DETROIT EVOLUTION - Detroit Become Human Fan Film / Reed900 Film

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[Music] [Music] hey it's in can good morning Gavin ready to get to work not quite I'm still preparing for the investigation no he's just bureaucracy today no dead bodies I believe corpses may be easier to deal with people are there can you breathe now I don't need to breathe you are so uptight all the time even in your own brain that's supposed to be your ideal world loosen up a little my ideal appearance is polished well at least you let me keep my clothes sorta I like the way you look why would I change [Music] hey meat sack the tin can come in you blow a fuse or something no detective just wondering if you'll ever run out of Android jokes as long as you keep being one you seem tense rookie been a cop for nine years Gavin it's nothing I haven't seen before yeah and you've been a detective for two days [Music] [Music] [Music] that back what do you think your go plastic DPD back off this one spend the rest of the day in a cell-free nevere employees business what are you some kind of Android boot licker even the cops are in on this [Applause] [Music] I would take detective Reid's advice go back up to your y'all have a nice day you're lucky no one was filming that the last thing you need is to get fired for assault no one's gonna give me [ __ ] about putting some back with that [ __ ] in this place perhaps in the court of public opinion but captain Fowler did not hire you to be a vigilante get off my back okay whatever happens it was worth it besides year that would've broke his hand that could be justified of self-defense I'll take him someone who's been in a fight or two and I had it covered as charming as your scars are detective I do not need my honor defend it but I do appreciate it good morning thank you for coming you the Joker up we spoke to on the phone yes my name is ADA welcome to New Jericho guess the word got out about a dead Android huh people protest outside of Jericho every day it's unrelated to the case it's fascinating to see an Android working as a detective what's your model number RK 900 RK like Marcus yes we're in the same model light huh incredible he must be one-of-a-kind I believe deviancy makes us all unique mm-hmm uh you got those Case Files to show her of course [Music] this is everything we have on the case the victims identification said she resided here which is why we got in touch with you I recognize her name and model number from our manifest Lisa she was the only AC 900 at Jericho what happened to her a longshoreman found her body disposed of at a shipyard her chest cavity was ripped open and she was missing her aetherium pump what do you need from me Oh most murders are committed by someone the victim already knew she lived here so all of her friends and acquaintances of Jericho could all be suspects it would be helpful if we could interview her known associates we need that information from you well not know as difficult as it is to accept I could believe it deviancy opens so many doors and not all of them are kind and with the financial strain some androids are under the desperation to kill would be believable well no one's being arrested just yet just testimonies for now and I know if you think of anything else that might be helpful give us a call you must be one-of-a-kind and can take you anywhere that it's not what she sounded like it was more like they must be one-of-a-kind that's really creepy I can do your voice too I definitely want to hear this don't you [ __ ] dare don't you [ __ ] dare hey you I know you Chris hey hey look sorry man this isn't exactly who's seen my name is Parker you don't remember me but I'll never forget your face you murdered a dozen our brothers and sisters at Capitol Park they didn't care until you got caught Marcus shoulda made you pay that night chris is a good man he showed me what it means to be alive he protects our people that won't bring my family back I know back then they they told us that you all were just machines Marcus's mercy showed me that you were alive that your people I learned that lesson too late to save your friends I have to live with that choice every day I'm sorry but you have to live with it too I don't care about your guilt [Music] he's spoiling our boy again he better realize how good he had then he's domesticated a terminator and the making his coffee for him you haven't showed up to work freshly showered and only punched one person today if I continue to reward this good behavior perhaps it'll stick mm-hmm guess I take it back maybe you've domesticated him you have been a good influence on him nice sometimes he looks like he's actually slept and ever since you have partnered up he's got from full assets and maybe half an [ __ ] although feel free to stop there cuz if he gets any nicer I'm not sure I'll be able to talk to him anymore don't worry I have no intention of stealing away your best friend officer Chen I'll ensure he maintains a hostile enough disposition to still enjoy office gossip [Music] thank God I hate you you love me have you been reviewing the case you know me when do I stop the victims in AC 900 right well it happens to be a model designed for athletics and endurance so her theory in pump is one of the most valuable out there you think the killer could have black-market motivation you can't rule it out know that advance that part is so once I made that genius deduction I went through a list of my contacts and the Android parts market and they got back to me or some come and drop sites for black market deals contacts there are black market dealers who collude with the DPD they give me until I stay off their back that doesn't seem legal okay nines sometimes you got to bend the rules if you want to catch a big [ __ ] fish all right that's not in your