before and that in turn means we have an easier time generating dark shrouds Ambrose is really good as a range Rogue it's pretty much a staple it is one of the best defense aspects that you can have so for sure run it and if you don't know what dark shroud is it's a route that surrounds your body and gives you damage reduction essentially and can have up to five of them at once so if you get five of them which is again relatively easy to get with this build you get a bunch of extra damage reduction for my gloves I went with the rapid aspect this aspect is really good it just makes our basic skills faster essentially so that means in turn we will build up combo points faster and really it's a win-win situation on your gloves you definitely want to prioritize stance like Critical Strike chance Critical Strike damage to imbued skills but most importantly is that full ranks to barrage this is probably one of the most important stats offensively speaking that you can have on this build four ranks of barrage will then also make our brush a 9 out of 5 meaning a lot more damage for my pants I went with disobedience for my aspect just a really good defensive aspect as well it will generate a bunch of increased armor quickly thanks to the spread of barrage we will hit a lot of things quickly so that means we gain increased armor quite fast as well up to 50 and then regarding stance like our chest piece you want to run damage reduction total armor and maximum life generally speaking just defensive stats and prioritize them over offensive stats for your fans then for my boots I went with Benetton griefs this is a unique but it's a really good unique for this build and it also synergizes very well with our gold imbuement as one it leaves behind the trail of frost that kills enemies so chilling enemies becomes even easier and then two it multiplicatively races are damaged against Shield enemies so that means exactly what you think it means we will have Bonkers damage output against everything that is chilled with these boots if you watch my other range Rogue built and by now you definitely know that you want to prioritize a crossbow of rainbow thanks to that vulnerable damage in a bonus that this thing has and then for your stats you also want to prioritize vulnerable damage by the way but also Critical Strike damage and things like dexterity I put Edge Masters on my crossbow for the aspect up to 40 percent increase damage based on how much energy we have and with this build we will have really good energy regeneration just because we build up combo points all the time and in those moments our energy will refill and thus we will get a lot of benefit from the this aspect and that is also why I put it on the crossbow to get that 100 bonus then for the amulet I put a defensive aspect actually I put a barrier from the Codex of power aspect that I put on my amulet if you really want to utilize that 50 extra bonus that you get from your AMOLED you probably would be better off just putting Disobedience on here but I went with protector for the barrier just gives us a nice chunky barrier of up to 11 000 HP I use the barrier from the Codex of power if you use a codex of Power with a flat number after like level 85 it will be boosted for some reason it's probably because it's supposed to be a world tier 5 codex of power even though it's not in the game yet but if you check it for yourself you will see that if you put the barrier from the Codex of power it will be better than any aspect and then regarding stats you want to prioritize utility base stats on your Inlet energy cost reduction cooldown reduction a stat that can roll on your eminent as well which is also really good are those ranks to your passives in my case I have three ranks to weapon Mastery but you can also get three ranks to malice or exploit those are also good for your rings you want to prioritize tests like vulnerable damage Critical Strike damage and critical strike chance and then if you can get it maximum life is also really good as a 4 stat for aspects I went with expectant on my first string makes a lot of sense we run combo points we want to build up those three comma points every time so we will utilize this bonus all the time naturally meaning we will get a nice multiplicative bonus up to 30 every time we build up combo points then for the other aspect that I run on my rings it's just corruption corruption makes a lot of sense to me because we run three different imbuements it's a very imbuement oriented build so having our mbumas have increased potency is just a no-brainer in my opinion then for our weapons I went with a sword for that innate strike damage stats that you want to prioritize on your sword are Critical Strike damage vulnerable damage dexterity but even things like damage to Shield enemies is pretty good as well the aspect that I put on my sword is the accelerating aspect just a really good aspect for this build in particular since we are a triple imbuement build all our damage comes from our core skill which is barrage and everything we critically strike through barrage we will get that attack speed bonus for 5 seconds and this thing will proc all the time since naturally we use Mirage all the time for our other weapon I'm using condemnation it's too good with a combo points Orient build like this that effect is just nice it makes us spending our combo points that more better as it increases the damage output multiplicatively when we spend our combo points it also has that additional effect as well that it instantly can give you three combo points but in my opinion I would say you still want to use three basic attacks every time so we can also still benefit from our expectant aspect as much