The Matrix Was a Documentary

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[Music] [Applause] as rich told you we installed the internet on our computer just a short time ago and i haven't been able to get the kids off it ever since in 15 seconds oh it's getting close in ten nine eight seven six five four three two one happy night in 1999 the matrix debuted to commercial and critical success seemingly overnight the film found itself at the bedrock of popular culture spawning a nearly endless slew of reviews parodies breakdowns and blatant rip-offs even 21 years since its release the film maintains a monumental presence in the action movie genre while also extending outside the realms of popular culture finding its content infused with political ideologies and scientific theory it would seem to follow that the odds that we're in base reality is one in billions all of this begs a question what made the matrix so special and how does it manage to stay relevant so many years since its release beyond the cgi action and technical innovation there was something bigger the matrix was hinting at an emerging influence from the east our growing dependence on technology and the fear that coincided with the rise of the internet for many americans the sleek jetson-styled future they grew up expecting was beginning to fade away and in its place a darker more dystopian worldview was emerging the matrix would manage to marry the tried and true methods of the past to the shifting tide of a new millennium in a way that audiences had never seen and it was through the matrix that we would enter the zeitgeist [Music] [Music] before we dive into the matrix itself we must first look back on what would influence it [Music] these days it can be easy to forget just how great the future was promised to be a place where technology would serve only as convenience where earth could be clean free of waste and worry and surely one day our technology would take us beyond the rings of our galaxy leaving earth behind a united front amongst the universe oh yeah great things were coming it was all just a matter of time [Music] [Music] in june of 1982 the world was shown a different kind of future one where corporations had passed up any semblance of government where technology had become self-aware where humanity was falling down the food chain this was the future of blade runner the film takes place in los angeles but you wouldn't know it off first glance california's sunny skies have been so polluted that torrential rains now consume the land neon lights have replaced the sun in this future humans rely on the slave labor of cyborgs which are known as replicants but some replicants are not content being slaves the plot follows a group of replicants who've gone rogue attempting to hunt down their creators before their life cycle comes to an end that seems to be the problem death death well i'm afraid that's a little out of my jurisdiction you i want more life father harrison ford stars as deckard who works as a blade runner essentially a detective who tracks down these rogue replicants and terminates them the film plays out like a classic noir but wasn't received well upon its release audiences and critics alike were let down by the slow burn pace what about the special effects dazzling for the first 20 minutes and then what although there were many others who would appreciate the themes and vision the film had laid out no longer was the future a bright shiny place of innovation but instead a stark tale of too much too soon blade runner quickly became a cult hit and would eventually receive the appreciation it deserved and it was blade runners la that would set the tone for what would become to be known as cyberpunk [Music] firearms everybody should have one and know how to use and clean it it might just save your life oddly enough the first mention of the matrix came in 1984 a date made infamous by george orwell who in 1948 dreamt of his own dystopian future something like 1984 could actually happen this is the direction the world is going in at the present time his novel focused on authoritarian rule a surveillance society a people fed by propaganda in many ways his artistic prediction would ring true and still does today but in the years after the book's release the world was looking up walking a brighter path and technology was coming to reinforce that attitude one small step for man [Music] and that's where cyberpunk comes into play so back to 1984. it was july that year when an unknown author named william gibson published his now iconic novel neuromancer then came cyberpunk cyberpunk was more than a science fiction writer's fad it was literature's first real response to the information age its concerns were down to earth rather than stuck in space and it coupled high tech with low life the story focused on a technically advanced society that was riddled with crime and corruption in the world of neuromancer an artificial intelligence was trying to break free using humans as pawns in the process just like in blade runner this was a future where technology was doing less for humanity and more for itself it was also the first place we heard of the matrix you could think of it as an internet in virtual reality users could jack into the virtual landscape and navigate the cyberspace a term that was also first coined in the novel i think i came up with cyberspace before i had the imaginary technology for it i needed a name for a realm for another order of being in neuromancer humanity had become dangerously intertwined with its own inventions and was losing sight of the natural world if blade runner had created the aesthetic of cyberpunk then it was surely neuromancer that reigned in its themes the novel was initially greeted with little fanfare but the book had struck a nerve and would grow as a word of mouth hit eventually selling six and a half million copies and legitimizing cyberpunk as a genre of science fiction the themes and aesthetic of cyberpunk would continue through the pop culture of the 80s and 90s turning out some mega