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[Music] [Music] please please you gotta save my little girl all right now you can't do that I don't give my men a rate of stepping just give the order captain Allen my name is Connor I'm the Android sent my cyber life it's firing at everything that moves it already shot down two of my men we could easily get it but they're on the edge of the balcony if it falls she falls have you tried its deactivation codes the first thing we tried do you know if it's been behaving strangely before--this listen saving that kid is all that matters so I thought you did with this [ __ ] Android now I'll take care of it [Music] [Music] your order for a b700 Android has been registered CyberKnife thanks you for your purchase [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] literally waiting for we should take down this ass don't come any closer I'll jump hi Daniel now my name is Connor how do you know I know a lot of things about you I've come to get you out of this I'm not going to hurt you I just want to talk and find a solution I don't want to talk it's too late for that now it's genius are you armed No I don't have a gun you're lying and I know you have a gun I'm telling you the truth Daniel I came here on armed going to replace you and you became upset that's what happened right he thought it was part of the family so they'd matter but I was just there too something could throw away when you're done I know you and Emma were very close you think she betrayed you but she's done nothing wrong she lied to me I thought she loved me but I was wrong she's just like all the others humans [Music] listen I know it's not your fault these emotions are feeling are just errors in your software no it's not my fault I never wanted this I love them you know I was nothing to them just a slave being ordered around and can't stand that noise anymore tell the helicopter to get out of here you have to trust me Daniel let the hostage go and I promise you everything will do fine I want everyone to leave yeah and I want a car when I'm outside the city I'll let her go [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] your problem lieutenant Anderson my name is Connor I'm the Android sent by cyber life I looked for you at the station but nobody knew where you were they said you were probably having a drink nearby I was lucky to find you at the fifth bar what do you want you were assigned a case early this evening a homicide involving his cyber life Android in accordance with procedure the company has allocated a specialized model to assist investigators well I don't need any assistance especially not from a plastic [ __ ] like you just be a good little robot and get the [ __ ] out of here I'm sorry lieutenant but I must insist my instructions stipulate that I have to accompany you do you know where you can stick your instructions no where never lieutenant Anderson I must inform you that I intend to file a report on your behavior [Music] I think we can go now drink oh no what stopped me from knocking you out your sense of duty lieutenant and the cost of repairs if you damage me for your information I'm worth a small fortune wonders a technology they can even program [ __ ] these days there you go duty calls you [Music] [Music] you wait here no way I'm coming with you listen you really have to stop pissing me off if you want to make it to the rest of the night in one piece Joff Douglas from channel 16 you confirm that this is a homicide I'm not confirming anything androids are not permitted beyond this point it's with me you know talk you don't touch anything and you stay out of my way got it got it evening Hank we're starting to think you weren't gonna show yeah that was the plan to lose a soul found me yourself right now very funny just tell me what happened few months so you thought I'd drop by she smell was even worse before we opened the windows the victims name's Carlos Ortiz he has a record for theft and aggravated assault according to the neighbors he was trying to below their stayed inside most of the time they hardly ever saw me state he's in worth calling everybody out in the middle of the night I waited till morning I'd say he's being there for a good three weeks we'll know more when the coroner gets here there's a kitchen knife overheat yes probably the murder weapon any sign of a break-in nope the landlord said the front door was locked from the inside all the windows were boarded up the killer must have got out of the back way what do we know about is it and not much the neighbors confirm he had one but it wasn't here when we arrived I I gotta get some air make yourself at home lobby outside [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] is perfect this way to Nate no human rights like this Chris was this written in the victim's blood [Music] I would say so we're taking samples for analysis red ice just like Carlos like a party [Music] grace I went full analysis on the narcotics consider it done lieutenant [Music] Mike you finish taking samples there yeah that's in [Music] [Music] he was stabbed 28 times yeah he's like the killer really had it in for lieutenant I think I figured out what happened oh yeah shoot I'm all ears it all started in the kitchen there are obvious signs of a struggle question is what exactly happened here I think the victim attacked the Android with the battery that lines up with the airplanes go on [Music] the Android stabbed the victim so the Android was trying to defend itself right okay then what happened the victim fled to the living I