INSANE Web Developer Salaries in 2021

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you guys ready to see your mind blown so devops junior that's a junior what am i doing with my life actually everyone people wanted to see what jobs i'd applied to so check this out all right so if i was to apply the jobs let's say i got laid off the first thing i would do right so like i'd apply to these jobs this is what i would apply to but anything under 100k i would not apply to you so developer relations or developer advocate i'd go for that but let's say i want to go back to just engineering in general i'd just apply to front-end developer jobs and what jobs would i apply to css 9 years 75 bucks an hour temporary the remote hell no bro yo we live in a new time 160k yeah bro actually that's starting to become more normal believe it or not like i would not this is too little 110k a year i will no never go back to under 110k now this looks legit online technical services temporary remote but that's a lot of money yeah so i make around this around but let's just say between 80 to 100 an hour that's what i make right now 8 200 bucks an hour i would never go less than that never ever again maybe i would go down to 150 but it would be hard to right it would be hard to but that's why i got to keep like working on my skill as a developer i have to keep getting better to make sure that i can keep getting paid well right but the pay went up everywhere 65 an hour how much is that it's not like 130 times 40 times 52 yeah 130 nah has to be at least 80. so that's the stuff i would apply to and i'm not a rush i have savings right so it's not like i need to like take any job like i could take my time and the thing is let's just say i need a new job i literally go to twitter i just got laid off or i just quit my job help yo imma get like 10 interviews just from that alone that's why you do network because this will go out to 10 000 people okay so this is what i'd go for you want to know why check this out nah that's a lie 160k hell no for cena for engineer for netflix uh uh if you look at netflix levels fyi right so if you look here look at how much they pay the developers that's average 480k so this is not legit let's go here salaries let's go front end find salaries there's netflix right wow people are not posting their salaries tina front end 100 000 a year hell no where does this person live 100k a year for netflix i don't that's a lie no way that's a lie hold on average front and developer salary netflix there you go that's accurate here we go look at that see front end engineer working for netflix that's what it'll pay 300k a year that's why i didn't believe glassdoor liar 100k my butt no way jose that's accurate how much does a friend develop make at netflix in the united states this is the average netflix developer salary in netflix average there's a good chance we'll be above that that's insane let's just let's just look at tax from calculator if you lived in california okay if you lived in cali and you make 280k a year how much would that be after taxes every check 14 000 it's pretty good but now let's see tennessee fixing k after attack to tennessee so that's pretty good income not gonna lie that's pretty good so that would apply to that job let's see any other jobs that apply to you should i do linkedin everyone let's go to my linkedin account you know what should i apply to jobs just for fun so let's say i want to apply a job front and developer san francisco maybe we'll show the salaries here do it no so i did interview at apple when i quit my last job and it was because of twitter connections right networking and they said that they're paying 150 a year but looks like they're paying more yeah i would apply to this job for sure i want to work for apple i don't want to work for google or facebook i don't i'd really want to work for apple i'd love to let's look at devrel they have developer advocate but i feel like that's different than what i think it should be let's see what does this do design an evangelist for the worldwide developer relations team oh that's what it's called worldwide developer relations oh here you go here we go a developer advocate is someone who speaks and rep behalf of the company represents a company health builds a community interacts with the community what i do as a developer relations engineer is that i literally stream for a living make youtube videos for a living post vlogs for a living speak at conferences all around the world that's what i do the dream job i work at att and now i work at spotify what do you do with spotify let's do this let's put him on the spot what are you doing spotify malik tell me now we're gonna research this what are you doing spotify you know what this is easy linkedin for the win oh my gosh let's do this malik brown oh right there front end ops engineer we're connected right [Laughter] sorry man i gotta do this what do they do friend and ops engineer web engineer all right here we go oh my gosh oh dude they pay well dude holy crap bro what they pay well man so i have a question malik brown is your pay within this range or above is your pay your base pay within this range or above oh malik look at that okay is it above by like a lot or little like barely above like a couple cents or is it like more than we realize wow you're really open holy crap i wasn't expecting that hell yeah bro congrats bro i'm proud of you dude good job good job man let's go back to google milk stores look at this chat okay this is malik and i hangouts air oh my gosh dude when was this this was a february 10 2017. 2 2017 dude oh my oh look we got malik in the house bro this is what you're working for dude i look so handsome here what happened let's see i look like a nerd i really look like a nerd here oh my gosh milk stars oh bro you stop uploading man you stop uploading dude oh my gosh that's awesome so this is the pay you can get at netflix or 300k a year not being cto if not you can actually make this what levels look at this because everyone's a senior developer netflix look at his income this is just a senior software internet f 480 now the bonus of stock sucks and then look at the ctl spotify 414. i don't know about you i gotta work on netflix no no i'm not saying spotify sucks you know what i mean like you know senior that's an average and uh this is an average on netflix which is insane but it's really hard to get a netflix i'd say harder than facebook hey if it's a lot in your area it's a lot for error right like in the philippines making a thousand dollars a month is a lot in the philippines don't be too hard on yourself don't compare yourself this is this is like where you can see yourself in the