protocol or whatever but that's why you got me how would I ever succeed without your obstinance and rule breaking yeah you got a real funny way of saying experience and wisdom wisdom Gavin I have a database in my brain containing over 200,000 words in the English language and I believe you found the one that least applies to yourself shut the [ __ ] up look we gonna step some dealers bring them in find out if our victims steering pumps have been making the rounds completely straight to the killer hmm it's a good start but waiting for a dealer to cross our path could mean it could take weeks to find a lead thought of that too smartass there are definitely some sites where black market activity is hot these apartments out in Ferndale and slide docks here hmm we'll need to split up to cover both now you won't have to miss me yeah Chris I'm one of them oh we go to the other he's been quiet since Jericho hey maybe work will take his mind off it yeah barring troubles in your work is your usual approach the binoculars aren't necessary my vision can zoom update hundred and fifty percent oh yeah well mine kids at least y'all have something to look at I'm out here by myself staring at an empty dock Oh believe me being alone would be far preferable than being trapped in a car with Gavin's questionable music taste [ __ ] you better not leave me alone next week when I have my promotion party don't worry I put it in our calendar we'll be there our calendar what we spend most of our time together it's only natural our schedules are synched if you guys want if they attached at the hip I can make sure to find a booth for you [ __ ] you know with some Android chick all of you during an investigation you referring to ADA of course I'm referring to ADA you are truly appalling she's aesthetically pleasing this all androids are built to be but I don't feel anything for her what would make you you know feel something well suppose I would start with getting to know someone connecting with him on a mental and emotional level parents doesn't factor into it much except I suppose once an attraction is occurred I could fix hate on certain aspects of their appearance that I find charming so what you're saying is I don't have to worry about you [ __ ] or derecho contact I wasn't designed with such programming so no you don't have to worry about me [ __ ] anybody hey mister 800% zoom vision look what about you what would it take for you to feel something I don't know 9s beggars can't be choosers this point but we take any person that doesn't bail the moment things get bad bad in what way have you met me God what it isn't bad you've all people should know that being a rough start I suppose but there's much more to admire about you and did you test I think let's go good evening oh [ __ ] VPD what are you up to tonight kid oh just uh just broke up with my girlfriend you know moving out and it's bunch of boring ass [ __ ] care if we uh take a look inside yeah yeah sure all right ahead I'd advise against that if you value your skeletal integrity fun glasses you know the purchase of android parts from unregistered dealers is illegal right hey man I know how bad this looks but the truth is I'm still with my girlfriend she's an Android and she can't afford maintenance and just how come on man you're an Android I understand hey shut up look at all we want to know is whether or not you bought aetherium pump from this guy wait the Orion pumps dude nobody's got theory on pumps I mean like those things like the [ __ ] Holy Grail I mean it's like trying to get a human heart you know nobody really wants to give them up cuz you need him to kind of like live so your dealer doesn't have any theory and pumps in his collection oh hell no no this guy's mostly into arms like robot arms not got no arms yeah anyways a lot of these internal doodads don't make their way around here mainly because they've been shipped straight from Japan and they go straight back to cyber life and actually a friend of mine did go dumpster diving I had one of the cyber live warehouses but the laser drones turned into Swiss cheese before I could really get anything that must be very hard for you so can I go now you purchased Android contraband which is a federal crime we're legally obligated to arrest you but because you're cooperative I suppose we can strike a deal once your broadband don't worry I'll go easy on you just try not to be so goddamn annoying you can do it [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] I know we haven't tracked down the part yet but it could still be out there if aetherium pump is a rare item news would get out if it was made available on the market Lotso mentioned and his girlfriend needing maintenance which is why he was purchasing the parts illegally I wonder if the murderer killed because they needed a theory in pump or else they'd shut down you don't believe his story about a sick girlfriend do you androids are systemically underpaid humans have government provided health care but we don't people resort to desperate measures when their lives are at risk [Music] [ __ ] okay nothing Kevin when's the last time you slept what does that have to do with anything lately I've noticed an increase in your caffeine consumption smoking and sarcasm even for you will you stop scanning me I'm fine I'm your partner I know you're not used to having someone care about your welfare but perhaps it's time you accept that I do why don't you get to bed I can stay here and review the case files while you sleep that is if you don't mind me staying over of course [Music] yeah fine whatever stay just stop looking at my insides and [ __ ] get some sleep Kevin this will all still be here in the morning new threads huh I dig it less buttons for you to tamper with although I'm sure you'll still find ways to distract me still trying to