Top 25 Best Fight Scenes in Movies

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leave it [Music] alone if you want to be thrilled and entertained there's nothing like a good fight to get your adrenaline pumping of course by this I mean the stuff you watch in the movies the TV region would never Advocate violence in real life what I do support though are these top 25 fight scenes in the movies watching John Wick facing off against Scott Atkins is a dream come true for any martial arts fan out there after all this is Yuri freaking Boer from the Undisputed franchise one thing is Bros tapped into his plus-size personality here either way the extended fight scene between John Wick and killer was a sight to behold it was intertwined with Donnie Yen also doing his thing but eventually the sequence turned into a fight to the death between the two unrivaled forces I love how the dancing crowd only reacted when killer entered the playing field it was almost as if they've seen him lose it before it was such a captivating sequence that I barely realized it was around 8 minutes long there were some pretty slick moves on display which really begs the question if Scott can pull off such an amazing display in a fat suit what if we put him in a bat suit well I guess we never know unless James gun's watching this [Applause] [Music] video he got a brief mention in the previous entry and now he's taken in all the glory Donnie Yen is a grade a badass when it comes to the World of Martial Arts his fighting skills are exemplary and he's proven his Merit time and time again with the plethora of film credits to his name in this case we're looking at the prison fight scene from 2014's Kung Fu killer it's pretty much what you'd imagine it to be Donnie works up a bunch of disgruntle inmates and then proceeds to kick their sorry butts without any Mercy whatsoever the moves on display were electrifying blow was literally thrashing inmates in front of the jailers and there was nothing they could do about it then again I'm pretty sure those guys have watched itman and figured it's better to just be the audience than the [Music] victims the general public may not look back at this film with a lot of fun memories but if you to compare it with the newer Star Wars content then I'm sure the Phantom men would look like a straight up Masterpiece the powers of nostalgia and reflection have helped a lot of films receive their dues in the Modern Age and this one's no different the scene in question is the Epic Jewel between Darth Ma and The Trusted Duo of Qui-Gon Jin and Obi-Wan Kenobi by 1999 everyone was used to the idea of a lightsaber but this battle gave a whole new meaning to that concept each of the fighters was completely Relentless and things only took a brief pause after Liam niss had to exit the battlefield to go save his daughter from Eastern European kidnappers the silent rage from Obi-Wan kind of gave me goosebumps too the fact that the only word in this jewel is a loud painful no says something doesn't it the jewel was so intense that there was no time for talking just [Music] fighting in today's world of Instagram and Tik Tok it's easy to forget some of the most memorable moments in film history the TV region ain't going to let that happen though which is why I'm bringing up what most people like to call the Mona Lisa of fight scenes it's between everyone's favorite Jackie Chan and Benny the jet yor Des from 1984's Meals on Wheels this sequence was such a brilliant piece of choreography that it's still used as a reference point in modern action movies if you haven't watched the movie I strongly suggest you check out at least this final battle I kid you not Jackie Chan was actually so impressed by Benny's skills that they ended up working together even after this film and why wouldn't he bro casually snuffed out a bunch of candles with a kick while he was punching the Daylights out of a living legend and he did all of that while wearing suspenders in a bow tie so respect what you been doing absolutely nothing the MCU enjoyed an unbelievable streak of success during the infinity Saga and it all boils down to its three OG bossmen Captain America Thor and the legend himself Iron Man so when we got to see Thanos take them on in an unbelievable Showdown Jaws just dropped everywhere while I'm still doubtful about the way he dominates the Trinity the scene in itself is epic Beyond Comprehension if I got to make a confession my biggest let down was when Thor freaking turbocharged Iron Man's blasters but it still had no effect on the M Titan simply because he knew how to spin a sword however moments like Steve Rogers lifting mol were redeemable highlights which is why the scene still makes it into my list man this truly is what the MCU stood for selfless Heroes risking their lives to save Humanity it really breaks my heart that we'll never get to see something of this level ever again on screen if you're up against Tom Cru and freaking Superman you'd normally want to Just Surrender before anything lethal happens in the case of Chinese stunt man and woo Champion yangyang it's a whole other story true he gets knocked out in one shot by August Walker in the first half of the bathroom fight but he more than makes up for it in round two the first choreography was a class apart and I weirdly enjoyed that weird little shimmy Henry caval does with his fist bro really put on such a fearsome display