Developers Q & A | Be Humble But Stay Competitive Vlog

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all right so it's about 8:05 a.m. right now I gotta head to work work starts at 9:00 a.m. 45-minute Drive hopefully I'll make it time to head to work but um a lot of things I won't tell you guys today I received a lot of questions so I plan on answering that all in this video today [Music] [Music] all right so I decided while I'm driving to work I probably just wanted to share some thoughts that I've had that I've been thinking about every time I Drive to work how much I enjoy my job that much more than when I first got hired seven months ago six months ago actually I've been to my job for about six or seven months before in the last five and a half to six months I really can't believe how much I've grown in skill I'm not saying that I'm the best developer in my office I'm not I'm certainly not but I'm just really amazed by how just DISA from pure effort I'm because you're determined because you enjoy your job how much a person is able to even grow when it comes to just coding I remember when I was just learning on my own teaching myself HTML CSS I'm a treehouse comm I wasn't confident at all right I wasn't confident I was going through the tracks not sure if I really fully understand it or if I know enough to get a job and to even be at the point where I am now to be able to understand and you know manipulate HTML CSS and even JavaScript so easily now blows me away because I remember I was struggling so much to even learn those three languages and then now I'm studying PHP I'm learning how to even use PHP and even creating really cool things in my job right now and you know just the fact that just knowing that I'm able to do these things now even though there are many languages I don't know just putting in the exact same effort to put to learn everything else I'll be able to understand it just as well as I understand everything else so I'm not afraid of the future I'm not afraid of what I can or cannot do I know what I can do and why am I saying this because you know I know there many people out there many of you guys out there who probably aren't developers yet or maybe dumb people who have been out there they have been developers for years and maybe you know you're not getting paid well maybe not in a good situation maybe you're thinking maybe I'm just not that good at code maybe even though I've been a programmer for five years maybe people just don't think I'm that good well that's what I think of myself every single day I always think like man I wish I was better am I even capable of doing that like our PHP developers wow so amazing they're able to create those things but everyone starts from somewhere that's why when you apply for a job when you join a company it's very important that they know your skills it's very important that you don't raise yourself up more than what you're more than capable of doing you don't go there coping you say I'm gonna PHP extraordinaire but you don't even know how to do PHP right then and there you put yourself in a very difficult situation that you are just doomed to failure when you join a company and they know your skills they know what your your capabilities are they know what your limitations are that's even better for you because when they know what level you're in and when you're not at work or when you just grow in skill right because they know what level you're in and later down the line you are already up here they'll realize wow you actually improved when I drop my company I barely knew HTML I barely knew CSS in my supervisor knew more code than me and he's not even a programmer that's how bad I was that's how jr. I was barely know how to use any JavaScript right now I know I use all of that and they're able to see it acknowledged that while I've actually proved when you go to a job don't try to be something you're not be as humble as possible in France so when it comes to companies what should it be you should be humble yet competitive that should be you know what actually title this video humble yet competitive right developers colon or semicolon whatever it is humble yet competitive all right but anyway right so when I shared I'm becoming the developers seemly fine depending on the company you're working for it to be very fun which usually is or it could be also very stressful a very fortunate to join a company that's growing exponentially fast so fast the point that we need more programmers and we have right now so yes the world yes we are shorter programmers of good programmers you know so I'm very thankful to join us at this company at this time but more than that you know I'm learning so much I'm able to partake in so many different opportunities and to really be in the front lines as people of larger clients to gain that experience is huge it's very big you know and I'm learning so much for industry which is processing it's very fun I love it and I work for very good company so I'm very deco for that so I'll save the app questions and answers for when I get to work oh yeah those are some line of dots I wanted to share and I'll see you in the next clip all right actually got here literally 30 mins early crazy cuz I drove pretty slow and I was vlogging at the same time so my weird car and this is my beautiful office just so if anyone wants to see so this is the kitchen mouth really beautiful who are the bread bowl right here soda machine so you guys know actually I don't really you represent for lunch and dinner at work because I'm here so long and what do I need for breakfast everyone in the office left I'm by myself so I'm I go ahead and record my questions and answers right now Chris what did you use to learn code I'm sure if you're watching this video or if you see my other videos y'all you know by now but I used team treehouse comm I'll put the link in description down below and you'll get seven days free now when I learned treehouse calm and when I learned that treehouse I started with first HTML CSS and eventually I went to JavaScript and the track that I wanted to first was a front-end developer track when you study at treehouse comm don't just study don't just go through the lessons just because he finished it what's very important right which is a mistake I mean at first the moment I finished you know a lesson I forgot when I learned what you should do before you go to every single lesson and make sure you understand it fully now way you'll get to it easily be able to retain things more and you'll get and you'll get a better grasp of the language now question number two question number two what do you wish you did better before you got hired as a junior programmer um was very interesting if you don't know is that they were looking for a PHP developer at this company you know I have no experience and somebody that hired me as a junior developer which I'm very thankful for and I am studying PHP now and I'll start with me very soon I where chef put time to understand the languages I was learning but put pretty much what I explain to the last question and so just rushing through it you know what I've learned through my experience here but they don't just want people who just know language right what our companies are looking for - looking for