Why I Rejected a High Paying Job in Silicon Valley as a Web Developer

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what is up youtube it's good to see every single one of you happy new year i've not seen you since last year i know i'm sorry please forgive me but it is new year and i hope that 2021 is much better than 2020 but do i have a story to tell you as some of you may know if you've been following me for a minute that you know that i've recently moved across the country from the west coast to the east coast and that i accepted a new job and that after just a couple of months of moving across the country i actually ended up quitting that company which is crazy because i brought both my dogs which you can't see with me and now what do i do what do you do when you move across the country and you quit and so as some of you know i quit that job i am no longer a employee for that main company i left what else is there to say well as you know when you don't have a job what do you need to do what well well some of you know our economy is not doing that well right now of course when you leave a job and you quit a company you put in your two weeks the first thing that comes to everyone's mind even before you say those words i want to give my two weeks notice and et cetera or i want to quit spot and etc everyone worries about how am i going to make money right what's going to happen but it's kind of crazy because i really believe in myself that i can get in a job like i knew that i may not be the best developer out there when i quit that company but i knew that i was at least skilled enough to another job so i interviewed everywhere i even interviewed at these companies that may not be like world renown google and amazon or etc but these are companies that i really like for example i'm a dave ramsey guy saving money not being in debt paying after debt right away that's me and i actually interviewed at a company which is in franklin tennessee and i got a job offer right but i didn't want to work down there because when i received that job offer it just wasn't enough i i wanted to accept it because the the values the culture of the company was really amazing i needed the job asap i need i support my parents but i really knew that that wasn't enough i had four years of experience already i know i can get paid more and so what did they offer me they only offered me not want to say only i'm not saying it's not much but considering my experience and where i want to see my career grow as a developer them offering me 97 000 a year was not enough anymore i just know it wasn't enough for me and so i actually ended up rejecting that offer fortunately because i am in social media i went on twitter i put on twitter that i'm looking for a new job i i quit my job recently it is kind of crazy the kind of support that you all have given me on twitter because what happened was that hundreds and thousands of people end up liking that comment people returning it like crazy companies started reaching out to me when they heard that i quit my job which is kind of crazy and and you know i know it kind of is an advantage because i am social media but i preach this to you all every single time when i say networking isn't just linkedin it isn't just going to meetups your way of networking now in this world today is building a name for yourself a brand whether you have a hundred followers a thousand followers or a hundred thousand followers on twitter instagram wherever that is your way to network or let's just say you have 700 new followers those 700 new followers are 700 new people who can potentially give you a new opportunity compared to if you had zero so because i took the time to build a brand and i have like 9 000 almost 10 thousand followers on twitter a lot of companies reach out and because of that i had a lot of interviews and it's kind of crazy because the one place that wanted to interview me a lot or the one city the one location the one tech mobile out of all the tech bubbles that there are in the world in the united states is silicon valley i interviewed with amazon i interviewed with apple i interviewed with small tech companies interviewed medium-sized tech companies and very small tech companies in silicon valley so a lot of opportunities came up so i'm very lucky to be in that position to get to the point i finally did interview with one small company i went to the final interview process and this was literally just five days after quitting my job entered the interview process meet with this one company this media company they give me an offer letter which is kind of crazy in silicon valley and you have to think about it too right to be able to say that you work for the company in silicon valley just to say that is a privilege now if you work in silicon valley yes you make a lot more money but that's because the rent is freaking insane all right imagine if you live in the middle of nowhere like i do and you make a silicon valley salary that is insane that's like unheard of right anyway uh i get to the end of this interview process it there was about three interviews i'm interviewed with the developers i interviewed with the ceo and then i finally did the final interview with the ceo they gave me to offer a letter on the spot and they paid me about 15 000 more than what the company in tennessee was going to pay me now they offered me to work remote meaning i'm already making over 100k a year i already make quite a bit on youtube not from the last month because i didn't upload for the last month right i have my own company you have my own web development company so so the income in silicon valley with my side hustles my side business is significantly high but there was something telling me inside that this isn't it it was just crazy it's paying me 15k more than my last job offer it just didn't feel like it was enough i didn't feel like i would be that happy and it was a good feeling and they would let me work remote and all these different benefits were pretty cool but it wasn't the best i just told myself chris this