Devil May Cry 2 Is Deeper Than You Think [Lore]

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what is up everybody it is me devil never cry and welcome to another dmc lore video in today's video we'll be covering arga sax the chaos the main villain of devil may cry 2 and a previous ruler of the demon world all of the information that i'll be discussing in this video can be found not only in devil may cry 2 itself but the dmc 5 before the nightmare novel which acts as a prequel to dmc 5 and helps to provide a whole lot of context in regards to the dmc universe the dmc 5 before the nightmare novel has not officially been localized by capcom and as such i'll be going by a community translation of the novel found on the divinity statue website which i will conveniently leave a link to down in the description below with that said let's start at the very beginning who or what is argosax the chaos taking a look at devil may cry 2's enemy file description for argosax it gives us a bit of context where the english version actually states the king once ruled most of the demon world and subdued all the demons but was defeated by spada playing through devil may cry 2 this obviously holds true where matiere has self states and a couple of cutscenes to dante that spada had visited via de mali a couple of centuries ago and helped the protectors push back against argosax the chaos and seal him away but by taking a look at the japanese version of devil may cry 2 and subsequently so its enemy file for argo sax the chaos we get even more context as to what the argus ax really was where it goes on to state that argosax was the overlord of chaos that in one time held in his hands most of the demon world and subdued many demons but was defeated by spada and was eventually waiting for the time of his resurrection and then a key point here it also states possesses both forms and abilities of every demon that final sentence that key piece of knowledge there was omitted from the english localization of devil may cry 2 and it actually solves a question that has been laid against argosax for quite some time why exactly was the first half of that final boss a strange amalgamation of all of the previous bosses in dmc2 along with extras like griffin who was a boss in the original devil may cry that you didn't even see in dmc2 a fair portion of the dmc community myself included always thought the argusax the chaos boss was a bit of a cop out and in fact quite anti-climactic after all there was no story justification as to why there was this weird amalgamation of all these previous bosses that we had just defeated having that extra information provides more context to the boss fight and changes my whole perspective on it slightly in fact i just wish they'd been wilder with argosax being able to imitate any and every single demon but perhaps that is just due to dmc2 being a product of its time and technological limitations but that's a conversation for another day getting back to the law after dante defeats argosax the chaos at the end of dmc2 we get to see its true form the despair embodied taking a look at the enemy file description for the despair embodied it states having a perfect androgynous appearance and possessing majestic dignity was often worshipped as a god but his true nature is ultimate despair both translations of the enemy file make reference to the perfect androgenous appearance and some form of dignity though only the japanese enemy file states that the despair embodied was worshipped as a god and i say god i don't necessarily mean in a literal sense considering that the previous enemy file stated that argosax had subdued all demons they obviously had no choice but to look upon the despair embodied in or considering how powerful it really was speaking of power it would be utterly remiss of me not to mention one specific ability that argus acts the chaos wields which will answer a lot of questions about the second half of dmc2 and of course phantom mission 14 opens up with a key quote from the guidepost for the hunters specifically chapter 11 clause 7. the power of the demon world can warp the minds of men and stop the hands of time in the time between seconds reality is not what it seems the dark forces can bend passages that once led to real destinations into circles of infinite confusion the hunter must seek out and activate the key posts of the demon realm four lights will open the door to the future and the past mission 14 has dante roam around a twisted and warped version of the via de mali a partial gate to the demon world has been opened thanks to the efforts of arius and though the argosax can't enter the human world itself a portion of its power has begun to seep out as dante seeks out each of the four seal spheres and activates them the demon world's influence intensifies culminating in a door finally opening and running parallel to the demon world's influence increasing so too does the influence of argosax the chaos and as that door finally opens a time paradox is created and phantom appears the brady games dmc2 strategy guide also refers to phantom as a time paradox because it simply doesn't make any sense if phantom is pulled from a previous