Detroit: Become Deranged [YTP]

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I was stupid. *Night of Nights* huh, huh, huh?! HUH?! huh, huh, huh?! Huh?! *angry robot noises* Phck! Fck! Phck! Fck! Phck! Fck! HUH, HUH, HUH?! How does he even make those noises? huh, huh, huh?! He sounds like a drunk duck. HUH?! He sounds like a drunk duck. HUH?! huh, huh, huh [ Your android has run into a error] [ Contact CyberLife for futher information. ] If you think I'm going to write captions for this, you're a meme. [ car party ] Give it a try. Try painting something. Painting what? Anything you want. [ nervous exhale ] I don't even ship it. That is something that doesn't exist. ;--; Do something for me. Close your eyes. Carl, I don't... think I can do that. That's not in my program I... Go on, go, try it. Grab that ass. ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡° ) [ terrified ] Let's do this... [ epic music ] Hello there! Robo Jesus > Picasso Oh my god... You recognize him? It's Carlosu Ortiz stabbed, 2471 times. THAT was written on the wall in his blood. ...What? You do the housework, the washing, the washwork, ching chang chong, you cook the house, and you take care of... Goddammit! Where the fuck's the brat gone now? ALICE! ASS! Oh, there you are... Crap. Wtf is going on? Explain this, David Cage. [ uncomfortable silence ] I don't know if I mentioned this but- AH~ I like your interior decorating. It really reflects your personality. *exhale* I mean... I like it. oh-oh... yeee boiiii!!! DAAAMMMNNN Franklin?! WTF are you doing?! I'm joined by court town resident Todd Williams who was wwviolently attacked by his AX400 around 11 PM last night. Todd, can you tell us what happened? I was havin- I did not hit her! It's not true! It's bullshit! I did not hit her! I did not. Oh hi, Mark. OOF You okay? Why wouldn't I be? [ bruh ] I'll handle this. I'm cold... [ my ears hurt ] GET THE FUCK OUT OF MY ROOM IM PLAYING MINECRAFT I'll make the fire here so the smoke can get out. (the russian gaming experience) Tell me when you're ready Ready. Thank god, North hates me. Hello? Markus? ( That arrow on the right was intended to stay. ) [ Markus.exe is not responding ] huh? Do you think we'll be like them someday? Once we cross the border we can start over. We'll be like them. Like everyone else. [ Call Of Duty intensifies ] Shouldn't do this, Connor I'm the android send by Cyberlife™ You gonna kill a man who wants to be free. It's not a man... IT'S MA'AM! Only shit on TV. -_- *knock knock knock* FBI, OPEN UP! [ wild cavemen sounds ] The police! [ wild cavemen sounds ] It's the police! AAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHH Good evening, ma'am. Sorry to disturb you. We've had reports of... ma'ams in the area. Do you mind if I ask you a few questions? I'm cold... Eh-Of course. [ overdone joke ] [ dramatic inhale ] You lied to me, Cock! You were going to- You lied to me! You gave me no choi- Shut up! One day, You'll pay WITH YOUR BLOOD! AH How are you? Bad. Are you alright? A-I'm [ turns into Sans ] wtf, Alice... bingo [ chillin in the Mii-Lobby ] HEY! Build the helicopter! Your whiskey, Elijah. And off to the rescue! Prepare the lifeline, lower the stretcher, and make the rescue! The new emergency collection from Lego City! Adam? KARA, QUICK! FOLLOW ME! A man... They're comming torwards us! [ oh shit ] . .. ... Come on! Hurry! There's something I have to tell you. It's about Alice. Not now, Luther. This... Lieutenant Anderson has been officially assigned to the deviancy case. What do you make of him? Cognitive instability, Cognitive instability, unpredictable behaviour and the emulation of human emotions. Fortunately I'm not dank, Hank. I'm a meme, nothing more. What if- You're wrong, Lieutenant. What if- I'm only a meme, Lieutenant Just a meme. Fuck you, Cock! [ bromance ^ ] OZICOGWAG PEW PEW PEW PEW PEW PEW pew You're lost. You're looking for something. Do you know what time the leader of the deviants usually arrives? Why are we still here? [ oh shit, not again... ] [ here we go again ] A AAA AAAAAAH ass It's time to stop! I came to stealy your husbandu. Nani? OOF You are already... dead pew (Markus) shit. Hold up! Run. RUN! [ failed Naruto-running ] [ Kara, I'm cold! ] We don't want confrontation! We are protesting peacefully! A dirty bomb, Madam President. (Carl) Oh my god... WE ARE [ russian sneeze ] Bless you. FREE FREEEE FREEEEEE FREEEEEEEE FREEEEEEEEEE [ USSR anthem ] You did it, Markus. WE did it. This is a great day for our people. [ godammit ] HAH, pranked!
Channel: Did you expect a name?
Views: 3,823,064
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: detroit become human ytp, detroit ytp, dbh ytp, ytp, detroit become human on crack, detroit become human, dbh, detroit
Id: Gdx_C9T25PQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 42sec (642 seconds)
Published: Tue Mar 31 2020
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