hits and a few failures but one thing was for certain this new take on the future was embedded in our subconscious and it wouldn't be long until it collided with a new wave of underground entertainment [Music] [Applause] for most in the west watching something animated meant watching a cartoon cute humorous entertainment often expressing obvious moral truths to developing minds in 1988 that western notion was set to change with the release of an animated film from japan that film was akira [Music] akira was violent its story complex its visuals stunning and surreal and akira was most definitely cyberpunk the japanese had long seen animation as a legitimate format for mature storytelling one where the limitations of shooting live action were set aside allowing creativity to flourish it was in this artistic domain a tale of ultimate power was woven the setting is neo-tokyo a dystopian mega city enveloped by crime and built upon the ashes of the original tokyo which was destroyed as a result of a government research project thirty years later the lesson has yet to be learned as the military and corrupt politicians continue their research into psychic abilities over the course of the story man has once again lost control and as the film poster reads neo-tokyo is about to explode being that akira is a long-running manga series in japan the film wasn't able to fit the entire narrative and at times can feel quite convoluted still with that said the film brilliantly displays humanity's dangerous nature of overreaching through curiosity greed and corruption he wondered if their power was the form of the next stage that human evolution was taking and perhaps we would all be able to control it someday despite having a limited theatrical release in the west vhs tapes of the anime would circulate through video stores and college film clubs for years to come turning many film and comic book fanatics into die hard anime fans and this japanese take on animation would grow in popularity as the 1990s came into view [Music] out of all things to directly inspire the style of the matrix i would say ghost in the shell tops the list just looking over a few scenes it's clear to see the inspiration in my opinion this anime is one of the best tributes to the cyberpunk genre the story follows a cyborg special agent as she trails a mysterious hacker who is breaking into the minds of human cyborg hybrids in the midst of the chase she is drawn to question her own life and self-identity this is where ghost in the shell truly shines as it expertly handles the notion of consciousness and what beyond that really makes a human human can we even trust our own conscious mind is a reliable source of information these are some of the questions the film will invite you to ponder what's a simulated experience again well all your memories about your wife and daughter are false they're like a dream someone's taken advantage of you they were trying to make you ghost hack into some government officials do you understand what i'm saying she was smiling like an angel what's her name how old is she where did you meet your wife and when did you marry her i'm sorry to put you through this pal come on who do you see at release ghost in the shell was highly praised by critics even with anime still being considered a niche genre and ghost in the shell is unusually intelligent and challenging science fiction aimed at smart audience well there is certainly something to think about it and that's a refreshing thing from a lot of science fiction pictures which are just purely doom and gloom this is a this is a film dealing with artificial intelligence throughout the 90s anime would continue its growth in popularity with shows like dragon ball z and pokemon drawing a new generation of kids to the format by the turn of the millennium anime and cyberpunk had made their mark on the zeitgeist of american pop culture inverting concepts of maturity and progression while painting a new picture of our shared reality but it wasn't just the visual arts they were experiencing such change [Music] the 50s had brought us the classics the 60s and 70s had brought us the grassroots and funky times [Music] and the 80s had brought us to the party even the rebellious groups of the past had always packed that showbiz attitude the glimmer of fame and success the unobtainable that was until 1991 when a group named nirvana would kick-start the grunge era [Music] in september that year nirvana launched to super stardom with the release of their seminal album nevermind however these guys weren't exactly your typical superstars the band was formed in aberdeen washington a place where the american dream had all but gone and died and their music echoed with the sound of their frustration their lyrics didn't paint pretty pictures or at times even make sense their sound was crafted through thick layers of distortion their music a catharsis a middle finger to 80s party pop and it would resonate opening the door to an alternative era that would consume the 90s many underground styles of music would find success in this new alternative space almost all of them seemed to share the same resentful feelings as nirvana a more depressed and emotional tone was sweeping through the mainstream and people were eating it up however not everything was so down electronic music was creeping its way out of the 80s and settling into a new form [Music] the techno music of the 90s was definitely a party but i would argue one engulfed in the same careless sentiments as the grunge scene young people around the world were gathering in small dark clubs taking drugs and dancing to the pneumatic beats of the future groups like the prodigy 9-inch nails and km fdm were creeping to the surface of mainstream music at the same time rock bands like rage against the machine were bringing a new level of political resentment to the medium they weren't trying to convince you of their ideas through the flower power approach of the 60s they were trying to bash your concepts against the wall right or wrong they were succeeding shows