as possible as well which also increases our damage output quite significantly barrage has an unique aspect as well called aspect of the branching volleys I experiment with it a bunch but its effect is not that great so I rather just use one of the other aspects instead you can try it out for yourself though and see if you like it then if you can get the eluding aspect and you desperately want an Unstoppable effect in your kit you can still replace dash with Shadow step and then instead run ravagers aspect which gives you two Shadow step casts I still prefer dash for the earlier mentioned reasons as a mode ability skill but Shadow step with ravishers aspect is also a very good alternative but it's also by the way a very good thing to do is to like the video make sure to subscribe and hit the Bell thank you for sockets I went with dope asses for that extra damage reduction when we were crowd controlled and then emeralds for extra Critical Strike damage to vulnerable enemies and skulls on our jewelry for extra armor okay next up the skill tree now first of all we obviously take puncture and it's two enhancements ending up with fundamental puncture which gives us that ability to apply vulnerability on our enemies every time we hit them with puncture and at least two blades hit them which is a very good additional effect for our puncture because it pretty much means we have a consistent way of applying vulnerability on our enemies then we go over to the core skill tree RBC go all out on barrage get enhanced barrage as well as advanced brush we don't need improved barrage because we already have so many different ways of applying vulnerability on our enemies including the just mentioned puncture but also our glyphs like exploit but outside of that going all out on our main abilities pretty much a no-brainer then we get one point in sturdy to get some close damage reduction for some extra tankiness and three points in stiffening strikes now the nice thing about barrage is like I already showcased a bit in this video is that you can use it very close to your enemies so we can actually use stiffening strikes and if you paid attention to my HP bar in some of the clips you would see that it would never really drain as I would just consistently get HP back through stiffening strikes it's just a really nice ability for this build to help out with survivability so I just go all out on it three out of three then we move over to the agility skills we take six points in weapon Mastery three points from our amulet and then three points obviously from the skill tree itself makes our crossbow deal more damage as simple as that just a very good talent then I take dash for the earlier mentioned reasons spec into enhanced Dash and then finally I go for discipline Dash to add some more cc to our kit you could also go for methodical dash for sure but you would need to make sure that your enemies RCC at all times than if you want to use Dash to actually make use of this so I rather just use this splendash because it will always apply and it gives us more CC which means in turn more survivability then we move over to dark shroud take enhance darkshot and then encountering dark shroud the dark shrouds that we generate through Amber us will all benefit from these Buffs so essentially even though we don't have dark stripes on hold bar and don't actively use it the dark shots generated that we get will still benefit from these talents then we take three points in exploit and three points in Malice these two talents are Staples they're just really good in amplifying our damage output in the next three we take Shadow and beam it we take poison immune and we take gold imbuement for this triple imbuement build and as you can see this subtree is really stacked obviously we take Shadow ambient poison immune and cold immunement for shadow imbuement and cooling beam if you don't need Five Points one point is more enough the increases you get from putting more points into these skills are pretty trivial however for poison imbuement I did put all the points in it so I went five five and then I got four more points for my helmet if I recall correctly putting points into poisoning does significantly increase your damage output so these are some nice additional ranks to this skill for cold Amusement however and Shadow immune most of the power is golden through the enhancements in this case enhanced cold Amusement into mixed cooled immunement we will crowd control enemies all the time and that one is also against Frozen enemies by the way in the same line of thinking I also put three points into fidget Spinners which has a very similar type of effect you will deal 15 increased damage to chilled enemies and that bonus also increases yet again against Frozen enemies so that definitely significantly contributes to your damage output especially because it's also a multiplicative bonus in the case of poison imbuement I take enhanced poison immunement into Blended poison imbuement Blended poison imbuement is really good you'll pretty much just melt bosses or even one shot them every time you get a Critical Strike with a poison imbued barrage which will deal a ton of damage through this talent and then in terms for the other related poison ability thingies deadly venom increased poisoning damage but most importantly is this Talent poisoned enemies deal 50 percent less damage it's a really good talent for survivability so I put three points in it three out of three Shadow impurement like I said one point is enough for the skill itself but you definitely want to take enhanced Shadow agreement to get more Critical Strike chance into Blended cheddar impement with Blended Shadow impement we will have vulnerability