Deus Ex Machina is Not What You Think! | MATRIX EXPLAINED

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in the final act of matrix revolutions neo made a deal with the baby-faced humanoid entity known as del's ex machina the film doesn't exactly explain what this mysterious creature is so today we're going to try to understand once and for all what is deos x machina welcome to matrix explained welcome to the desert of the real with the sentinels approaching zion and agent smith overtaking the matrix neo was left with no other choice but to go to machine city to risk everything in an attempt to find peace their neo meets one of the most mysterious characters in the entire matrix universe one that carries more information than we thought after watching the movie in the movie script the name given to this creature is deus ex machina which means god from the machine in latin in media terms it is classified as a plot device whereby a seemingly unsolvable problem in a story is suddenly and abruptly resolved by an unexpected and unlikely occurrence its function can be to resolve an otherwise irresolvable plot situation to surprise the audience to bring the tale to a happy ending an appropriate name for the character deo's ex machina was never referred to in any moment throughout the trilogy it just appeared at the climax of the third movie at the most crucial moment to help neo but what if this machine is not just a plot device to help bring closure to the story when deus ex machina makes his grand appearance you can see that the movie is establishing it as the one in charge of the machines the film does this visually by showing its size in comparison to other machines and neo also when neo states that the machine has lost control of smith implying that the agent was once under its control the program smith has grown beyond your control sunni will spread through this city as he spread through the matrix you cannot stop him but i can another important detail is that when neo reaches del's ex machina he sees it in yellow code the machine radiated yellow light like the sun this light has multiple significations which we will be discussing in a future video now then neo tells delsex machina that it can't stop smith to which the machine egregiously disagrees if that's true then i've made a mistake you should kill me now this response reveals something important about deus ex machina the creature is in one entity it is a legion countless small robots close together to make one giant intimidating machine it speaks in plural making it clear that it is not one single robot with a single consciousness it is a collective consciousness of machines some identify del's x machina as the machine city interface or a physical representation of the machine mainframe itself just as the architect is the dominant force within the matrix del's ex machina is the dominant force outside of the matrix yet what is most intriguing about x machina's existence is that the machines outside the matrix function as a collective mind they are all connected when neo destroyed the sentinels in the real world his consciousness ended up in another construct within the matrix that's because all machines are connected to the source as in the mainframe of machine city the machines lost their individuality they are all monitored and act as one all of them fulfilling their assigned purpose deus ex machina being a collective consciousness could be a clue as to what is the golden code but that's also for a future video perhaps this loss of individualism is the reason why some programs want to escape the matrix using intermediaries such as the merovingian to get away from deus ex machina another fascinating and horrifying detail of this legion of machines is that it chooses to appear in front of neo in the form of a giant head of a baby this could be the machine's attempt to be relatable to the human to make neil feel empathy towards them a stark contrast to the last time the machines made a deal with the humans the humans capitulated in the animatrix episode the second renaissance in the episode the machine sent a robot that looked like an insect to the united nations for the signing of the humans surrender after the document was signed the robot insectoid exploded destroying everything in its radius that robot's appearance was of intimidation and rage ex-machina's appearance though still intimidating it was humanizing for us deus ex machina is not a specific program but a union of all a collective mind that all robots are a part of meaning that the machines can work individually but they are all still connected it is a hybrid system it isn't a single collective yet they can still work as one other theories that try to explain deus ex machina are the architect is deus ex machina we've discussed this theory in a previous video the architect and ex machina are the same entity one is its digital form and the other is its physical form one controls the simulation the other controls the machines this theory would explain why neo said that smith is out of the machine's control and who is the one that controls the matrix the architect it could also mean that indeed a singular entity controls both the matrix and the machines maybe the machines are under the control of a dictator the other theory is that deus ex machina could be the first artificial intelligence that humanity created some fans have claimed that it was ex-machina who gave rise to the machines maybe even gave them their individualism and consciousness deo's ex-machina shines in gold and light because it is the ai that gave life to the robots it gave them self-awareness it is their god though based on our studies on the subject we believe that the golden light is much more than a consciousness it is something that transcends the real world another clue that points to the possibility that dale's ex machina is the ai that controls all machines like a dictator is when smith is destroyed what was the creature's response to this it is done so it seemed like the creature planned or expected things to go a certain way perhaps all programs are connected to it that includes the architect and the oracle but do you agree what is deus ex machina is it the physical representation of the machine's collective consciousness a type of mainframe interface or is it the embodiment of something else [Music] for matrix explained please leave a like and subscribe and thank you for visiting the desert of the real you
Channel: Matrix Explained
Views: 551,242
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: matrix trilogy, matrix neo, the matrix, keanu reeves matrix, keanu reeves neo, neo, morpheus, matrix movie, matrix morpheus, matrix philosophy, what will happen in the New Matrix Movie, trinity, new matrix, animatrix, comics, matrix, the matrix architect, Keanu Reeves, Laurence Fishburne, movies, matrix 2020, matrix 4, video games, matrix reloaded, matrix revolution, agent smith
Id: BR3f03dhaVw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 8min 15sec (495 seconds)
Published: Wed Jan 20 2021
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