I've Been a Web Developer for 5 Years - What I Learned

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hey guys this is krishon and this is the life of a web developer um what i really do want to talk about something i want to go ahead and tell you guys is that yeah i just got a new job promise to let you guys know which company i work for but here we go anyway this is where i work what i'm gonna talk about is very unfortunate it sucks man well i'll just say man yeah i uh i was laid off a company that was really honestly hoping that i'd say that for a couple years yeah it sucks i don't i don't know what else to say i don't know how else to get to this topic like how did you just say you got laid off i'm gonna go straight into it i come with some big news and finally the company that i work for is new relic [Music] hey everyone my name is chris shawn and i've been a developer for the last five years it is honestly kind of crazy to think of where i am now because i generally and i mean this i generally did not think that i could make it this far in my career as a developer last year i made a developer on how i shared everything i learned after being in the industry for four years a year before that i made another video on everything i've learned after being a deaf for three years but to be honest on my third year as an engineer i generally did not think i could make it you have to think about this before making it to my mid-level position as a mid-level front-end engineer i was working as a junior developer for two years didn't get a lot of experience there was no one mentoring me there was no one training me everything i did on a job i had to teach myself no one was helping me or teaching me anything to be honest and so when i went to my mid-level position as a developer i wasn't used to working in a large code base i wasn't used to working in back in development i've never done much in mysql everything was front and javascript related then working with things like php working on things like laravel it was a whole new world and i didn't know how to keep up with that and i generally believe that within the next one or two years as a mid-level engineer i'd get fired well what ended up happening was i got laid off but who would have guessed that would be the best thing that ever happened to me i never thought that i'd make it as a developer five years into this industry because where i'm at right now is where i never thought i'd ever be to be honest two years ago when i worked in california when i lived in la i was making seventy thousand dollars a year and that is not enough to live in california to pay for rent and everything right and bills and medical bills but here i am now i was able to more than double more than triple my income a year and a half ago when i got laid off and it's all because i didn't give up and so what i want to share with you today i want to share my experiences and things that help me to get to where i am and i hope this can help you do even better than what i did to go further than where i'm at now and to show everyone in the world that has ever doubted you the way it doubted me that you can do it too here we go come pick me up cause i just wanna see the light [Music] i wanna be weightless teach me to fly i won't be coming down okay so number one one of the first things that i've learned and i i guess you could say more anything what i wish i did sooner was i wish that i tackled the harder tickets the harder bugs the harder anything whatsoever sooner one of the biggest mistakes i think i made in my career which should have or could have elevated my skill that much more sooner was that i like to stick to the things i was comfortable with that if there was something i did not feel comfortable doing i wouldn't even try to tackle it even though by tackling that more difficult task that more difficult problem it would have made me a better developer much much more sooner but what tend to happen i remember at both my junior and my mid-level positions on giving my really difficult bugs to people who were better than me when now looking back i should have done it differently i should have actually taken that task and put in more effort and asked more questions so i can be better at that problem so that if i was ever to come across that problem ever again whether at that job another job i can take it that is honestly one of the biggest regrets that i do have as a developer throwing yourself into the deep end sooner rather than later it will help you a lot more number two i think this is really important and if y'all have been following me for a while you probably know this about me already but loyalty does not matter please understand this a company's job is not to be loyal to you your job is not to be loyal to them your job is to provide value to them by giving them what they need to get the job done so they can make more money but if ever there comes a point where your job no longer makes the money i'ma tell you this they will let you go i mean i personally i felt like i was a person that was always going to remain loyal where i could stick to a company for many years that's who i am that's who i was i mean i am like that still but i don't feel as strong about loyalty like it used to i was at my first developer job for two years i was at my second developer job for two years but after i got laid off and i was stuck trying to figure out a way to make sure i can feed my family that's when i realized wow i should have taken that job offer when i was still working on my second job as a developer i interviewed many companies just to see if i could get hired i got