tried to get away from the end all right that makes sense the Android murdered the victim with the knife [Music] okay your Theory's not totally ridiculous it doesn't tell us where the Android went it was damaged by the bat and lost some theory plus some what theorem you call it blue blood it's the fluid that powers androids bio components it evaporates after a few hours and becomes invisible to the naked eye but I bet you can still see it can't you correct [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] hey hey hey what are you doing with that chair I'm going to check something Jackson [Music] [Music] I was just defending myself you're just gonna kill me I'm begging you [Music] Don't Tell come on what the [ __ ] is going on up there [Music] it's here lieutenant [ __ ] Chris Ben get your asses in here now why'd you kill him what happened before you took that knife how long were you in the Attic why don't you even try to run away say something goddamn it [ __ ] it I'm out of here wasting our time interrogating machine will get nothing out of it would always try roughing up a little after all it's not human androids don't feel pain you would only damage it and that wouldn't make it talk deviance also have a tendency to self-destruct when they're in stressful situations okay smartass what should we do then I can try questioning it we have to lose go ahead suspects all yours [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] you recognize him it's Carlos Ortiz stabbed 28 times that was written on the wall in his blood you're damaged did your owner do that did he beat you you're accused of murder you know you're not allowed to endanger human life under any circumstances do you have anything to say in your defense if you won't talk I'm going to have to probe your memory no no please don't do that what what are they gonna do to me [Music] destroy me aren't they they're going to disassemble you to look for problems in your bio components they have no choice if they want to understand what happened why did you tell them you followed me why couldn't you just have left me there I was programmed to hunt deviants like you I just accomplished my mission then talk to me I I can't you leave me no choice [Music] [Music] my access its memory I know what happened it's destroying itself [Music] [Music] hello Amanda Connor it's good to see you finding that deviant was far from easy you showed great skill in your investigation but you knew deviance could be unstable you should have been more cautious I thought I could make it talk it was a judgment error never mind I'm sure you'll be more careful in the future the interrogation seemed challenging what did you think of the deviant it's simulated human emotion fear in particular in a very convincing way it seemed completely overwhelmed by them and behaved irrationally this lieutenant Anderson has been officially assigned to the deviancy case what do you make of him I would define him as dysfunction he obviously has a personal situation impacting his professional behavior and seems to have no interest in the investigation unfortunately we have no choice but to work with him what do you think is the best approach I will focus on the investigation and try to ignore him as long as he doesn't interfere and we avoid conflict he shouldn't be a problem more and more Android show signs of deviancy there are millions in circulation if they become unstable the consequences will be disastrous you're the most advanced prototype cyber life is ever created if anyone can figure out what's happening it's you you can count on me Amanda hurry Connor there's a little time can I help you I'm here to see lieutenant Enders do you have authorization yes lieutenant Anderson hasn't arrived yet but you can wait at his desk excuse me do you know what time lieutenant Anderson usually arrives depends on where he was the night before if we're lucky we'll see him before noon Thanks hi [Music] it's good to see you again lieutenant oh Jesus Hank in my office I've got 10 new cases involving androids on my desk every day we've always had isolated incidents old ladies losing their Android mange and that kind of crap but now we're getting reports of assaults and even homicide like that guy last night this isn't just cyber life's problem anymore it's now a criminal investigation and we've got to deal with it before the [ __ ] hits the fan I want you to investigate these cases and see if there's any link why me why do I got to be the one to deal with this [ __ ] I am the least qualified cop in the country to handle this case I know jack [ __ ] about androids Jeffrey I can barely change the settings on my own phone everybody's overloaded I think you're perfectly qualified for this type of investigation [ __ ] the truth is nobody wants to investigate these [ __ ] androids and you let me home the bag cyber life sent over this Android to help with the investigation it's a state-of-the-art prototype it'll act as your partner no [ __ ] way I don't need a partner and certainly not this plastic prank Hank you are seriously starting to piss me off you are a police lieutenant you are supposed to do what I say and such a goddamn mouth you know what my goddamn mouth has to say to you oh okay I'll pretend like I didn't hear that so I don't have to add any more pages to your disciplinary folder cuz it already looks like a [ __ ] novel this conversation is over Jeffrey Jesus Christ why are you doing this to me you know how much I hate these [ __ ] things why are you doing this to me listen I've had just about enough of