programmers who know how to speak the language into doing what the employer wants it to do for example I can write an essay very easily in English but I can't do it in Spanish I might be able to use Google right so look at what a Spanish word is saying or use go translate to translate the sentence from spanish to english but does it mean active work with me so what do i wish is a better before i got hired as a junior developer is that i put more time to understand and things I was working in and how to use them question number three question number three can you give me one sip on how I can become a programmer oh let me know really what all my videos are doing but why it's him you know it's work hard work really hard right I'm very lucky I'm very lucky to have even become a programmer in the span of three months it doesn't happen to make people should you expect to become a programmer or developer in three months like I said I was lucky I had no it to be honest I had no idea I was going to be a programmer now no idea I get hired so soon I wasn't ready for that if I knew that this company at this time would hire me even though only to dismantle languages I would have probably quit my job and just study more to get better at when I am now right you get paid more yeah um you know I was really just in the right place I was at you know the right time Alizee a situation where I had no choice but to look for developer jobs because I might get paid off on my last job you know I would have honestly never applied to this company that I work here now if my job my previous job was it sure okay so what tips should I give you work work hard working create show company why you're valuable and why they need you not why you like everyone else not why you know these languages like everyone else but why they need you so what do you need to do work hard nothing good comes without working my heart just say continue answering that question left tip let me give you a couple more tips the two types of project which one sounds better is what I can do right or this is what I can do for you there's a two different kind of portfolios right what you need to do is as you're learning these different languages that you need to create something where employers or realize like wow he has no experience but look what he's made so far these are things we need focus on an issue if you need right that is your job is not to show them that you know code but how you'll become valuable to that company last but not least stay consistent all right if you study HTML on a Monday but only continue the next part of the track and a Friday where you'll forget everything you learned in one day you'll forget everything else you learn even if you could only study one or two hours a day just stay consistent even if you're stuck only thirty minutes today every single day or at least Monday to Friday or five days a week you'll become better than the person who studies three hours on a Monday and the three hours on the Friday why because you'll retain it everything will make sense you're continuing you won't forget everything so stay consistent push yourself even when you know learning code can become a drag because yes coding can become a drag what you must remember in the end it's worth it a doctor put ten over ten years to be a doctor nurse it's four or five years maybe six years if you want to be a nurse practitioner right even becoming a lawyer takes years all of these professions to take years but if you want to become a programmer what happens even when it becomes a drag even when coding is not fun for what you need to do you need to just push it and learn Kobe Bryant and become a star overnight Michael Jordan was not the best world best basketball player in the world after just one season and NBA you know what happened is that Michael Jordan he worked now when you call someone a you're like Jordan what does it mean you're like Jordan it means that Wow you're the best in what you do because you were the hardest in what you do you're like the hardest in that field and that's why people like knowledge and that's my goal even though my company is I want them to know that when I come to work I work when I'm doing stuff for church I work I give my very best I don't want to give another 50% especially when it comes to God I want to get 100 you want to come to work too if you want to grow up in that company if you want to be seen as similar value will show that how hard you work the last question before I got ahead out what is the real life of a developer I can't necessarily speak for everyone but I can't speak for my situation on my company being a web developer is extremely fun the people I work with are great you know the times it can be stressful especially the clients at times can be stressful but the same time is also very relaxing and fun pretty much because you know you love what you do when you love what you do even when it becomes a drag when it becomes hard or busy or stressful or long hours because you love what you do it doesn't become as bad as it would have been all I do is bring my laptop my MacBook Pro with me everywhere work on my computer if I feel too cold in one corner of the office I go to the other corner of the office Network there um you know if I get a little tired or sleepy I walk around outside for 15 minutes to wake my brain up you know it's perfect there you know the kitchen which I'm recording this video in right now has everything I need coffee water you know we have a Red Bull machine like literally we have a Red Bull machine right the hair everything this is a beautiful office and so the real life for developers it's fine because you love what you do you have to learn the puppy you might not know if you like it or not that's why try out the link below try out a treehouse comm get seven days for your my link below and just see if you like it I fell in love with it well from the first seven days and that's why I continued my free trial um let you guys know also I have a snapchat add me at snapchat if you haven't yet you can message me whenever you want and I promise to respond to you in a timely manner as soon as I can you're adding in snapchat Twitter Instagram and what is my username it's real Chris Shawn again if you guys have any more questions I hope you enjoyed this video I might be a little longer than expected but I do hope you guys enjoy the video if you have any suggestions and what you want to see in the next video let me know I'm posting this video I'm recording it right now on a to Wednesday night I'm going to post this a Thursday night which is tomorrow so if you guys have any questions hit me up message me email me like this video if you like it subscribe if you haven't or else you'll regret it just kidding but yeah now this is Chris Shawn is the life of a web developer thank you for watching and I'm out
Channel: Chris Sean
Views: 3,170
Rating: 4.9652176 out of 5
Keywords: developer q & a, how to become a developer, learn code, be humble stay competitive, life of a web developer, code, html, css, jquery, php, javascript, chrissean, chrisseanlife, christian developer
Id: yAYJD4kKQ7c
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 0sec (840 seconds)
Published: Thu Dec 22 2016
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