were about you know creating a dialogue and questioning i felt that it was possible to kind of like create through music you know direct political action meanwhile the alternative era was curiously juxtaposed against the era of boy bands and pop celebrities groups perfectly constructed to achieve mainstream appeal a reduction of creativity and originality to the point of procedure these groups wouldn't represent reality and all the problems that came with it because they themselves weren't real they were in essence a simulation [Music] so [Music] [Music] during the mid 20th century the world was at war for a second time and just as the dissolution with the first world war had brought about modernism this war would bring about the postmodern to keep things basic modernism was a movement of thought that strayed away from many traditional practices such as realism and enlightenment thinking while modern work such as surrealism was an abstraction from traditional methods it was still based in a structured system of social realities including mainstream taste and talent post-modernism on the other hand would reject any premise of talent mainstream appeal or even reliable knowledge my name is andy warhol and i just finished eating a hamburger postmodern thinkers viewed the world as a grouping of social constructs and threw away all traditional methods to create what they would call art in the postmodern view even the banality of a toilet could be considered a great work whether mr mutt with his own hands made the fountain or not has no importance he chose it he took an ordinary article of life placed it so that its useful significance disappeared under the new title and point of view created a new thought for that object post-modern thought really gained momentum in the 80s and in 1981 philosopher jean baldriard released a book called simulacra and simulation it was here baldriard introduced the concept of hyper-reality hyper-reality is a state where reality has been simulated so many times that the culmination of the simulation fails to relate back to base reality in any way whatsoever now if that sounds confusing then let's take an image of a model for an example you see her on the cover of a magazine or on some social media site she's drop dead gorgeous seemingly perfect you ask yourself how can someone be so beautiful but what you should really be asking is if what you're looking at is even real sure the model exists she's a real person but you haven't seen her in her true form by the time the photo has made it to you it's likely undergone quite a few alterations all the corrections made to simulate a perfection that couldn't exist otherwise and even though the photo isn't completely real you view it as if it is you take that image into your mind and develop an expectation from it and in this like so many other things you have consumed simulacra and are now operating within a hyper reality [Music] now whether or not you agree with post-modern philosophy i believe this concept is hard to deny and it seems the more technically advanced to society becomes the more the hyper real is constructed [Music] [Music] the internet was born of paranoia in the 1960s concerns with russia were getting serious and with the location of nuclear arms in cuba the united states realized its methods of communication were becoming rapidly outdated this urgent transformation of cuba into an important strategic base by the presence of these large long-range and clearly offensive weapons of sudden mass destruction constitutes an explicit threat to the peace and security of all the americas at that time sharing information relied on a centralized network that meant in the event of a nuclear attack it could be possible that communications could break down across the entire country the telephone system had an achilles heel and still does if the connection path between telephones is broken the call is lost a new system was needed and thus arpanet was formed arpanet was a packet sharing network information would be broken down into packages that could then route themselves through a system of nodes all of the packets could take different routes and still wind up in the same location this way if a node was destroyed information could still flow around it eventually arpanet would be able to communicate with other networks that had formed birthing the modern concept of the internet tonight the information superhighway and one of its main thoroughfares an online network called internet through the years this technology would improve and computers started to become popular through companies like apple and figures like steve jobs still the internet was simply used for emailing and file sharing not to mention it was extremely difficult to navigate only true computer wizards could manage to research any information stored on the internet however that was soon to change in 1989 a physicist named tim berner lee invented hypertext links or simply links as we know them today this allowed users to click links that would route them between different topics this innovation would become known as the world wide web and in 1991 became available to the general public yet in 1992 there were still only 50 web pages on the internet the world wide web had made the internet more accessible but it wasn't what you would consider user friendly a year later mark anderson invented a browsing software that allowed you to search through a user-friendly graphical interface the app was called netscape and when it hit the market the internet grew by 341 000 throughout the 1990s the internet continued to grow in popularity well it's very hip to be on the internet right now people around the globe were getting in touch they were sharing their unique interests with others in ways they had never thought possible and they could never imagine where it was going or what it would become the internet was a revolution but one that wouldn't be without its fears it's 2 am january 1st year 2000. power's out it's pitch black you need light if you planned ahead you'll have one of these