What Happened to Neo before Matrix 4? | MATRIX EXPLAINED

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what happened during the 60 years after the Matrix Revolutions one of the biggest questions in The Matrix resurrections is what happened after Neo's battle against agent Smith the arrival of a new dictator and the destruction of Zion seems to leave too many questions unanswered which is why we are going to try and make sense of it all would you like to know what happened between The Matrix Revolutions and the Matrix resurrections then welcome to Matrix explained welcome to the desert of the real 60 years passed after Neo gave his life in his battle against agent Smith Neo died so that the machines and humans could reach a peace agreement the humans who wished to leave the Matrix could do so and the machines would not attack Zion instead they would help humans awakened to the real world this was an unexpected collaboration between man and machine however some machines became upset with the truth as more and more humans went offline energy production fell and the machine's discontent with the architect grew the machines began to see him as a weak leader and soon they began to plot against the architect Neo's body was taken to be studied by a new artificial intelligence one that combines the mathematical knowledge of The Matrix and the knowledge of the human psyche the analyst was created to analyze the reoccurring error of the Matrix to improve the simulation during his studies the analyst learns that the integral anomaly is more difficult to comprehend than he expected he couldn't figure out how to activate it no matter how many experiments he conducted on Neo's body nothing seems to work the anomaly would not react the analyst would eventually have an epiphany what if he brought Neo and Trinity together that did something Neo and Trinity being in proximity to each other caused an energy Spike and thus he figures that if he was going to bring Neo and Trinity back from the dead then the best place to keep them contained would be inside the Matrix the analyst hires a program to help him create a new machine in secrecy to continue studying Neo and Trinity this large machine had only two pods isolated from the rest of the human Fields this place is called the anomalum and the Machine was designed by ramachandra here is where the story gets more complicated Rama discovers that the analyst's true intentions for the anomalum went against the truce between the machines and the humans and so he sends the plans of the anomalum to his daughter Sati so that she would inform the Oracle and warn the humans the Oracle desperately tries to contact Morpheus and warn him of the great danger that is approaching but Morpheus is tired of her false prophecies Morpheus was appointed supreme leader of the Council of Zion he broke Communications with the Oracle as he no longer trusted her since she lied to him about the path of the one this was morphia's biggest mistake by not listening to the Oracle the former captain of the Nebuchadnezzar sentenced his City to Total Annihilation morpheus's distrust in the Oracle was well represented in the now non-canonical the Matrix online video game I suppose this is where you offer me a cookie I'll make the predictions around here meanwhile the analyst meets with the suits first mentioned in Matrix resurrections the suits are possibly the first artificial intelligence programs of the Matrix leading programs that even have power over the architect and the Oracle they are the true rulers of the machines and the analyst convinces them that Neo's body holds the key to unlimited energy but only if he and Trinity are reconstructed revived and placed back into the Matrix The analyst's Proposal was accepted and thus the truce was null and void the analyst unified all of the machines that were against the architect and the truce and launched a machine Civil War the analyst faction attacked and destroyed Zion and the vast majority of its inhabitants including Morpheus were killed the human fields and the Matrix simulation were also attacked and taken over by the analyst's side the machines and programs who were on the side of the truce were eliminated purged including Rama the Oracle and the architect exiled programs like the mareni and were able to survive by going into hiding it is not known how long the Civil War lasted we only know who was the winning party the Civil War ended and a new boss was appointed the one who understood that the problem with the Matrix was not the anomaly but the architect the analyst ushered in a new era for the machines with a larger energy output Neo sacrifice did make make a difference but it was not all lost the machines and humans who survived the civil war came together to build a new city called IO and naobi was assigned as leader or grand General it's interesting how things turn out doesn't it Morpheus and naobi were originally a couple but the Oracle with her prophecies caused them to break up Morpheus was told that he had to find the one naobi never believed in the one I don't believe in the one I never did yet she did believe that Neo could change things but there was a time when you trusted me with your ship against the council's orders he can take mine you can't do that don't even think of trying to tell me what I can or cannot do with my ship you've never believed in the one I still don't then why are you doing this I believe in him the world was different then we were different naobi helped to create a city that Morpheus would never have approved of a place where machines and humans can call home but do you want to know something Grim about the city of IO maybe the machines knew that they could no longer control Morpheus and his people they could no longer be swayed by false prophecies or manipulations so the machines decided to destroy Zion and to build a new city where the machines could control the humans in person the cycle of control continues the only difference is that Zion has been permanently destroyed and in its place is a new city IO with the machines living or more likely surveilling the humans nai's Focus was on the people of IO infiltrating and extracting humans from The Matrix was no longer a priority IO wasn't fighting for the liberation of All Humans from The Matrix like Zion did IO was for everyone to live in peace there aren't that many Zion survivors left who believe in the prophecy some of the old-timers came to believe that Neo might have been working for the machines all along maybe there's no Foundation to the rumors that you disappeared because you were working with the machines from the beginning Maus stop but for some of the younger red pills like bugs and her crew they still believe in Neo in the path of the one meanwhile the anomalum proved to perform better than expected the analyst sees that the anomaly usually releases energy when subjected to emotional stress so he subjects Neo and Trinity to many different simulations with various degrees of emotional stress to generate energy for the Matrix the analyst discovered that emotional stress generated much more energy than what was used in the older model of the Matrix the amount of power was unprecedented Neo and Trinity are trapped inside a VIP location while the rest of humanity is plugged into the conventional harvesting fields for decades Thomas and Tiffany have been suffering and feeding the Matrix with their emotional energy once again the machines have subjugated Humanity it's all part of a cruel and endless cycle when thinking about the evil plans of the machines the Oracle and the architect usually pop up but now new factors have been added to the topic the analyst and the suits no matter how strategic the Oracle was or how meticulous the architect was they never found the true balance in the equation and so the majority of the machines voted to replace them and to perpetuate the control of humanity this brings us to a terrible realization the suits may never see eye to eye with Humanity the machine leaders created the illusion of the Matrix and the Machine Civil War was just a new Step In The evolutionary system of control just as the architect created programs to improve other programs the suits created conflicts to improve the system there are so many questions now like who are the suits and how did the machine Civil War start remember that in the Matrix everything happens in cycles and we are convinced that the events that happen in Matrix resurrections are part of set cycle when the analyst and the suits give Neo and Trinity to Green Light to do whatever they want in the simulation this shows that they are still in control you think you hold all the cards because you can do whatever you want in this world I say Go For It remake it knock yourselves out paint the sky with rainbows 60 years have passed but if the Matrix cycle is poised to repeat itself then IO doesn't have much time left and Neo and Trinity's supposed freedom is just par for the course but do you agree what happened during those six decades while Neo and Trinity were trapped in The Matrix [Music] [Applause] [Music] for Matrix explained please leave a like And subscribe and thank you for visiting the desert of the [Music] real
Channel: Matrix Explained
Views: 796,259
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: matrix trilogy, matrix neo, the matrix, keanu reeves matrix, keanu reeves neo, neo, morpheus, matrix movie, matrix morpheus, matrix philosophy, what will happen in the New Matrix Movie, trinity, new matrix, animatrix, comics, matrix, the matrix architect, Keanu Reeves, Laurence Fishburne, movies, matrix 2020, matrix 4, video games, matrix reloaded, matrix revolution, agent smith
Id: vHiEtNaeJU8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 38sec (638 seconds)
Published: Mon Feb 05 2024
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