multiple job offers but it ended up not accepting those offers because i wanted to be a loyal type but in the end i was the one that got screwed over so i'm not saying leave your company after two years or three years that's totally up to you but what i'm saying is that you must always look after yourself that if there was an opportunity that was to come and if it means that you would be more happier you would be paid more which means that you would be able to have more freedom to do more things you want to do live the life you want to live in return it will make you happier take that opportunity it is not bad to move to another job i know plenty of people who have been working at the same company for five years for five years as for me that when i got laid off and i thank god that i was laid off from my mid-level position in a matter of just a couple of months i was able to more than triple my salary i'm making 70 000 a year right it is crazy but it's true not just don't see a loyal maybe that makes me look bad but always look after yourself first you come first [Music] okay so number three i think this is really important is be humble and i'm speaking to myself too okay i think after being in this industry for a while for everyone who's in here for a while who's been a developer whatever your position is in this tech industry i've noticed that it is really easy to let things get to your head right and one of the reasons because there are so many opportunities out there there are so many choices out there there's so many different niches that you can work in you can get a job anywhere you get laid off you get fired whatever you can get a new job in a matter of couple of weeks depending on how good you are of course but one things remember is don't let that get to you yo so many people want to be in our position today so many people want to be where i am today and and i need to remember that yes i am here because i put in a lot of hard work but i am also here because there were a ton of mentors a ton of friends colleagues who helped me get to the position i'm in today i think another thing too is that as we get better as developers industry as you're in this industry even that much longer one of the things that i've learned to not say is that don't use the word easy when you're talking to developers in general because what you might find easy does not mean it's easy for other people just because it's easy for you does not mean it's actually easy at all whatsoever i come to realize that saying the word easy might make people feel stupid it might make people feel like oh i can't do that because it's easy for that person but not easy for me and i might even discourage people to even give up working in this tech industry so humility is huge and that's something that i'm trying to practice as much as possible it is so easy to let things get to your head don't let that happen [Music] okay last but not least last but not least i think i shared this in my last video i don't remember and i think this is the most important part is do not let code be your life please i beg you do not let code be your entire life there's so much more out there than code use code as a tool to improve your life to get a good job that could pay you really well maybe to help you build a side hustle like what i'm doing right now but do not let code be your life use code use this career to help you have hobbies outside now code is my life right it is my life and i'm trying to not let it be my life what by doing what by doing youtube videos doing different hobbies i got this sick setup behind me where i play nba 2k every chance i get i use this money to hang out with my family i'll use money to hang out with friends to travel now i am not the best example for this because i'm the kind of person who doesn't like to take vacations and i get called out on that all the time at work i don't like taking vacations because i love working so much but that is why i am telling you this do not be like me where my work is my life it just so happens though okay just defend myself i got to defend myself right now is that the work that i do for living happens to be around youtube it happens to be around podcast happens to be around blogs which are things i've been doing before even becoming a developer relations engineer here at new relic okay so yo i don't take i don't look at my job as a job i look at this as my life because i've been doing this for five years anyway that's why i work so much so don't let copy your life i know so many people where they just study code 24 7. have fun you only have one life enjoy the nicer things out there i want to also let y'all know that i do have a podcast i'll put the link description below where i upload three episodes every single week sharing about my life answering questions doing q and a's really funny things interesting things as well and if you think that this content helped you this video helped you i'm gonna tell you this my podcasts and my blogs will have even much more information than what i could put in a 10 minute video here on youtube anyways thank you all for watching this is chris shawn this is the life of a developer and i'm out see y'all in the next video peace
Channel: Chris Sean
Views: 12,500
Rating: 4.9184651 out of 5
Keywords: learn, code, life, of, web, developer, html, css, javascript, query, js, php, angular, programmer, software, frontend, backend, front, back, programming, job, hired, junior, jr
Id: -kYgESqhOro
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 38sec (638 seconds)
Published: Sat Jul 31 2021
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