just wind it up you'll have light and communication call now and get the ultimate y2k survival kit it is fitting if more than a little ironic that this same stroke of midnight will pose a sharp and signal test of whether we have prepared ourselves for the challenges of the information age computers were a 20th century innovation and before the year 2000 most computer programs abbreviated dates for instance a computer would recognize 84 as 1984. as the turn of the millennium grew near this was becoming cause for concern as nobody was sure if computers would be able to process zero zero as the year 2000 this could be a major problem because slowly but surely computers and their programs had become an integral part of our lives even though most people still didn't own a pc their lives had been relying on them government records banking information even massive power plants were in the risk of crashing at the stroke of midnight january 1st 2000. there were many people who warned of this throughout the 90s you wouldn't want to be in an airplane you wouldn't want to be in an elevator and you wouldn't want to be in a hospital even some worried the date 9999 would cause a crash in many systems as a series of nines was often used by early programmers to indicate the end of a program but in the late months of 1999 the panic had hit stores were being flooded with people who were in fear of a collapse buying all sorts of supplies in preparation for an all-out fallout you know we're average everyday folk that you know are a little concerned and we're not going to depend on somebody else to take care of us if something does happen thankfully the clock struck midnight and all was well some credit the mass efforts of updating software's while others like to maintain there was never really anything to worry about in the first place but one thing was for sure somehow our lives had become attached to computers and the internet at a level that no one saw coming and that attachment would further bind in a way that nobody would have ever predicted [Music] [Music] in the early 90s two brothers dropped out of college and started a small time construction business they were andy and larry wachowski and while they wrenched away under sinks a vision was forming in their minds a vision of the matrix it's difficult providing a detailed history of the wachowskis leading up to their hollywood success as the pair have made it a priority to maintain private lives they even went so far as writing a no press clause in their contracts for the matrix films just like real guys and there's none of that that kind of hollywood thing is not evident at all you know they're from chicago you know they wear shorts they wear baseball heads they they watch basketball games they love movies however with a few sources to pull from we can get a rough idea of how the two siblings wound up making one of the most iconic films of all time larry and andy were by all accounts pop culture enthusiasts they would attend nearly every film released were avid comic book fans enjoyed plenty of anime and even managed to study philosophy in their spare time they really have a grasp of philosophy of of all types of philosophy eastern philosophy of you know european philosophy so naturally it wasn't long before they would set down their tool sets and pick up their pens in 1993 they landed a job writing for a comic series called ecto kid the comic is said to have laid out many of the same ideas that we would later find in the matrix working on ectokid gave the wachowskis some credibility in the world of writing and it wasn't just comic book stories they were developing the pair also had some screenplays in their back pocket in 94 they sold a script called assassins the script went on to become a stallone film directed by richard donner unfortunately the version of their script that hit the silver screen in 95 had been completely rewritten under donner's supervision the wachowskis were not impressed in fact they were offended and attempted to have their names removed from the film in the end they were unsuccessful [Music] this was a turning point for the siblings as they realized that being writers in hollywood left their vision in the hands of others to mangle they decided from this point forward they would need to direct it was around this time they first pitched the matrix the studio was impressed with the script but wary of the young kids who demanded to direct such an ambitious big budget feature they said look we have this trilogy um i said well let's just try to figure out one movie guys it'd be great to get three but let's try the one they said we want to direct it and at the time i said look you know i don't know i'm gonna have a hard enough time explaining to people what it is we're gonna try to make here now to try to sell you guys as first time directors at this size scale with this kind of complexity that you're asking too much of me really i don't know how to deliver that for you first the wachowskis needed to prove themselves fortunately the matrix wasn't the only script the wachowskis had ready they had also written a film called bound a caper film that would follow two women who come up with a plan to rob one of the girl's boyfriends who just so happens to be a mob boss the script could be shot on a low budget and therefore it was greenlit and the wachowskis now had a chance to show off their skills as first-time directors and to put it bluntly they certainly had skills bound released in 1996 and received critical acclaim for its smart writing stylish edits and incredibly tense third act found is pure filmmaking scary funny sexy and horrifying absolutely true if you haven't seen bound i highly recommend it as you can feel the ambition of those who are making it bound had proven to the studios that the wachowskis were skilled as filmmakers yet they were still concerned about the matrix being such a confusing story with a massive budget thought that as a script the first 40 or 50 pages were the best 40 or 50 pages i'd ever read and then i got very confused