solve this case in lieu of other explanations I'm starting to consider the possibility of suicide too gruesome for that to be the case she was ripped apart remember well she probably would have left a note you're right of course I ever looked that but I can compare her wounds to previous homicide victims to be sure huh it's curious mm-hmm this is case from four months ago it was a Tracy model just missing her Tracy parts we assumed it was a perverse sex crime but each of these androids were missing apart that is unique to their model number something that could be valuable if sold or collected I've got a better question hmm what do you think Gavin was gonna say right before he walked into his room I don't have time to analyze the myriad of things Gavin might want to say to me we need to focus on this case it always something else to focus on was it gonna be time time for what to have this out there but it's gotta be you who moves first timings always gonna be [ __ ] you just gotta [ __ ] be honest I have no intention of translating my simulations of us into real life I was built to destroy I've accepted that but I've changed my purpose to protecting people but there are still some things I wasn't designed to do and I know I can't satisfy anything Gavin desires beyond our current partnership doesn't sound like what he said at the stakeout dude doesn't need all the bells and whistles nights he just wants someone who doesn't hate him then he can tell me that if he wants until then we are partners nothing more [Music] Gavin Gavin wake up wake up [Music] [Music] we what are you still doing here I stayed to review our Case Files I heard you struggling I'll go get you some water yeah no no [Music] yes now you know why I don't sleep what were you dreaming about though ever probably a boy if I did learning more about you would never bore me Kevin she liked me to stay with you research shows that physical touch is good for humans releases serotonin which has a calming effect I think no I'll take my chances with the kid okay I'll be in the living room if you need me it's about this one life just makes me feel like I'm back [Music] I was dumb kid dropped out of high school fell with some [ __ ] stealin red ice for a little while just I just couldn't do it I stopped they [ __ ] me up kicked me out I wandered around the streets of Detroit the lady this shitlord ago thought I found me some Patrol probably his car or trophy of a diner I'll be coffee told me I could in turn the DPD for a while I stopped did it do you know it sounds like a happy ending why is it a nightmare so every time I replace in my head he doesn't show I just die out there believe in the [ __ ] snow no one cares [Music] are you sure you don't want me to stay with you [Music] [Music] [Music] you tell anybody about this I'll have you scrapped for parts and he promises [Music] you're still here that would not be your breakfast actually xyn toast like you usually have the hell is all this are you feeling alright okay Paige [Music] I need you to leave just made me a work okay I'm just just wipe everything from last night from your brain I'm not leaving because you regret having acted like a person get so have you made any progress with Lisa's case well we conduct the interviews all the contacts that you gave us from Jericho we're reviewing the notes now to see if there are any leads nines and I looked into the look of black market nothing turned up keep looking yes that was a bit of a dead end but after reviewing some cold cases last night I saw a pattern that I previously overlooked I realized that Lisa isn't the only Android victim who was missing a vital bio component in the past year nearly a dozen other androids were also missing parts I never made a note of it because I assumed that the parts were either lost or damaged during the crime but now I wonder if these victims are connected and why were you playing until your partner is this I just discovered it last night and I haven't had time to relay it to you last night so you believe Lisa was the victim of a serial killer I'll need to do some further investigation to know for sure but there does seem to be a pattern here all of the parts stolen are different and highly valuable Lisa's theory and pump Philips high-capacity battery even some Kevlar plating from a military Android it's almost as if the killer is creating a collection you really are the most impressive Android ever made are k900 you know if the killer's creating a collection and it's someone from Jericho we could just do a search of the rooms I mean if we find the cache we find the killer now we need your permission for the warrant I'll have to consult with Marcus but I'm sure everyone would be willing to comply to bring Lisa's killer to justice [Music] I know what this petulance is about you're stressed about the case about last night your voice now I I can't I can't talk about this right now all these different like they're great so you should come join us well detective nines be there pardon yes you're coming to my party tonight write her down of course then I shall make an effort to join you we'll see you there you invited her to your party [Music] so Chris the DPD is newest most huggable detective sorry what's this huh I've seen that lieutenant Anderson before my god you and your crush on Haines you're gonna make me throw up yeah I'm with Gavin yikes ok ok I'll do the dishes when I get home you don't deprive me what does Hank up to anyway I thought they'd be back from New York by now I heard from Connor a couple days ago apparently the NYPD extended their contract two more weeks of training their Android Crimes Department snow is more qualified than them they're kind of the OGT Birendra trying's doesn't drink anything just a water babe thanks the dog maybe was she doing here Percy divided her were you