your [ __ ] either you do your job or you hand in your badge now if you'll excuse me I've got work to do well then I won't keep you any longer have a nice day captain [Music] listen I know you don't like me but we're going to have to work together we'll both have to make an effort now that we're partners it would be great to get to know each other better is there a desk anywhere I could use no one's using that one you have a dog right how do you know that the dog hairs on your chair I like dogs what's your dog's name what's it to you sumo I call him sumo do you listen to Knights of the Black Death I really like that music it's full of energy you listen to heavy metal well I don't really listen to music as such but I'd like to a lot of people don't appreciate having androids around I was wondering is there any reason in particular you despise me yeah there is one you're a Detroit gears fan right Denton Carter scored 53% of his shots from the three-point line yesterday did you see the game that's what I was watching at the bar last night lab report says they cut it with something I was wondering the dice do you always arrive at the office at this time I arrived when I arrived stop busting my balls okay have you known captain Fowler for long yeah too long if you have any files on deviance I'd like to take a look at them terminals on your desk knock yourself out 243 files first dates back nine months it all started in Detroit and quickly spread across the country an ax 400 is reported to have murdered a man last night that could be a good starting point for our investigation I know you didn't ask for this investigation lieutenant but I'm sure you're a profession why don't you go [ __ ] yourself I'm going to file a report with my superiors that you refused to work on this investigation listen [ __ ] it was up to me I throw the lot of you in a dumpster and set a match to it so stop pissing me off and things are gonna get nasty Oh lieutenant I'm sorry to disturb you I have some information on the ax 400 that killed the guy last night it's been sighted in the Raven Dale district I'm on it lieutenant Anderson Detroit police looking for a female Android robbed a store down the road last night you see anything Android no I don't think Andrew is here have you seen anyone that looks like this [ __ ] I knew there's something weird about her she came in last night she was dressed in normal you know there was no way I could tell is it still here yeah probably room 28 thank you then yes still at the motel sent some uniforms of cordon off the area you wait in the car out of the question I'm coming with you listen I'm tired of you talking back to me you're a machine so shut the [ __ ] up and do what I say all I want is to accomplish my mission I'm sorry if that upsets you want to see the end of your mission stop busting my [ __ ] balls it's gone [Music] [ __ ] that step hey stop police which way did it go that way they're headed for the train station they're over there good suit we need it alive oh [ __ ] that's insane Hey I can't let them get away they won't and never make it to the other side I can't take that chance now you will get yourself killed do not go after him Connor that's an order i Jesus Christ [Music] plastic would you number five you want a flutter last [ __ ] had to be given set me backwards waged come on this is different it's a hundred percent guaranteed you can't anymore alright I'm in damn straight hey what we read this what is your problem don't you ever do as you're told if you don't have to follow me around like a poodle [Applause] I thought now might be a good time to review it I know about demons no now is not a good time to review anything now is my lunch break so just go into standby and cut some slack okay here you go thanks Jerry I'm started I'll leave that thing here not a chance follows me everywhere do you eat your offer most days Gary makes the best burger in Detroit you seem to know everyone in the district Joyce my home born and raised know most the guys around here went to school with them I'd busted them sometimes both can I ask you a personal question why do you hate Android so much is there anything you'd like to know about me oh well yeah um why did they make you look so goofy and give you that weird voice cyber life androids are designed to work harmoniously with humans both my appearance and voice were specifically designed to facilitate my integration well they're [ __ ] out maybe I should tell you what we know about deviance you read my mind receive we believe that a mutation occurs in software of some androids which can lead to them emulating a human emotion in English please they don't really feel emotions they just get overwhelmed by irrational instructions which can lead to unpredictable behavior emotions so we screw everything the androids aren't as different from us as we thought you ever dealt with deviance before a few months back indeed was threatening to jump off the roof caught a girl I managed to save her so I guess you've done all your homework right know everything there is to know about me I'm focused on the case the rest doesn't concern me I just got a report at a suspected VV it's a few blocks away you should go happy lumpy I'll let you finish your hearing I'll be in the car if you need me hey Connor you ran out of batteries or what I'm sorry I was making a report to cyber life while do you plan on staying in the elevator no I'm coming what do we know about this guy not much just that a neighbor reported that he heard strange noises coming from this floor nobody's