Devil is a Part-Timer: A McDonald's Isekai

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Season two some day...

Probably the same day as Half-life 3, and Spice and Wolf season 3

some day

šŸ‘ļøŽ︎ 1284 šŸ‘¤ļøŽ︎ u/Dia_is_best_gem šŸ“…ļøŽ︎ Nov 05 2019 šŸ—«︎ replies

I like how when he was listing the characters, Chiho was represented by a boob shot.

šŸ‘ļøŽ︎ 541 šŸ‘¤ļøŽ︎ u/kalirion šŸ“…ļøŽ︎ Nov 05 2019 šŸ—«︎ replies

I've noticed that this series keeps hanging around long after other shows that came out about the same time have basically disappeared. Heck, its even available on Netflix now. Pretty good for a show that's 6 years old with almost no serious talk of an anime continuation in years.

šŸ‘ļøŽ︎ 387 šŸ‘¤ļøŽ︎ u/DeTroyes1 šŸ“…ļøŽ︎ Nov 05 2019 šŸ—«︎ replies

Still one of the only 10s I've given that probably doesn't deserve it quality-wise but dammit, I enjoyed it so much that I just don't care. It was simply a blast to watch.

šŸ‘ļøŽ︎ 221 šŸ‘¤ļøŽ︎ u/Razorhead šŸ“…ļøŽ︎ Nov 05 2019 šŸ—«︎ replies

Never though Gigguk would make a video about this.But hey I'm not complaining

šŸ‘ļøŽ︎ 180 šŸ‘¤ļøŽ︎ u/Isles0FMists šŸ“…ļøŽ︎ Nov 05 2019 šŸ—«︎ replies

And now Iā€™m sad that we may never see a season 2. With the Isekai boom I surprised this is the case.

šŸ‘ļøŽ︎ 81 šŸ‘¤ļøŽ︎ u/dagreenman18 šŸ“…ļøŽ︎ Nov 05 2019 šŸ—«︎ replies

its just odd that this isn't getting season 2, im so frustrated

šŸ‘ļøŽ︎ 46 šŸ‘¤ļøŽ︎ u/[deleted] šŸ“…ļøŽ︎ Nov 05 2019 šŸ—«︎ replies

The Devil is a Part-Timer is for me just like Gigguk says it is for him: a fun little show. An interesting anime to look back on after the Isekai boom, but nothing much more then that.

Also, I fucking love the ED. Please give it a listen

šŸ‘ļøŽ︎ 192 šŸ‘¤ļøŽ︎ u/Groenboys šŸ“…ļøŽ︎ Nov 05 2019 šŸ—«︎ replies

Great show, just finished watched it a few days ago.

Nice mix of comedy, and reverse Isekai fantasy, with a touch of harem.