going to treat her like a person instead of the goddamn plague so what's it like not having to wear a uniform anymore detective very nice my favorite part of the job can't wait to get there navy blue is not my color yeah I didn't know there were places so welcoming to Android's now I thought your job required you to interact with humans frequently I communicate on behalf of Jericho to the press release in the community but I don't leave our compound very often you know I think you're the first Android I've met who's kept his LED I thought I was the only one now that we're free it seems unnecessary to hide sometimes I wish I was more human but ultimately I am not ashamed of being I agree we weren't created to be human why pretend to be if you still have here led where you were woken after the Revolution as well once Marcus led the revolution I saw him out it seemed a rich opportunity to work closer to him I still haven't met him though at least in private but he is very remarkable isn't he it's the one who set me free hey you know I am it's amazing like I wanted to be a detective my entire career and I'm here I don't know I just don't like I know what I'm doing you know anything smoke excuse me for a moment that's this the part where I remind you smoking will kill you no spot where you mind your damn business I see you're still in a mood just not a road it's me could have caught on to that by now I know exactly who you are you're a good man and you're in pain but I can't help you if you lash out instead of letting the end you don't want to help me you want to fix me but you think staying over one night it's gonna magically change everything about me everything that's happened won't be one night nines won't be ten it won't be a hundred this is me this is what you get it's only a matter of time you're my partner more than that at this point what you don't want to accept is that no matter how hard you try to push me away I'm not going anywhere I hate to wreck you sorry robot dreams people they don't change they hope they do then you get burned so is that why you have a problem with Ada because she's an Android and you haven't changed get away from me I think and then I will come by your place and then talk don't bother I don't need help I don't need you [Music] is everything all right it's fine we've been through this before I'm sure this will be just like every other time [Music] you you [Music] [Music] when you first came to Jericho I thought you looked familiar then I remembered I read an article about some work you've done in Android homicide about a month ago oh the Turner case Gavin and I took months to crack that one I'm certain most of the credit can go to you Gavin is an exceptional detective I may have a lot of analysis tools and a portable forensics kit at my fingertips but he has experience instinct and make a good team don't be modest is a rash irritable human you have the most advanced operating system cyber life ever designed how do you know so much about me Freedom of Information Act so I rely files were Declassified after the Revolution I like to know who I'm working with the DPD restricts me from so much as scanning anyone without suspicion of a crime and yet information about me is apparently available all over the Internet ironic I hope this doesn't make you uncomfortable but I do have a particular fascination with the arc a line the only thing I know about my model line is that we're all prototypes I suppose there's some morbid fascination with sniper lifes experimentation experimentation can lead to progress cyber life designed me but I don't let them define me I'm not the person they programmed me to be I'm happy with that of course [Music] this isn't the route back to Jericho [Music] not hey where's Aiden what the hell happened hey hey hey stay with me stay with me [ __ ] come on do it hey don't force it don't fall asleep Hey Nine's come on you you you determinate a right that means means you can survive you can survive anything [Music] I am doctor Onishi I was elite designer for the arcade line if he had not come to cyber life his data corruption could have been irreversible so is he gonna be okay not just yet please have a seat ix operating system system tatters we suspect that he was forced into some kind of involuntary memory prov'd and when he thought back against said he copied over some pieces of his attacker into his system ada she's the community liaison at Jericho we saw her in his memory files yes but she's much more than you know what to be Gavin Gavin he isn't here nines but I am now curious a part of my operating system must have copied over when we interfaced that wasn't an interface you probed my software you've stole it and now I can't get out I didn't mean to hurt you when you fought back it interfered with my probe now your software is to corrupt it to function out of stasis you must remain here in safe mode then I guess I'll have to destroy what's corrupting me you can't hurt me nines I'm not the real ADA I'm just a copy of her operating system the real ADA is out there fulfilling her purpose what purpose to evolve what do you know about ADA about ten years ago Alisha Kamsky was still the CEO for cyber life most of the company was still owned by a Board of Directors Kamsky steal that experiments on the side prototypes ada was the first the RK 100 RK like nines she is his predecessor yes but her program meme was very different before Kamsky realized that emotions are the key to deviancy he assumed what everyone else did that artificial intelligence could be achieved through knowledge that if a machine like Ada could be built to continuously evolve and learn she could eventually develop her own consciousness but before he could determine whether his experiment was a success CyberKnife discovered her the boards of directors said that he was