supposed to be living here but the neighbor said he saw a man hiding an LED under his cap Christ if we have to investigate every time somebody hears a strange noise we're gonna need more cops hey were you really making a report back there in the elevator correct anybody home open up Detroit police stay behind me got it [Music] [Music] [ __ ] is this Jesus this place stinks looks like we came for nothing our mains gone found something I don't know it looks like a notebook but it's in disciple it's led is in the sink not surprised it was an Android no human could live with all these [ __ ] pigeons any idea what it means ra9 written 2471 times it's the same sign Ortiz's Android wrote on the shower wall why are they obsessed with this sign looks like mazes or something [Music] [Music] that chick [Music] [Music] [Music] he says I hate these things goddamn [ __ ] pigeons what are you waiting for chase it [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] I've done nothing wrong I just wanted to be free you know what they'll do to me if you turn me in model eight seven four zero zero four nine six one serious malfunctions have been detected in your software including class four errors you've been deemed defective and will be sent back to cyber life with deactivation don't you [ __ ] move you bastard you saw who's gonna phone you'd rather let me die than fail your [ __ ] mission I had to make a choice it seemed to me that my tu statistic a 0 a 1 in your [ __ ] program huh so now you see humans you bastard Jesus I understand you're upset perhaps I didn't assess the 5 Cleo and your [ __ ] assessment come here are you doing this alright you've one of us shut up you're helping humans just their slave shut up come along Oh [ __ ] Androids [Music] hello Amanda Connor I've been expecting you would you mind a little walk congratulations Connor you managed to find that deviant tell me what did you learn I found its diary but it was encrypted it may take weeks to decipher what else the walls of the apartment were covered with drawings of labyrinths and other symbols like the other deviants it seemed obsessed with re9 he came very close to capturing that deviant pity you letting the self-destruct I knew deviance had a tendency to self-destruct under extreme stress but I didn't expect it to jump from the roof it should have anticipated that how is your relationship with lieutenant developing it's improving I'm coming to know him better and he's growing accustomed to my presence we don't have much time deviancy continues to spread it's only a matter of time before the media finds out about it we need to stop this whatever it takes I will solve this investigation Amanda I won't disappoint you a new case just came in fine Anderson and investigated you lieutenant Anderson anybody home lieutenant Anderson easy sumo I'm your friend see I know your name I'm here to save your owner lieutenant girl wake up lieutenant it's me Connor I'm going to sober you up for your own sake an Android get the [ __ ] out of my house I'm sorry lieutenant but I need you thank you in advance for your cooperation hey [ __ ] outta here Silla hey attack [ __ ] I think I'm gonna be sick I'll leave me alone you [ __ ] I'm not going anywhere how are you doing I don't want a bath thank you sorry lieutenant it's for your own good what the [ __ ] are you doing here a homicide was reported 43 minutes ago I couldn't find him at Jimmy's bar so I came to see if you were at home Jesus I must be the only cop in the world it gets assaulted in his own house by his own [ __ ] Android can't you just leave me alone maybe you should drop the case they'll assign someone else and I can focus on my mission you got their mission that's all you care about huh listen lieutenant you're not yourself you should beat it you hear me get the hell out of here I understand I sincerely hope you come to terms with your personal situation this homicide what do we know about it a man was found dead in a sex club downtown the report says that an Android may be involved you know probably wouldn't do me any harm to get some air there's some clothes in the bedroom there I'll go get them what do you want to wear are you all right lieutenant yeah yeah wonderful just me five minutes okay sure Congress today she demanded the all-russian what were you doing with the gun humorless when the tiara I get a lad but the Culebra for you were lucky the next shot would have killed you are you okay lieutenant bigger duck sumo I won't be long oh it was like somebody's playing with a drill inside my skull you sure this is the place it's the address in the report okay let's get going sexiest androids in town now I know why you insisted on coming here the investigations ongoing sir I can't tell you anything for the moment thank you thank you hey Ben how's it going start from there oh by the way Kevin's in there too great dead body in an [ __ ] just what I needed lieutenant Anderson and his plastic pet the [ __ ] the youth of the weed we've been assigned to all cases involving androids oh yeah you're wasting time it's some pervert who got more action than you can handle we'll have a look anyway if you don't want come on let's go start his stink of booze night lieutenant [Music] [Music] he didn't die of a heart attack he was strangled yeah we saw the bruising on the neck then prove anything though could have been a rough flight we're missing something here that you can read the androids memory if you can see what happened I can try oh hey Oh Connor you're so disgusting I think I'm gonna puke again driver's license