Vergil's Inferiority | Devil May Cry 5 Analysis

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power is the measure of a man without strength how can you protect anything protect yourself the Alpha and the Omega the Virgil [Music] [Music] Daunte maybe my favorite out of the brothers of Sparta but that doesn't mean you'll catch me sleeping on my main man Virgil over here the man is a powerhouse when you can stop bullets by swinging your sword line them all up and then send them back then you are a certified badass and that's not all he can do there's slicing through dimensions providing these hands and he's just so fast Virgil is not a man to be trifled with there is one thing that motivates Virgil in this world and that is power for the entirety of the series Virgil has been defined by an insatiable lust for achieving new power it was this desire that made him try to summon the demon tower tamanna grew to undo the seal between the human world and the demon world in order to gain the power of his late father Sparta you know the guy powerful enough to place that seal on these different planes of existence in the first place he was also willing to tear his own son's arm off to regain his lost power Virgil very much is willing to do anything to gain power to the point that it is obsessive but why is he like this why are you the way that you are to understand Virgil's lust for power we actually have to examine his other half the half he despises and quite literally cast out his humanity we must examine how his indifference and borderline hatred for humanity came to be and we can do so by examining V the inclusion of V into the series is not only a beloved one god damn cool but also a useful one for understanding Virgil's more human side because he is the literal embodiment of his humanity Virgil in his most desperate ploy for power used the Yamato two completely separate his human half from his demon half understanding this origin suddenly gives Virgil so much more depth as a viii is very calm and reserved he had an air of mystery around him that made it really hard for anyone to be able to get a read on the guy which is why Nero couldn't really trust him fully at first however the most distinctive aspect of his personality is his love for literature v is constantly reciting poetry for pretty much anything when he answers a question desires but act not reads pestilence so it is written okay when he's doing a little banter with his enemies not in this lifetime as the air to a bird or the sea to a fish so is contaminant to the contempt of all hell he even does it while fighting hours of folly are measured by the clock whatever wisdom no clock can measure this seems like just a fun quirk of his but I believe it serves as a much more deeper look into Virgil's humanity literature often serves as an emotional outlet for people who cannot convey their emotions through a regular conversation sometimes people find it easier to create art rather than just talk about their problems it can be a helpful coping mechanism for those who suffer from trauma and is often used in therapy itself to help get at the core of understanding the person's emotions Virgil always keeps himself composed maintaining an aura of control that gives the illusion he has it all together but V shows us that there is still a vulnerability to him after all I think having your family be slaughtered by demons and feeling helpless to stop the event definitely counts as trauma it can be squeezed right in there just barely so it's understandable and completely human for V to have such a fondness of literature remember this is Virgil's humanity given its own form so he retains all of the knowledge and memories of Virgil it's natural that the trauma he experienced would make him reserved finding solace through an artistic outlet and we didn't even technically need to examine V for this because Virgil always had a love for literature but it makes sense that now he has an even stronger connection to it this is what Virgil's humanity looks like the vulnerability he displaced a Nero and Trish about the mistakes he's made and his fondness for literature to help cope with his trauma now these features may be only shown in V but they still come from Virgil yes the same no-nonsense takes himself too seriously we'll square up on-site Virgil if V being the embodiment of Virgil's humanity may mean that these features are exaggerated when presented from him but there's still a part of Virgil's being it shows that despite wanting to become more demonic Virgil held some very human characteristics and this he could not accept you see Virgil connects his weakness to being human ironically enough the explanation for this just further proves how human he is Virgil has a superiority complex loyal viewers will remember this term from when we covered Zed way back in the day this term originates from Alfred Adler's individual psychology theory Alfred Adler developed his theory on personality by making inferiority the driving force behind human behavior according to individual psychology humans are motivated by feelings of inferiority that developed early in our lives these could stem from a number of things physical inferiority like being born shorter or not as strong or emotional inferiorities such as not feeling loved this theory focuses on these feelings of inferiority and how they influence all of our actions as we grow older and continue to leave these feelings unchecked Adler believed that these feelings are usually a result of things such as early age physical limitations a lack of empathy from parents or absent parents all together now inferiority is not always a bad thing these feelings can lead to people doing great things in this world to prevent others from feeling inferiority for example a person who grew up without parents could develop feelings of inferiority but then use those feelings later in life to run a foster home doing something for the betterment of society this is an example of someone striving for success however people can also take those feelings of inferiority and use them to gain personal power for example a person who grew up poor and felt inferior cuz of it could grow up to become one of the most money obsessed