šŸ‘ļøŽ︎ 34 šŸ‘¤ļøŽ︎ u/Neville_Lynwood šŸ“…ļøŽ︎ Nov 05 2019 šŸ—«︎ replies
this video is sponsored by crossing void global without overdone and tired we all are of the ISA kai-shan rrah as an anime fan ik not don't feel like you're drowning in the pit of the same recycled ideas the same three protagonist being transported to the same fantasy world and if like me you've had multiple conversations with other anime fans over this exact topic and at this point I'll be amazed if you haven't on the odd occasion you'll meet that one pompous get who thinks they're being all original being like you know what would be cool what if instead of a normal guy being transported to a fantasy world we reverse it and have fantasy characters being transported to our world ha I bet no one's ever thought of that idea before ha ha ha nope the devil is a part-timer is one of those shows that seems to keep coming up in conversation every now and then even though on the surface it seems like one of those disposable seasonal anime everyone should have forgotten by now but every so often some bozo will still come along and say hey remember devil is a part-timer do you still think there's a chance we'll get a season two before awkward silence fills the room as you then proceed to hear someone else burst out crying in no game no life it's a show that has refused to die in the hearts of many and having just re-watched it I can't help a thing that this is a series that would resonate with audiences even more today than when it initially aired because it feels like a great answer to the current Issei KY landscape we are so used to right off the bat drops you into what appears to be the most bog-standard fantasy world plotline you have a demon Lord Satan who's trying to take over the world of NCES 'la only to be thwarted by the legendary hero Emilia oh not that one in desperation he and one of his loyal generals escapes through a portal to another world only to find themselves in modern-day Japan where they walk around try to speak the language and get hit by a truck not really but that would have been pretty funny in a world you've limited magic and no way to get back there are only choices to try and survive in this world by integrating themselves into society starting by earning money and getting a part-time job in McDonald's which if you can guess is an obvious parody of the global fast-food powerhouse you should all know that's right work donald's it's the story of an Opie demon law 2 gets transported to the human world where he works a normal part time job and tries to climb the corporate ladder to become king of the McNuggets lord of the fries aiming for that employee-of-the-month spot by ensuring that this is the early branch in existence with a fully functioning milkshake machine if you showed this as someone today they probably get a Sakai culture shock it seems like the perfect reply to the tropes we see in the saturated era of fantasy world a Sakai but of course this came out just as the e Sakai boom was starting and unlike a lot of recent attempts I've seen that I've tried to parody the genre it's genuinely entertaining and funny one of the biggest thing I've seen that's urged me recently is when anime has tried satirizing itself every so often you'll find this moment in the show that thinks it's being clever and funny when it tries to make a joke by calling attention to this trope you're used to seeing in anime like hey look and they could send array in front of me guess I'm about to get punched and killed oh well where do they be funny if I didn't punch you wait you're not gonna punch me yeah I'm not oh wow I guess that is pretty funny isn't it this is funny the entire joke is just in discussing that you know that thing that normally happens in anime well that thing you thought was gonna happen isn't actually gonna happen non-god on okay meet a coma I bring this up because while the plot description can make the devil as a part-timer seem like an attempt to satirize the current esky landscape it never feels like it's actively trying to do so because it's not this is a six year old show that came out before there was established tropes to parody yet viewing it today it's ironically does a better job at subverting these cliches than 90% of these so-called funny meta moments that actively make an effort to do so it isn't funny because it's calling attention to all these tropes we are used to seeing a nice take I flipped it's just a very funny situation the characters find themselves in and they react in the comedic way but ultimately stay in character the jokes aren't them explaining the joke there's an actual punchline what works is the sheer ridiculousness of the premise wherein we're used to seeing a Normie otaku protagonist doing all in this life arriving a middle of for some high stakes world saving quest here the stakes were reversed and we get to see a world conquering demon Lords just dealing with the sheer terror that is our mundane normal daily grind it's the classic fish-out-of-water scenario with a reverse fantasy twist and yet somehow compared to what we see today still feels oddly refreshing and this has helped with a great dynamic between the cast members Sadao Emilia Ashiya Chiho Lucifer it isn't just the fact that the devil is working at a fast-food restaurant it's the fact the cars retains the same dynamics you'd expect in an epic fantasy story while having to keep it up in a modern setting mouths accompanying general Ashiya tries to remain loyal to him throughout serving him in any way possible but of course is no realms for him to control or armies to command so he serves him the best way he knows how as a stay-at-home housewife then there's Amelia who has to deal with the internal conflict of finally confronting the all-powerful 'man Demon Lord she spent her entire life fighting only to find that he's actually a normal hard-working guy unsure if your one day turn again and has to maintain her world saving hero status while holding a tele sales job is the balance that just gives the car some great chemistry when it comes to the comedy without making anything feel forced like a lot of people may see Emilia as your typical Cinderella but given the context it does make sense why he asks you towards maou is so cold and also I like cinder e's I don't know why I said that I didn't really have anything else to add to that point speaking of Emilia she herself is a playable character in today's sponsor crossing void global and I just want to take a second to talk about that cross avoid