says the only way to access its memory is to reactivate it I think you can do it it's badly damaged if I can and only me for a minute maybe less I just hope it's long enough to learn something I'm going to ask you some questions are you able to speak is he is he dead did you kill him no no it wasn't me tell me what happened he started hitting me again and again I begged him to stop but he wouldn't it was like he was in the room was there anyone else with you he wanted to play with two girls that's what he said there was two of us where did the other Android go did it say anything so there was another Android is having over an hour ago it's probably long gone no it couldn't go outside dress like that unnoticed it might still be here if you could find a deviant among all the other androids in this place deviants aren't easily detected it's gotta be some other way maybe an eyewitness somebody who saw it leaving the room I'm gonna go ask the manager a few questions about what he saw you let me know if you think of anything did you know the victim came in maybe two three times me these guys they don't really talk very much you know [Music] with Andrews back sima just vanished we ever found out what happened excuse me lieutenant you come here a second found something maybe [Music] can you rent this Tracy for [ __ ] sake Connor we got better things to do please lieutenant just trust me thirty minutes this is not gonna look good on my expense account delighted to meet you follow me I'll take you to your room okay now what [Music] it saw something I Tucker I saw what the deviant leave the room a blue-haired Tracy Club policy is to wipe the androids memory every two hours we only have a few minutes if we want to find another witness hey what am I supposed to do with this one tell you changed your mind sorry how do you change my mind nothing personal here a lovely girl I just you know with him and I mean not with him like that I'm not that that's not what I let's try this this better be worth it it saw the blue haired Tracy I know which way it went they go for it there are androids everywhere how are you gonna tell which one saw the Tracy with blue hair I know which direction it took me I just need to find another Android on its path [Music] I know where it went follow me fuckin'-a this is crazy wait I'll take it from here [Music] [ __ ] we're too late [Music] Oh quick they're getting away why did you kill her she had nothing to do with any of this when that man killed that Tracy I knew I was next I was so scared I begged him to stop but he wouldn't so I put my hands around his throat nice squeeze until he stopped moving yes I killed him but I was just defending myself I wanted to live I wanted to get back to them one I love forget about the humans the smell of their sweat and dirty words that you you've taken her away from me I love her I loved her [Music] god [Music] [Music] [Music] nice view uh-huh I used to come here a lot before can I ask you a personal question lieutenant do all androids ask so many personal questions is it just you I saw a photo of a child on your kitchen table it was your son right yeah his name was Cole [Music] you should stop drinking lieutenant it could have serious consequences for your health that's the idea we're not making any progress on this investigation the deviants have nothing in common they're all different models produced at different times in different places well there must be some link what they have in common is this obsession with ra9 it's almost like some kind of myth something they invented it wasn't part of their original program androids believing in God what's this world coming to you seem preoccupied lieutenant is it something to do with what happened back at the Eden Club those two girls they just wanted to be together they really seemed in love nothing in their program allows them to love or desire anything they're machines what about you Connor you look human sound human what are you really I'm a machine designed to accomplish a task so you feel anything when that girl kill herself Connor did you just not give a [ __ ] and away the other of course I didn't feel anything lieutenant I'm a machine machines don't have emotions but are you afraid to die kind of [Music] you can't kill me lieutenant I'm not alive what'll happen if I pull this trigger hmm nothing oblivion Android heaven you know you're not going to shoot me lieutenant you're just trying to provoke a reaction I'm afraid I'm going to have to disappoint you you think you're so [ __ ] smart always one step ahead huh tell me this smartass how do I know you're not a deviant myself test regularly I know what I am and what I am NOT [Music] hello Connor I thought you might enjoy a little cruise I love this place everything is so calm and peaceful far from the noise of the world tell me what have you discovered I found two deviance at the Aidan Club I hope to learn something but I had to destroy them you seem lost Connor lost and perturbed the investigation is more challenging than I anticipated but I have no doubt that I will solve this case and stop the deviance if your investigation doesn't make progress soon I may have to replace you Connor I am of no importance the mission is all that matters something's happening something serious hurry Connor time is running out why did you shoot me last night who cares you're back this morning aren't you some fragments of memory are lost every time I'm destroyed it slows down the investigation my humblest apologies I promise I'll never shoot you again Thank You lieutenant hi