only to be smacked down in less than one business minute full credit to leang here though because he totally held his own against two Mega stars and even emerged the Victor come on he was totally going to end Ethan if it wasn't for f coming in and shooting him first yeah you can be a champion fighter but it's still Mission Impossible if you're up against a [Music] bullet yes this moment keeps finding its way into my videos but that's only because it would be a criminal offense if I didn't include it in a list that covers fight scenes Rama is a pretty badass fighter in his own right but the Assassin is no pushover the kitchen mat has got to be one of the most iconic fight scenes in action movies and the participants live up to the reputation it's true that Rama takes down hammergirl and baseball Batman before this but none of that matters when you're up against someone as skilled as the Assassin I mean both men went at it as if they were actually going to end each other and honestly speaking that's how an encounter should be filmed the adrenaline rush you get after watching the sequence is so good I actually took up martial arts classes after I walked out of the cinema unfortunately that only last for about 2 weeks [Applause] though ah the world's favorite assassin makes another appearance and it's an even better sequence The Knife Fight is easily one of the most well choreographed battles I've ever seen the section where it's strictly two versus one fight is so realistically done that it doesn't feel as if you're watching a movie apart from the total awesome knife throwing scenes John Wick's sluggish movements make sense because he's already injured from before also the whole idea of both Fighters going for him at the same time is exactly how it would play out in a realistic situation nobody's waiting or praning around for their turn both dudes are giving it their all and kananu is up to the task kudos to him for doing his own stunt here because it adds a lot of respectability to a man who's already Hollywood sweethart yeah I know how ironic that sounds for a guy who's literally assassinating a whole bunch of people in all of his [Music] movies [Music] it was only a matter of time until we saw this gem wasn't it watching Iron Man turn to the dark side and hash it out with Captain America and the Winter Soldier was most definitely a treat for Action lovers all around the world yeah sure the context behind the encounter is tragic and all but just look at these men in their rage my personal favorite has to be the moment when both Steve and Bucky gang up on Tony St for that brief sequence whoever choreographed that scene deserves a medal you know on one hand it's impressive to see how well Iron Man was able to take on a couple of super soldiers enhanced with cybernetic weapons but on the other hand it's miraculous to see how well two humans were able to disable something that's equivalent to a flying tank equipped with a targeting system and its own AI personality right another right another right back right [Music] back we're all familiar with boxing aren't we whether it's Mike Tyson Muhammad Ali or even Floyd Mayweather the sport has a global fan base and CHS out millions of dollars just like his Child's Play however the moment it was etched into pop culture history was the first ever Rocky film released in 1976 sure boxing was a popular sport at the time but this movie started a movement that motivated even your average Joe to become a professional boxer the final fight between Rocky Balboa and aono Creed is one that they still bring up in film classes because of how well it's been directed The Battle isn't just about who comes out on top as the winner there are multiple themes on display here I swear the film still inspires me to this day after all it taught me that everything isn't about winning but rather getting up even after you've been knocked down that's exactly what Sylvester Stallone does here what amazes me is that he wrote the screen play as well bro was working as if his rent was due for the second time struggling to get up don't get up just stay down there just stay down there get the body the body the body [Applause] you're they might tell you not to drink and drive but Jackie Chan sure loves to drink and fight drunker Master 2 is a kind of a weird one for me honestly speaking I don't remember much of it apart from the factory fight scene yes the film is supposed to be funny as well but what happens here is straight up ridiculous I mean the man gets dominated in every single manner but then he drinks some booze and becomes a total Champion yeah none of this makes sense to me either but I still enjoy watching this encounter the choreography isn't exactly what you'd call brutal but it's interesting enough to warrant its own audience also we got to see the first live rendition of floor is lava meme before it was even a thing on social media I swear to God though if alcohol can bless you with this kind of ability then everyone would be a [Applause] [Music] drunkard two I think it's fair to say the gonen is a staple name in lists like these his role as itman in itself is more established in the entire careers of most people in this case we're looking at the legendary battle between him and master Hong what's even better is that they're fighting it out on a freaking Round Table this is a whole other level of flexing and on top of that neither man backs