so the wachowskis were asked to put together a storyboard of the film and boy did they do just that and after spending um an hour with them going through storyboards i i totally understood why someone would trust them finally enough had been proven the studios were confident with the young filmmakers and the matrix went into production so [Music] if you were alive in 1999 then you certainly remember the release of the matrix even if you didn't go out and see the film yourself you probably felt the ripples of its impact nigel a runner null pointer runner stevens agent simon freeman 713 i am a sentinel it was truly a film the likes of which audiences had never seen leaving many people confused after their first viewing the story followed neo a cubicle employee by day computer hacker by night neo is obsessed with the matrix which we can assume is a phrase he's come across in his life as a hacker yet remains oblivious too through a series of events he comes in contact with a mysterious group who gives him the opportunity to see the matrix for himself it turns out he's been living in the matrix all along a computer program made to simulate everyday life the world as it was at the end of the 20th century it exists now only as part of a neural interactive simulation that we call the matrix while all those who are plugged in are used as energy for the machines neo discovers he's part of a prophecy that would claim he is the one who will save the human race i won't lie to you every single man or woman who has stood their ground everyone who has fought an agent has died but where they have failed you will succeed through many doubts trials and tribulations it seems that the prophecy is true and neo is the one as his abilities within the matrix are unlike anyone else he is the one by the end of the film neo has basically become superman and destroyed parts of the program that were previously thought to be indestructible finally it seems that humans have a fighting chance now what really made the matrix such a cultural phenomenon was its ability to integrate all the bubbling tensions and inspirations of the 80s and 90s and wrap it up in a mainstream package in the matrix neo follows the classic hero's journey archetype which dates back to the very beginning of storytelling well because there is a certain typical hero sequence of actions which can be detected in the stories from all over the world and from many many periods of history so the structure of the matrix is nothing revolutionary but it's that familiarity that allows the audience to be comfortably guided to the film's deeper meanings pacing is also a massive benefit for the film the mythology sprinkled between tense action guns explosions kung fu fight scenes the film has it all and lays it on heavy if the matrix had only set out to be another action film it still would have had massive success fortunately the wachowskis were looking to make something different and this is where the film collides with all the subjects we've covered up to this point [Music] cyberpunk anime music philosophy and the real world fears of technology all found the home in the matrix the film is a cyberpunk story through and through where the reckless advancement of ai has knocked humans to the bottom of the food chain the matrix actually manages to go past what we've seen in previous cyberpunk stories in this version the gigantic megacities the genre is known for have already fallen what's interesting about the whole idea of cyberpunk is that it's a great way to create a sense of alienation and disconnection and alternate worlds being caught in sort of these quasi-dream quasi-conscious states the matrix also seems to play as an anime film would just looking over the storyboard from the film you might get confused thinking you'd just cracked open a manga those concepts were realized in stunning detail while shooting the picture i believe it was the wachowski's love of comics and anime that cultivated their ability to write action films that had a brain just as akira and ghost in the shell had showcased prior and if there's any doubts left that anime had a huge influence on the matrix then i will point to the animatrix a literal collection of anime short films produced to flesh out the world of the matrix and of course the music of the matrix is heavily on the alternative scene nightclubs and outfits resemble the industrial movement that was sweeping through the underground of places like chicago where the wachowskis were from this did more than just provide an aesthetic for the film the matrix also carried the same attitude as the alternative era the wachowskis were heavily inspired by rage against the machine they saw that rage was successfully pushing ideas through entertainment and it was working they were getting their message across and through to mainstream america the philosophy of the film was also deeply rooted bringing postmodern ideas of hyper reality into a big budget action film and not hiding its inspirations in the process the matrix would also call us to question our own free will do you believe in fate yeah no why not because i don't like the idea that i'm not in control of my life in a world of simulations are you really free or has your life been determined and of course the internet and computers were main staples of the film bringing a new level of cool to what was considered nerdy at the time while also reminding audiences that computing had entered our lives at an unprecedented rate just as we ourselves realized how much we relied on them the matrix had successfully captured the zeitgeist of its era in a way that it's hard to think of a film that's done it better at last however the second and third films were not reviewed as well and while i can say i'm certainly a fan the films didn't manage to get the balance right while the first film had hinted at so many interesting themes the sequels embodied them completely and in the process lost their mainstream appeal still the first matrix film goes down in history as one of the all-time greats winning multiple