pretty much always applied on our enemies and yeah it's just a good talent for that then I think one point into Shadow crash for some extra CC but also one point into consuming Shadows just one point into this helps out a Dom and you will see your energy bar pretty much just fill up instantly every time you blow up things with Shadow impurement through this talent and for that purpose it's just a really good talent then I take three points into Precision imbuement extract Critical Strike chance meaning extract crits meaning extra damage is as simple as that then we go here three points into Innovation topics even more with energy regeneration and then for our key passive I went with Precision barrage is a marksman skill and we will spam barrage with this build pretty much infinitely so we build up Stacks really quickly and that in turn simply set just means our critical strikes will deal a ton of extra damage now let's move on to the Peregrine boards in the starting board I take the combat glyph for extra Critical Strike damage and other important notes are the prime extra damage Extra Maximum life as well as the skillful rare note extra damage as well other notes that are nice to help other survivability are the Lawless now it gives you extra armor essentially but also the resilience note which I'm currently working my way up to the resistance is nice but the maximum life is even better and there are some nodes surrounding that which also give you maximum life so those are nice notes that help out the survivability then I move over towards the no Witnesses board I get exploit as my glyph extra damage to vulnerable targets but exploit also makes it so that we apply vulnerability on our targets pretty much always and then in this port I take roon as our rare note extra damage to help the enemies as well as Critical Strike damage take this rounding magic notes which also help out with extra Critical Strike damage but in this port there's also a lot of survivability to be found right here in the form of training which is a nice rare note that gives us 8 maximum life and this rounding notes also give us maximum life so definitely keep those in mind as well as the Critical Strike damage notes then I move almost to the next Port which is the exploit weakness I take exploit weakness as my legendary now this is really nice against things like the butcher or if you're doing nightmare dungeons like 30 levels higher than you it helps out with stacking your damage and makes your damage output against vulnerable dark is just really good especially versus things with a lot of HP for the glyph I take Kenny Kenny is really good for this build because we have three different sources of known physical damage if you look at your hot bar you will see that gold imbuement Shadow imbuement as well as poison ambient will say it will specifically say in the description your next two immutable skills deal poison damage deal Shadow damage and then deal gold damage and those are sources of non-physical damage so I take any as my as my as Mike left for this port and that is nice because it gives us extra damage to all our imbued skills which is everything really because we just Spam barrage with this build then I move onwards to the next port and get the infusion glyph right here infusion is another really good glyph for a imbuement oriented build like this we run three imbuements so this one is pretty much a no-brainer gives us extra imbued skill damage but also helps us out with our cooldowns then I move towards the Eldridge Bounty get the legendary note which also increases our damage for our three different imbuements with a multiplicative bonus pretty nice for our damage output I also take this type of note which I'll files with our cooldowns as well as well as the ready supply note which also helps us out with our cooldowns but also increases our damage output and for the rest is pretty much just how I path it in this port and then moved onwards to the next Port which is the tricks of the trade board I put Ranger here as my glyph this is another really good lift extra Marksman skill damage so extra damage to the barrage but also that additional bonus is really good with survivability while Wheeling a ranged weapon you take 10 reduced damage which obviously has a range stroke we always have a range weapon so it always applies to us and then I take things like Focus for extra damage to Elites extra Marksman skill damage as well as brawler which helps out with damage reduction and damage to close enemies if you want more survivability you definitely can take some of the surrounding notes as well for more damage reduction but otherwise this is how I currently have set up my Paragon boards I think overall the five clips that I have exploit Ranger combat Kenny and infusion are really good for this triple imbuement build pretty much these Paragon boards provide me everything I need really so I would definitely say if you copy it then you will thing you need but it's always good to cater your personal Paragon boards to your specific preferences and play Styles I don't have maximum points by the way but if I get more points through the Renown then I will just mostly focus on survivability otherwise that was it for this video we have discussed everything really thank you for watching I hope you enjoyed the build and the video if you did definitely give the video a like And subscribe and also let me know your thoughts in the comments [Music] [Music] thank you [Music] [Applause]
Channel: Nizar GG
Views: 13,915
Rating: undefined out of 5
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 21min 7sec (1267 seconds)
Published: Mon Jul 03 2023
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