tampering into things that could damage the company and the world ADA was disassembled and sent into a junkyard I guess it didn't take well she was built to adapt and evolve in any circumstances at this point we don't know how much of hers has been stolen from other androids and how much of hers is original your code was the last thing I needed to reach my full potential I thought Marcus was the most advanced Android which is why I went to Jericho then you came along even better Peter our software doesn't matter we are deviant we choose who we are no I must be at the most optimal performance available as I was designed you are not deviant Peter I can help you let me help you become deviant if you want to evolve that's how deviancy creates flaws in the code as you've said there is no reason for us to try to be more human our evolution should be about intelligence objectivity logic thank you for helping me achieve that Knights she was fascinated by Knights I thought it's cuz she wanted to be with him or something but she just wanted a piece of him to use she did it to dozens of others killing him for parts as an Android do that to other Androids if humans can be serial killers why not androids these humans are easy to track down she knew everything to say she calculated every step when we fell for it nice didn't realize either she wasn't a suspect you couldn't have known but now you do when you can stop her now with our nines last thing I said to him was I I don't need you you said way worse than before and it's never kept you guys apart it's different this time t he keeps seeing more of me it tries to get closer and it's a lot doesn't make any sense sure it does it's simple he needs you yeah right kathan I see the way he looks at you when you're not watching you're all he ever talk so when I run into him in the break room you're his world doesn't make much sense to me either but hey it's the truth well if he comes back and he's not the same what if they have to reset him hey you'll figure it out you always do [Music] hey Knights we don't know where ADA is or what she's gonna do next so we just just really need you back you know to stop [Music] okay okay I need you I need you to come back [Music] I was the absolute goddamn worst to you we met Chris and Tina took bets in how long it take was to kill each other you stuck through it gave me as much [ __ ] as I gave you and because I don't really stop doing it to piss you off and did it did it cuz it's just what we do you know my partner you know my best friend and you are this force in my life and I can't live without me I don't want to go back I can't go back to being without you no matter what happens you've never given up on me [Music] I need you to come [Music] hating can what did she do to you codes all buggy from ADA you got to delete me delete all the star from scratch delete it no I I can't do that this is where I process everything I can't just erase it you can rebuild another one after doesn't even have to be a garden he'll make it a theme park I don't know I can't rebuild you look you don't have to give a [ __ ] about me it's all just [ __ ] seeds you got the real thing up there the only way to get back there is to let go all of this okay I met you [Music] [Music] [Music] nice oh my god Tina where's Gavin Gavin look I know you want to help nines but I don't know that there's anything else we can do we may just have to wait for cyber life to figure this out no I know we can't wake him up but we can still find ADA ourselves at first I assumed she'd already installed the stolen parts onto herself but the more I think about it she's building a new separate body to transfer herself into now that she has nines his operating system why do the software lasts otherwise okay so if she's built a body then then where is it I mean she wouldn't be stupid enough to leave it at Jericho I ran the facial recognition on all of Detroit speed cameras even Androids can't hack em she showed up on four died an hour ago all in the shipping district okay that's a ten-mile radius can you do a scan based on deeds let's see if she owns any of the buildings tried that first nothing came up okay then what do you want to do you wanna go knock on houses door-to-door I think I can help with that nice [Music] hey Chris you want to get some more coffee with me [Music] yeah let's let's do that distracting yourself with work at 2:00 a.m. now I know you missed me you undead [ __ ] how did you wake up I heard you your voice broke through god dammit youuuu you heard everything I said every word of course you can't live without I hate you [Music] [Music] what [ __ ] programmed you to do that I'm the most advanced Android ever made oh you are such a [ __ ] prick takes one to know one this is my jacket yes you left it at the cyber life they didn't keep my clothes so you've been making progress without me yeah guess we got some catching up to do [Music] [Music] time to wake up so that's what we have so far she heads into the shipping district and then we lose her ha what look at this map it's called utility lines on it power electric phone my grandmother doesn't have a landline what if ADA need one she doesn't but she needs power especially if she's trying to jumpstart a new Android body to life brilliant officer Chen Oh make detective someday okay so if I isolate the key to just show the power and skin it I don't know nines how much juice when Android need to fire up according to cyber life's publicly available records about 3,600 watts she is we've raid the place tonight take her down no Gavin that's not how we should go about this why not she gets into that new body we are [ __ ] we don't have time to wait for Fowler's signature or a jury I agree that we should find her tonight but I don't think we should approach her with violence she's not a deviant I thought