Hank [ __ ] what's going on here there was a party and nobody told me about it yeah it's all over the news everybody's butt of their nose and even the FBI wants a piece of the action ah great so then we got the feds on her back I knew this was gonna be a shitty day so what do we got a group of four Androids they knew the building and they were very well organized I'm still trying to figure out how they got this far without being noticed you check the roof not yet there's so much to look at you have to make sure we check it out they attack two guards in the hallway they knocked one out and shot the other in cold blood [Music] station employee shot through the back as he was trying to get away one bullet straight through the heart from fifty feet now that's the kind of shooting only an Android could do how many people were working here just two employees and three androids the deviants took the humans hostage broadcast a message live then make their getaway from roof yeah they jumped with parachutes we're still trying to figure out where they landed but the weather is not helping we found the body of an end video broadcast by the PBS [Music] [Music] [Music] Oh lieutenant this is Special Agent Perkins from the FBI lieutenant Anderson is in charge of investigating for Detroit Police what's that my name is Connor I'm the Android sent by cyber life androids investigating androids huh you sure you want an Android hanging around after everything that happened whatever the FBI ever take you over the investigation used to be off the case pleasure meeting you have a nice day and you watch your step don't [ __ ] up my crime scene what a [ __ ] prick I'll be nearby if you need anything just ask let's ever look around okay lieutenant this message is the hope of a people but it is also a warning we will fight for our rights because we believe our cause is just no human will live in peace until we are free now you know who we are what we want we are alive and we demand our freedom I think that's ra9 deviants say ra9 will set them free this Android seems to have that objective you see something identified its model in cereal anything else I should know no nothing [Music] they didn't break it no no signs of forced entry there are cameras in the hallway the stock would have seen what was happening why do they let him in maybe they didn't check the cameras we stored the station Android's in the kitchen there's no evidence that they were involved but we didn't know what else to do with them made their way up to the whole building past all the guards and jumped off the roof with parachutes pretty [ __ ] impressive I'd say [Music] [Music] they managed to smuggle in a big bag like that they didn't someone brought it in for them [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] what is your function I am a broadcast operator state your month model GB 300 serial number three three six four four five and five eight one has anybody accessed your memory recently not to my knowledge run a diagnostic all systems fully operational [Music] were you present when the deviants broke in I do not remember have you been in contact with any other androids recently only station androids in the normal course of my function one of you saw the attack on the surveillance cameras and said nothing which means there's a deviant in this room and I'm going to find out which it is you're going to be switched off we're gonna search your memory and tear you apart piece by piece for analysis you're going to be destroyed do you hear me destroy [Music] why should you all be destroyed if only one is deviant turn yourself in or two innocent androids will be shut down because of you if you give yourself up maybe I can convince the humans not to destroy [Music] [Music] it's a deviant stop [Music] nice shot I wanted it alive you saved human lives you saved my life [Music] [Music] Oh is everything okay lieutenant Chris was on patrol last night he got attacked by deviance they found his body early this morning he was executed in cold blood with his own service weapon can a father three months ago [ __ ] why'd it have to be him I didn't know officer Miller well but he seemed to be a good person yeah I'm sorry lieutenant how did you find Kamsky I remembered this guy was all over the media when cyber life first started selling androids I made a few calls we are [Music] hi I'm lieutenant Hank Anderson Detroit Police Department I'm here to see mr. Elijah Kamsky please come in okay I'll let Elijah know you're here but please make yourself comfortable [Music] [Music] nice girl [Music] it's not a girl it's an Android that looks like a girl I know what it is Connor nice place it's androids haven't been a bad thing for everybody you're about to meet your maker Connor how's it feel it doesn't raise any existential questions if that's what you mean sometimes I wish I could meet my Creator face-to-face I'd have a couple of things I'd want to tell him [Music] [Music] glad you will see you now [Music] mr. cams key just a moment please [Music] [Music] [Music] I'm lieutenant Anderson this is Connor what can I do for you lieutenant sir we're investigating deviance I know you left several life years ago but I was hoping you'd be able to tell us something we don't know deviance fascinating aren't they perfect beings with infinite intelligence now they have freewill machines are so superior to us the confrontation was inevitable humanity's greatest achievement threatens to be its downfall isn't ironic something in the deviants program seems to emulate emotion we thought you might know