global is an all-star turn-based RPG with characters from over 25 anime franchises including devil is a part-timer index john oliver toradora spice and wolf or emo sao and more yes you can collect all your best boys and girls and upgrade them to do battles so you know that means use all the original character moves you are familiar with including the coasters all famous railgun Kirito starburst stream and then his Shizuo just casually flaring a vending machine you can also mix and match characters from different franchises in battle to get their own unique cross skills and it also includes an original storyline that crosses over with all of the multiple franchises and yes of course if you show your dedication to your best girl by upgrading her you can unlock exclusive illustrations and emotes to celebrate the release of cross avoid global Alice from sao will be making her debut and also if you download it now you can get any Sta character of your own choice for absolutely free also crossing voids Facebook and Twitter pages are holding regular events so follow their pages for the latest updates and events if this sounds like something for you click the link below to download it on iOS or Android getting back to the devil is a part-timer though it's fairly safe to say that if that's all there was in the theories would surely get dull I've seen enough anime that have tried to live off of one running joke alone and the literal devil getting outrageously fired up and motivated about selling special Peppard fries can only go so far thankfully it does have a semblance of a plot with the fantasy world they came from still having a role to play in the overarching story the war between the devil and humans never technically ended and in between the fast-food joints you have a few arcs focusing on characters from the fantasy world trying to come and kill the devil as they always have it's a great mixture of unique comedy with a fantasy action backbone to keep you on your toes and most importantly keep you entertained having events interspersed with greater consequence not only makes the show more interesting well allows the characters to grow and evolve as the series goes on of course while I am throwing a lot of praise if there was one big downside to this series is that there isn't really much more to say about it it was a nice little fun series that said it's peace then ended and bi ended what I mean is they didn't really end it just woke up the next day it snuck out while you're still sleeping and didn't even leave a number for you to contact it by well I enjoyed the series there's nothing I can really point you to say wow this was really amazing but most of that is because it didn't really have the time to properly hit it stride or establish yourself just as you feel the fall stars progressing and the characters of a chance to develop the curtains closed and an announcement comes on saying this is a show that has been stuck in sequel limbo for years and it doesn't really make sense because it was the third best-selling light novel of that year and before I just checked I had no idea that it was the 55th most popular anime on my anime list putting it above mob psycho hundreds of Madoka Kayne and Jojo what the the demand was definitely there so I can't shake this feeling that him I have just come out a bit before it's time because I believe that if it did actually come out today with season two and three announcements coming out for anime big and small sometimes even right after his shows finished on top of the sheer abundance and popularity of ISA Kai being released now there's no way wouldn't have gotten another season as his fans the devil is a part-timer is a short fun little package that didn't overstay its welcome but we were definitely welcomed more of it recently I've had a lot of fun going back to watch these older incomplete shows I'd forgotten about because now there's just an abundance of new manga chapters and light novels that can finally fill that void I felt when they initially aired and I think the devil is a part-timer has been one series I've enjoyed even more revisiting than when I first watched it back when this first aired I kind of just took it at face value as this entertaining little fantasy show and I think I'd even heard of the word he Sakai back then and apparently I now say it every other sentence by law which is why I think it's a show I can appreciate even more now and right now I can definitely recommend this as the perfect time to go revisit it and if you've never seen it before well that's all the more reason to because I think it says a lot about the current environment when I can say to you hey want a genuinely fun twist on the Issa kai-shan row that feels way more original than 90% of the attempts coming out now here's this half decade old anime [Music] hey guys hope you enjoyed that video again I'd really like to thank cross Android global for sponsoring me today I don't think I got a chance to say how awesome I think it is that all of these different anime franchises are coming together for this one game and there was nowhere near enough time to name out all the IPS that were gonna be in it so if you want to give it a go and find out for yourself click the link below to download it today and with that said I know the last month has been pretty barren in terms of video uploads from me and there is a reason for that I've just moved to Japan yes I won't bog you down with all the details but I've finally fulfilled the weave dream and yeah that's really kept me busy for the last few weeks which is the reason I haven't really uploaded everything and just been kind of off the grid in general though I do plan to make up for it this month though I have a bunch of videos that I was working on that had to be put on hold because of the move so expects this month to be even more busier than usual in terms of uploads starting with the seasonal rundown which you can expect next anyway though that's it from me I've been gigging and I'll see you all next time
Channel: Gigguk
Views: 2,222,679
Rating: 4.9664941 out of 5
Keywords: Anime Zone, Gigguk, Top Anime, OP, ED, The Devil is a Part Timer, Hataraku Maou Sama, Devil is a Part Timer Review, Devil is a part timer OP, Devil is a part timer ED, The Devil is a part timer Ep 1, Devil is a part timer dub, The Devil Is a Part Timer Funny Moments
Id: DNvnyXFfVk0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 55sec (655 seconds)
Published: Tue Nov 05 2019
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