academy awards and even being selected for preservation by the national film registry ever since 1999 society at large hasn't been able to escape the influence of the matrix and in some ways the film seems to have been a precursor to many things we see happening in society today [Applause] [Music] it's been over 20 years since the matrix hit the silver screen and yet the film has only seemed to grow in relevance the themes of the matrix are now becoming the themes of our lives look around see it for yourself tech companies like apple google facebook and amazon have completely dominated the marketplace creating monopolies on commerce entertainment information tech ceos are now the richest people on the planet and these companies are quickly becoming more powerful than governments the version of facebook that exists today is tearing our societies apart and causing ethnic violence around the world ethnic violence including myanmar in 2018 when the military used facebook to launch a genocide all the while collecting your data and selling it off so you can be more easily manipulated and marketed to they know when people are lonely they know when people are depressed they know when people are looking at photos of your ex-romantic partners they know what you're doing late at night they know the entire thing somewhere along the line you have become the product it's not slowing down either as artificial intelligence seems to be on the horizon who knows what the implications of such power could be especially developed alongside the aggressive sales-oriented algorithms of today like well what if the what if the ai treats us the way we treat less intelligent animals meanwhile anime has exploded into the mainstream influencing all types of art movies music and video games at the time of the matrix release anime was still a very underground intensely nerdy form of entertainment at least in the western world the ideas that anime is able to push forward through its medium have no doubt been able to affect younger generations and i can't help but notice that many anime fans tend to be very politically aware anime originated in japan and it's worth noting that many of the relevant themes we're looking over stem from japan's own history a country hit with nuclear weapons understands the danger of technical advancement this awareness is felt through its art the music that surrounded the millennium is often seen as the last great era and that's no matter the genre the internet changed music forever through websites like napster and limewire taking on the big record companies with all the new technology these days it's also very easy to make music and while there may be many more artists releasing songs the quality has certainly dropped off i believe it's both the over saturation of artists and the consumer's ability to easily pirate music that has led us down a road of reduced creativity there is a homogeneous aspect to today's popular artists and gone is the alternative scene and its authenticity rather it seems the boy band and pop singer approach of the late 90s is the method that has been continued whatever has been selling well is what they're looking for the philosophy of the matrix has also become somewhat undeniable most people these days have two personas the real them and the simulated version how else can you view social media a place where you exaggerate the best parts of you where you select the pictures with the best angles and share the phrases you want people to associate you with does anyone really have an honest social media account yet we interact within that world that hyper reality is if it's all truth and we rarely question the implications almost all of this has been revealed through the unprecedented growth of the internet no longer are computers sitting at home collecting dust now they're in our pockets tracking our movements logging all of our searches they are collecting your thumb prints getting tuned to your voice learning how to communicate with you how to recognize your face when you say it out loud like this it sounds like science fiction but we all know it's just today's reality eventually with all that data and the rate technology is advancing you could begin to imagine how everyday life of the 21st century could be simulated now maybe that will never happen or perhaps it's only a matter of time but one thing is for sure it will be possible in the end the matrix was a film of truths whether they seemed relevant at the time or not we can see them now so here's the part where i give you my philosophy on this whole thing i believe that the hive mind of humanity is unconsciously yet consistently working out the future we do it not just through math and science engineering and computing but through art it's what grabs our attention what truth is thrown out into the zeitgeist slowly bubbling under the surface until the masses embrace it and when we see it it's not just entertainment it's something fundamental it's pointing in a direction that we all know we're heading and without needing to say a word we can all agree on it in its own way the matrix tells a true story rather than being built by a team of executives trying to come up with the next big thing that was made by two people who were simply tapped into the world around them [Music] so what's the answer to the question it's the question that brought you here what made the matrix so special and how does it manage to stay relevant all these years later to be going back to where it all started back to the matrix like all fundamental truths the answer has been here all along to make any true lasting relevant piece of art [Music] you must enter the zeitgeist [Music] you
Channel: Optic Lure
Views: 1,147,267
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: The Matrix, Zeitgeist, Enter the Zeitgeist, Documentary, Matrix Documentary, Matrix Review, Matrix Retrospective, Matrix Explained
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 45min 0sec (2700 seconds)
Published: Tue Dec 21 2021
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