Why I'm Burned Out in Tech as a Web Developer.

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i want to give a shout out to today's sponsor skillshare skillshare is an online learning community with thousands of inspiring classes for creative and curious developers just like you and me explore new skills deepen existing passions and get lost in creativity skillshare offers creative classes designed for real life in all circumstances that come with it these lessons can help you stay inspired express yourself and introduce you to a community of millions especially with the uncertain times that we're all living in today skillshare is a perfect way for you to brush up on technical skills that you can use to secure your future as aspiring developer one of the classes that i'm particularly interested in is the hand coding your first website html and css basics original by rich armstrong and i think this is perfect for building that basic foundation that you need to help you move on to javascript and building your own websites on your own the first 1000 people to click on the link in my description will get a free trial of skillshare premium once again thank you skillshare for sponsoring this video and i hope you all enjoyed the rest of this video [Music] what is up everyone welcome to another video it's good to see every single one of you right now i know it's been over a month and a half since i uploaded the video but i have a very good reason as to why well to be frank and to be straightforward for every single one of you after just living the life of developer and how busy it is right the last 12 months and then trying to run multiple businesses and creating content all the time and coding etc i'm not gonna lie it has led me to the path of burnout and one of the scariest things in the world is that when you actually make it to that end of that path and you actually burn out for many people you reach a point of no return and that was terrifying for me and i think it's because i just felt like my life the last year has went from zero to 100 miles per hour it's just been this back and forth thing of just getting crazy busy and slowing down the crazy biz again non-stop and to be honest i've never really experienced anything like this before where no matter what you just can't push yourself to do anything and everyone like when it came to making videos on youtube all i i would put the camera in front of me and i just couldn't press record it's scary it's really scary because i've honestly been feeling this for a minute especially the last month and a half two months i've been feeling it and i just didn't want to accept that it was happening to me i had no desire to turn on the camera feeling this the last month and a half i just had to take a break i had to get away from everything i didn't want to think of youtube i didn't read any comments i barely responded to messages on social media it's scary when you reach that point because everyone i've been creating content the last five years right and i never felt this kind of burnout before and i was scared that this would eventually affect me in my job and no my job is my main source of income aside from my businesses which by the way i'm getting burnt out from that too so it was terrifying actually today i did some research about burnout because i knew i wanted to make this video this is something i felt passion talking about this topic and i learned that burnout is actually no longer a figure of speech which is really interesting but now the term burnout it's now a literal legitimate medical diagnosis let me let me show you what i found this is what it is in regards to burnout a syndrome resulting from chronic workplace stress that has not been successfully managed and obviously my workplace is many different things my three companies my job youtube it makes sense because and i'll explain in a bit but man my life the last year has been insane everyone everyone i absolutely love what i do but when this hits you it hits hard and you know what's interesting at work and with my friends and family people have been telling me this like chris you need to slow down like you're running three businesses you're building three businesses like and you're working and you're doing youtube people have been warning me about burning out for the longest time like chris you've been at this for non-stop you don't even have time to read you don't have time to have fun and it's just true because everyone met i barely had time to read i remember just bawling and crying on the phone of my girlfriend like i i i feel so tired i'm doing this because i know this will help my family in the long run my future family when i have kids in the long run but having no time to breathe like when it's 11 p.m at night and you want to rest or just relax or talk on a phone with a girlfriend or play games or you know you can because i have an interview i have to interview employees and do all these different things right and there are times when i have meetings from 9 00 a.m to 1 a.m and i'm not making this up i'm not over exaggerating at all whatsoever to really find out what was the real reason in regards to why i burned out and was heading to burning out in different places it's because the last 13 or more months have been insane like literally from the moment i got laid off from my mid-level developer job to now have been insane everyone i lived in los angeles 13 months ago got laid off from los angeles i moved to vegas i come into vegas i interviewed like crazy got a new job after three days and before that new job this startup in virginia i moved across the country this is just literally a month or two months after coming to vegas i moved from las vegas from la to vegas to virginia driving 36 hours to virginia spending thousands of dollars to go there and then because the house wasn't even ready yet when i moved to virginia i was forced forced to live in a hotel for about 30 to 45 days imagine living a hotel for 30 to 45 days how do you wash your clothes right like where do you live how expensive are hotels because the house was promised to be ready by then it wasn't so i had to live in a hotel for 30-45 days spending thousands of more dollars um and then i finally left that house i moved there everything's cool i love my job working for this startup but i joined the startup i loved it it was fun but then one of the managers was toxic yelled at me in front of everyone so i quit i'm like no i'm not dealing