down or gives a city exclusive like oh the table's too slippery I also love the fact that itman would thank the Masters he defeated for going easy on him it's a boss move which shows his respect for these Masters because he doesn't want them to lose face in front of the others the direction is also on point because you need skilled technicians to cover such an animated sequence [Music] if Keanu Reeves doesn't sh up as John Wick you can bet your bottom dollar the he'll arrive as Neo The Matrix faced so much success upon release that a sequel was pretty much iminent however we had to wait all the way until 2003 for the Matrix Reloaded and it didn't disappoint well at least from the action scenes the most memorable of them all is Neo's encounter with the Mr Smith clones it was an excellently marra sequence with Keanu giving it his all against an unlimited supply of Hugo weaving clones once again we can see multiple clones taken on Neo at the same time rather than waiting in a line to get their butts handed to them I know that kananu is the star here but I want to give props to Hugo as well he played his part to the T which is why I was so disappointed not to see him back in Matrix resurrections [Music] this is a fight that you just have to see with your own eyes there are a lot of martial arts gems out there and Iron Monkey stands tall as one of the most entertaining stories in kung fu films Actually I don't even know what kind of style is on display here the dudes are literally fighting on poles with the entire area on fire now if this isn't badass then I don't know what is the speed with which these men attack each other is so rapid that I first thought I was watching it at twice the playback speed also if you didn't spot him already Donnie Yen is in it too although he looks a little different without any hair on his head I also like the villain's fighting attitude because if you translate whatever he's saying you'll realize he's handed off some EX excessively Savage insults actually you should go watch the scene for yourself just thank me later Landing just outside my top 10 is the most intense battle in Infinity War yes the Battle of wakanda was pretty badass but the attack on Titan felt a lot more personal anime references aside it was terrifying to watch Thanos beat down MCU veterans like the Guardians of the Galaxy doctor strange and Iron Man Yeah spidey's there too but Peter Parker will still be a novice this time around the highlights here were his encounters against Steven strange and Tony Stark because the both of them gave him a pretty good fight personally I loved watching the Nano suit utilize its abilities and even land a punch on the Mad Titan but unfortunately we already knew the outcome didn't we it just goes to show why he's the superior Marvel [Music] villain [Music] [Music] why should boys have all the fun even the ladies can put on a show if you give them the opportunity and Michelle yo has been in the industry long enough to know that her sword fight against Jen is just as good as anything you'll see between a couple of men and that's because Angley made sure to make this scene a masterpiece the sword choreography on display is unbelievable and Frankly Speaking Jen is kind of like a human tornado that woman spins faster than the freaking Beyblade on a serious note though Michelle yo has proven her Legend status multiple times and this scene is the cream of the crop the sheer skill and character on display are incredible you don't need to see anything else of this movie to understand who yulen is I've praised Raid 2 A lot of times but I almost forgot that the OG film also has a couple of stunners one of them is the brutal encounter between Mad Dog and Rama who teams up with his brother Andy man I don't know what to say mad dog has got to be one of the most dangerous goons in Asian Cinema it took both Rama and Andy putting in their best efforts to match his skills and they almost ended up on the losing side bro actually got faster after getting stabbed in the neck that's final boss material right there I think the best part is how the scene builds its desperation and intensity I was feeling so anxious because I really wanted the duo to finish off Mad Dog as soon as possible that's when you know a villain is very dangerous [Music] a [Music] come on if I could put Henry caval and that awful mustache in this video I was obviously going to include his most iconic role ever the final battle between Superman and General Zod deserves just as much praise as any other iconic Fight The Savage nature of the encounter is shown in zod's general attitude but even Clark didn't hold back his emotions to see kalow having to resort to murder to win his match really struck a cord in my heart and this proves to be a testament to Michael Shannon's performance okay just to put zod's abilities into perspective it took Superman his entire childhood to get used to his height and senses on Earth Zod on the other hand became accustomed to them in the middle of the fight yep that's how much of a threat he really is [Music] if you want want to watch a ridiculous action sequence look no further than a Quenton Tarantino film especially if it happens to be Kill Bill volume one has his most ridiculous fight scene till date I mean you can be the master champion of the world but even then to defeat 88 crazy goons is something only a superhero is capable of the Bride showed no