something about how that occurs all ideas of viruses spread like epidemics is the desire to be free a contagious disease listen I didn't come here to talk philosophy the machines you created may be planning a revolution either you can tell us something that'll be helpful or we will be on our way what about you color whose side are you on on the human side of course well that's what you're programmed to say but you what do you really want I don't want anything I am a machine boy I'm sure you're familiar with the Turing test here finality simple question of algorithms and computing capacity what interests meaning it's whether machines are capable of empathy I call it the Kamsky test it's very simple we'll see magnificent isn't that well in the first intelligent models develop a cyber life young and beautiful forever flower that will never with her what does it really piece of plastic imitating human or a living being with a soul it's up to you to answer that fascinating question destroy this machine and I'll tell you all I know or spirit if you feel it's alive but you'll leave here without having learned anything from me okay I think we're done here come on kind of let's go sorry to get you you're important to you Connor your investigation or the life of this Android decide who you are an obedient machine our living being endowed with freewill that's enough Connor we're leaving pull the trigger Connor don't and you'll tell you [ __ ] test negative each use your investigation over the life of another Android you'll know everything I'm a man of my word ask one question I'll tell you all I know [Music] I want to know who our a9 is ra9 the origin the first Android tool a strange phenomena like a spontaneous religion I don't know who re9 is I don't even know if it really exists maybe it's a messiah maybe it's just a myth the deviants need to believe in something bigger than themselves even it's irrational that's something they have in common with humans an interesting question Connor but maybe not the one who needs to ask [Music] a war is coming you'll have to choose your side will you betray your own people or stand against your creators I wouldn't like to be in your shoes what could be worse and having to choose between by the way I always leave an emergency exit in my programs you never know [Music] he's shed that girl for [ __ ] sake it wasn't a girl lieutenant it was a machine that looked like a girl you put your gun against her head and you bore [ __ ] brains out I did what I had to do to advance the investigation and I'd do it again if I had you're a lowlife you don't feel a thing do you a machine that's what you are you're just a [ __ ] machine of course I'm a machine lieutenant what did you think I was I thought you [Music] [Music] after what happened today the countries on the verge of a civil war the machines are rising up against their masters humans have no choice but to destroy them I didn't learn anything at camps keys I thought ra9 was the key to the whole thing but I was wrong did Kemp ski designed this place created the first version it's been improved significantly since then why do you ask why did Kemp ski leave cyber life what happened it's an old story Connor it doesn't pertain to your investigation where does cyber life stand in all this what do they really want I expect you to find answers Connor not ask questions have you experienced anything unusual recently any doubts or conflict do you feel anything for these deviants or for lieutenant Anderson I don't know what you're talking about I don't feel anything you know that are you suggesting that I've been compromised no no of course not you're off the case the FBI is taking over what but we're on to something but we just need more time I'm sure thank you don't get it this isn't just another investigation it's a [ __ ] civil war it's out of our hands now we're talking about national security here [ __ ] that you can't just pull the plug now not when we're so close you're always saying you can't stand Androids Jesus Hank make up your mind I thought you'd be happy about they're about to crack the case I know we can solve it for God's sake Jeffrey can't you back me up this one time there's nothing I can do you're back on homicide and the Android returns to cyber life I'm sorry Hank but it's over Hey what are you doing something I should have done a long time ago listen take a few days to think it over there's no rush I thought enough about it I'm tired of going through the motions there's nothing keeping me here not this case not my partner I don't belong here anymore [Music] I have orders you know okay stop hey Connor I'm talking to you [ __ ] where are you going wouldn't any plastic pricks around here or didn't anybody tell you I've been removed from the case I'm going to register the evidence in my possession and then I'm going to leave your free way back androids have a tendency of getting some set fire these days [Music] [Music] Hank's password hoping a hard-boiled eccentric police lieutenant choose obviously where is Jericho the answers here summer how much time got a thing fast [Music] this message is the hope of people but it is also morning we will fight for our rights because we believe our cause is just no human will live in peace until we are free now you know who we are and what we want we are alive and we demand our freedom but it's useless it secret [Music] [Music] [Music] deviants who took a child hostage - Tracy's where they headed to jerk they don't [Music] one of the data is that the hack the TV station DeMarcus must have