timeline before he was defeated by dante in dmc one and he is killed here in dmc2 how is he there to meet dante in the cathedral at malay island it's a time paradox because it simply doesn't make any sense but thus is the power of argosax the chaos no doubt that hearing argosax was immensely powerful and capable of subduing all demons likely doesn't sit right with a lot of you after all how does mundus and spada fit into the equation and that brings us to the next part of this video the history of argusax the chaos pulling from the dmc 5 before the nightmare novel we come to find out that just over 2 000 years ago way before the events of devil may crime argosax the chaos and mundus the demon prince were at war and in fact these two great devils were so evenly matched that the underworld the demon world was split into two halves one side was ruled by argsax the chaos and the other ruled by mundus though i would like to stress that the only reason that mundus was capable of rivaling argosax the chaos is thanks to consuming the fruit of the cliff dream as those of you who've played dmc 5 will know as it was pivotal to the story of that game the fruit of this tree is said to provide immense power to any demon who eats it the only known beings said to have consumed this fruit are mundus the demon emperor who got his ass handed to him not only by sparta but by dante and yurizan who surprise surprise also got his ass handed to him by dante which just goes to show that power isn't everything after sparta rebelled against his own kind and sealed the way his own power and mundus for two millennia there was a massive power vacuum in the underworld which allowed argosax the chaos to comfortably take over the rest of the demon world that he didn't already control and thanks to his immense power there was no one left to challenge him thanks to the actions of spada at the temen negro tower the main setting for dmc3 the human world was separated entirely from the demon world allowing the humans to live in peace for a time it is then that the story moves forward and we find ourselves a couple of centuries before the events of dmc2 where a substantial amount of occultists on the via demali begin to worship argasacs in secret eventually summoning him into the human world considering the immense power of argosax the chaos it's no surprise that the protectors of via dimali are struggling to banish argosax back into the demon world it is at this point that spada himself appears and aids the protectors in sealing away argosax with the arcana relics the arcana medallia arcana spada arcana calice and arcana bastogne are four holy relics that sparta used to seal away the argos axe and in fact these are the four relics that arius one of the villains of dmc2 tried so hard to get his hands on as he wished to undo the seal and take the power of argosax for himself which as many of us know really didn't go so well for him at all ardius attempts to summon argosax the chaos back into the human world by collecting the four holy relics and uniting them under a solar eclipse though he realizes far too late that dante got one over on him and replaced the medallion with his own coin though the ritual is incomplete thanks to dante's meddling a partial doorway straight into hell is still opened which results in a piece of argassa's power finding its way into aryas which essentially leads into nothing as lucia easily defeats him though the argusax still lies in hell which prompts dante to drive straight in there like his father before him thanks to the power that arga sacks the chaos wields one that is big enough to rival mundus and by extension even rival spiders this is one threat that dante just can't let lie there's a throwaway line uttered by ardius in dmc2 which implies that argosax the chaos is seemingly immortal this ends up being nothing but wishful thinking of course as dante defeats the despair embodied with one well-placed bullet from ivory and thus ends argasax the chaos once a powerful ruler of the demon world that is now nothing more than a footnote in the dmc universe if you enjoyed today's video do be sure to leave a like and consider subscribing as it all helps out the channel and let me know down in the comments below what your thoughts are on argos acts the chaos and all of the surrounding dmc 2 lore with all that said and done it has been me devil never cry i'd like to thank all of you for watching and as always i'll see you all next video [Music] you
Channel: DevilNeverCry
Views: 23,310
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: devilnevercry124, devilnevercry, devil never cry, devil may cry, devil may cry 5, dmc5, dmc 5, dmc lore, devil may cry lore, dmc 2, devil may cry 2, devil may cry 2 argosax, devil may cry explained, devil may cry timeline, devil may cry story, dmc news, dmc guide, dmc tutorial, devil may cry news, devil may cry guide, devil may cry tutorial, thespherehunter, devil may cry how to, devil may cry meme, devil may cry story explained, devil may cry lore explained, despair embodied
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 33sec (693 seconds)
Published: Mon Apr 04 2022
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