individuals on the planet this is an example of some was striving for superiority Virgil is not striving for the betterment of humankind instead he wishes to achieve personal superiority he strives to attain all the power in the world to make up for the feelings of inferiority he developed after that fateful day according to Virgil humanity is a source of weakness but it's more specific than that it is the emotions he felt during his incredibly traumatic experience that he despises emotions like terror helplessness an intense fear for his life dante was fortunate enough to have been found by his mother Eva but Virgil wasn't so lucky Virgil was left alone this is how his inferiority was developed he was powerless to prevent the attack on his family and was left alone to suffer his trauma as hard as she tried Eva never made it to Virgil it is because of his humanity that Virgil is able to experience the emotions he did therefore he linked his trauma to his humanity so what did he do he vowed to grow stronger Virgil's crusade for power is in response to his trauma by becoming the strongest he will never have to experience that vulnerability ever again because this time the world will cower in fear at the sight of Virgil however Virgil does not recognize his feelings of inferiority which is why he is obsessed with power it is normal for Virgil to F felt helpless he was a child with a horde of demons rampaging through his home if Virgil can give himself the opportunity to explore those feelings then I guarantee you he wouldn't be as obsessive over it but this is a special case because Virgil has a very concrete example of power his demonic heritage he is a super-powered individual because he is half-demon so it's easy to see why Virgil would be so straightforward in his thinking we even CV retain those feelings of inferiority during the moments where he's flat-out disgusted at the idea of being threatened by weaker opponents these threats imply that he is weak as well that he is inferior so of course he'll take that to heart if his whole characters trying to be superior but more importantly we also see V experience the fear and helplessness we were talking about earlier V was back in the same situation that started Virgil's journey alone powerless and afraid in the presence of a large and powerful demon with the only words he can utter to himself being I don't want to die Virgil uses his search for power as a coping mechanism to avoid ever feeling that helpless and vulnerable again and it was working by V's own admission it had been years before he ever experienced those emotions again Virgil sought superiority to protect himself but until he resolves his issue with his trauma he will continue to search for more power it is what he uses to cope but it does not directly address as emotional needs and that is where Dante comes in Dante is more than just an obstacle stopping Virgil from gaining power he is a constant contradiction to Virgil's life Virgil has developed an ideology that involves strength being the ultimate definition of a person it is by living this way that he has prevented himself from ever feeling helpless again and has made him one of these strongest beings on the planet being defined by strength worked for him or at least it had worked for him until Dante defeated him that illusion of control he thought he had was shattered by his brother this was not just any other defeat this was an ideological defeat ironically enough it's his emotional side that makes losing so anger inducing for him but there are times where we experience certain emotions as a reaction to things and we don't even understand why we feel them this is one of those moments for Virgil we as viewers know that it is his emotional understanding of what that loss means to him that makes losing as big of a catastrophe as it is to him but he will never be aware of that if he refuses to acknowledge emotions Virgil's justice in this world for the pain he felt is strength at all costs Dante's justice in this world for the pain he felt is compassion for those in similar situations Virgil is motivated to avoid the pain that comes from human vulnerability making him more cold-hearted and demon like Dante is motivated by embracing that pain making him more compassionate towards other humans facing Dante is more than just overcoming an opponent it's a battle of ideologies by losing to Dante it brings into question everything Virgil has believed to be true from his trauma it's why and double me cry 5 he questions what if Dante and him swapped places during that fateful day would he still believe everything he felt to be true or would things be different one more fight should make things clearer thank you all so much for watching and more importantly thank you for watching the first video the Dante's humanity video I did not expect that video to be the one to actually give me one hell of a boost on my channel seriously y'all made me jump from 600 subs to nearly two thousand subs I've recording this I don't know why it was this specific video but I am NOT gonna ask any questions I'm just very grateful for it so thank you for watching and thank you for subscribing I'm really motivated and excited now seeing such a positive response so I think I'm going to do the Nero video next I think that's what I'm gonna do and after Nero of course I'm going to try to provide you with more contents that is of course outside of Devil May Cry but who knows if I figure out a topic for EE crying I'll come back to the series of course and as always my people thank you for watching
Channel: Champion Analysis
Views: 537,120
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: devil may cry 5, dmc 5, devil may cry 5 dante, dmc 5 vergil, dmc dante vs vergil, devil may cry vergil, devil may cry 5 vergil gameplay, devil may cry dante vs vergil, dante vs vergil dmc 5, dante vs vergil dmc3, champion, analysis, dmc vergil theme, Devil May Cry 5 Analysis, story analysis, champion analysis, champion analysis devil may cry, champion analysis vergil, champion analysis nero, vergil status
Id: -Uq9k6B-7h4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 42sec (882 seconds)
Published: Tue Jul 23 2019
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