5 Signs You Have What It Takes to Be a Web Developer 2021

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my description will get a free trial of skillshare premium once again thank you skillshare for sponsoring this video and i hope you all enjoyed the rest of this video yo yo yo what is up everyone welcome to another video on the channel it is really good to see every single one of you i know i only uploaded one video in may and i sincerely apologize for that may has been insanely busy to be honest june is even that much more busy but i'm literally making sure out of my busy schedule to literally save space and time just to make content for every single one of you but anyway if you're here i want to thank you for joining by the way if you can to help me get my content out there to even that much more people i'd appreciate if you can go ahead and leave a like on this button and add all these steps that i'll be talking about in today's topic i'll leave a timestamp for everyone down below to make sure that you can just go to the points you want to listen to anyway here we go so today what i want to talk about are the five signs that show that you have what it takes to become a web developer in the industry today i'm not gonna lie it is it's honestly insane realizing that i've been in industry for close to five years i'm about to hit my five-year mark everyone in two months i can't believe that five years half of a decade and i still feel like i'm just growing in this industry but now that i have about five years in this industry i generally feel like i'm qualified to talk about these topics after all the jobs i've had after being laid off after quitting after dealing with toxic managers for example i don't even have a cs degree there have been people who have talked down to me simply because of that it's sad but you know what the tech and tree in general there are people like that but anyway these are the signs that i generally believe that if you have not all but at least some of these signs you have what it takes to be a developer now please note that these signs are not black and white just because you have one of these signs does not mean that you can't do it just because maybe because you don't have all of these signs doesn't mean it's not for you because i'll tell you this all of this was not me right off the bat it's something i had to learn throughout the last couple years so let's get to it right now sign number one is you are a problem solver to be honest i think that is the first topic that comes to mind when you think of a developer what is it that makes it so valuable i mean you have to think about it why are people in the industry not just the tech industry but in particular careers paid so well it's because they're problem solvers when you look at a doctor what can doctors do they solve your sickness they should be able to do that if you break a arm if you need surgery if you have a heart problem what do they do they can fix that hopefully potentially fix that problem that's why they're paid so well another industry you can think about is like let's say lawyers lawyers are paid to well why because if you have a problem with the law or someone's suing you or you're trying to sue someone you need someone that can bring you that much value to help you win that case that's what they're paid to walk in the united states why are web developers software engineers and et cetera paid among the highest in the usa it's because we solve problems and that's honestly one of the most if not it is the most important skill or ability or sign that you have to show that you can be a developer if you have a problem are you one of the people that give up or do you actually try to find a solution to it even prior to be honest even prior to being a developer i loved facing problems i didn't love it but i took it on when there was a problem i knew there was a way around it i knew the solution was among my friends before i moved away here in nashville my friends would tell me that's kind of crazy when chris is going through a stressful situation they would say you can't even tell he's stressed out he's just so calm and he always fixes the problem right on time actually this was before being a developer but you know what's interesting though even though i like problem solving what's interesting is the fact that even as a developer within my first three years in engineering i felt like i was the worst problem solver in every team i was on the first three years another interesting point is that when i was speaking with my boss right now my manager here at new relic when he asked me one of the first traits you think every person needs to have to be a developer i said problem solver and i said if someone's not born of it i don't think they can do it and he told me chris don't you think someone can actually learn that skill do you think everyone's born or problem solving skills or do people have to encounter multiple problems over and over and over again and able to learn how to fix things right and it's true because that was me my first three years even though i loved solving problems in this industry when it came to like solving bugs when it came to just trying to fix things i think number one it was mainly because of impossible syndrome but i i felt like i had such a hard time solving bugs and it's also because i'm a self-taught developer it's also because i didn't have that much experience my first two years as a developer i wasn't able to do everything no one was training me no one was mentoring me at my first job it was me learning on my own the entire time there were people who would answer my questions here and there but there wasn't really a mentoring system to help me be as good as i am now does that make sense but just because you're not a problem solver right off the bat does not mean you can do it all right let's go to number two so sign number two which is also very important i would say is that you work smarter you don't necessarily work harder and what i mean by that is that there are two types of people in the world where you work really hard on something but it's not really taking you anywhere or it's taking you the longer route it's taking you much longer to complete something compared to someone who probably would figure out a way to do that task even that much more faster so people who just like to work harder but they're also people who like to work smarter just because you're working smarter does not technically mean you're working harder right and what i mean by this for me i run two different companies i'm about to i'm building a third one right now i'm potentially going to a fourth company i'm also a developer relations engineer for new relic i am extremely busy and i mean when i say busy there are times multiple times throughout the week where i'll have nine to ten meetings uh meetings at one am eight am 10 pm et cetera i'm meeting with people i'm running a company from a web development company at the same time i'm building my desk accessory company and now i'm building a mentoring platform aside from that i'm also building a mining cryptocurrency business as well and and all of these things working with nfts as well oh my gosh there's so much work to do so instead of me thinking that i need to do all the work working 20 hour days seven days a week i had to work smarter meaning what i did is instead i hired more people i hired a video editor to edit my videos now i hired a designer to help me make things look more pretty and do my thumbnails now so i don't have to do them and spend two hours on that when i can just work on other things i also now for my job i have to write a lot of blogs and i'm building my own blog library chris shawn personal website that go live very soon but instead of me writing 400 500 blogs in a year i'm hiring someone to do that for me where i speak to a microphone recording audio my copywriter my content writer hears that and he converts that