with this i value myself too much i'm not gonna be treated like this i quit that startup only two to three months after moving across the country for that startup i go crazy i find a new job in just a couple of days now i work for new relic a developer relation engineer but while that was even happening i left virginia moved to nashville while working for new relic as developer relations engineer but at the same time right i started building three different companies a mentoring platform my clothing company check out this new shirt by the way building all these different things a desk accessory company all these different stuff trying to build a media insane library christiaan that i owe that should be going live like tomorrow trying to build that as well all these different things hiring seven different people then firing multiple people because they're not performing the way they said they would they're not doing that well or they're just lying taking advantage of me then trying to hire new people find new people to replace the people i let go do all this for 12 or 13 months one year non-stop oh thinking let's looking back at that man it adds up i mean i can't believe it at all of that but i see why because five years ago i was homeless and then after being laid off from my first job ever i mean my second developer job that i love being laid off for the first time knowing my family was depending on me knowing they had who could they depend on if i was jobless i didn't want that to happen again so i worked two times three times four times five times as hard to the point that now i work double as hard as i probably should work because i just want to make sure i never go back to it ever again that that worry is in me coding non-stop doing all the stuff it adds up it's scary everyone and so i guess what happened the last 45 days after all these different things and that's what caused the burnout right and what i mean is everyone i was in nashville just literally what a month ago and then my brother left out of nowhere and then i was stuck with a three bedroom 1400 square foot apartment that cost 2500 a month by myself so i had to sell everything i owned there and then leave nashville come back to vegas after 13 months i'm back here now right after a year i guess you could say all those different things it's crazy right and so i guess you can tell your burnout is when you just don't want to do anything anymore and so i'm so thankful that after we had this amazing conference of new relic future stack i took the following week off because i had to move from nashville to vegas then the next week i just took it really slow but what i noticed is that i just didn't want to do anything anymore and it's scary because i have been doing youtube for such a long time and never felt this before and i don't want anyone of you to feel this before and so the one thing that really hit me was you know the strategy happened within my group of friends someone almost died and then a couple weeks later someone i know of i knew of since high school died and you know me and that person were close in age and started thinking oh my gosh like i can die anytime and i've been focusing so much time and just trying to make so much money and making sure my family's taken care of which is important but i started realizing like yo you need to appreciate what you have now and so what was really killing me was me trying to do so much at once and not just resting or relaxing and then because i was so used to going at 300 miles an hour that when i went 65 miles an hour i felt guilty that i was working at a normal i don't know tempo i started feeling guilty all the time and so now i need to understand that yo it's okay to work at a normal tempo when you need to i like doing things quick i like getting things done quickly i like doing a lot of things at once i like being busy but now i really need to just calm down and relax i'm back home in vegas taking care of my family they don't have to worry about rent they don't worry about utilities any of that i'll take care of it my dogs have my parents to watch them when i'm traveling the world for work i have no more worries i bought my dream car my porsche all right i buy the porsche my dream car something i never thought i could afford i have everything i could ever want but now i just need to relax take it slow still go hard still go harder than everyone else but maybe just not as hard as it used to so this is what i'm trying to say burnout is real and it just hit me really really hard not to mention this is the second take i'm making because the first ticket i made the audio was jacked up so i hope the audio works now but i'm back i know i can tell that yo i'm not as burned out as i used to be i'm working out like crazy at the gym with my trainer i'm more happy i have everything i can ever have imagine i could ever need i love my life i have everything and i'm enjoying making content again writing blogs podcasts talking to y'all i'm actually responding to comments on youtube again i'm actually responding to messages on instagram and twitter and everywhere so if you often want to hit me up hit me up there and i'm loving streaming as usual on twitch so i'm back to let y'all know that the content is coming i got 12 topics that i want to talk about hopefully within this entire month that i can give to every single one of you anyway i want to thank y'all for watching man it's good to be back i hope you all like my new background my new setup my new home and i'll try to do a bedroom or office tour soon maybe next week but if y'all made it to the end please let me know it mean the world to me you can let me know and because i'm just coming back i'm sure this video won't get as many views as i used to which is totally fine it's expected so if y'all can help me out like this video to help the algorithm i appreciate it if not it's all good i still love you anyway i'm end the video right here everyone this is chris shawn it's life for developer and the map i'll see y'all in the next video peace
Channel: Chris Sean
Views: 15,472
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: learn, code, life, of, web, developer, html, css, javascript, query, js, php, angular, programmer, software, frontend, backend, front, back, programming, job, hired, junior, jr
Id: -hAMzbAZ0fU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 17sec (677 seconds)
Published: Tue Jun 22 2021
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