future you know what i mean that's how you should look at it what's another company we should look at what should we look at disney let's see how high how soon we can find developer so president 800k a year chief medical officer oh 470 senior vice president okay wow so that's why netflix like wow okay vice president software development 270k but i'm sure the bonus is huge bonus and there's stock disney stocks always good ceo data architect boom 115 an hour 240k a year not bad i do feel like 250k a year is like you're good how about gaming company should we look look yo i bet you blizzard pays employees really bad let's go look at blizzard salaries you guys ready to be disappointed you all ready price highest to lowest technical director senior okay principal oh that makes sense for principal additional pay look at this chat so let's just say it's about 220 but they get an extra 70k year in bonuses and stuff that's pretty good it's about 300 okay not bad now let's go back to down to normal developer software engineer manager 170k a year additional 25. this is in canada senior software engineer about 180k base pay 160 plus the bonus okay i see senior devops 182. that's not bad but it's all senior stuff right now let's go back to regular developer and developer that's what i am so let's look at that's all i'm familiar with okay so i guess this isn't bad but for a senior because associate developers union developers at good companies pay them this right this is what like associate developers get paid at good companies so that's not i wouldn't say that's for a senior that's kind of disappointing i'm not gonna lie what about a regular front-end developer okay that's horrible 70k a year wow for fun developer i guess it makes sense because blizzard's a software-based company nothing's really like you know friend of development which makes sense but still 70k nah i'm okay let's look at twitch now boom twitch time all right twitch time what should we look for at twitch everyone all right let's see what a friend does pay there's no friend developer wow there senior friend of engineer oh that's not bad 165 to 180 that's not bad actually it's not bad at all regular front-end engineer oh that's not bad at all 140 155 wow yo that's really good we're just a front-end developer that's actually really good not senior i'm impressed good job well twitch is owned by amazon makes sense okay let's just do front let's look at the word front please just show me nothing okay that sucks software engineer maybe that this one okay let's look at this [Music] look at this the glass door is not letting me look what okay glass door i'm going to linkedin what's up with league brown front and developer jobs twitch and software engineer oh there you go okay found it you will not give me up blah blah blah about to scroll are you interested in improving creative experience at twitch no i hope you can do it for me so this is what they're looking for look at this you don't need a degree chat you don't need a degree chat work with the product and ux to craft seamless seamless experience to allow creators to thrive within the twitch ecosystem i'm happy to see they're trying to do this use cutting edge web technologies blah blah blah blah blah okay what do you need to have either a cs degree or equivalent experience so they're looking for people who have at least three years experience yo i should apply here for fun and should i do that apply here and document my journey during the interview process that would be cool should i do that chill codes will you tell me to our boss just do that for fun they're not going to pay me more even if they did i wouldn't do it because i like what we do they can experience as a streamer oh my chat chat yo yo yo i fit one two three four five and a half six oh this is me this is me yo okay it's on indeed oh wow it's not bad i mean just to have twitch and amazon in your resume is really good all right facebook time let's go look at this chat let's look at all fan companies okay to compare all of it all right facebook wait who what did tech lead work there let's look at tuck lead tech lead 200k okay let's look at friend developer front end all right 160k for a mid level oh some people got paid 80k 180 with a bonus so this is 160 with a bonus of 30. so 190 this person 185k a year base plus 43 wow so about 220k a year for front end developer so senior front end 230k for sure front end cashier oh my gosh that's not good 10 bucks an hour front of the web developer that's not bad junior makes 80k there's a front end engineer that makes this 263k including bonuses that's not bad at all wow so devops 187 jr that's a junior what am i doing with my life i'm done crying i'm done crying oh i'm done okay i'm done crying okay really next company so fang all right let's go next when i interviewed amazon i interviewed for the front of engineer too and so i guess that's what i would have been earning wow 142 base salary with a with an additional bonus of 30k a year so 170k a year 173 that's not bad i said it could be signs of a devops specific program it's pretty hard i won't lie i believe it what was the interview process like good question so my interview process at amazon still was different because i didn't apply right the way i interviewed amazon is that they reached out to me hiring to literally just work on the nav menu that would be my job working on the nav menu of amazon they literally have teams for specific parts of the page every page on amazon is crazy and they hired me for that and you do three interviews the first interview was with the recruiter who reached out to me which was actually the hiring manager team second one they do a personality kind of interview where they want to get to know you on and they want to test you if you study they're like i think they have like 10 traits that they look for in a engineer and they ask you questions to see if you fit that kind of engineers they want to hire and then they do the coding interview online and then if you pass that then what happens is that they fly out to their hq and the interview there at the location that you'll be working at that's how it works so the reason that it was tough for me i'm not making excuses but i need to be honest i need to be honest the person who interviewed me sucked i'm not gonna lie i have to be frank i was not able to understand this person's accent it was so hard understanding the accent sorry i couldn't understand what they're asking plus we're speaking over the phone not on zoom as everyone knows we speak on the phone it's just not as clear as like talking here through the internet right so i couldn't understand him so that screwed me over to be honest but whatever