into a blog i'm also hiring a salesperson to help me get clients for each of my companies now i am the main sales person but it helps to have help doing that so instead of me working extremely hard right instead of me putting all this time and effort i divided my work to all this stuff so at the end of the day instead of me working 80 hours a week trying to get all this work done it's really important for me to have a life work like balance now more than anything and me to be able to work on the creative part of creating content so now instead of doing all that work i have people helping me so rather than working harder work smarter that's for my situation maybe you're in a different situation as well where you're someone who tries to figure out how to make your life easier or you're the kind of person where you're trying to figure out how to get things done fast or instead of doing the same thing over and over again how can you find a way to automate that i think that's a really important sign that you can become a developer because to be honest the laziest developers out there i generally believe could be one of the best developers out there because we hate repeating ourselves all the time okay so let's go to sign number three everyone so sign number three is this that you don't give up easily or you don't give up at all then you have one of the personalities where if you want something you're a go-getter you'll do whatever it takes to get there if there's something that is really difficult rather than giving up which is always the easiest thing to do right giving up is always easier but your persistence is what always going to be harder right so when it comes to this a sign that you can't become a developer in this industry really is that you don't give up because why is it so important when it comes to tech industry when they're given these different tasks and building things what is the one thing that you will always encounter pretty much on a daily basis is that you'll be given tasks you'll give them bugs they're given projects tickets that you've never encountered before but guess what that'll be hard as hell you know what's really discouraging when i was given a ticket it took me two to three hours to complete when my boss did it in front of me on a different a different occasion and he completed it in 10 minutes right and it's not that i just suck it's just that he has more experience than me and he also had to go through that problem first when he first encountered this particular problem he couldn't do it right away but he was there's a reason he's able to do it quickly because he didn't give up as a developer you can't give up when you are given these difficult things we are problem solvers they're not easy to fix problems are never easy to fix that's why we're paid so well so having that mentality that you don't give up easily is really important because i'm gonna tell you this even when you get your first job as a developer you will encounter imposter syndrome making you making you feel that you should give up on a daily basis don't let that win you win so number four is that you're able to adapt to different situations again just to go off what i last talked about you will almost nev unless you're working in the very i guess you could say boring tech jobs and there are boring tech jobs out there unless you're encountering the same problem over and over again to be honest you rarely encounter the same problem when it comes to things just like this what's very important is that you are adaptable to be honest there might be times when you have to work longer hours to be honest there might be a time when you should have finished a project in one week and now you're on the end of the week it's a friday you're not able to complete that project yet you might have to stay a little longer or not even just that maybe there's a new customer a new client that your company just picked up and now it requires you to work an entirely different language you've never worked on maybe you've been working on jquery your whole life and then boom view gs comes up or boom spelljs react.js comes up and now you got to work in these libraries you never worked on or let's say just for example now you gotta learn back in and you gotta learn in a matter of two weeks adaptable being able to adjust to any situation is very important as a developer and it's something that all of us need to be able to have last but not least i think one of the most important signs right that you can be a developer is that to be honest and this won't happen right away is that you like coding i mean if you don't like coding i'll tell you this being an engineer in this industry will not be fun because you'll be hammering on a keyboard eight hours a day non-stop you'll be in meetings you'll have to encounter problems you'll be working with really tight deadlines you'll be working with difficult people here and there sometimes you might have to talk to customers and you have to travel to places you don't want to travel to and all these things happen for those who work in the industry's engineers these things will happen but if you love what you do at the end of the day it helps i mean if you're passionate about this this job will become even that much more easy and again everyone please note it pays well and maybe because it pays well that's why you're passionate about it one year ago i was working in the job where i felt completely burned out one year ago i felt like this was a dead-end job i won't get a raise this is the end of my career i was making 70k a year i'm not trying to rhyme right here okay i was making 70k a year this was 12 months ago now i'm making north of 220 000 a year now i am heading towards my fifth year i'm still my fourth year as a developer heading into five years but it span of one year simply because i got laid off and took risks started my own businesses and then got a job at a really big company i've been able to more than double is that more than triple hold on fourteen fifty six seven eight nine no hold on i got these math this is crazy oh my gosh this is crazy in the span of one year i've been able to more than triple my income from my mid-level position as a developer this industry pays well and i'm not going to lie because i get paid really well i'm very passionate about it but one thing to note everyone was that i was not always passionate as a developer that when i first learned code it took me three to four months to actually start enjoying it and loving it and there were times i got burned out when i didn't even want to code for a couple months i wouldn't learn code outside of work for half a year because i got burned down and i was exhausted and got tired of it but then that love for code came back this will happen you don't always have to love it but being passionate about it will help a lot anyway those are my signs if y'all have any other comments all right if you have any other suggestions of what signs someone should have or should look for to show that they could become a developer please let me know leave a comment below and by the way i want to let every single one of you know that i am a full-time streamer now yes i'm paid to be a full-time streamer i am on twitch four times a week i'll leave this link in description below sign up for twitch and i'm even speaking at my first conference at future stack at new relic my first conference please make sure i don't speak to edit empty zoom call and sign up below i love you all this is chris shawn this is lifo developer and i'm out peace [Music]
Channel: Chris Sean
Views: 16,692
Rating: 4.9169812 out of 5
Keywords: learn, code, life, of, web, developer, html, css, javascript, query, js, php, angular, programmer, software, frontend, backend, front, back, programming, job, hired, junior, jr
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 38sec (818 seconds)
Published: Tue May 04 2021
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