The Trainman was the First Architect! | MATRIX EXPLAINED

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in matrix revolutions we were introduced to the train man one of the exiles that work for the merovingian this program was capable of knocking neo out with a single punch but how can this minion be that powerful how was it possible for him to easily beat neo also could it be that the train man and the merivinjian were the predecessor programs of the architect and the oracle welcome to matrix explained after neo used his powers in the real world he fell into a coma and his consciousness ended up in a world between worlds mobile ave a separate simulation outside the matrix created by the train man a mysterious program that has existed for a long time we don't know exactly which version of the matrix the train man came from but we do know that he was at least around during the fifth simulation in enter the matrix he mentions to naobi that last time zion lasted only 72 hours referring to the attack of the machines on the city 72 hours 72 hours what did you just say that's exactly how long zion lasted last time what do you mean and who are you me nobody just a spectator enjoying the ride 72 hours recall that the current zion is the sixth so the trained man witnessed the previous city's destruction if the train man was able to see the destruction of the fifth zion personally this means that he was in the real world why do we believe this well mobile f is located in a place between the matrix and the real world possibly connected to machine city the trained man can enter and leave the matrix whenever he wants that could be how he saw the destruction of zion there is also the possibility that the train man is not an exiled program of the matrix but of machine city this is why he can create simulations an ability that should be exclusive to the architect the train man created mobile f as a gateway to the matrix and it is an interesting creation indeed first of all neo's consciousness was trapped in this place after he used his powers in the real world his mind detached itself from his body we've theorized that the power of the one or the anomalies code insight neo connected to the sentinel's wireless signal then neo's body collapsed before his consciousness could return to it thus ending up in an unknown place between the matrix and the real world neo had no powers in mobile ave the trained man as he will put it was god there down here no other programs that includes the agents and the anomaly can beat the train man in a fight in mobile ave but why the agents of the matrix follow the rules of the simulation and the one can bend those rules i've seen an agent punch through a concrete wall men have emptied entire clips at them and hit nothing but air yet their strength and their speed are still based in a world that is built on rules because of that they will never be as strong or as fast as you can be so the fact that neo has no powers in mobile af demonstrates that maybe morpheus was wrong the anomaly's code insight neo grants him incredible abilities within the matrix but if there was a program created by another entity that does not use the equation or language of the matrix then the anomalies code will not work like trying to run a windows program on a mac this is a major weakness of the one and all other programs of the matrix because an entity like the trained man can create a construct that can trap them all including the architect and they will not have the power to escape this is an extremely powerful and dangerous weapon that the merovingian has at his command the train man is seen as a program smuggler or mule but objectively he is the creator of simulations as sophisticated as the matrix the maravincian can also modify the matrix code using something as plentiful as food making these two entities combined a very dangerous pair and here lies a crazy yet sound theory we know that the current architect has failed several times in his attempt to find the perfect balance of the equation yet nothing prevents us from theorizing that there may have existed a previous program similar to the architect who also failed at its purpose and was replaced by the old man dressed in white to help you understand this let's recap on how a matrix program becomes an exile usually a program chooses exile when it faces deletion and why would a program be deleted maybe it breaks down maybe a better program is created to replace it happens all the time and when it does a program can either choose to hide here or return to the source it's pretty straightforward if an outdated program does not return to the source it becomes an exile an enemy of the system however these exiles retain their programmed abilities for example seraph was an agent of the paradise matrix his purpose was to protect humans he continues his purpose as a guardian only now he protects the oracle other members of the maravingian's posse were also agents of previous simulations but now they are his swords and shields even the key maker continues his purpose as the gateway opener for the one even though he is also considered an exile basically knowing an exile's abilities is discovering what was their original purpose the trained man can enter and exit the matrix create simulations and most importantly be a spectator of the real world knowing the trained man's abilities and the fact that he is in exile makes us wonder what program replaced him what other program shares these attributes what program can create simulations and be able to spectate the destruction of zion as well as enter and exit the matrix at will the architect if this hypothesis is correct the trained man could have been the architect of the older or beta version of the matrix now you might be thinking that this is not the case because the resistance created the construct meaning that you don't have to be an architect to create simulations you would be right if the trained man were human but he is not he is a program and whatever his initial purpose was before becoming an exile it most likely involved creating simulations and perhaps transporting people to said simulations now we've also theorized the possibility that the maravingian is the predecessor of the oracle he was an operating system of the matrix which ran the principle of causality to which this principle would eventually be replaced by the notion of choice and he would subsequently be replaced by the oracle this would explain why the merovingian hates the oracle and why he is so powerful he once was responsible for helping to balance the equation with cause and effect if these theories are correct the trained man could have been the creator of the beta matrix and the mere vigin was to control the humans with causality but both programs failed their purpose and were replaced by the architect and the oracle thus becoming the first exiles the trained men and the merivinjian now work together to gain allies bypassing each simulation in search of more power to take back what was once theirs perhaps the real war is the one between these four programs an extremely personal one that falls within the framework of possibilities for matrix iv or future matrix content it would be interesting if it turns out that the merivinjian and the train man are the programs responsible for creating the original matrix and until matrix 4 is released anything is possible but do you agree was the trained man and the merivinjian replaced by the architect and the oracle for matrix explained please leave a like and subscribe and thank you for visiting the desert of the real
Channel: Matrix Explained
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Keywords: matrix trilogy, matrix neo, the matrix, keanu reeves matrix, keanu reeves neo, neo, morpheus, matrix movie, matrix morpheus, matrix philosophy, what will happen in the New Matrix Movie, trinity, new matrix, animatrix, comics, matrix, the matrix architect, Keanu Reeves, Laurence Fishburne, movies, matrix 2020, matrix 4, video games, matrix reloaded, matrix revolution, agent smith
Id: i9h_th2vZT8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 9min 17sec (557 seconds)
Published: Wed Dec 16 2020
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