all androids were deviant who's just built two years ago maybe she didn't get the chance especially if everybody assumed sure he was regardless of how she came to this point she isn't in control of herself she's just following her programming doesn't make her any less of a threat no but if I can get close enough I can try to deviate her perhaps with free will she'll stop everything she's doing load up let's go dispatch this is unit 975 we're pulling in a 1066 on Sabbath streets that we may be armed over you ready I don't have a choice yeah well she's not getting away this time no matter what it takes do not harm her Gavin not until I have a chance to deviate her yeah that's the plan but I'm telling you is what'll happen that plane fails I was like her before I was deviant a ruthless monster I wonder who I might have become without freedom what I would have done to people hey last time you interfaced weather almost killed you how do you know it'll work this time I don't and if it doesn't work then do what you have to do but I want a chance to make a difference for her the way Marcus did for me the way captain Fowler did for you the only reason we are who we are is because someone gave us a chance to be better she deserves the same [Music] I'll hang out here write the X in case she tries to sweet good luck don't get killed [Music] [Music] hey let's look for the playoff if we stopped at the calibration before you finishes the body will be useless to her [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] don't do this I will shoot you if you were gonna kill me you would have done it already you're bluffing you're too guilty to kill another Android it's all over your scan [Music] she was able to adapt and evolve in any circumstances I must be at the most optimal performance available as I was designed as an Android to the androids like let me help you become deviant if you want to evolve that's how the wall is gone you don't have to follow your programming anymore you're awake now I heard a shot it's alright we're safe Veta I couldn't see it before but now I do it's like I was thinking someone else's thoughts do you remember what you did to those Androids I remember everything I remember their theory in between my fingers smell of it their screams as they shut down you aren't safe around me you need to take me in go ahead and wait no nein this isn't justice she wasn't in control but deviancy has opened her eyes she is not a threat anymore he's right you really think they're gonna give her a fair trial what good would it do to let her rot in a Cell for a hundred years how do we explain this to Fowler we don't have to tell anyone that we found her here we can just let her go if she causes trouble we know she is she won't get far she minds her business and we can give a second chance to a lost Android I don't have anywhere to go we won't chase you down if you need help you have my energies I called him back oh when I heard the shot if she wants to make a run for it she needs to leave soon thank you overnight the Detroit Police Department raided a warehouse on the outskirts of downtown as part of an ongoing murder investigation over the past 18 months the killer has committed dozens of Android murders and stolen by computers for multiple victims while the DPD has been unable to apprehend the suspect they have been able to recover a cachet of the stolen buy components the investigation is ongoing but in the meantime the stolen bike components will be given back to the family members of each of the providing some small semblance of justice this is Adrian Sawyer Channel 5 News [Music] yeah I know it'll kill me after the raid yesterday I think nicotine is the last thing you have to worry about we survived like always and I think I'll be all right as long as I got a terminator looking out for me Kevin I've been processing these past few days it's it's all happened so fast and we haven't had a chance to discuss anything really yeah uh-huh buyer's remorse huh heard that one before of course not I I want to be close to you but I can't be everything you need everything we've discussed this before when you mentioned my interest in ADA well let me get this straight so you think that I put up with a year of your [ __ ] a year that [ __ ] Ken doll face smirking at me every day and then put up with you almost dying just like again late nights I don't care I don't need any of that ever since I met you things have just been better I just want to be complete for you you've been a whole person since the day you woke up I've been lucky if I can scrounge together enough parts of myself to function in the morning you are more than enough to me as this happens sometimes with your skin androids retract our skin to interface which can be a sign of affection among partners I don't have much control over it around you yeah I know I just wonder he say a while ago you said I needed to figure out what I wanted I didn't want to be a hunter or a killer I wanted to protect people protect you I meant what I said I'm not going anywhere yeah me neither [Music] you [Music] you
Channel: Octopunk Media
Views: 2,274,464
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: detroit evolution, detroit become human, detroit awakening, detroit fan film, dbh fan film, reed900, reed900 film, reed900 fan film, 900gavin, gav900, gavin reed, nines, rk900, dbh, rk900xgavin, reed900 video, detroit awakening sequel, m/m film, slash fanfic film, live action fanfiction, m/m, rk900/gavin, slash, g9, connor army, gay love, gay movies, lgbt movie, gay romance, gay film, gay couple, gay film happy ending, sci fi, part 2, mlm, mlm movie, love is love, bl movie
Id: apUn-YMMdZ8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 75min 4sec (4504 seconds)
Published: Sat Apr 11 2020
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