mercy here and I don't just mean from a physical point of view her words were just as Savage as her blows because just listen to some of the stuff she says leave the limbs you've lost they belong to me now that's got to be one of the most badass lines in film history also when she spanks the young dude and tells him to go back to his mother that was sassy [Music] [Music] AF every fight scene in a hallway is homage to old boy that's just how it is I don't make the rules you know the coridor fight is essentially one of the highlights of Korean Cinema because it's made an undeniable impact on pop culture that too despite being an R-rated moment I've showered enough Praises on this sequence so here's a bit of trivia if you don't know the scene took 17 takes and 3 days to finish on top of that it's actually done all in one continuous shot without any kind of editing the only piece of CGI here is the knife that gets stabbed into odu's back also the game seu pays tribute to this sequence in its very first level and that's how you know you got a [Music] [Applause] [Music] winner I'm shown you Jackie Chan and Donnie Yen so I obviously had to include Bruce Lee as well Enter the Dragon was a Flawless Blockbuster and there were many reasons for it too one of them was the fight between Lee and Ohara it's pretty straightforward in terms of the Victor but there's something more important to consider this sequence is a good example of how important it is to control your emotions during a fight Lee is face to face with the man responsible for his sister's death but he remains disciplined enough to stay focused and in control meanwhile Ohara gets too angry and Lee humiliates him and he becomes more careless when Lee easily counters his attacks in a way I guess it all worked out because Lee gets his revenge thanks to O'Hara's recklessness The Dark Knight will always give it his 100% but if a mother named Martha's involved God save your soul the warehouse fight was the best portrayal of Batman's fighting skills and I'd even go on to say that it worked better than the titular encounter against Superman Bruce Wayne never comes unprepared and you could see in the way he handled all those goons bro even took a couple of bullets to the head but got back up went about his business as if it was just no problem at all I wonder where you get head gear like that from on the serious note though I've grown much F of bat Fleck now and I totally agree that he was done Dirty by not getting a solo film to his name [Applause] [Applause] 1984's police story wasn't a massive theatrical success but it video rental sales dominated the late 80s my favorite scene has to be the mor fight just because of how elaborate it is inspector Kevin faces an uphill task at first but easily starts to turn the tables once he accepts the fact that the only way out is to kick some butt I've already spoken enough about punches and kicks but the biggest takeaway from this scene is when Kevin jumps down through all of those lights and decorations it was a pretty elaborate display and topped even the moment where our hero runs one of the goons through some stalls with his bike yeah there's a lot Happening Here [Music] this one was just lurking around the corner and it finally pops up at number two itman basically established donen as a global star and there are multiple scenes from this film that'll take your breath away fighting one karate black Bel is tough enough as it is but bro decided to take on 10 of them just to show that his style is better I really wonder how much rage that you need to have that you're going to go all out against 10 men speaking of Rage this is actually the only time we see him at full capacity it man never show such brutality again I guess he's realized it's better to suppress your anger rather than let it out on martial arts [Music] experts [Music] if beating 10 karate masters was badass well here's Bruce Lee defeating an entire Dojo of Japanese Fighters including their Sensei I'm not good with counting but if I had to put a number to it I'd say there were at least 20 people fighting Bruce Lee in this battle and he still came out on top short he used nine Ts for additional damage but I think you can allow that when the fighters outnumbered to such a degree the best part about this scene is when he forces those bratty students to eat the filthy sign they made earlier bro is literally making his enemies eat their words I guess that's what happens when you challenged the man who revolutionized the World of Martial Arts hope you like this video please subscribe to the TV region and here's another video I know you're 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Channel: The TV Regent
Views: 193,028
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: the tv regent, top 10, top 10 movies, movie scenes, movies, movie tops, movie, best movie scenes, films, top 25, top 25 best fight scenes in movies, best movie fights, fight scenes, badass fights in movies, most badass scenes in movies, best movie fight scenes, best fight scenes in movies, ip man vs 10 black belts, keanu reeves vs scott adkins john wick 4, bruce lee dojo fight scene, oldboy hallway fight, rama vs assassin, thanos vs trinity, Jackie Chan vs Benny Urquidez
Id: uH-ZBlD8puo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 28min 56sec (1736 seconds)
Published: Thu Feb 29 2024
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