is a company in silicon valley if you were to work for a company in silicon valley honestly you'd expect to be paid more i didn't i guess you could say i did not want to low-ball myself i didn't want to settle and that's something that i tried to not do of many things i don't like to settle that's why i moved across the country i'm here alone with my dogs while my brother listens to me right nice in the back room i didn't want to settle so what did i do i rejected a job offer this is crazy right because this is after quitting a job i moved across the country for they were going to pay me pretty well but i just wasn't content and i think at the end of the day when it comes to yourself especially as you gain experience even as a junior developer you have to know your value i'm not saying that company was taking advantage of me because they weren't that's what they could afford i negotiated my butt off right they wanted to pay me less i said no i wanted more and even when they offered me more i told myself chris you're more valuable than that not that i put my value with money but that i know how much more i could bring to a company i know there are more opportunities out there i have a lot of companies reaching out to me so of course there's gonna be companies out there so that's crazy it is i told them sorry i'm not accepting an offer i'm not gonna say the company unfortunately sorry guys now it is scary that i did that five days after quitting that job but i told myself wait chris you got a job offer just a week after quitting your job just a week after what if you went a couple more weeks so i'll tell you this it was really worth it way worth it because after waiting just a few more days someone at this big company that is worldwide worldwide known renown or it's known around the world that's a big company a lot of people use their their software this company ended up reaching out to me and told me about the position which i told you already i couldn't believe what it is what it is and i'm gonna tell you this they offered me way more than what those last two companies offered me in regards to salary the bonus was amazing stocks and i get to do this by teaching cook like literally that's what my job will be to teach code which is my dream and the thing is when i start teaching code it's not going to be during the day right i'm gonna do it at night my time why is that so perfect because when it's 7 p.m for me it's only 4 p.m for them which is when i start teaching which is insane and i i honestly feel like i'm the luckiest person in the world because who does this happen to from being homeless to getting my first job in three months quitting that job working at a mid-level company as a mid-level developer at an even more more known company right and then moving across the country for a startup quitting that no experience no degree college dropout almost dropped out of high school and then i get an offer from one of the companies that i really like in tennessee and i reject the silicon valley offer in california and then i get another one now this job offer took about three more weeks so it took a total of four weeks to get it was a bunch of interviews i did like six or seven interviews for this company now i will mention this company i will not tell you what the company is yet i will tell you at the end of this month promise guaranteed but guess what from then now to the end of the month i'll be making a lot more videos but for me to get to that point is insane because they're paying me a lot more i have my web development company that's already making me a lot as well so the fact that i believed in myself it's crazy because i'm the kind of guy that doubts myself a lot like i know i say openly i'm very positive because i could be negative at times even though i was doubting myself through that entire process of looking for a job to drop a job and rejecting job offers which is crazy i could have just accepted it and then waited for a new job opportunity i didn't want to do that i didn't want to waste my time i didn't want to waste their time and i believed in myself and i think the end of the story the the the point of the story is that you have to believe in yourself you need to understand your work and more than anything make yourself more valuable to a company where a company fights for you where they really want you you don't if you don't think you have the skills yet learn get better improve on a daily basis it has taken me five years to get to this point was because i never gave up so yeah it was worth rejecting that job offer man anyway if you guys made it to this point in the video i want to thank you for even watching i got some good news though a lot of people for many years have been telling me you're a fake developer because you don't show your code well guess what if you made to the end of the video then you know this that from now on okay what i will be doing every monday every friday and potentially wednesday as well most likely so every monday wednesday friday i will be streaming myself on twitch well i will be building things with code in front of everyone so so i actually have a design on my team she rebuilt this new portfolio website i haven't built a portfolio website in five years she designed it for me and i will be building this live on twitch in front of you all so i'll be doing this streaming live on twitch monday wednesday friday 7 p.m eastern time from seven to nine sometimes i'll go a little later than that too but anyways if you guys want to i'll see you guys there thank you guys for watching i love you all this is krishon this is the life of developer and i'm out peace boom
Channel: Chris Sean
Views: 9,080
Rating: 4.8078904 out of 5
Keywords: learn, code, life, of, web, developer, html, css, javascript, query, js, php, angular, programmer, software, frontend, backend, front, back, programming, job, hired, junior, jr
Id: GQaJ-VyYb8U
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 28sec (628 seconds)
Published: Mon Jan 11 2021
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