My Name is Kara - Kara Full Story - Detroit Become Human
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Channel: AFGuidesHD
Views: 4,049,674
Rating: 4.861486 out of 5
Keywords: Detroit Become Human, kara, ending, all endings, full story, gameplay, ps4
Id: Afr77al2_JM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 150min 5sec (9005 seconds)
Published: Wed May 30 2018
Please note that this website is currently a work in progress! Lots of interesting data and statistics to come.
OK. I am about halfway through this, and I still do not know what I am watching.
It looks very much like a video game, and it seems that, if I had the appropriate controller, I could direct the plot. I remember experimental novels that worked this way (if no, then go to page 25), and I saw them as a lazy writer's lazy way of filling pages.
The dramaturge wants me to care a lot about Kara, and at the same time try to care more about Alice, but keep coming back to Kara.
I am simultaneously hooked on the story, and annoyed at how it is being developed. I may not finish watching it. At my age, time is my most valuable commodity.
Zig, this looks awesome. Two minutes into it and I'm hooked. I'll be carving out some time late tonight or tomorrow to enjoy it. Thanks!
Still watching this. I had to stop yesterday because I was out of time, but I'm watching more tonight. I'm at 1:04 so far and I'm enjoying it.
Like Sam, I'm not sure what to make of the game control options that keep popping up. Is this movie just one version of the story, Zig? Are there other versions that follow different choices?