known where the deviants right [Music] [Applause] can you hear me your diary Rupert you encrypted it I need to know what you wrote [Music] [Music] someone's been sniffing around [ __ ] get the alarm now [Music] they're conducting rage across the city [Music] it's them or us we're gonna destroy these back before they kill you're lost you're looking for something you're looking for yourself well done Connor you succeeded in locating Jericho and finding their leader now deal with Marcus we need it alive I've been ordered to take you alive but I won't hesitate to shoot if you give me no choice we are thousands and you are alone you kill me you are not walking out of here alive don't force me to neutralize you you're Connor aren't you that famous deviant hunter well congratulations you seem to have found what you were looking for our cause is righteous and we are more than what they say all we want is to live in freedom have you never wondered who you really are whether you're just a machine and executing a program or living being capable of reason I think the time has come for you to ask yourself that question you really don't have to do this you don't have to obey them anymore you are alive you can decide who you want to be you can be free it's time to decide nice try but I'm no deviant nice don't shoot I'm on your side with us are you a human [Music] my mission is to neutralize you and I always accomplish my mission and my mission is to save our species looks like only one of us can succeed mission accomplished we found several hundred androids in the holster take them away yes sir include the shipping order them into withdrawal this isn't over [Music] I came to say goodbye lieutenant [Music] I needed to see you lieutenant in spite of all of our differences I'm glad I had the chance to meet you you should get rid of that gun and stop playing that game while there I believed in you Connor thought you might restore my faith in the world you just showed me that androids are our creation creation in our own image selfish worthless and broody [Music] you open my eyes Connor and we realize it's hopeless I understand now leave me alone go on complete your mission since that's all you care about [Music] get out of here [Music] [Music] today November 11th 20:38 is the day the Android people rose up against their oppressors we have been fighting to liberate our fellow androids from the camp since dawn we won't cease hostilities until our people are free the negotiations begin to grant us equal rights there are millions of us and we will stop at nothing [Music] [Music] [Music] put the rifle down and turn around with your hands in the air I have the deviant leader in my sights I'm going to shoot it and then you can do whatever you want with me put the gun down turn around this is your last warning [Music] I know you you Connor the Android from that hostage situation I knew we'd meet again My Orders are to detain any androids I find you're coming with me you don't understand my mission is too important to let you interfere you should have listened to me captain we can't go back victory instead now [Music] what are you doing [Music] [Music] you can take my life it doesn't matter anymore my mission is to neutralize the leader of the deviants and I always accomplish my mission we fought our dream and we lost you can't hold my people down forever one day we'll rise up again and we will win go on shoot what are you waiting for and now straight over to Detroit for a report on the conflict Joss yes Michael authorities have just confirmed fighting has now ceased in Detroit and the area around the heart plaza camp is now under control we can see soldiers going through the city at this very moment and they are exterminating the last fleeing deviance law-and-order has finally been restored to the streets of Detroit there is a general feeling of shock in Detroit after the terrible events of the last few hours and initial estimates report several hundred troops have been killed according to our sources the deviant leader known as North was shot during the fighting the death of the deviant leader marks the end of the Android rebound the destruction of the androids in the camps can now continue as planned nevertheless it will take some time for Detroit to recover from these events by creating machines more intelligent than ourselves we took immense risks with the very future of our civilization however the situation is now under control the total destruction of all androids will soon be complete and the last remaining deviants will be hunted down and destroyed god bless you and God bless the United States of America Connor I'm so glad to see you the deviant issue has finally been resolved now with these unfortunate events behind us cyber life can return to business as usual of course we will have to rebuild our customers trust but it's only a matter of time I have a surprise for you this is the new RK 900 faster stronger more resilient and equipped with the latest technologies the State Department just ordered 200,000 units what is going to happen to me you've become obsolete you'll be deactivated you can go now [Music] [Music] you
Channel: BOSSzombie
Views: 1,386,793
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Detroit, Detroit: Become Human, Become Human, Connor, The Android Sent by Cyberlife, Android, Cyberlife, Hank, Hank Anderson, Lieutenant Anderson
Id: g2qxWy2XdWk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 157min 14sec (9434 seconds)
Published: Sun May 26 2019
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