i don't care yo it's not bad 146 140 senior 180. that's not bad all right let's see devops now wow so everyone's pace so different let's do levels we already saw this though so this is more accurate at levels fyi look at that software developer one and amazon software development 2 200k that's including the bonus senior wow wow that's pretty good principal at amazon gosh so that's hella money and that bonus all right let's see senior senior principal oh here 700k wow so it's not always accurate distinguished engineer one million apple junior engineer 128 see this is associate developers whoa whoa whoa wait bonus and stock okay 170 mid level 215 okay at apple senior staff engineer 400 yep in principle 700. you know what uh what is the principle i want to aim for let's say you aim for principal that's 700k 680k let's do this chat tax form calculator living in california and cali what would you make you make 31k a month after taxes now out of 680k look how much you take from you hell of money but 31k after taxes every month is hella money all right let's look at google i heard google pays the lease so let's check it out okay 190 that's actually pretty good 130 base 40 stock let's look at mid level 265 dang that's not bad yo like in california what would that be again 350. now i wouldn't want to live in california without income so let's say i moved to tennessee where i live now no state income tax how much more would that be oh my gosh it goes from 30k a month for 37k a month yo that's a huge difference you have to understand everyone this is super possible okay this isn't out of your reach like this is in my reach this is why i'm so like confident in my future this is super possible everyone super super possible okay and you know the crazy part guess what you don't need a degree to earn this you don't you do not need a degree to earn this now i'm gonna tell you this though i'll take time i've been coding for five years now i make over 200k but remember the four years instead of spending college i spent getting experience as a junior mid-level developer now my fifth year as if i graduate college i make over 200. now imagine two years from now for me i really can't imagine what those folks do for so much money bro it's expensive living in the united states man it's so mind-boggling because again i've said it before but this is going to happen like i'm going to be in the tech industry coding the rest of my life until i retire but even when i retire i'm still going to have my own business right like you know this is going to happen but it depends on how hard you want to work you know what i mean it depends what kind of developer you are too i know people who are developers that will stay at the same company accepting being paid low for the whole career i know someone who works as a senior developer at a company and gets paid 100k a year and he's happy at that company and that's fine if he wants that when i left my first you know the first company i worked for as a junior developer there are people who have been working there the people we're not left the people who are working there on the left are still there yeah they'll get pay raises here and there but the main way to get a huge pay raise is to go to another company it depends like how you want your journey to be and where you want to feel you're where you want to go in life for me i want to keep elevating and keep reaching for more but the time i say no as if this job is affecting my family my relationship with my future wife or fiance right if it's affecting that if it's affecting my relationship my fiance or when she becomes my wife my family then that's when you say no cause like how much more money do you need right how much like i don't need that i don't need this income this salary this is just nice you know it's like a nice to have this is kind of the f you're the poor poor version of fu money right this is the poor vision for you money it's not like i need that i'm my goal is to keep climbing as far as i can and i'm going to reach this without a doubt but you know what's funny when i meet with my boss one of my colleagues you know what my boss tells me literally chris you work too much you say chris work less chris you're doing well you don't need to do all this work slow down that's what they told me but the last job i had when i quit because the cto was so toxic you know what he told me you make excuses for everything you don't work hard enough you're lazy that's what he told me when i told him no i'm quitting that's what he told me on the phone right so like and then to have a company where they say chris you're working too much take it down a notch like a big notch it's it's amazing like i'm so happy man it's just it's crazy dude look at this your facebook look what the e9's make holy what do you do for four million these opportunities will never be given to you now this job was technically given to me but it's because i worked to get the attention of people to put me in this position i didn't just sit around does that make sense i even told my boss like he was asking me like chris like like how do you get so many views and i told him like i just got lucky with the youtube algorithm that's why i get above average views for only having 80k subscribers and he reminded me chris you could say you're lucky but you weren't lucky you worked your butt off to put yourself in a position to say you're lucky i'm like that's true i work my ass off but i can do it y'all can and guess what i'm gonna do better than where i'm now and guess what y'all can too i'm saying y'all i've been to stop way too long so i never use social media to consume content everyone i use social media to document my life that's it just by sharing my life with the world and guess what i got to where i am use social media not to get famous or popular use social media build a network i just put out a tweet i'll get 10 interviews by next week you know what i just want to say you know i've been shooting for three hours i'm about to lose my voice i just want to say thank you everyone man that's insane yo today's stream was fun oh my gosh we went over so much stuff today everyone that was so much fun thanks everyone who joined today man it was so fun i love you all thank you guys for everything
Channel: Chris Sean
Views: 18,849
Rating: 4.7955112 out of 5
Keywords: learn, code, life, of, web, developer, html, css, javascript, query, js, php, angular, programmer, software, frontend, backend, front, back, programming, job, hired, junior, jr
Id: _ZOhY2uanv4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 20min 14sec (1214 seconds)
Published: Mon Apr 12 2021
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